The story is a bit similar to the series but in my way. I just put how I think it should go and I will put season to episodes I think should have happened. P.S. Pumyra isn't evil she is rescued during the fall of Thundera by Lion-o. When he does she becomes smitten with him. Lion-O notices and soon falls for her. Then things get worse Mum-Ra tries wreck the blossoming love.

chapter 1

Thundera was at peace and soon something will happen to change everything.

Lion-o was the young prince and heir of Thundera. He was kind and brave. Lion-o was heading back to the palace from the slums. "I am so late," he said.

At the palace Claudius, Tygra and Jaga were waiting for Lion-o.

"Where is he? He knows how important it is!" Claudius said.

"Go easy on him Claudius you were just like that at his age," Jaga said.

"I know but I finished my duties before running off. Why can't he be more like you Tygra?" Claudius said.

"That isn't possible father but at times Lion-o does prove at times to be better and many would agree," Tygra said. (Tygra was adopted as a four old and often protects Lion-o.)

Lion-o came running in "Sorry I'm late," Lion-o said stopping in front of the throne panting. Then the ceremony began.

"You are doing good," Claudius said.

Lion-o saw something terrible. "What is wrong what did you see?" Claudius asked.

"Something from A nightmare I had once," Lion-o said.

"Son a dream is harmless What was in the dream?" Claudius asked.

"Just an old legendary monster." Lion-o said.

Claudius just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sometimes I wonder about you son," Claudius said.

Jaga on the other hand decided to go think about this.

After a bit Claudius decided to have a chat with Lion-o. "Why were you late?' Claudius asked.

"I was just exploring the," Lion-o said.

"The slums?!" Claudius said. "You are not allowed to go there. You think I want my own son torn apart by crooks?" he asked.

"I'm seventeen! I can take care of myself!" Lion-o said running off in anger.

Jaga had seen the whole thing.

"Claudius he has a lot you in him but he is more like his mother." Jaga said.

Claudius just sighed and reclined in his throne.

Lion-o sat down in a huff. "Father treats me like I'm a baby," Lion-o said.

"He's just worried about you, I think he just wants nothing to happen to you after all you are the main link he has to your mother," Tygra said.

"I know, and I know my mother meant a lot to you too," Lion-o said.

"Yes when they found me in the garden when I was four years old and made me feel like I had a family like the one I forgot." Tygra said.

"I just wish he would stop being so over protective." Lion-o said and Tygra agreed.

Grune came in and the horn was sounded Claudius,Tygra and Lion-o went to meet him.

"Where is Panthro?" Claudius asked.

Grune got out a pair of nun-chuck. "He fought bravely to the end." He said

"Tomorrow we will mourn but we are glad you are back." Claudius said.

Lion-o and Tygra has questions for Grune. Tygra was hoping there were more tigers out there than just him and Lion-o's best friend Bengali. Lion-o wanted to know if he saw anything found in legends. Grune answered no to both.

Now it was time to celebrate. Lion-o and Tygra teamed up to see which two cats will ring the bell. Lion-o and Tygra due to good teamwork rang the bell. "We make a good team brother," Lion-o said.

"We sure do," Tygra said.

"Those are my boys." Claudius said with a smile on his face.

Two kittens were hanging around with a cat named Pumyra she bought them dinner.

Then the lizards attacked Lion-o was horrified he saw a young puma lady being attack. Then rushed over and rescued her. "Thank you," she said.

"Your welcome now let's go," Lion-o said.

"I'm Pumyra," she said.

"Introductions later let's go," Lion-o said.

Panthro was held prisoner.

Claudius made way to rescue him but was stabbed in the back it reveal to be Mum-Ra. Claudius was dying. "No matter what happens you both made me proud today. If the real Panthro is still alive find him and I know he will help you. Lion-o I'm sorry for not believing in you, I know you will be a true king." Claudius said and died.

Lion-o was angry about this. Then a lizard remembered Lion-o giving food once in the outskirts so he gave him a key.

Lion-o and Tygra rushed out and began to help Jaga with Cheetara's help. They hurried outside and ran into Liosia and Bengali. "Follow me," Bengali said. He brought the to his house. "This armor I designed will protect us. I made it after I designed it." He said. The boys put on the armor.

"Yes we got to get out of here." Cheetara said.

Now they were standing outside of Thundera. "This just the beginning." Lion-o said.

To be continued.