Hi everyone! I'm back with an all new chapter of HercuLOUD! Before we begin I like to say two things. I changed some dialogues in chapter one and also March 2nd was my birthday. That's right. I'm twenty-five years old. Everyone, welcome to my mid-twenties.
Chapter 16: The Sandman Approach!
Thirty minutes after Spider-Man and Hercules took down Hydro-Man in Venice, Italy, the entire world was on board to see the news. One at a particular town, Royal Woods, was surprised to see their savior part of the tag team against the water elemental. As everyone in town was looking at their phones, passing by, or at a local store, the news came up from the television mounted on the walls and their phones.
"We are interrupting this program for this breaking news! Here is Katherine Mulligan!" The screen switches to the newsroom where the arrogant reporter spoke to begin her news.
"This is Katherine Mulligan reporting about the savior of Royal Woods, Hercules!" The name of the hero who's been helping the community spark an interest to everyone. "Just an hour ago, Royal Woods' savior and The Web-Crawler were seen at Venice, Italy battling Morris Bench who Spider-Man dubs him Hydro-Man," A video is shown of the two heroes fighting the water elemental. "Videos of the fight were captured by tourists who were taking a vacation to the beautiful city when the menacing water user show up. But Spider-Man, with the help of Hercules, manage to overpowered Bench," The video skips to where Hercules (with his handmade hook claws) and Spider-Man's coagulant web both ripped Hydro-Man apart from his massive water form. And here's some more surprising news about our hero. It seems Hercules has become a member of the Avengers. After defeating Morris, a private jet belonging to Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark, shows up to take the captive criminal, right before the two heroes step inside. No doubt from this reporter's opinion it seems Spider-Man's partner has joined Earth's Mightiest Heroes. We have more news relating to the attack at Venice. This is Katherine Mulligan."
At the Avenger's Headquarters, the rest of the heroes have watched the news about Spider-Man and his student fighting against Hydro-Man.
"Amazing work for the lad!" Thor exclaimed joyfully.
Hope watched the news with wide eye, along with Clint, Sam, and Bucky. "I never thought the kid could handle someone as strong as Morris Bench," She said, bewildered.
"Told you so," Tony grin smugly at the heroes who had doubt for the Loud boy. "He's an excellent student, just like Peter."
"He worked well and listened to Peter's orders," Sam Wilson commented over the video. "Especially what the kid and Parker worked together to defeat Bench."
"Using chains and a pair of meat hooks, not bad for a rookie," Carol Danvers smirks at the handmade weapons the Loud boy build quickly.
The Mind Stone on Vision's head glows like it receives a massage. "They are back," Vision said. Dr. Banner slid his finger on the pad to make the video on the wall gone and the security cameras from the garage show up. Dozens of agents are present as they enter inside the jet. Peter and Lincoln got off in their regular outfits while Nick Fury and Agent Maria stay to have Morris Bench being locked away. "Shall we offer our compliments to both Peter and Lincoln?" He asked the rest of the Avengers, who unanimously got up from their chairs and left the meeting room.
"Peter! Lincoln! You two made it back alive!" Both students heard Tony shouting and saw him with the other Avengers behind him. With a grin on his face, he wrapped his arms around the two youngest heroes.
When asked how it felt going on a mission, Lincoln answered with his eyes shining "It was the best! We kick that guy's butt!" Tony chuckled and ruffled Lincoln's white hair.
"Great job at the mission, you two," He spoke with pride to his students, "And nice work on those little weapons you made. A pair of chains and a meat hook; great idea," He added as a compliment to Lincoln over the handmade weapon claws.
"You work and think like a true Avenger, kid. Gotta hand it to someone who reads comic books about superheroes," Scott Lang gave the Loud boy a thumbs up, making the young hero chuckle sheepishly.
"And you kept minimum damage and saved that little girl's life," Captain America added with a nod. "Nice hustle, son," Lincoln stammered a thank you to the leader and salute to the man. Some of the Avengers, like Black Widow, Banner, and Strange, chuckle while the rest grin. Director Fury and Agent Hill, followed by more agents, exit out of the plane with their captive in a special cell that neutralizes his powers.
"Take him to his new room. Mr. Sytevich won't be the only person here," He ordered the agents to take Bench away. He turned to Peter and Lincoln, "Parker, Loud, great work at Venice. Hope Mr. Bench wasn't in too much trouble for you to handle."
"Other than facing a man who can turn into a giant water beast, I face worse than an artificial garbage monster that Lisa created one time," Lincoln said, drawing some confusion from some of the Avengers. "I didn't want to pick up the trash like I always did every chore day," He translated to the day he wanted to switch his chore of cleaning up the trash and his sisters held a protest.
"Well, nice job on your first mission," Nick continued to Lincoln and Peter. "You two can rest now. I'll have Strange teleport you back home, right after you two get out of the costumes."
Lincoln stands next to his mentor and the sorcerer; the Loud boy and the web slinger are dressed in their casual clothes.
"See you later, kid," Tony offered his hand up to Lincoln, who gave him a high-five. Lincoln wave his hand to the other Avengers, and all of them wave back. Dr. Strange opened a portal before Lincoln and Peter walked inside.
The portal closed as Tony turned his head to the other Avengers with a smug grin "Told you he can do it."
"You were right, Tony," The veteran sighed at the playboy's smug attitude. "He does have what it takes."
Bruce said with a laugh, "If he can face someone as Hydro-Man, imagine what he can do against Hydra agents."
"At least he kept a cool head and worked under pressure," Bucky jokes, drawing a glare from the scientist.
Wanda Maximoff smiled "He's gonna be a great hero in our team. Peter is really great at mentoring him."
"Once again, Tony Stark does the impossible," Natasha sighs, making the billionaire laugh a bit.
"And you all call me crazy. So who's buying me a drink?"
Once Lincoln and Peter exit the portal, the Loud boy is greeted by his family.
The family tackled him with a large hug, smouldering the boy while complimenting him.
"Lincoln, you were incredible!" Lana shouted in glee.
"I was totally scared!" Leni hugged the boy's head in conformity.
"You show that water jerk who's boss!" Lynn grinned while pumping her fist.
"You really H2O your way out a watery grave! Haha! Get it?" Luan chuckled. Lincoln laughs while Peter smiles at his student.
"Don't thank me; thank Peter," Lincoln jammed his thumb to his mentor. The family break apart from the hug and comment to Peter for helping Lincoln.
"Thanks. Now where's my hug?" Peter joked, which Leni then processed and gave one to him.
"Thank you for helping Linky."
"N-No problem," Peter tapped on Leni's back with a small blush.
"How did it feel going on a real mission, bro?" Luna asked Lincoln, who replied with a large grin.
"Amazing! My heart was pumping when I was fighting Hydro-Man! I wish you guys could have seen me out there."
"Oh, but we did, son," Lynn Sr answered his question, which confuses students and mentors. Lisa processes to show them the drone and the video of the mission and the fight with Hydro-Man.
When asked how she caught the whole thing, Lisa explained she ungraded the drone to take flight across countries instead of its usual distance followed by being undetected while invisible to Stark satellite. Peter is impressed but concerned about the other Avengers if they find out.
"My sister, always has a way around to spy people," Lincoln shook his head at Lisa's spy habits.
"If it makes you feel any better, the news has picked up on you and Peter's battle in Venice," Lisa said, making Lincoln stop being upset with Lisa. He gestures to the television where the news reshown the battle in Venice.
"And they're saying you are a member of the Avengers now," Lori added. Lincoln beams with a grin and shares a fist bump with Peter. Royal Woods not only recognizes Lincoln as their hero but the entire world now sees him as a member of Earth's Mightiest Hero.
"You two wanna watch the video from Lisa's drone?" Luan proposed. Peter and Lincoln both nod their heads.
"But let's order some pizza!' Lynn Jr shouted. While the dad took out his phone and ordered, Lisa, with the help of Lori and Luna, hooked the drone to the television. Peter and Lincoln sat down on the couch with the twins, Lucy and Lily, seated with them. While Peter is resting from his fight with Hydro-Man, Lincoln took the time to think about his first mission he had gone. First he battled with Rhino in Royal Woods and he fought with Hydro-Man. In Italy. Plus, he saved Girl Jordan's life. For once, Lincoln felt like a real hero. Back then, he just did regular work heroes do in town but when faced with supervillains and saving somebody who's a friend, it makes you a real hero. Lincoln is back home safe and sound in his house with his family all ready to watch his first mission.
Life couldn't be more grand than this.
In Queens, New York, the people are watching the news of their favorite web hero battling Hydro-Man in Italy, Venice. What they saw was he didn't work alone. A new hero was also fighting the water elemental and saving a girl who was at the Campanile. What surprises them was the hero was the same age as the girl he saved, and Hercules (the hero that named himself) was his partner.
A certain arrogant news editor-in-chief at the Daily Bugle with a vendetta against Spider-Man saw the news and it made him spit out his cigar.
"Spider-Man has a partner and he's a kid?! Is there no limit to this menace won't sink in?!" J. Jonah Jameson said with a wide eye expression. Picking up the phone, he yell "Here's the headline for today's news! Spider-Man takes a child under his wing! Likely adopt his bad habits for vigilantism!"
As New York is baffled by their hero taking a child under his guide, one man looks at his television screen from his apartment. His brown eyes glue at his arch-rival then to the child that helped Spider-Man.
"Hercules. You have a partner, eh, Spider-Man? Might as well see how tough he is," The man opened the window. Later, his body descended into sand and flew out to the skies and headed to Royal Woods.
A day later, Lincoln was in his room reading Ace Savvy comics. What's different about his mood was he was bored. He enjoys himself reading Ace Savvy in his underwear but today he was bored. After his mission with Peter against Hydro-Man, Lincoln waits for any details from The Avengers Headquarters. His communicator lies on his table, not picking up any responses. His mentor was back in Queens, thanks to Dr. Strange sending him back. He kept updates on him as Spider-Man. He noticed the comments from New York asking about his partner Hercules. Lincoln smiled but it went away when he saw a news article from The Daily Bugle sent by Peter.
Spider-Man's New Partner- A New Menace in Royal Woods! Edited by J. Johan Jameson.
Rolling his eyes, Lincoln text Peter about the article that increments him as a villain. Peter mentions J. Johan Jameson and his time he worked in The Daily Bugle for a short time as photographer. The man has a vendetta against Spider-Man for his heroic deeds but he turns that around as villainous deeds. No doubt the town will read about this libelous article. A snort escapes his lips; like people are gonna believe that lie. Everyone favors Hercules and praises him while ten percent view him as a kid and a vigilant.
Lori walks into the door and glares a little at Lincoln in his underwear. "Lincoln, come on. We're going to the beach!" She scolded. "This is no time to be reading in your undies." Lincoln tosses his comic book and jumps out of bed to prepare his day for the bench.
Vanzilla rode to the bench. The Loud siblings are squatting with something that was everyday or at each other. Lincoln is currently texting to his mentor. Luna plays with her uketle before glancing at Lincoln's phone.
"Texting Pete, brah?" Luna asked. Lincoln nodded his head.
"Look what you know who posted another story," He showed Luna the news article about Hercules being another menace. The rockstar Loud frown at the bogue story against Lincoln.
"Why are people wasting time reading that garbage?" Lynn snorted, glancing at the article from behind her seat.
"It's J. Johan Jameson. Everything he says on paper can convince people's opinions of Spider-Man and me," Lincoln answered.
"Don't bother with that man, Lincoln. You're a good hero," Rita reassures her son while frowning at the ludicrous newspaper against his son's alter-ego.
"It won't be long before people have negative opinions of me," Lincoln huffed, which he got a light slap from Lynn.
"Don't be a downer, Stickon. People aren't that dumb to listen such lies. They're not Leni."
"That's right- Hey!"
At Aloha Beach, the Loud family set up their things after changing to their swimsuit. While their parents are resting under the umbrella, the Loud siblings left for their arrangements. Lori is going to get some tan. Leni is going to flirt with some boys. Luna is going to jam her ukulele. Luan is going to prank people with a fake shark fin. Lynn Jr. is going to challenge someone in a game of volleyball. Lucy will be under the shade to do poetry. The twins are going to build sandcastle. Lisa is going to test the water levels of the bench (the parents advise her not to perform experiments to sanitize the entire beach) Lincoln is left alone to do whatever he can to enjoy the beach.
"Hey Lincoln. Wanna help us build a sandcastle?" Lana asked, holding a bucket and a small toy shovel. Lincoln nods and walks to the area where she and Lola are. Lincoln offers to get the water from the bench to hold the sand castle together. Wearing a white t-shirt and orange trunks, Lincoln lowers the bucket on the water but a white blur tackles from behind causing him to fall on the bench. Getting up, Lincoln is met with a medium-size dalmation with a red scarf around his neck. As Lincoln took a look at the dog like he knew it anywhere, a girl from his right called out.
"Ajax!" Lincoln turned his head to see his classmate, Girl Jordan in her yellow one piece swimsuit. "There you are. Hi Lincoln!" She greeted her friend.
"Hey Girl Jordan! Found your dog."
"Sorry about that. I was supposed to keep an eye on him, but he likes to run exactly," Ajax went to his master. Girl Jordan rubs his head. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with my family. I was asked my little sisters to build a sandcastle,"
"That would explain the bucket. Sorry for Ajax tackling you."
"No problem. Hey, I heard you got back from your trip."
"Oh, it was scary," Girl Jordan shivered before a smile appeared. "Luckly, Spider-Man and Hercules were there."
"I'm glad you're safe, Jordan."
"Aw, thanks," Girl Jordan smiled with a little blush. "Have fun with your family, Lincoln," With her dog following, Girl Jordan left Lincoln to return to her family. Lincoln watched her leave with a small smile. He picked up the bucket and filled it with water before joining back to the twins. While the Loud family, plus everyone, are having a great time under the summer sun, a new figure enters the beach. This man was in his mid-thirties with short brown hair and brown eyes. His attire was green with black stripes long-sleeve shirt, wearing light brown pants and brown shoes. His name was William Baker, but he preferred to be called Flint Marko, also known as Sandman. His mission was to locate Spider-Man's partner and he was here in this peaceful town. He arrived at Royal Woods and searched for the boy but no clue where he is. As any villain would do if the hero wants to come out is by attracting attention. Like the mind of a soldier, he step into the sand and walk straight. A male teenager bumps shoulders with Flint, splitting his drink.
"Hey, dumbass! You spill my drink!" He yelled to the man who was ignoring the teenager's rant. Feeling irked, the teenager pushed him. "Can you hear me?!"
"There. That's a nice castle," Lola bragged about her creation. A shrink erupted the three siblings. Turning around, they saw a man grabbing the teeanger by the thoart. His arm was massive and filled with sand. The teenager was thrown into the parking lot. Notice he got some unwanted attention, sand from around the bottom half of Flint's body into a tornado. The tornado rose in great length, making Flint look down at his victims. Lifeguard contacted the local law enforcements. They met seven men and fired bullets at Flint. Unfazed, Flint swung both arms across at all the guards.
"Lincoln, now would be a good time to suit!" Not wanting to hear any sass from the diva princess, Lincoln ran to get his suit from the van. The Loud family all ran, leaving their things behind. People screamed and ran away from the sand monster. Flint smash his giant sand hand on the ground to crush a few victims, in hope to get Hercules here.
And he got his answer.
"Hey pal! Aren't you taking your hobby in sand art a little extreme?" Hercules jumped into the sand ground and glared at his new villain.
"Hercules. We finally met," Flint said.
"That's my name. Don't wear it out. Let me guess, you're Flint Marko or Sandman as you prefer to be called?" Hercules dodge from a sand fist. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Saw you on the news when you and Spider-Man fought Hydro-Man. I came here to fight you," Flint said, both his arms turning into a sickle.
"And you decided to fight me on this day. Perfect," Hercules grumbled. He ran straight at his villain. Sandman swung his right handed curve hook at him. The hero jumps and punches Sandman's torso. Hercules side-stepped from the two sickles.
The Loud family return to Vanzilla. Rita saw her son fighting against a giant sand beast, similar to the one he and Peter were fighting in Venice.
"His powers are similar to Hydro-Man!" Lana pointed to the sand monster. Leni dug into Lincoln's bag to take out his communicator. Finding it, she alerted Peter for help.
Hercules rolled over to the side. Sandman summons a sand wave and directs it to the hero. Hercules crosses his arm to block the attack, only to be sent to the ground. The sand sickle brings down Hercules; he jumps and kicks the sand to break it. Since Sandman was on the sand areal, his left arm came back three seconds later. Hercules takes a step back to crouch down and fling himself up to the sand monster. With his right arm extending forward, a part of Sandman's face is blown away. The sand monster groans as his face regenerates.
Multiple web shoots hit the beast trigger Sandman to turn his head to see his arch-rival landing on the sand. Spider-Man greets "Marko! Didn't expect to see you here!"
"This isn't your fight, Spider-Man!" Sandman howled. His hands increased in size.
"You wanna fight my student? Bad move!" Spider-Man fires a web shot at Sandman's left eye. He asked his student "Ready?"
"Here we go fighting an elemental," Hercules answer with a sigh. "Same plan. Get him away from his source," Sandman charges forward at them. Seperating, Spider-Man fires rapid web projectiles at Sandman. Hercules punches the tornado that was once Sandman's other half. Sandman slammed his fist down at him, which jumped back. Hercules hop out of the beach area.
"Don't ignore me!" Sandman converted into a sand storm. Hercules ran to the street, stopping all vehicles. The sand storm hovers above a bus. The storm wraps around the bus, slightly lifting it in mid-air. The people inside left after the slide doors are open, including the bus driver. Sandman threw a fist at Hercules; Spider-Man quickly fired a taser web. The hand flinches by the electricity.
Sandman transforms back to his physical form. Shifting the boy's hands into hammers, he grinned "I get to slam two pests for one day!" He slammed both hammers to at least scare the kid. Hercules kept a cool head while Spider-Man is ready to go another round against the sand elemental. His bottom half shifted into a tornado that made him move ahead to the two heroes. Hercules processes to hit Sandman in the face. Spider-Man kicks Sandman's torso and delivers an uppercut at his chin. Growling, Sandman swings his hammer at Hercules that sends him to a car door.
The Loud family watch as Lincoln and Peter battle the Sandman. The sisters wanted to go and help Lincoln but without the aid of anything against the sand elemental, they were helpless. Hercules glanced at his mentor avoiding Sandman's hits. Hercules pressed his fingers on the car's door surface and crushed it. He ripped it out and threw it like a frisbee at Sandman.
"Spider-Man!" Hearing his name from behind, Spider-Man flipped as the car door evaded and hit Sandman. It cut his body in half but quickly regenerated his body. The car door also hit the bus.
"That didn't help," Hercules remarked at the stun he did with the car door was a waste. Spider-Man blast web projectiles at Sandman. Sandman extended his arm and threw a car. Hercules saw it and caught the flying car with both hands. But Sandman hit Hercules in the chest as that was a distraction.
The Loud family follow the direction where their son/brother was hit. Hercules gets up and huffs "This guy is nothing like Bench!" Lana glanced at the fire hydrant next to her before an idea came to her head.
"Hercules!" The white haired boy heard the tomboy sister call his hero's name. She points at the fire hydrant. Nodding his head, he ran at it. Spider-Man saw his student via web swing and landed on the ground. Sandman travels to get the web-slinger and Royal Woods' hero. Spotting Spider-Man, Marko shifts his right hand into a mace and prepares to fire at him.
Spider-Man jumped and Hercules ripped open the lit to release the water at Marko. His entire body melted into mud.
"That was close," Lynn Jr huffed.
"Thanks Lana," Hercules gave her a thumbs up. Leni then scream at the mud that was slowly regaining physical form.
"Oh come on!" Luna shouted. Sandman growls from his defeat. Spider-Man is about to fire a taser web to summit him but everyone hears police cars coming in. Officers got up to stop the sand elemental but Sandman shifted his entire body into a sand storm. The storm passed through them, hitting the officers and breaking the windows of the cars. The storm was above the skies; all Spider-Man and Hercules can do is watch Marko fleeing the scene. When asked if they can go after him, Spider-Man shakes his head sideways. Both heroes, with the side of the Loud family, help the officers who were attacked by the sand storm.
With miles away from them, Sandman shifts back to his physical form. He's at the top of a building. A mild annoyance form in his face. He didn't expect the kid to be this tough. As much as he hates to admit it, Spider-Man chose a worthy student.
"He can fight against Bench. He can fight against me. But let's see if he can fight against the others?" Marko wondered.
Sandman made an appearance! But can Lincoln fight against the other elementals, such as Cyclone and Molten-Man? I'm open to ideas of what kind of missions Lincoln can go to and which Avenger can aide him. By the way, can anyone tell me where I can watch new episodes of The Loud House and The Casagrandes? I wanna watch it on a website but I'm not sure because it might give me a virus and the videos might freeze. I'm still waiting for the episodes to be posted on YouTube. Next time is the next chapter of The Loud Without Fear. See you later; NiteOwl18 out!