A/N: Shout out to Snowecat for looking this over for me! I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this little story, if you do please leave a review! Thanks! Set before No-Go + High Voltage + Rescue
Bozer opened the first door of his former residence, and announced his presence with a loud, "I'm back!" He expected to hear Mac shout back at him, but heard nothing but silence. That disturbed him a little since he had seen Mac's Jeep in the driveway. So he walked down to his former bedroom to grab what he drove over for, and then checked Mac's room. Nobody was in there and the bathroom door was open, still no Mac. He tried again, "Yo, Mac! Where are ya, man?"
"In here." Mac's voice came from the kitchen area. Bozer rounded the counter to see Mac sitting in from of the open pantry. He had several boxes of different instant food items scattered around him, and he was working on a string to a package of popcorn that Bozer's parents had sent them from their trip to the Corn Palace in South Dakota.
Bozer frowned, trying to figure out what Mac was doing, "So what exactly are you doing?"
Mac looked up, and held up the bag for Bozer to see, "Well I was hungry so I came to try to find something to eat for lunch, then I discovered that a couple of things down here were expired, so I pulled them out to throw away. Then I found this bag, and have been trying to get the knot out so I could open it."
Bozer blinked a few times, "Do you know what time it is?" He was confident in the fact that Mac didn't have a clue.
Mac frowned and asked, "It's like 2 or so right?" The expression on his face told Bozer that he was just taking a shot in the dark.
"Nope, it's almost 5."
Mac looked shocked and immediately looked at his watch, which did indeed confirm that it was actually 5. He looked so much like a lost puppy that Bozer had pity on him. "How about I whip us up something to eat and you find us something good to watch?"
Mac shot him a puzzled look from the floor. "Aren't you supposed to be wowing Leanna with your cooking skills?"
Bozer shrugged, "Girl already knows I got mad skills, but she's out with some friends or something. I needed to grab this." He held up what he came over to get, which was actually just an excuse to check on Mac.
Mac narrowed his eyes at Bozer evidently trying to see if his friend was lying or not. After a second he shrugged, stood up, gathered the expired items and went to dispose of them. Bozer shook his head, turned around to take stock of what was left in the pantry, and then the fridge. After realizing that the fridge was also pretty bare, he decided to just order in.
"Hey Mac?" Bozer hollered not sure exactly where Mac had disappeared to.
"Yeah?" The response seemed to come from the vicinity of the back porch.
"So we've got a fat load of nothing, want the usual?"
"Which usual?" Bozer could hear Mac's feet coming down the steps. "Pizza usual or Chinese usual?"
Mac held the empty boxes of the expired food items, so he must have been dumping the contents out for the wild animals. As Bozer gave thought to which cuisine sounded better Mac folded the boxes, putting them in the recycling.
"Chinese usual, haven't had that in a while."
Mac nodded, sliding his phone out of his pocket. After waiting a few minutes, he started rattling off their order in Chinese. Bozer always loved eating Chinese with Mac because the staff always loved an American who spoke Chinese; they would often wind up with some special dishes.
Pocketing his phone Mac checked his watch, "It should be here in about 20 minutes. Want to play some one on one?"
"You're on! Just don't start crying when I win!" Laughing the two friends went out to the basketball court.
Leaving Mac house a few hours later Bozer sent Jack a text. Think you could video chat in about thirty minutes? About half way back to his house he got a thumbs up emoji. Arriving at his dark apartment, he was glad that Leanna was still out, because he knew that she would not like his plan. Then she would tell Riley who would tell Mac, thus ruining the whole secret part. He quickly got out his laptop, opening up his video chat, and waited for Jack to join. A few minutes later Jack's face popped up on the screen.
Jack looked tired. The wall behind him gave nothing away about where he might be. He could be in Australia or in LA. "I don't think you asked me to call just for you to stare at my handsome mug." Jack sent a tired grin Bozer's way.
"Sorry, just missed you."
"You better have! I would hate to think I was so easily replaced. Speaking of my replacement what do ya'll think of Desi?" Jack had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Your girl is crazy! She locked me in my trunk, and then slapped a sticker on my forehead!" He knew he sounded indignant, but he couldn't help it. Seeing the wide grin, Bozer decided to tell him about Leanna and Riley's introduction to the replacemnt, then about Matty's revenge.
Jack was laughing so hard at this he had tears forming in his eyes. "That's great! Mac told me that she caught him coming out of the shower. Dressed in just his towel"
His eyes widened, "He didn't tell us that!"
Jack scoffed, "Of course he didn't!" Settling down, he asked "So you didn't want to talk to me just to catch up. What's up?"
"I'm worried about Mac."
Jack's features sharpened, and he leaned into the camera. "What's happened?"
Bozer shook his head, "Nothing like whatever you're thinking. He's fine. It's just that I went over to grab something, and instead of having lunch he was sorting through the pantry, most of which was expired." Bozer could see Jack starting to object and he went on. "It was almost five. Plus there weren't enough ingredients in the fridge or pantry to sustain a goldfish, much less 'I like to run for fun' Mac." He leaned back and crossed his arms.
Jack sighed, running a hand over his close-cropped hair. "Sounds like Mac, but what can we do about it?"
Bozer scrunched up his face, "I think I have an idea, but you gotta let me know if it's too much." Jack nodded. "I was thinking we could get him a girlfriend."
Jack started at him, "You know it's not like getting a puppy, right?"
Bozer rolled his eyes, "I'm aware of that thanks. I just worry it's too soon after Nasha."
Jack sat back in his seat slowly started to nod his head. "I like this idea. He needs to get back on that horse, but how are we gonna find him a girlfriend. If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly available, and I'm not telling Dez to start dating Mac."
Bozer reared back in revulsion, "Oh heck no! Ms. Trunk locker ain't getting with my bro!"
Jack started laughing so hard he almost fell out of his seat. When he calmed down, he wheezed "I needed that!"
Bozer narrowed his eyes at Jack, "So why does Desi owe you a favor."
Jack sobered up, "Not my story to tell. Let me guess: it's driving Mac crazy."
Jack chuckled at that. "So how are we going to find Mac the perfect girlfriend?" They were both silently contemplating how to enact their plan. Then Jack snapped, "Why didn't I think of it before, online dating! We can set him up a profile and pick the best ones for him! Boom!" Jack pantomimed dropping a microphone. Bozer nodded, so Jack continued. "We could use the same one I was using, . They're supposed to be all scientificy about their matches." Jack looked at his watch again. "I've got a little bit more time, so let's get this started!" He rubbed his hands together in delight at his plan.
Bozer laughed, "Ok I'm pulling up the website now." Bozer frowned, "so how are we going to both make a dating profile for Mac?"
Jack though about it for a second. "You make the profile. Then give me the e-mail and password. I'll then log onto the app and we can pick our selections then."
Bozer nodded in approval. "Well then let's get started."
The first few questions were easy. Mac was a male interested in a woman, he was about… Bozer frowned. "Hey Jack, how tall is Mac?"
Jack also frowned, then his brow furrowed in thought. "Well he is just a shade shorter than me so, 6'4?"
Bozer rolled his eyes, "Hardy freaking ha-ha. No seriously."
Jack was wearing his trademark grin, "Shorty's about 5'10 or so."
Bozer rolled his eyes again and input the information. He was athletically built. He frowned at the next question. "So what are Mac's interests?"
"Building bombs out of paperclips and chewing gum."
"Sorry, I don't see that one listed. Think that could be hobbies and crafts?"
Jack again started laughing, "Yes!"
Bozer smiled and clicked it, "OK we need four more." He perused the selections. "How about camping, travel, volunteering, and museums, and art? I don't see anything that deals with science."
Jack's head wobbled, "Sounds as good as any answers."
Bozer selected the ones he mentioned, and went to the next selection. "Is Mac looking for something specific in a girlfriend? Like education, religion, how tall she should be, body type, or does she want kids."
Jack tilted his head back and massaged his eyes. "I don't think he cares about how a woman looks or her age. We both know he likes his women to have a brain, but college isn't necessary. As for kids, I think I might remember his once saying he would like to have some little rugrats running around one day." Jack then took another look at his watch. "Crap man, I've got to go. Send me that e-mail and password, ok? It was good seeing you Boze; make sure my Bruce Willis collection is safe."
With that Jack was gone. Bozer sighed; he knew how much he missed Jack, so Mac must miss him a lot more than that. Maybe finding a girlfriend would help with some of that loneliness. He was just putting the finishing touches on Mac's profile; he had found a picture of Mac that Riley and Leanna had said make him look like a 'hotass' to use as his profile picture. When Leanna returned he quickly shut down his laptop, and pulled out his phone to text Jack the information, trying his best to look as if he had just been relaxing because he knew the girls wouldn't like this plan one bit.