~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ Epilogue ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

11 years later

The Magical world has changed drastically in the last decade or so. The last few straggler who sought the dismantling of the new world order, the new peace brought by the end of Second Wizarding War and Dumbledore's machinations, were finally put to rest. Azkaban was overhauled and retro fitted to hold only the most dangerous of criminals, those who have earned a death sentence via the Kiss. A smaller prison was built for those who preformed minor to moderate crimes. Each prison was heavily secured and run by the Goblins, who ensured that once you were in, you never got out unless your sentence was up. Not to mention they got free laborers for their mines to help drive home that Crime does not pay.

The laws had finally been revamped. Most were kept, others had to be changed, new ones were added in and the rest were taken out, but kept records of for educating the students of what a bad law looks like verse a good one. And how easily someone could ruin their world by knowing how to carefully word their bills and laws to make them seem like a good idea, only to find out they are not. The biggest changes in the laws were those concerning Creatures. Now there were more mixed communities than there were solo ones. As much as they wished for a Utopia, they knew it would be impossible because the sad reality was there would always be bigotry, racism, sexism, and so many other bad things. However, as long as they were kept to the minority, they were easily handled.

Werewolves and Vampires enjoyed having somewhere to work and hunt, places to get treatment and to get food or potions. Severus enjoyed his new form of work, owning his very on Apothecary, though he still teaches the NEWT level students and has at least three Apprentices underfoot as well as his beautiful daughter Lilith, who will be starting Hogwarts with many others her age, her younger twin brothers, Salazar and Balthazar recently turned 6 and they were all anxiously awaiting the new baby. Severus provided tailor made potions as well as the improved versions of the general potions. He had so many patents under his name he knew that if the next 100 generations of his family refused to work, they would not be hurting for galleons for a long time.

Never mind what Tom provided from his family vaults. The Naga was content with his job as the new Minster of Magic, Lucius as always was his right hand man. His inner circle of his Knights were his entourage, keeping him and his family protected no matter what. The lower ranked knights were released from their duties, but would answer should their lord ask for their aid. Tom spear headed a lot of the work, using the laws and plans Harry had provided. Harry even gave him a special map of Wizarding Britain that kept track of his family and the Knights so he knew where they were with color coordinated dots that told him what was going on and how best to handle the situation.

Red dots were violent crimes and if they involved a Creature, a symbol representing the type of Creature was provided and allowed him to best arrange how to handle it with Amelia, who had one of a similar make in her office. Harry realized that the Maps were too dangers to allow free access to like the Marauder's map was, telling you everyone and everything in an area at any given time. However Remus and Sirius, who opened up a small shop where they make the maps and key them to specific needs and families so they can keep track of their loved ones helped them lose less children in the Floo Network They were so popular they were opening up branches around the world where they can Floo in and to drop off the maps, haggle over a costume made one, with obvious limitations and with a few runes and spells from Harry's darker spells collection, made it impossible for someone to steal their work or break into the spell work to tamper with them.

Yellow dots were diseases, treatable ones, that infect who communities, St. Mungo's and all the other Hospitals had similar maps keyed only to medical emergencies with various alarms to let the healers know that there was an emergency, one and two what to prepare for. The Hospital maps had their own color system ranging from minor to national threat levels of emergencies. Orange were diseases that have no treatment yet and a black for deadly viral infections. They always keep an eye for those, never wanting to get complacent. Blue dots showed where the Aurors were stationed, while purple dots would blink in and out as moderate crimes while dark blue were minor crimes like using magic in a no magic zone, vandalism or even a bar brawl.

He liked looking at the Map and seeing Severus, Sal and Zari either at home, Hogwarts or Nightshade, Severus' Apothecary Every now and again he will see one of the others, like Sirius and Remus at the Wolfstar's Cartography shop or their names bouncing around London since places under Fidelius that you are not living in, or secret keeper too, tended to do meaning they were home. He often saw Harry's name all over the map and sometimes when he was home, it bounced around or when he could not find Harry in Britain, he looked at the map under it of Arda and often found him visiting with the Fellowship in their homes.

There was a smaller map on his desk of the Ministry that allowed him to keep track of his workers, it kept a lot of the drama that filled the previous version of the Ministry to ridiculous levels. No names, just colored dots that he can simply call security to handle or one of the Department heads. The only names on that map he sees are the Heads of the Department, their right hand man/woman and their treasurers. This way they keep embezzlement down to a minimum and make sure no one is abusing their power while still offering a bit of modesty for the others.

Another thing that has changed was the tightening of Statute of Secrecy laws and the enforcement of said laws. They had Muggle branches of some of their departments run by Halfbloods and Muggleborns that acted like Child Protective Services. They had Goblin made crystals that alert them to accidental magic, a flash of purple for boys, yellow for girls, blue for intentional use of magic in front of a Muggle not in the know, green for intentional use of a magic in front of Muggles in the know, Pink for accidental bouts of magic with red being magic used in an emergency, such as a life threatening one. There was another crystal, a black one, that was the master crystal to smaller black ones that are hidden in the residence of said Muggleborns to monitor the child's overall health with a shrill alarm that screams, quite literally too, to alert the workers of child abuse.

Their version of CPS has a small team of a healer, both medical and mental, an Auror trained Obliviator, and one of the many volunteers, who will eventually adopt the child, should things not remain good with the family, and will act as their mentor in all things magic. Since the founding of this department and all its subbranches, the number of magical deaths at the hands of Muggles have dropped significantly as well as the rates in Obscurials being made. One of the worst things is a child being beaten so badly they become an Obscurus and without proper medical help and a skilled Mentor to train them, they essentially become ticking time bombs and it's never fun having to go in and try to find any remains to be buried.

Hogwarts has returned to her former glory and had even added on a Primary school as well as a College/University that has helped to properly educate and prepare her students for real life. Headmaster Anubis was very well liked and loved by his students, he was a much calmer version of Professor Nubia, who took on Deputy Headmistress duties when Minerva retired as Head of Gryffindor and instead took up being Headmistress off the Primary school. The new Head of Gryffindor had been picked and it was a bit of a shock to see who it was, because they never formerly attended Hogwarts as a student. It was big news for a good three months when it was announced that Lord Elrond would take over as Head of Gryffindor House.

Lord Elrond enjoyed teaching so much and with most of his people no leaving in Valinor, not to mention he was now happily married again(thanks to the meddling of Harry, Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir) to King Thranduil, who pops in every few months to help torture the Defense class. Professor Nubia was still a living nightmare for the Defense class, but when a revamped version of the Triwizard Tournament was finally decided on and allowed to happen, her students were always the best in the Dueling arena, be it Magical or Muggle. Flitwick was the only professor still Head of his House, Pomona retired and nominated Neville to take over her Badgers, which as Lord Hufflepuff he automatically was named Head of House.

The new head of Slytherin House was voted on and given to Lady Malfoy, she was a strict, but fair Head of House and made sure her charges were well looked after, provided for and on their best behavior. Hermione was given a job as the new History professor, often seen raiding Professor Nubia's personal library or picking the woman's brains so she could give accurate facts and details and not just those in the books. Draco could be seen often visiting, when he wasn't running his small clinic, having become a Healer and earning the right to run one of the Clinics Harry had set up. There was a rumor that Madam Pomfry was getting ready to retire and was grooming Draco to take over her duties.

Yes the Wizarding world was no longer stagnant, but they weren't recklessly throwing themselves head first into the future either. There was a set pace, a time to adjust, to adapt and grow accustomed. Mr. Weasley was making a good name again for his family, his Muggle to Wizard tech adaptions and modifications were the ground breaking starts to modernizing, without forsaking their rich history. Not to mention Bill was now the first ever Human Head Manager of a Gringotts branch, Charlie was still very much Dragon obsessed, but he and his wife had settled down and had a few kids, same with Bill. The Twins were also ruling the world, one prank at a time, both happily married with kids, though you can often find them shadowing Harry around when Legolas wasn't there to keep guard of his mate.

Draco and Hermione married about a year and half after the Battle of Hogwarts and had two sons and a daughter, Lucian Draconis, Micheal Corvin, and Lucille Hermione. Neville and Luna had settled down enough in their marriage and jobs to have children about four years in, they have a son and a daughter, Francis II and Pandora II. Susan and Hanna are still dating, they were not ready to marry yet, while Pansy and Blaise had a big a big wedding, about 5 years ago and were in the process of getting Pansy enough treatments to be able to carry a baby if not make her eggs healthy enough to put into an arrogate mother. Theo and Daphne had eloped and are happily traveling the world.

Meanwhile with the Fellowship half of Harry's friends and Coven, Severus managed to make the potion that extended the longevity of the mortal partners to match their Elvish lovers. Allowing Eomer to be at Haldir's side always and they bonded together about three years after Harry and Legolas married. They have adopted a few children and are living a nice country life, with the odd roving bandits to hunt down. Boromir and Theodred married, much to the shock and horror of many. Same sex couples were still secretive in Arda, but after Harry took it by storm, they were slowly coming out and having a royal/noble couple of very well known infamy, especially a member of the Fellowship, helps because they can be the voices and advocates for those of lesser birth and standing. Theodred claimed Eowyn's son as his heir, stating that he had no need for children and no desire for them, though he does love children.

The Shire had a similar shock when there was not one, but two openly homosexual marriages between Merry and Pippin, being first. Both of whom having at least 6 siblings a piece to carry on the family name, which their families, after the initial shock, supported them. Sam and Frodo got married about a few years later, Frodo having been in mourning when his Uncle Bilbo finally passes away at 115 years old. The old Hobbit had gone in his sleep, an old Dwarven Key in one hand, his hair braided with rusted, but still beautiful iron beads, the style if Frodo remembered correctly belonging to King Thorin, and smile on his face.

Of course after his passing, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, only in her late 90s tried to muscle in on Bag End and what very riches were, but as Bilbo's named Heir, Frodo had claim. So the shrewd She Hobbit had tried to get him to marry one of her granddaughters. But when word spread that Frodo was set to marry a Sackville-Baggins, Sam had nearly gone postal. He had shown up at the 'wedding rehearsal' dressed in his best clothes, still fit and not as round as he had been before the Journey, and offered a flower crown to Frodo, the flowers picked spoke of Frodo's bravery, his kindness and the sacrifices he made. It shocked everyone when Frodo, the last Baggins, accepted. What was even more shocking when a year after the double weddings, Pippin and Frodo had fallen pregnant and gave birth to healthy Fauntlings. It seemed their Mother, Lady Yavanna had found great favor with them and blessed them to have children of their own.

Aragorn and Arwen were happily living their lives with their son, while they were indeed sad to find out about the potion after Arwen gave up her immortality, they did not regret it. They would live, they will grow old and they will die happily together. They will raise as many children as they can and be content. The Elves upon learning of the potion had began to seek their Ones among the other races, having refrained because once you find your One, you can have no other. Only in extremely rare cases can you find another love after your One, such is the case of Lord Elrond and King Thranduil. Same sex couples was also nothing new to them, they got that bigotry out of their systems back in the First Age, but they cannot blame the short lived people, there is a lot of drama to be had in such a short amount of time that there is very little room for adaption.

In the end, those in Arda are good and happy, often visiting and slowly merging a bit of Terra's culture with that of Arda's while Harry does a bit of the same back on Terra. And when the Minister who preformed his marriage, said they would bridge Arda and Terra, they meant it literally, there are a few special gates that connect Arda and Terra, walking through such a gate brings you to Minas Tirith in Arda or directly into Gringotts on Terra. The reason for it being Gringotts is to help any lost travelers back home or those who are indeed trying to see what Terra is like, to get properly acclimated to the new world, an account set up so they have spending money and a few other things. Vice versa basically. It helps to keep panic and a lot of face slapping down to a minimum.

Another major change that happened was that the Daily Prophet ended up going bankrupt after Harry unleashed Rita on her former place of employment. Embezzlement, bribery, under the table deals, sexual harassment and so much more! It had been glorious! And the cause for this brutal take down you ask? The Daily Prophet had the nerve to not only use an Animagus to sneak into his rooms at the hospital to get the first ever photo of the new Potter Heir, but they also claimed that Harry had been faithless to his husband and mate when their firstborn, a son, was born an Elf/Snake hybrid. Harry was still very hormonal and had original planned on sending an army of raccoon after them, an army of rabid ones. But Legolas talked him out of it, instead told him send the Shark after them. Rita had been all too happy to do so. After all how dare they steal her method of getting the juicy bits!

When it was uncovered that 97% of the stories covered by the Daily Prophet were all fake or exaggerated, the furious public insured they would never recover. Witch Weekly and the Wizarding Newsletter had been quick to do some in house cleaning and put their best foot forward to avoid a similar fate. Now the Quibbler had a full staff, those who were innocent of the crimes of their other coworkers and employers.

And this was the biggest news of all. Harry had had a son, the physical proof of his love for his mate, the permanent joining of two worlds, a royal of too many lines and the oldest of four, with a fifth on the way. He looked up when Milly popped up, the Brownie was pregnant with her own Elfling after getting bonded to Dobby. She had also taken full control of all her Master's House Elves after Kreacher also passed away. She was a firm Head and was fiercely protective, she helped immensely during Harry's pregnancies and helped the young couple with child rearing when they found themselves drowning in the near hourly needs of their infant son.

"Little Master Taethon, Mistress says it is time to leave, " She says, her speech having improved over the years with Harry's insistence and help. There was a school for Brownies that was built in Hogsmeade where they go to learn what it means to be a House Elf, the title sticking as their Occupation title rather than the name of their race, how to spot abuse either of themselves or of their charges and what they can and cannot do that may get them punished by magic unless it is because of an emergency.

"Thank you, Milly, I am ready. I was just writing a letter to Gran Adar and my little brothers and sister." He says, carefully folding said letters, sealing the one to his grandfather with wax and the Greenwood Royal Seal, which had been altered to have his mother's Crests surrounding the main Seal. He writes the names of his siblings on theirs and leaves them on the desk. "Could you make sure they are sent to Gran Adar so he may read them to Laegnes, Nestedir, and Ladrengilcion, please?"

"Of course, Little Master. Milly will do as asked." She says and then grabbing his trunk pops off downstairs while he looks around his room one last time.

Taethon took after his father in face and body shape, though he had his mother's liquid black hair and Avada green eyes. His ears were pointed like his fathers, though they were a bit rounder at the pointy tips. He already showed signs of being an Alpha and had many long years ahead of him to grow accustomed to the changes of his body, to learn to master his Alpha like his father, but he had some hundreds of years before he Matures. His room was designed to look like one of the many tree houses that can be found in the Greenwood, carved into and from the tree, leaving natural shelves and surfaces to place his things, a desk carved into the wood under the great windows in one wall with his bed carved into the wooden floors in a bowl shape that was filled with soft pillows and blankets. A nest.

His room was normally filled with a bit of clutter, books and scrolls he liked to read and study, others filled with notes, drawings and ideas for what he wants to create in the future. The chest with his toys was at the foot of his bed, his closet was a bit bare and he grabs his favorite stuffed animal, a gift from his Uncle Aragorn. It was of a beautiful white stag with crystal antlers. He thought it was his Gran Adar's mount, but then he saw his Nana summon a white staff to save him and his brother, Nestedir from a black blanket like creature that tried to eat them. It was pure white light and its antlers were large racks of glittering crystal like his Nana's wings. Ever since he never went anywhere with out Laegdîs, or Green Bride as he named his plush, after the green glass beads that make up its eyes and because his Nana was the Bride of his Ada.

Shaking his head, he grabs his traveling cloak, gift from his Gran Adar Mandos. It was not like his Nana's Cloak, but it was a piece of his Gran Adar Mandos' Ardan Robes. It protected him from harm and if he wished to be unseen he can suddenly become invisible or appear as part of the landscape. It was very handy when there were attacks, though those are thankfully few and far between. His Ada is very scary when he is enraged, but nothing scares him more than his angry Nana. He walks down the stairs, stopping to wave at the paintings of his many Gran Adars and Gran Nanas as they wish him good luck at Hogwarts, to not worry about which House he sorts into, they will always be very proud of him and to be sure to send a letter home in the morning.

After the small chat, he hops down the last few steps and looks up at his Nana, who is pregnant with his fourth sibling, a little girl if the Mediwitch is to be believed, but for some reason none of them like showing their sex, as if they can sense the foreign magic trying to look at them. He liked the name his Nana picked out already, Lîrdis. He thought of the name when he realized she settled down when their Nana sang or their Ada played one of the Epic Poems on his larp. He walks up and first greats the swollen belly, pressing his brow to the taught flesh and just sensing the sleepy movements of his sister.

"Greetings, my sister, be good to Nana while I am gone." He then hugs his Nana and smiles up at him. "Morning Nana, have you slept well?"

"Hello Taethon, I'm sleeping as well as can be expected with your sister thinking day time is night and night is day." He laughs softly, rubbing his belly with one hand and carding his fingers through the infamous Potter tresses of disorder, though thankfully the heavy weight of long hair does wonders to tame them down to a more manageable length. "Your Ada will be here in a moment and then we can go. Packed everything?"

"Yes, I asked Milly to double check last night. I have Laegdîs with me and a couple of books to read just in case." He promises.

"Good, try to make a friend while you are on your way, but do not be discouraged if you do not. Watch out for those who only wish to be your friend because I am your Nana or because of you Ada. If all else fails, you can always seek advice from your cuckoo Auntie Rye..." Harry tells him and he nods.

Harry still wonders when he got deemed worthy enough to call his former Professor Aunt and was rather frightened about what she would be teaching his son, who already knows and has mastered the Knife Song in English, Elvish, Basque and Welsh, he is working on learning it in Mandarin. He can already see the panicked Howler from Anubis, the poor man has to deal with his son, Draco and Hermione's son with Fred and George's kids.

"The schools gonna burn down, I just know it..."

"If Hogwarts can withstand my clumsiness as a student, she will certainly handle your children, Son of my soul." Merlin's wizened voice says from the painting of the library hanging on the wall to the left of the foyer, Arthur is dozing softly in the chair beside him.

"Gran Adar Merlin!" Taethon cries and begins chatting with the old wizard, Arthur stirs and smiles, his face aged, but no less handsome, as he watched his mate and his Heir's child chat, across from them is the Le Fey Garden, where Morgana was just sitting down to tea as Mordred was already fishing in the pond, they both looked at the child and laugh as Harry just shakes his head.

"Hogwarts barely survived you and Morgana causing hell, you were Master of Death during your golden years, but because Arthur had died, you faded and no matter what Death desires, Fading is beyond his control."

"Indeed it is..." Harry smiles when Mors walks up behind him, wrapping his arms around him in a hug, grinning at Merlin. "Hey sexy..."

"Ooh, you horrid flirt!" Merlin huffs. "Honestly, Gaius, you filthy pervert!"

"What's a pervert, Nana?"

"Never you mind child!" Merlin, Morgana and Harry snap out, blushing horribly as Mordred and Arthur burst into laughter. Mors gets an elbow for his troubles and a threat of Carrot cake if he doesn't stop his shenanigans.

He hisses at the threat.

Peh! Carrot cake!

Legolas walked in, dressed in a fine suit, a top tier Auror who can operate in both the Magical and Muggle worlds, he had to get gun training from a few Muggleborn Police officers, but like with the bow, he showed great skill and accuracy, though he wasn't fond of the smell or noise of a firearm. Sometimes he whips out his bow and uses stun tips to take out his targets.


He catches his son and chuckles, picking him up, they chat quickly in Elvish, before Legolas kisses his mate, freeing a hand to rub his hand over their daughter, who wiggles to feel him pet her better.

"You are well?"

"I am... ah, time to go... I will be back in a bit, do not have a party in those paintings!" Harry orders pointing at Arthur and Godric, who was in the Painting of Hogwarts back when she was first built, Salazar was sun bathing while Rowena was was braiding Helga's hair, Helga was writing in a book.

"My grandson wounds me..." Godric pretends to be near faint, but even Mors rolls his eye, snorting at the dragon's dramatics.

"Yes, I do because you partied so hard, you managed to appear in ghost form and wreck the house. Ectoplasm is a pain in the left cheek to get out of hardwood you know and a right nightmare to get out of my carpets!" Harry glares harder. "I may only be 4 months along, but I am already in Nesting Mode and unless you want me to reach in there and strangle you, because we all know I can; go head, make a mess and see how long you live old man..."

"Eep, I'll be good!" Godric dives behind Sal's coils looking like a frightened pup, big soulful eyes and all, trembling in fear. Women scare him, pregnant women even more so, then there is facing down Omegas in real right strop; yeah, no, not happening! Want to know was tops all that? The scariest of all is a Pregnant Omega, there are very few things that can calm an enraged pregnant Omega. Food, sex, and any child you place in front of them, but sometimes the Food and Sex options fail and it's best to stay away from any child in their vicinity unless you want to know what it is like to have your balls hanging out of your mouth.

Harry nods and Legolas chuckles, kissing his mate to calm him down a bit before they leave to deal with the made house. Mors opens a portal for them, and they all step through onto the Platform just as Draco and Hermione Apparate in with Lucien and Micheal ready for Hogwarts, Lucille has a year to wait. Fred and Jordan soon appeared with their daughter, Gwyndolin. Gwyn hurried over to chat with Lucien and Micheal, shyly waving at Taethon, who discreetly hid behind his Gran Adar Mors, who chuckled at him.

Harry just sighs, petting his son's head. The group of adult friends chatter, catching up as the children introduce themselves, mostly to Taethon, who spent much of his youth home where the world will leave them alone or in Arda, visiting friends and family. He was rarely in Terra because while they had peace, some idiots never learned and some of those idiots targeted Harry's children, which triggered the Master of Death to almost end all life a number of times. It got so bad that Mors pretty much works from Terra in his mortal form and when in Arda, as Mandos. Harry was embarrassed the first time it happened, but after the second time, he just treated it like he was dealing with certain Creatures and beings who made the mistake of making enemies with him.

"It's almost time... Oh they kept the scheme!" Harry smiles seeing the Chibi versions of the Hogwarts Mascots on the trains exterior. As always they began playing and greeting the students. The train was still 20 cars long and he can see some of the staff getting off the train to start ushering in the children, speaking with parents, collecting permission slips and the like.

"Alright, Taethon, you know what is expected of you, you may still be an Elfling, but you are much smarter and mature than your age. Do not let anyone bully you, study hard and just have fun." Harry says, hugging his son and kissing his brow.

"I will Nana, Ada could you help me get my trunk on the train?"

"Of course." He lifts the trunk up and grabs his son's hand and they head off.

"He's going to be alright, he's tiny and adorable, a dangerous combination as we have learned with you." Mors says, hugging Harry, who sighs. "Besides, I'd like to see the fool to try and bully him, he's learned from his father, grandfathers and Severus... that man is dangerous."

"Uncle Sev is... the real question is did he teach him proper knife play, how to kill someone and make it look like an accident, or did he teach him how to verbally eviscerate someone?"

"A and C." Mors chuckles and Harry sighs.

"And knowing Legolas, he's going to give him a small blade to keep on him at all times. As if our son isn't a mini powerhouse..." Harry smiles fondly. "My other children are well?"

"They will be home when we go back, Thranduil was finishing up court matters so he can be here to help with the new baby, he's excited for another little girl to spoil."

"As if Laegnes isn't a spoiled princess as is... now he wants to corrupt Lîrdis before she's even born..." Harry giggles, rubbing his belly.

"As you know, one of the prices that the Elves pay for their longevity is an extremely low birthrate. Even with your potions, they are lucky to see 10 Elflings in a century."

"Well as much as I want to defy what the Valar set into play, it was their doing as Gods, I am not fool enough to think myself above all others. I barely think of myself above you. Only when you are being particularly annoying or if the situation requires me to do so." Harry hums as time ticks by and slowly the train fills up. At 11 on the dot, like always the final whistle sounds and the Express begins pulling itself forward, the black engine chugging along slowly at first before gaining speed. The parents wave as they watch their children pull out and head on their way. Legolas holds Harry as he cries, use to the hormones making Harry 3x worse than he normally would be.

"Come, we will find out either later tonight which House he got into or in the morning. We still have three years before Laegnes and Nestedir are on their way and 6 years before Ladrengilcion will be ready. Not to mention we still have Lîrdis who is still 5 months off of being born." Legolas soothes, his husband, kissing his temple as he rocks them gently.

"... I hate when you make sense... I wanna go home now... besides I see the Paparazzi." He murmurs and Legolas nods. He bids their friends a good day before he and Mors help Harry through the portal and onto his favorite chair before the sounds of their three other children come barreling into the room.

They skid to a stop and gently hug their mother.

"Nana/Mama!" They cry happily and Harry giggles, carefully grabbing them close.

Thranduil walks in, dusting himself off of Floo soot. He has dressed in slacks and a rich blue sweater, his long hair was braided in a high ponytail, his kingly robes gone, his rings and crown stored away as he was simply Gran Adar as his grandchildren call him since they had not word for Grandparents in their tongue.

"Hello, Ada..."

"Hello, my sons. You look radiant, Hadrian. How well are you?" he fusses, coming to kneel and place a large hand on Harry's belly. He had been learning from the healers how to check the health of carrier and babe since Taethon had been in the womb and by now was use to checking his son in-law as well as his little grandchildren whenever he has the time or chance.

"We are well... Lîrdis is being a bit rowdy at night... I think I should have named her something like Daughter of the Wild or the closet you can get to Hellion." He jokes, rubbing his belly.

"Naughty Lîrdis, making Mama tired." Ladrengilcion scolds.

"Thank you, Ren..." Harry kisses his youngest son on the temple while the twins, Nestedir and Laegnes simply hug him. "Taethon made it to the train and is on his way right now to Hogwarts."

"Will we get a letter from him tonight?" Nestedir asked.

"I don't know, Ness, maybe." Legolas chuckles as Milly pops in.

"Little Master Taethon left letters for Little Masters and Little Miss as well as Master Shiny."

Harry giggles when Thranduil winces at his Brownie given name. That was the one thing they couldn't seem to change, their weird way of naming people, if they said your actual name it means they really adore you, or use a possessive pronoun like Milly often uses on Harry's titles and Legolas'. She says the children by either full name or their pet names while some people are named by some type of moniker. Like Thranduil, who always wore his shiny kingly garb until Harry finally convinced him to try Muggle clothing. Severus was well known to all House Elves in their group of friends and family as Bubbly Master, Tom was Master Snaky Man or Dark Dodo, depending on the age group. The older House Elves called him Master Dark Dodo because he had been in idiot in their eyes for making Horcruxes, never mind that he had been tricked into it.

"Laeg, Ren, Ness, go unpack and read your letters from your brother."

"Okay Mama/Nana!"

Harry smiles as they hurry off, Milly popping out to go send a few Brownies to help out while she rested. Thranduil did his usual check and smiled, glad that all seemed correct and progressing well. He stands and sits on the sofa as Legolas brings him a cup of coffee.

"Will you have any more after this?"

"Probably not for a few centuries... No need to dominate the worlds with my children." Harry giggles. "Raccoons, Sugar Gliders and Bunnies? Hell yes, but my children? No. They are likely to burn both Terra and Arda to the foundations."

"You are very powerful and as I've learned, my son is quite gifted as well. It is not surprise my grandchildren are just as powerful and talented." He laughs softly. "But that is understandable, no need to overwhelm yourselves."

"We have a system now, it was not easy with Taethon's birth and first six months, we were quite overwhelmed. The Twins were worse, but by then we had an idea of what to expect. Ness is blessedly a simple child and quiet compared to his older brother. Laegnes only got bad when she sensed that Ness was upset or ill. Ren was about average, he cried a normal amount and seemed to get on a schedule a bit easier than his older siblings. We hope that Lîrdis will be a mix of her older siblings and not give us issue." Legolas says, thinking on what the future holds. He was getting a lot of his work done now so he can take family leave to be around during the last trimester and the first few months of Lîrdis' life.

"I'm sure she will be calm as long as we keep singing to her or have a music box made for her."

"Speaking of gifts... I brought this, it was Haereldis'. I found it while cleaning out her old chambers to make room for the little ones closer to my rooms when they are visiting. I do not like them being so far from me if we have an emergency or they need me for any reason." Thranduil frowns heavily even as he hands over a delicately carved music box that when opened plays a soft, somber melody that is both soothing and whimsical.

"Thank you, Ada... Oh, I think Lîrdis likes it..." Harry chuckles as she kicks a bit more.

They spend the day talking and playing games with the children until almost late when a sudden burst of blue flames appear with a white and gold Phoenix/Snowy hybrid.

"Hello Dawn, Taethon sent a letter?" Harry asks, and the female bird chirps and bobs her head so much like her mother, who sensing the return of one of her Hatchlings, flies in and when they are both sitting on the perch, begins fussing at her daughter. Harry holds the letter and opens it up. "Oh! He's a Ravenclaw!"

"I knew it!" Laegnes cheers. "Tae is always reading and trying to learn new things!"

"That's a good thing, it means he will be very smart and will do well in the Scholar branches of Jobs when he's finally of Age." Harry beams happily.

"Mama, will you be happy if I go to Hufflepuff?"

"Yes, you are a very compassionate and I'm sure you will be hard working as you get older. Even though your Grandparents, my Nana and Adar were Gryffindors, I was in Slytherin. Your Ada was in Gryffindor. Your Auntie Mione and Auntie Lulu were Ravens too. And your Uncle Nev was a Puff with Uncle Dray being a Snake like me." Harry tells them.

"Ok! I wanna be a Hufflepuff because Yellow is my favorite color!" Ren giggles and Harry smiles at how simple Ladrengilcion can be as Laegnes and Nestedir debate the merits of each house, not sure which one they want to be in, content to be in any House when the time comes...

"Prince Taethon!" He turns from his group of friends to blink seeing one of his father's guards in the entrance of the Great Hall. Spotting him, the Elf moves swiftly and bows quickly. "I have been tasked to escort you to Tigerlily Hospital, his highness, the Prince Consort is about to have the baby."

"Oh! Headmaster Anubis-"

"I understand, I will inform your afternoon professors of your absence, and since I doubt you will be swayed to come back by tomorrow, you have until Sunday evening to be with your family since it is Wednesday now. Lucian, Micheal if you would be dears and take notes and copy the assignments down for him?"

"Yes, Headmaster!" The twins nod as Taethon thanks them, gets up and runs out ahead of the guard. The Elf catches up and as soon as they are outside, Dawn,flames in above them, grabs her child as Tarian flames in above them and in a burst of flames they are transported to the Hospital. The guard guides him through the floors and wards until they are waiting outside of the delivery room. His Gran Adar is pacing up a storm while his male Gran Nana, Elrond, is holding Ren on his lap, looking a bit frazzled. Ness and Laeg sit holding each other's hands tightly.

"Is everything alright?"

"As far as we know, yes, but it doesn't make waiting any easier..." Elrond assures his grandchild.

Taethon nods and moves to sit between the twins, taking their hands in his, his silent presence seeming to calm them down. He smiles as Laegnes, who looks exactly like their Ada from her hair to her eyes with only their Nana's lips and heart shaped face. Ness looked like a a silver haired version of their Nana with their Ada's nose and cheek bones. Ren had startling red hair from their Gran Nana Lily, with their Nana's eyes. He had their Ada's features. He wonders what Lîrdis will look like, would she be a mix of their parents like Ren, or take after one of their parents like himself, Ness and Laeg?

He is pulled out of his thoughts some time later when their Ada comes out, he looks like he's fought the Nine Ring Wraiths and won because he is smiling.

"T'is indeed a girl!" He says and they all breathe easier. "Hadrian wishes for the children to meet their sister first before you can come back."

"Take your time." Elrond shoos them off, helping his mate to the seat beside him when the tall Elf looks ready to faint.

The four walk into the room and see their Nana looking tired, but happy, Lîrdis is in his arms and she is so tiny.

"This is your sister, Lîrdis Marie..." Harry tells them and they say hello, stroking a finger down her cheek one at a time. "Lîrdis these are your older siblings, Taethon, Nestedir, Laegnes and Ladrengilcion."

She gives a soft cough, here eyes blinking open a second before she dozes off again.

"She's so tiny..." Ren breathes. "Will she be okay to come home?"

"She will be fine in a few days and trust me, I had four of you, so she will be perfectly safe and well cared for." He rocks her a bit and smiles. "She will be my last one for a while, I want you lot to reach magical Maturity and your coming of Age before I have any more babies. This way we have time to spend together all of us. She was certainly a surprise."

"Indeed, beloved..." Legolas chuckles and gently kisses his newest daughter's brow. "Welcome my Little Song, I bid you happiness and peace always with us, your family."

"Welcome, Little Sister." The other four say and Harry smiles.

"Aldeztaile's going to be unbearable with the new baby."

"Indeed." Legolas laughs, they were having issues trying to make the Basilisk understand that she cannot teach the children to hunt or how to properly seduce mates yes since they are not yet old enough by their people's standards. Even if they were old enough according to Snake Logic.

"I love you, Hadrian..."

"I love you too, Legolas, but I love our kids more."

"We love Mama/Nana the Most!" They say as one and Legolas playfully scowls at them.

Harry expands the bed so his whole family can curl up with him and he breathes out a relaxed sigh...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~5,000 years later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Harry walks slowly to a familiar tree, his movements are slow and even as he feels weakened, he still moves with grace. His once vibrant looks are dulling and fast, his heart is slowly shattering. He gets to the tree and carefully lays out the Wand, Stone and Cloak on an Alter and then moves to the base where he uses what little magic he has left to make a comfortable bed for himself. He slowly lays down on it, closing his eyes as he begins to sing softly:

One Heart but Two-

Listen all, gather ye round,

Hear the winds mighty call,

how he do roar so loud.

He tells us "Be brave, be true,

One heart but two,

dunna let your heart harden.

By the winters roarin sting,

Hearts be a easy to break.

don't let your face hang with shadows

Listen all, the old moon's lookin down,

his words are dying

He whispers "the rose is beauty,

the sun is warmth,

keep your eyes always open.

We beat with the dragons.

One heart but two,

The shadows can be haunting

Follow swift and follow straight,

Take heed to all died young

Two hearts beat within one chest

Two pieces are made whole.

Death comes swiftly on the wind

to claim all of the bold

Two graves are to be dug

When one heart alone should die,

Two graves are to be dug

When not one heart dies, but two.

He gives a soft smile when he sees Mandos, who kneels gently over him, a deep sorrow etched into his handsome face. He wants to tell him it's alright, to not cry, but the Eldrich being simply kisses him, ending his suffering and Harry dies with a smile on his face, eyes closing for the final time as his spirit moves on to join his mate in the next life.



Translations and the Meaning Legolas' mothers and Children's Names

In order of Appearance:

For his life, take mine! Reverse this curse and heal him! I ask this of Death, my Servant! -translated from Gaelic

Hear my call and rise again from death! Defend my own, slay those who mean us harm! - translated from Basque

Listen to my plea, Spirits of the Dead... Take my blood sacrifice and heal this man! Return his Vitality! -translated from Basque

Goddess of Mothers, stave off my ability to have children for one more year, this I beg of you... -translated from Lithuanian

Souls that have long gone to the Eternal Sleep, I summon you forth to do my bidding. I ask you to defend me and my own, to take as many of my enemies back with you and ensure they suffer eternally. -translated from Serbian.

Death is only the Beginning.. -translated Arabic; it was supposed to be in Ancient Egyptian but I could only find it in Hieroglyph

All translations were done through Google Translate, these are what I typed in and you see the results in the story, if I missed one please tell me and for a bit of added fun, copy and translate these spells to the language I picked and then translate them back to English for the literal translations, some are spot on others are a bit skewed!

Elvish names for for Legolas's mom and the children!

Haerel= Distant Star + Dîs= Bride

Taetha= To Fasten/Tie + On= Male

Laeg= Green + Dess= Woman

Nesta= To Heal + Dir= Male

Ladrengil= Valley of Stars + Ion= Son of

Lîr= Song/Poem + Dîs= Bride