Emma sat on the couch in the apartment living room. She had her laptop. She was looking at something that you would more expect Luke to be looking at. Porn. Yes. Emma was looking at porn. Her hands were in her yoga pants. She was playing with herself. Out in the open on the couch. She had been so worked up for some reason. And she needed to masturbate so badly. Luckily no one was home. And no one was supposed to be home for a while now.

Emma was fucking herself with her finger on the couch. Out in the open. Because no one was supposed to be home. Not a single soul.

So it was a surprise when she looked up from the screen. And saw Zuri standing there watching her.

"OMG Zuri! You're not supposed to be home right now! Your supposed to be at the park" Emma said. Intentionally talking as long as possible to make sure that Zuri was distracted while she quickly removed her hand from her pants. And then closed her porn soon after.

"We got bored at the park." Zuri said. Emma hopped that Zuri didn't notice what was going on.

"Where is everyone else?" Emma asked. Her heart was still racing from being caught masturbating. She still wasn't sure if Zuri knew what she was up to.

"Jessie is flirting with Tony. Luke is watching them. I think Luke dragged Ravi into watching them." Zuri said.

"So it's just you that came up?" Emma asked.

"Yep. But if you want to keep masturbating you should probably go to your room. They could come up at any minute now." Zuri said.

"I wasn't masturbating!" Emma said defensively. Zuri did know what Emma was doing.

"Are you sure? You had your hand in your pants and porn on screen. That looks like masturbation to me!" Zuri said.

"I- uhm-" Emma sputtered.

"Do you need some help?" Zuri said.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked nervously and confused.

Zuri showed her. She got up on the couch and closed Emma's laptop. She moved it over putting it on the table. She slid her hand into Emma's yoga pants. She rubbed Emma's wet pussy.

"This is what I mean." Zuri said. She sounded seductive.

"Zuri no. We can't do this. You said they were going to come up soon." Emma said. Her words got weaker because of the fact that Zuri was rubbing her.

"But you're so wet Emma. Are you sure you don't want to do this?" Zuri said. She rubbed even harder. Emma moaned out loud. Good thing no one was home or they would have heard her.

Zuri kissed Emma on the lips. Much to Emma's surprise. But she didn't say anything. She couldn't. Zuri's lips were blocking hers.

Zuri fingered Emma's pussy still. She didn't stop. Not even as Emma moaned more. She just kept kissing. And fingering. Until Emma was moaning so hard. She had to stop kissing. But she still fingered Emma.

"Are you going to cum Emma?" Zuri asked.

"Yes!" Emma moaned. She was. She was getting close. From Zuri's fingers.

"Good! Cum for me!" Zuri said to Emma.

Emma did. "I'm cumming!" She moaned out right before she came. And then she did. She came. Hard. On Zuri's fingers. Zuri made her cum. Her sister made her cum.

Panting. Emma said "What the fuck Zuri!" once she had enough strength to do so.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" Zuri said.

Emma was still breathless. Zuri kissed Emma on the lips again.

"You know where to find me if you want that again." Zuri said and she winked. "By the way you should probably change out of your yoga pants. Wouldn't want anyone to see that would you?" Zuri pointed to Emma's crotch

Emma watched Zuri walk away with a sexy sway she had never seen before. Then she looked down at her yoga pants. There was a big wet spot made from her woman juices. She hadn't realized how hard Zuri had made her cum. Emma quickly got up and went to her room and changed before she went back down to the living room to grab her laptop and bring it back up to her room.