*Rewritten as of 6/11/19*

So, I finally got around to rewriting this. If you read the original you know that this chapter was absolute garbage. Like really terrible. Like I don't know how any of you read it, its so bad. Anyway hopefully this rewrite does a much better job the original. I am keeping the original up so you can compare if you want. Just a heads up, I will be changing a few things and adding some others since new information has come to life and 'm just a slightly better writer now.

Sitting in and office of the Bucharest Police Department Tony Start and Natasha Romanoff were left to think about how to bring their wayward teammates back to them without resorting to a squad of special Forces.

After a few moments Tony and Natasha stood up as ideas came to them. "I got it!" Natasha gave Tony a skeptical look as they both moved towards an elevator. Tony smirked. "If you would excuse me I have to go get my Plan. I'll be back in a few hours."

"My plan is down stairs." Natasha wondered curiously. "Where is your plan?" Tony who just smirked, ignored her question and took a different elevator to the roof.

*couple hours later in Queens*

"So, Mr. Stark when do we get to beat up some bad guys? Who are we going up against? Will I meet the other avengers? Oh, that would be so cool!" Peter Parker gushed as they left his apartment building and got into Tony's waiting car.

"Ok, kid, enough questions. Don't worry about it. We have one more stop before we head to Germany. Before you ask, it's in the middle of nowhere so you haven't heard of it." Tony sighed as Peter slumped back into his seat. Happy Hogan, who was in the driver's seat pulled out and started heading north.

*45 minute later*

In a moderately sized home, a young man walking into his room with what had to be the richest man on the planet. Short brown hair seemed to wave as he plopped down and brown eyes regarded the man before him with suspicion.

"Why are you here Mr. Stark? "The kid questioned, "I'm not a very smart kid but I know I didn't apply for any grants."

"Well Rob, can I call you Rob, I'm gonna call you Rob." The boy stared it him. "I have this little thing called Friday who keeps an eye out for certain people." Tony began. "You, lucky child, were plucked out of a small group of people because you are an excellent shot with a firearm. Only 18 too, incredible, truly incredible. Honestly I only know one person who can shoot better than you."

"As much as I love hearing you compliment me, what does any of this have to do with your visit?" Rob asked with a hint of annoyance.

Tony clapped his hands and sat down next to Rob. "Ever been to Germany before?" Tony asked.

"Actually, I have, beautiful country." Rob replied with a smug smile on his face and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Alright Mr. World traveler, pack your bags we're going to Germany." Tony clapped his shoulder and made his way to the door. "Oh, and you have 2 minutes. I'm on a time crunch here."

Rob started panicking slightly. "Wait, I don't even know what you want me to do!?" He called.

Mr. Stark stopped at the door. "We are going after the Winter soldier." He closed that door as Rob paled. It had been a long time since he heard that name. God, he hated that name. The name of the man who killed his family. His father, assassinated while escorting a Senator home. His aunt, cousins and sister killed in D.C. when the Soldier had rolled a grenade under the car, they were hiding in. Hearing that name was all he needed. He was going no matter what.

2 minutes later and Tony and Rob were on their way to the airport where a private jet was waiting for them. Along the way Rob asked a few questions and Tony ignored most of them, opting instead to check his phone and make sarcastic comments every few minutes. As they were pulling up to the Airport Tony cursed as he read an alert on his phone.

"What Happened Mr. Stark?" Rob asked as he subtly glanced at the man's phone. All he got was the name, Wanda Maximoff. "Oh, will Miss Maximoff be there?" His pain temporarily forgotten as his secret celebrity crush's name popped up. "Oh, please can I meet her? Please?" Rob seemed to realize what he was doing and coughed into his hand.

Tony stared at the kid for a moment. "You did not just fanboy over her." Rob hung his head. "Well you are definitely going to meet her." Tony sighed. "I'll tell you and Underoos more once we are on the plane."

"Who's underoos?" Rob asked but he didn't get an answer as they pulled up to the jet. Looking at the jet Rob could easily say he was impressed. "Must be nice having money." Rob Grumbled quietly.

"yeah I know right?" Rob jumped as he heard a voice slightly behind him.

"Woah who the hell are you?" Rob asked as he backed a few steps away from what appeared to be a young kid no older than 15.

"oh, sorry!" He held out his hand. "I'm peter! I was in the front seat next to Happy." Peter motioned to an older man who was carrying some luggage towards the plane.

"Rob, nice to meet you." Rob took the offered hand. "Stark tell you why we were here? "He asked as they made their way to the plane.

"Nope, said he would tell us on the plane." Peter shook his head.

Soon everyone was on the plane and Tony began explaining what was happening and what they were about to do.

*German Airport*

"So, do we all know what we are doing?" Tony asked over comms as he and Rhody flew ahead of everyone to intercept Rogers and the Winter Soldier.

"Don't worry Tony I got your back." Rhody affirmed as he flew next to him.

"I got this Mr. Stark. I won't let you down!" Peter said as he used his webs to sling himself along.

"This is sooooooooo cool!" Rob cried out When Tony looked at his radar, he noticed he was lagging behind.

"Catch up kid I need you to deploy on the roof and immobilize Caps team." Tony instructed.

"Don't worry I'll handle it!" Rob stated as he sped up a bit. His armor reminded him of the Arkham knight from one of the batman games. The only real difference was that it had red highlights and was more compact, almost skintight. In a compartment on his back was a specialized rifle Mr. Stark had made for the purpose of taking down enhanced individuals. Tony had stressed that every shot he took should be towards the chest and assured him his rounds were non-lethal stun rounds.

Natasha who had just pulled up to the terminal was running inside. "Where did you find these kids?" Romanov asked.

"Oh, you know, here and there." Tony responded.

"Just make sure they can keep up Mr. Stark. I don't want to be rescuing any children today." T'challa said as he ran beside Natasha.

"Don't worry kitty cat me and the Spider won't slow you guys down." Rob chuckled when he heard an annoyed growl through the comms.

"Look Alive people we are coming up on the Target." Tony called over the comms. A second later he shot a small device and disabled a nearby helicopter.

"Looks like it's just Cap." Rhody stated as they landed in front of the him. Rob at this point sent an alert towards Tony through his V.I. about making it to his designated spot. Unknown to him Clint and Wanda were a floor below him. Luckily for him they didn't hear him.

Rob checked his gear quickly as he set up. Aside from the standard repulsors used for flight, he had a gauntlet that Stark said had a grappling hook in it. Apparently, he was inspired by some game add online. The V.I. also had close combat algorithms installed to help him fight hand to hand if it came down to that. Once he made sure everything was in working order, he took a knee and aimed his rifle down towards where Captain America stood.

He noticed King T'challa and Natasha Romanoff had surrounded Steve. Nat seemed to say something that caused Cap to think as he turned away. Tony seemed to be getting impatient and sent Peter's signal. A moment later the kid had stolen caps shield and tied up his hands. He couldn't help but be a little disappointed he wouldn't be the one to take down cap.

After a few moments Steve raised his hands and an Arrow coming form Robs direction severed the webs binding cap. A moment after that a man seemed to grow out of thin air, kick peter away and land next to cap with his shield.

"Crack shot you got Wanda and Clint a floor below you. They're running left intercept I'm on my way." Tony called over comms before flying away. Everyone else seemed to call out something as well before Steve went after T'challa after throwing his shield at Rhody. Widow engaged the guy who kicked Peter and the kid went to another terminal, presumably to fight someone else.

Rob meanwhile stood up and ran left before his V.I. told him that his targets were below him. Using his grapple, he hooked the edge of the building and used his momentum to swing Infront of them. Shattering glass and rolling to a stop he raised his rifle and fired a few shots. All of them were blocked by some weird red energy that Wanda seemed to control with her hands.

"Surrender and nobody gets hurt." Rob called out as Clint notched an arrow.

"You're new at this aren't you?" Clint asked as Wanda cocked her head. Rob stiffened before nodding reluctantly.

"Go, I'll take care of him. Wanda moved to stand in front of Clint.

"Have fun kids, take care." Clint called as he jumped out a nearby window. Rob fired a few shots but all missed as he was forced to dodge a car that was thrown at him.

With Clint now gone, the two youngsters faced off again. The sounds of battle outside seemed to fade away as the two locked eyes. Starting to circle each other Wanda noticed Stark had cornered Clint and realizing she was at a perfect angle to help stopped moving and used her powers to hurl Cars at her opponent and Stark.

Rob quickly weaved in between the cars and barely managed to dodge them all. Wanda however left him no time to recover before she seized his rifle and flung it away. Rob quickly used his repulsors to close the distance between them and the two exchanged blows for a few moments before Wanda seized him in her red energy.

Rob took the pause to really take Wanda in. "You're a lot prettier in public." Wanda rolled her eyes and threw him away into a nearby wall. "OW." At that she couldn't help the small chuckle that left her as she followed after Clint.

Rob shook himself as he got up. A decent dent in the wall he was thrown into. "Damn she's so awesome!" Rob chuckled before running over to his rifle and then the Window. Looking through the scope he noticed Vision had cut off everyone's avenue of escape.

"Mr. Stark should I shoot or meet up with you guys?" He asked but then he noticed they were moving out of his field of view. "Scratch that I have to relocate anyway."

As Rob began to fly to a new spot Tony contacted him. "Shoot from the air kid. Focus on Cap and the Winter soldier." With his orders given Tony cut their comms.

Rob soon flew high and looked down his sights towards the Winter soldier. When the two groups began fighting again, he fired off a shot. The man was stunned and taken down. Wanda who had seen where the shot came from flew to a better vantage point and started to use her powers to pull the unsuspecting man down.

By the time Rob realized what was happening Wanda had flung him in front of her. Shaking his head as he stood, he readied his rifle, grip tighter to avoid losing it again.

Wanda however flew him for a loop when she smirked, "Good shot. Too bad you aren't helping us." Rob froze for a moment and that was all she needed. Throwing a crate at him he was dazed enough to get hit by it. The shattered crate caused him to lose his grip on his rifle again. Using his repulsors he gained altitude and started destroying anything and everything she threw at him. This continued for some time before some arrows hit him from the back.

Choosing to just go with it, Rob angled down towards Wanda and seemed to surprise her enough to be able to tackle her. Grappling with her in any other scenario would have brought forth plenty of jokes but now he was too busy trying not to get pinned. His V.I. seemed to be doing a decent job of keeping him from being crushed but she definitely had more experience than him.

"You know." Rob grunted as they fought. "I hope you realize this isn't personal." Rob growled out as she got him in a head lock.

Wanda groaned as he started using his suits power to break free. "Maybe you should stop fighting me." She gasped as he broke free. She rolled away and soon both were once again facing off.

"I can't do that." Rob shook his head. "The man your captain is helping needs to be brought down."

Wanda sighed. "Then please realize that this isn't personal either." Rob cocked his head before he was hit over the head by a metal arm. Rolling away as he fell, Rob shot out his grapple and tangled the Soldiers foot. Tugging hard the soldier fell and rob used his repulsors to close the distance and dive right into him. Wanda however caught him and flung him away. "Don't worry I got this, go!" She shouted at him.

Rob had just gotten up when the guy who appeared out of nowhere seemed to grow 50 stories tall and catch War machine mid-flight. "Oh, come on." Rob groaned and Wanda let out a laugh as she too was surprised by what Scott had done. "You guys really don't mess around." He said in awe.

Wanda smiled fondly, remembering all the fun times she had with everyone. "Yeah, they are pretty awesome."

"Maybe after this is all over, we can spar?" Rob asked as he turned to her once more. Wanda seemed to get the hint and took her stance again.

"Somehow I doubt it will be that simple." Wanda frowned.

Rob sighed under his mask before taking flight. "You know, a smile really does suit you better."

Wanda's response was to hurl more crates at him. Although she was enjoying his banter slightly. Pietro had never let any guys get too close for long. All the male interaction she has had since his death was with the Avenger's, who were old enough o be her father, and Vision, and android. It really was a shame they wouldn't be able to get to know each other. Shaking her head from these thoughts she got back into the fight.

It wasn't too much longer that Rob was flung away and crushed underneath what used to be the wing of an airplane. Wanda winced as she heard the young man yelp before she saw vision collapsing a tower in front of Steve and his friend. Using her powers, she tried to hold it up. Sadly, Rhody saw her and shot her with a sonic pulse bringing her to her knees and causing her a massive headache that stopped her from focusing her powers.

She Was on the floor in pain when she heard and then saw the Quinn jet take flight. Steve had made it she thought. Although she was concerned when she saw Stark and Rhody begin to pursue. Being unable to help at this point and realizing everyone was stopping. She tried to relax and rubbed at her head. Hearing boots walk up behind her she turned and saw Rob walk up to her. Taking a seat behind her he removed his helmet. She was shocked by how young he looked and immediately felt guilty for all the bruises that would surely appear on his body later today.

"Need a head massage?" Rob offered, taking his gloves off as well. "My mom gets headaches all the time." He said as explanation. Wanda skeptical but willing to get assistance to get the pain away nodded her consent before turning back. There she saw vision observing them, an odd look adorning his face. Rob positioned himself behind her and started gently massaging her head.

Wanda released a sigh of bliss as her headache reseeded. Smiling in contentment she allowed herself to daydream a little before she heard Rob start to hum. It was all rather pleasant and she was sure now that they would have been good friends had they met under different circumstances. How could anyone who is this good at massages and has such a pleasant voice be bad? Sadly, her bliss was not to last as she heard Vision fire off a beam.

Both she and Rob followed the beam and watched in stunned silence as it hit Rhody right in the chest. Both held their breath as they watched him plummet and smash into the ground. Apparently, the day wasn't done with horrible surprises.

I own nothing but my OC! Anyway I hope you enjoyed the rewrite! Let me know how it was but please no flames, its just a waste of your time.