I do not own Destiny or Percy Jackson, I only own my OCs.
"Well you guys asked for it so here you are. However, you will be getting one more person in this adventure. He will have a short intro for him before he joins up with the guardian you know and love."
"But enough of me let's get to the story."
Old Greece: The Age of Darkness
A lone ghost was flying through a dense forest looking for her Risen. The ghost wasn't finding any luck in the Americas, so she started her search in Europe. When nothing turned up she traveled further down East to Old Greece to see if she could find any luck.
But the ghost wasn't getting any of it.
"This is getting annoying." The ghost said idly to herself as she scanned the forest around her. "All the other ghosts are finding their Risen and I still can't find mine. I don't want to be looking forever!"
The ghost shell opened up a blue aura surrounding the metal ball in the center will an eye in it. The ghost looked around trying to pick up anything with some remnants of the Traveler's light but alas there was nothing in the area.
The ghost sighed and closed her shell before flouting off to a different area of the forest. The ghost traveled through the forest occasionally opening up her shell to scan the area before continuing on. She soon came to a river where she paused to look at herself in the flowing water.
A standard looking ghost looked back at her as she gazed at the reflection. She then spotted a constellation of stars in the reflection and she looked up to look at it directly. The ghost ran a search through her systems to see if she could identify the constellation.
"The hunter Orion." The ghost said eyeing the constellation. "You're a hunter. Have any idea where I can find a being with the Traveler's light?"
The ghost opened up her shell to scan the area. Her eye got brighter as her sensors were picking up the Traveler's light, right behind her. The ghost quickly turned around and sent out a cone shaped beam in the area in front of her.
"Could it be?" She asked hopefully as she homed into the light. "There you are."
The ghost started to add her own light the beings light making it reform the being it once inhabited. The ghost knew that a Risen's first revive was bright, but this was almost blinding, and it seemed like light was coming down from the stars themselves.
A skeleton started to form midair, and then organs started to take shape, followed by veins, then muscles, and flesh after that. Hair started to come out of the Risen's head it was black and thick. It was then the ghost noticed the Risen's gender as male as the reproductive organ formed in-between his legs.
A skin tight suit them appeared around the Risen's body followed by armor plates and a helmet, a white cloth over his helmet were his mouth would be. As the ghost finished resurrecting the new Risen, he fell to his hands and knees breathing heavily.
The ghost flew down beside her Risen's head. "Are you alright? everything where it should be?"
"Where am I?" The Risen asked still looking down. "Who am I?"
"It's alright." The ghost said trying to comfort the Risen. "You have been dead for a long time; you might want to get your bearings first."
"What is this on my face?" He said trying to pull off his helmet.
The ghost returned the helmet to the Risen's inventory. The helmet, now being gone, revealed his handsome face and attractive brown eyes. The Risen stood up looking at his hands a shocked expression plastered all over his face.
"All things considered; I would say the chances of you getting a girlfriend with that face is really high." The ghost said flying in front of him.
The Risen looked at the ghost. "What are you?"
"I'm a ghost." The ghost replied happily. "Well I'm your ghost now."
"My ghost?"
"Yes! You and I are partners now, not even death can do us apart." The ghost replied. "Well your death won't but if I die you will be looking for another ghost… So yeah happy thoughts!"
"This will take some getting use too." He said looking around.
"So got a name by any chance?" The ghost asked changing the subject.
The Risen thought over before he spoke. "I think my name is Orion."
Old New York: The New Golden Age
"He's late." I said while sitting on the hood of one of the old golden age cars.
My Ghost, Sid, and I were waiting for an old friend from the days before the city walls. He and I were going to check out one of the old skyscrapers. I originally was going to check out the skyscraper myself, but my old friend sent me a message saying he wanted to hang out.
But I haven't gone back to the city since I got my Vex eye, not even when it was under siege from the Red Legion. Though Sid had to lock me in a room to stop me from attacking the Red Legion forces, light or not I was going to kill those motherless bastards. However, the city was reclaimed and the Traveler was once again awake thus ushering in a new age.
"Just give him a few more minutes." Sid said floating around idly.
Osiris also visited me more than once, in all honesty the only reason he was visiting me was because of my Vex eye. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt and chalked it up to wanting to visit an old fireteam member.
While I was never in a permanent fireteam with this guardian we were still good friends.
"He has one more minute." I said angrily. "We could have scanned the entire tower by now."
But our friendship will not stop me from caving his skull in.
Just as the one minute ended a ship made a fly by over my head before shooting back into the sky. A hunter transmitted in front of me taking a quick look of his surroundings before he walked over to me. Said hunter was armored in black chroma armor with a silver glow to them. On his back was his sniper rifle Patience and Time along with his artifact bow. On his hip was his hand cannon and his sword was equipped to his belt.
"Orion." I said displeased with his timing.
"Sorry I'm late." The hunter apologized. "But one always needs patience."
"We have known each other for over three hundred years, you should know more than anyone how patient I am." I said pushing myself off the car.
"So, you're Slim's friend he hasn't told me much about you." Mhyrixis, my pole-axe artifact, said.
Said poleaxe's head was made from a dark metal that was oozing darkness, and the spear is also made of the same material. She has a human skull carved into the middle of her head piece, and the back hammer and the front blade of her head was made from a red crystal.
"You haven't told her about me? I'm hurt." Orion said pretending to be hurt.
"Yea yea yea let's just get this tower cleared." I said starting to walk towards the old skyscraper. Sid transmitted my helmet on to my head and I drew my auto rifle from my back.
Orion jogged up to slim and started to ask about the skyscraper that they were going to search.
"From what my ghost gathered the building is called the Empire State Building and stands around 1,454 feet tall. A lot of Golden Age tech was found in there during the early ages of the City but now its little more than an old building that's really tall."
"So why are we searching it if it's been picked clean?" Orion asked scanning the buildings around us.
"Not too long ago my Vex eye started picking Vex networking going on someone near the top."
"Yeah, I have also been meaning to ask about that armor you got on." Orion said flicking my shoulder plate.
"I got in a fight with a Cabal Primus and his goons not long after the Traveler was captured and my armored was damaged beyond repair. Not long after my Vex eye trapped me in a Vex network grid, moments later the grid collapsed, and I was wearing this." I said gesturing to my armor.
The armor in question was black, due to my Old Guard Shader, there was a red energy half shield just behind my head. My helmet's visor was a red vertical rectangle at the center of my helmet and there were two horn like plates that started at either side of my forehead and pointed backwards. (Basically, the Age of Triumph Vex raid armor with black armor and red lights.)
My chain artifact was still wrapped around my right arm and was currently on fire as Sol was my Light focus right now.
"Are you sure that's safe to use?" Orion asked suspiciously.
"No." I said plainly. "But it's the best thing I got."
"Alright man, but don't come crying to me when that armor takes over your body."
I grunted an affirmative and continued towards the skyscraper. We arrived at the entrance about eleven minutes later. Bits of glass were scattered all over the floor and a few of the doors were missing or hanging on by one hinge. The glass cracked under our armored boots as were entered the building.
I brought up my weapon in and scanned the upper levels waiting for an enemy to jump up and shoot us. This area was not known for its fallen scavengers, but they sent scavenge teams in from time to time. Nothing jumped up to attack us, so I lowered my rifle. Orion was already walking over to the front desk. His ghost appeared and started to scan the computers while he checked the desk drawers.
"These computers are toast I doubt we will get anything useful from them." Dewi, Orion's ghost, said flying back to him.
"What about powering the elevators?" I said prying the elevator doors open.
"We will have to find the generators and kick start them." Dewi answered me.
"Sid do you still have the building layout?" I asked my ghost walking away from the elevator.
"Sure do, let me see." Sid replied going silent for a moment. "There marking it on your guys' HUD."
The two of us followed the markers down to the buildings sublevel. The doors down here were still in place and had locks on them, but a simple punch was more than enough to knock them down. We found the generators after a few doors. Cobwebs were everywhere and there were more than a few skeletons on the ground. We were able to find the main power switch and flick it on, but nothing happened.
So, I switched my Light focuses to Arc, opened up one of the generator panels. grabbed on to a few wires and send my Arc Light flowing through the old generator. Practically everything started to spark as I sent my Arc Light thought the systems.
Orion flipped the switch again and this time the lights in the room came on.
"And let there be light." Sid said quoting a verse from the Bible.
"And it was good." I added to the verse. I then turned to Orion "Let's get to those elevators."
We both started back the way we came back to the elevators. When we got back, we got on the one I opened and hit one of the buttons to take us to the upper levels.
"Guess the Vex are ok with us snooping around on the ground level." Orion said checking his weapon again.
"Not surprising. Since I'm here they just see me as another Vex walking around on the lower level nothing to get worked up about." I said cracking my knuckles.
"That's going to change once we get to the upper level." Orion said drawing his hand cannon.
The doors opened a few moments later revealing a hallway in a similar condition to the ground floor. We started down the hall weapons up. I could almost feel the Vex Network now and they were none too pleased that another Vex unit was trespassing on their operation area. Vex teleportation clouds appeared in front of us followed by the Vex screams and beeps.
Five Goblins and one Minotaur came out of the clouds firing their guns at us. Orion and I returned fire making short work of the Goblins. I threw a flash bang at the Minotaur's feet blinding the unit and killing its shields. Orion shot three rounds into its torso killing the unit on the third hit.
We both broke into a sprint as the Minotaur fell to the ground, more were no doubt on their way to try and stop us. Sure, enough more Vex teleportation clouds appeared in front of us sending out more Vex units. A firefight broke out in the hallway as we fought our way through the Vex units.
One of the Minotaur teleported within close range, bringing is weapon-less hand down on me. I rolled out of the way and threw my shoulder into the unit sending it crashing into the wall. However, the wall was not very strong as the large Vex broke through the wall, sending it falling down the side of the skyscraper.
The fighting soon reached its peak as we came into a large room with Vex gates scattered throughout the room. Vex were walking out of the gates to join the fight but they were not going to stop us. Orion activated his Void Bow and shot a few arrows into the Minotaurs walking out of the gates.
The Vex units were consumed by Void light while the goblins around them were tethered leaving them helpless to attack. I switched my Light focus to Solar and summoned the Hammer of Sol. The hammer appeared in my hand with a clang as Sol light started to cover my body.
I jumped into the air using my left to take me higher into the air. Once I was high enough into the air, I started to throw down hammers on the tethered Vex then to the other vex shooting at me. Once my shield died, I dismissed my hammer then ran to cover next to Orion.
"There are still more coming out of those gates." Orion said popping out of cover and killing a few more Vex before pooping back in.
"Let's see if I can't change that." I said drawing Hell's Scream from my back.
Fire wings exploded from back as I took my artifact in my hands.
'Killing time.' Mhyrixis said happily into my mind.
I jumped out from cover and ran at the Vex. They turned to shoot at me once they saw that I was running at them, but they were not ready for what I was about to do next. My fire wings flapped sending me flying at the nearest Vex, I brought my polearm back before sending it into the Goblin's core. The blade cut the poor Goblin in two.
I then sent the spear into another Vex Goblin's core before I tossed over my shoulder. The other Vex near the two I just killed turned to shoot at me but soon slammed Hell's Scream's pommel into the ground sending out a wave of fire that turned any Vex it made contact with into particles.
Orion soon came into my view with his bow artifact in his hands and an arrow already knocked. He let loose the arrow and just as the arrow started to shine, said arrow shot towards a group of Vex that were exiting the gate but the arrow soon crashed into them. The arrow exploded into a beam of light as it contacted the Vex destroying them and the gate they came from.
There was one gate left and it was just about to send another group of Vex through when I pointed my poleaxe at it. A ball of fire shot from the tip of the spear and slammed into the gate destroying it before anymore Vex could come through.
The remaining Vex teleported away after the last gate was destroyed. The Vex Mind must have calculated that the remaining Vex would just be destroyed so it recalled them. Now that the Vex were gone I put Hell's Scream back on my back and deployed Sid to start scanning the area.
"It looks like the Vex were trying to tap into a lingering energy in this area." Sid said scanning the area.
"What kind of energy?" Orion asked.
"I don't know." Sid said still scanning. "I have never seen anything like this."
"Maybe it has something to do with the gates?" Dewi suggested appearing just above Orion's shoulder.
I nodded. "Sid see if you can't access the Vex gates."
Sid flew over to the nearest gate and started to scan it. "It seems like they were tapping into the energy by going though time to when it was stronger. Hold on maybe I can."
Suddenly all the gates came back to live causing us to draw our weapons, however, no Vex came though. A white shield formed around the area where we were standing trapping us in the center of the room. I ran to the shield and started to punch it with all the strength I had but the shield held firm.
"The Vex are pulling us into the time stream!" Sid yelled alarmed.
Sid flew back to me and transmitted himself back into my body while Dewi did the same. A bright started to fill the room forcing me to shield my eyes. I could feel my body being pulled into the time stream, before I blacked out.
I groaned as I picked myself off the ground. I was in an alleyway, trash bags and dumpsters around me making it look like I was in the older parts of the City. The sound of a busy city was present, but it did not sound right.
I walked out of the alley to find the once dead city of Old New York teeming with life. My mouth fell open as I looked around; it was just so breathtaking to see humanity like this. The sidewalks were full of people walking to and fro with cars moving in the streets making all kinds of noise.
As my head stopped spinning, I started to walk down the street ignoring all the looks everyone was given me as I was too focused on taking in everything around me. The once old and rundown buildings looked good as new by comparison.
'Sid you seeing this?" I asked still in aw by my surroundings.
'Yeah I'm seeing it.' Sid replied. 'The com traffic is crazy, how is anyone supposed to find anything with all this data going back and forth.'
'It would seem we have been thrown back in time.' Mhyrixis commented. 'Clever of the Vex.'
'I'll say.' I replied walking down the street. 'Sid what's the date.'
'2008 according to the internet, we still have a century, give or take, before humanity even detects the Traveler entering the system.' Sid reported sound amazed.
'Then it's a good thing I'm immortal, we need to find Orion. Are you picking up his signal?' I ask my ghost making my way through the crowd of people.
'Let's see here…' Sid said before going silent. 'Dewi just started transmitting. I've marked a waypoint on your HUD.'
A red waypoint appeared on my HUD some three hundred feet away from me. I started towards it, thought progress was slow due to the grid set up of this city. I had to stop at most of the crosswalks as I could not just run across or use my lift ability as people during this time period were not used to seeing a titan use his powers.
It took thirty minutes to get to the waypoint, which turned out to be in the middle of a large park. I spotted Orion sitting alone on a bench; however, he was wearing his civilian clothes which turned out to be paints and a black t-shirt. He turned to look at me as I approached him, taking a seat beside him.
"Any reason you still have your armor on?" Orion asked idly.
"I haven't had the chance to switch seeing as I was dropped in the busiest part of the city. Besides I can't store Hell's Scream in my inventory." I replied noticing that some of the moms in the park were recalling their children because of my presence.
I had no idea why I mean what was more conferring then a fully armed and armed guardian in the area. I mean no criminal was going to come around with someone like me around. But then again civilians tend to get jumpy when their near someone who's armed.
"Changing the topic, you noticed the date." Orion commented leaning back in his seat. "The Vex sent us back pretty far. We have about ten centuries before the darkness attacks and one until the Traveler arrives."
"Plenty of time to prepare for it." I added. "We are both powerful guardians and with us here maybe the Traveler will create the Guardians before everything goes to shit."
"We can't rely only on the Traveler for the coming darkness. We will need to prepare humanity for what is to come."
"So, what are we going to do? Start a "weapons research company" and start copy pasting our weapons into this timeline?" I asked/suggested. "Though I hate to put Banshee out of the job."
"I doubt it will be as simple as that. From what Dewi told me of this time period if one country started to make massive brake through in weaponry then other countries will begin to get antsy."
"Damn and here I thought we were going to make Titan Industries a thing."
Orion gave me a look. "Titan?"
"Fine Guardian Industries." I relented.
"Better but I think we should take some time to explore the world around us." Orion stated standing up. "There is a lot we don't know about the world Pre-Golden Age. Besides Dewi has been getting a lot of strange energy signs that I wanted to check out."
I looked at my friend with an arched eyebrow. "When did you turn into a warlock?"
Orion let out a short laugh. "Hey when you don't have a warlock to answer the hard questions you get a hunter to take a shot at it."
I smiled then shook my head the silent insult not going over my head. "Fine, we can do some exploring, just don't go too far I may not get to you in time to pull your sorry butt out of the fire."
"HA! If I need a bullet sponge, I will be sure to give you a ring." Orion jeered before setting off.
As our conversation was now over, I headed out of the park. Orion was right maybe I would be a good idea to relax and take a look around the earth before the fall. After all I've been fighting all my life as a guardian, maybe a few years as a normal human would be good for me.
'Slim-' Mhyrixis spoke into my mind gaining my attention. 'I know you are planning on living like a normal human for a while, still I would advise keeping your guard up. I can sense the presence of dark creatures in this city, and they are hungry for something.'
I narrowed my eyes. 'What kind of creatures are we talking here?'
'Ones that I think need to meet my… sharper ends.' Mhyrixis spoke almost giggling in anticipation for the coming slaughter.
I guess a guardian's work is never done, no matter what time period they're in.
Orion was walking through the woods outside the forest. He did not tell his friend the whole truth about his wanting to take some personal time. Soon after he woke up Orion felt something strange come over him, like something was calling to him.
He didn't know that it was but whatever it was its call was getting nearly impossible to ignore. The hunter soon came to an open area there the only thing on the ground was short green grass almost as someone was maintaining this one area. Orion scanned the area looking for something that would give him some clues as to why he was called here.
The Old Guard Hunter asked his ghost to equip his armor and weapons. He drew his pistol but kept it pointing downward. Something was here with him, but he could not detect its location just yet.
'So, one of my children returns from the stars.' A female voice spoke into Orion's head. The voice was cold and devoid of love. The voice caused Orion to clutch his helmet as his head felt like it was about to freeze over.
'What are you?' Orion demanded the voice.
'You do not recognize your own mother's voice Orion?' The voice quickly replied. 'No matter I have need of you-'
Orion quickly cut the voice off. 'NO, I serve only humanity and the Traveler, you are of darkness! Be gone from my mind!'
"YOU WILL OBEY ME CHILD OR YOU WILL SUFFER A DEATH WORSE THAN YOUR LAST!" The voice yelled at him sounding right next to him instead of in his mind.
"I do not fear death creature!" Through gritted teeth Orion hissed back. The hunter began to force the intruder out of his mind with his Light, as the presence faded it spoke one last time.
'Well will meet again Hunter of Artemis and you will bow before me.' The voice then faded from the hunter's mind.
With the voice gone Orion stood up his fist clenched in rage. Whatever this thing was its mere presence on Earth offended the hunter. It was a threat to humanity that was obvious, and he would hunt it down and remove its threat forever.
On this light Orion swore it would die.
A sudden snap bought Orion attention around as be pointed his hand cannon at the sound in a flash of motion. A girl in silver clothes sat beside a fallen branch with a pained expression on her face. The girl appeared to be in her early teens with blond hair and brownish eyes. She was armored but only with a bow and a dagger, no threat to a guardian of Orion's caliber. Most likely she was sitting in the tree but one of the branches couldn't support her weight, so it snapped. Seeing the non-existent threat Orion holstered his weapon and jogged to the girl.
"Hey you alright kid?" Orion asked kneeling beside the girl.
However, the hunter did not expect her to lash out with her knife while screaming.
"Get away from me you stupid boy!"
Well that's that, what a perfect way to end the first chapter of Heralds of The Traveler. I hope you guys like what I'm putting out here. Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them as soon as possible.
Anyways if anyone you are wondering both (destiny) Slim and Orion are god-killer class Guardians meaning they can give gods a run for their money. Titans are insanely strong, and hunters are very fast and very sneaky, that's how I'm doing this just like in Guardians of DXD (May it rest in peace).
Special thanks to my editor: ZoDiAcKiLlEr315
God bless and damn you two have not even been there for a day and you already have an enemy. *Sigh*