Summary/Disclaimer: Time for another chapter of A Lingering Ember. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own RWBY, Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth do.


Desmond ducked behind a piece of metal as 2 of his men turned with their rifles to return fire.

"Anyone who wants to surrender can do so!" Desmond stated before he turned to shoot one of the Grey Ursa mercs who slid back, smoke coming from his chest.

In the seconds it took for the other merc to look at his friend, he was shot in the chest by one of Desmond's men.

Desmond looked at one of his dead men and sighed sadly, he didn't like criminals, but he felt responsible for every single one of his henchmen.

"Keep going, we've got to reach the bridge before they lock it down or this will be for nothing." Desmond stated before the ship shook as Desmond pulled out his scroll as his 12 remaining men rushed forward through the hallway.

"Boss, we're busy dealing with the air support, we nearly lost a Bullhead on the last run…." He heard over his Scroll as he sighed and took it from his hip.

"Can you try to NOT destroy the ship with us on it!?" He yelled before he sighed and turned on the texting for the scroll.

"Let's check in with Ms. Neo…" Desmond typed before he put his scroll back in his pocket and followed his men through the main viewer towards the bridge.

(With Neo)

The last merc went to shoot one of the henchmen before he had his neck snapped by a female Grey Ursa soldier.

The henchmen turned to look at the woman who turned into neo with pink energy surrounding her body as the outfit faded away.

Neo's scroll buzzed as the henchmen continued to type at the console.

"Please hurry, we're nearly at the bridge…. And the ship is getting shot up." Neo read before she walked over to a console and began to type as she easily sliced through their security.

She had sliced through security before, she worked for Roman, if he could see her now… She frowned and looked to the ceiling. She called Desmond while she and the others hacked into the ship's guns to shut them down.

"Guns are down, what do we do next?" Neo asked before she tapped Hush on the ground before she twirled the umbrella and rested it on her shoulder.

(With Desmond)

"Come here, we're going to need to break into the bridge…. We're waiting in the view area." Desmond said before he turned to one of his men.

"Tell the bullheads to drop off the rest of the men on the roof… I wanted to break this tin can, but I'm guessing we're going to end up taking it over." Desmond muttered before he turned back to his Scroll.

"Sweet Tooth, I need you up here asap, I know I said the engines, but I'd rather have everyone assaulting the bridge… Thank you…" Desmond stated before he put his cane on his shoulder and looked at one of his men who was trying to hotwire the door.

"C'mon, we're burning daylight, buddy…" He stated while he tapped Melodic Cudgel on the ground before he waited for Neo and the others of the group got onto the ship.

"This isn't easy, boss, trust me, I'm trying…" The man muttered before Desmond sighed and turned to look at the thug before he sighed.

"Well, we're going to end up storming the bridge soon…" Desmond muttered before he cracked his neck and then looked at the ceiling.

Neo cartwheeled into the room until she leaned on Desmond who smiled before the man turned to them.

"Boss, we're in…" Desmond heard from the man before Desmond saw his men rush into the next room, Desmond turned into another Grey Ursa soldier to catch the group off guard.

Desmond followed Neo into the next room before realizing the pilots were caught off guard. There was a dozen or so pilots and security soldiers' guards in the rest of the room were surrendering.

"No, this is wrong…" Desmond muttered before he turned to look at his henchmen, Desmond turned to look at Neo and then back to the thugs.

"Where were the rest of the group? They're trying something… Neo, can you check the rest of the ship with the reinforcements? Their surrendering too easy, I know their waiting for something…" Desmond whispered to Neo who nodded and walked out of the room with a smile, not dispelling her Semblance until she was out of sight.

Desmond looked over the rest of the crew, he knew for a fact that they were up to something, he had seen people putting up a fake surrender to launch an ambush.

Desmond heard the signs of an ambush coming before the first gunshots went off, he sighed, he turned and looked at the rest of the group for a second before going to help Neo and the reinforcements.

Author Note

Phew, another chapter done! I wanted to point out that Neo is more skilled at fighting then Desmond but he's a better strategist then Neo. Next chapter is going to be in 2 weeks or so and will show Desmond and Neo dealing with the Grey Ursa Reinforcements and the end of the airship battle. Until Friday, Lighting Wolf out!