If this is too much to ask then you don't have to. I've noticed AFTER THE FACT on spelling errors. Now I have Microsoft word so it should tell me if I misspelled anything which it does. But when I noticed some that fell through the cracks I groan and had to start all over. Mostly the wrong names. The reason why is because I'm writing another Descendants story which I'm waiting for the end of 3 to see what happens story wise. What I'm asking is PLEASE let me know if a word or a phrase is out of place so I can fix them. Apparently not even Grammarly can spot the errors I'm talking about. Please let me know in the comments that way I can quickly fix them right on the spot and not wait until the file is done. I've done that a couple of times and don't want to do that again. Thanks.

Chapter 8

A black stretched limo was parked outside Maleficent's tenement. It looked wildly out of place in the squalid city. Villagers crowded around it curiously. Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal, Naga, and Ratigan walked outside, whooping with glee to see their ride. "Ugh," said Evil Queen, eying the villagers. "Smells like common folk."

The driver emerged from the limo in a crisp gray suit and dark sunglasses. He took the teens' luggage-Jay's and Naga's carpetbag, Evie's suitcase and sewing machine, Carlos's big black trash bag, and Ratigan's little black dragging bags and loaded it into the trunk. Jay swiped the crown-shaped hood ornament and climbed into the limo along with the others. Mal handed the driver her bags, and he tossed it in and slammed the trunk shut. She took one last look up at the balcony, where her mom gave her an 'I have my eye on you' sign. Mal nodded. She hopped into the limo.

The driver slid into his seat and shut the door. "The jackals have landed," he said into a mike inside his lapel.

The villains waved good-bye to their children from outside the limo as it began to roll. Jafar yelled, "Bring home the gold!"

Cruella yelled, "Bring home a puppy!"

Evil Queen yelled, "Bring home a prince!"

On the street, the villagers looked on as the limo cruised away. Mal and her friends took in the limo. They ogled all the buttons, gadgets, colored lights, refreshments, and vast arrays of chocolates, gumballs, jawbreakers, jelly beans, rock candies, and other sweets. Jay wrenched open the fridge. His friends played with the sound system, unwrapped candies and opened cans of soda, and pressed every button, quickly trashing the limo. Evie went at Mal with a make-up brush. "You're looking a little washed out."

"Ew, stop," said Mal, batting her away. "I'm plotting."

"Well, it's not very attractive," said Evie, gnawing on blue rock candy.

Naga got a small snack for herself and Ratigan. "None of these are going to give you another heart-attack right?" Naga's asked as she was eating some m&ms.

Ratigan got a small candy. "Oh trust me, my dear, I suffer worst then this."

Carlos wolfed down a chocolate peanut butter cup and shook his head with wonder. "Oh! These! It's salty like nuts but it's sweet like I don't know what."

"Let me see," said Jay. Carlos opened his mouth for Jay to look at the chewed-up peanut butter cup on his tongue. Some fell put. Jay took a cup from Carlos and popped it into his mouth.

Mal clicked a remote. The screen that separated the teens from the driver opened. "Look!" yelled Evie now that she had a clear view of the front of the limo. The six teens stared ahead at the ruined remains of a bridge and impenetrable barrier. There was just a sea ahead. It looked like they were going to be driven straight into the water. They cowered.

"It's a trap!" yelled Carlos, terrified. They all screamed. Carlos jumped onto Jay, Naga held onto Ratigan, and Evie clung to Mal for dear life. The driver pushed a remote attached to the visor. The limo hit the ruins of the bridge and barreled through the barricade. They did not hurtle into the sea. Instead, a magnificent bridge appeared under the steady wheels of the limo. Quickly, Mal and her friends composed themselves, embarrassed about losing their cool. Jay peeled Carlos off of him. "What just happened?"

"It must be magic!" said Evie.

Mal tapped the wall behind the driver. "Hey!" She held up the remote she had in her hand. "Did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" she asked him.

"Nope." The driver indicated the remote on his visor. "This one opens the magic barrier." He motioned at the remote Mal held. "That one opens my garage. And this…" He pushed a button and the screen slid up, shutting off Mal and her friends,

"Nasty. I like that guy." Said Mal, smiling.

The limo traveled across the bridge, which continued to extend over the wide expanse of water toward Auradon. The bridge behind the limo disappeared, leaving no way for them to travel back or for anyone to follow. The driver pulled the limo into the sunny kingdom of Auradon and showed in front of a sign that made Mal, her friends, and Ratigan gag:


Ratigan said shaking his head. "Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck."

Naga asked, "Did we go back 60 years? I know we're in the two sound and teens, but judging from the clothes and the ugliness of those posters, are we're back in the 50s? They at least could've done the cool 80s or 90s."

The limo cruised through the sprawling green campus and came to a stop. An impressive building with a flower garden loomed before them. A group of curious students in blue-and-gold uniforms waited outside the limo, waving welcome flags. A marching band started to play with great gusto. The driver opened the limo door, and Mal, Evie, Jay, Naga with Ratigan on her shoulder, and Carlos tumbled out. They were about to undignified as it got.

Jay was yanking at a scarf that Carlos was clutching. "You got everything else why do you want this?" Carlos asked.

"Cause you want it!" Said Jay wrestling Carlos to the ground and pinning him there with his foot. In this squabble, they didn't notice a group of students watching them. The students backed away at the sight of them fighting, and the band dribbles to a wheezing stop.

A smiling woman stepped to a compost it is with her arms outstretched as if she were about the hug someone. She had brown hair pulled back in a loose bun, pearl earrings, and a lavender dress with a pink bow at the neck.

Mal noticed the woman and alerted her friends. "Guys, guys, guys," Mal said from the side of her mouth. "We have an audience." Then she put on a fake smile and struck a fetching pose. Evie quickly followed suit twisting her hands on her hips. Naga crossed her arms and smiled. Her snake tail slithering around her.

Jay smiled and told his audience, "Just cleaning up." He helped Carlos to his feet.

The woman addressed Jay. "Leave it like you found it!" She grinned. "And by that, I mean just leave it." She gave Jay pointed look. Jay tossed all his loot back into the limo. The woman smiled and smiled and nodded.

Then Jay notices a pretty student with caramel-colored skin and chocolate-brown hair. She wore a blue sweater, a pink dress, and a gleaming gold necklace. He sauntered up to her with a smile and said, "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." The girl laughed and stopped.

The woman leaned in between Jay and the student. "Welcome to Auradon Prep," she said. Jay's smile faded. "I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress." She bowed elegantly.

"The Fairy Godmother?" Asked Mal. Fairy Godmother nodded. "As in 'Bibbibidi-Bobbidi-Boo'?" asked Mal, pretending to wave a wand."

"Bibbibidi-Bobbidi-you-know-it!" said Fairy Godmother.

Mal gave her a forced good-girl smile. "Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just…appeared out of nowhere! With that sparkling wand and warm smile…and that sparkling wand." She flashed a big cheesy smile. Carlos licked chocolate off his fingers as Mal spoke.

"That was a long time ago," said Fairy Godmother. "and I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" She smiled. "Wherever you wind up!"

"it's so good to finally meet you all," said a handsome young man as he stepped forward and clasped his hands. He wore a navy suit jacket and sported the Auradon Prep crest, a hankie in the breast pocket, and a pastel plaid tie. "I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin," said the girl beside him. "Soon to be king!" she squealed.

"You had me at 'prince'," Evie's said as she stepped forward and stared into Ben's eyes. "My mom's a queen which makes me a princess." She started to bow.

"The evil queen has no loyal status here," said the girl, "and neither do you."

Naga stepped forward. "Actually, since she's Snow White's half-sister, it does make a Royal. They do have the same father. And I'm pretty sure Snow White will be happy to see her sister. Right Fairy Godmother?"

Fairy Godmother nodded. "She's right. I've already set up a meeting so the two can meet. Right now Snow White can't. She's in America getting ready for a debate. Apparently, some villains do win over there. I'm just surprised it was Trump." Evie smiled. She didn't know she had a half-sister, at least from her father's side. Then Fairy Godmother turned to Naga. "May I ask about the snake tail?"

Naga looked down and answered, "I've tried shoes when I have my feet. But they always break when my tail comes back. The only thing that works on my dancing bells." She turned to the boys. "Carlos, Jay." They stood next to her, held her up a bit as her snake tail turned into legs. Still with scales but legs. "I know you're into shoes, but I don't think glass slippers would work for me unless you want glass shards all over the place." Ben looked at Naga and felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Ben gave the girl next to him a look that's said 'cool it'. "This is Audrey…"

"Princess Audrey," said Audrey taking Ben's hand. "His girlfriend. Right Bennyboo?" She's flashed a smile at Ben and tucked her chin.

Then Ben introduced to his friend. "And this is Thomas, my best friend, and loyal adviser."

Thomas looks at Mal and was nearly enchanted by her beauty as well as toughness and her looks. Thomas walked up to them. "I'm Thomas, son of Pocahontas and John Rolf."

Jay asked, "So are there Natives here?"

Thomas said, "No. They're still in West Virginia where they wish to stay. I'm Ben's adviser sometimes for foreign guidance across the ocean." Mal was intrigued but ignored it for now.

Audrey then saw Ratigan. "So… Ben really pardon you."

Ratigan did a bow, mostly to make fun of her. "That's right your majesty. Your boyfriend decided to give me a chance."

Ben walked up. "And not a moment too soon." He put the device on Ratigan's wrist. "Fairy Godmother has given you a job. You'll be working with Basil in our new class 'criminology'. Already the first three months, are already done. You're free to make your own assignment as long as it's in a reasonable range. And you both have to work together since you are a professor."

Audrey said, "This watch we'll let the authorities know if you are good and if you are bad. A basic house arrest bracelet. If one thing is out of turn, you'll be sent back to the Isle. No ifs and/or buts, not a single cuss."

Ratigan look at the watching discuss. "This will never come off right?" Audrey nodded. "Then I have no choice. I'll do my best with the detective, and I'll do as you please within range. I'll start tomorrow."

Ben let out a short laugh. "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around," Fairy Godmother told them. "and I'll see you all tomorrow. 'the doors of wisdom are never shut!' But the library hours are from 8 to 11, and as you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews." She smiled turned away from the six, and walked toward the building, with a marching band following in her footsteps.

Then smile and approached Naga and your friends. "It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all." Jay punch him playfully. Been shook hands with Mal, Carlos, Ratigan, and Evie, looking into Naga's eyes with the great searing intensity. "This is a momentous occasion," he said, "and one I hope will go down in history as a day or two people begin to heal." Evie held his hand for too long. Audrey pulled Ben away.

Mal imitating Ben's tone said, "Or the day that you show six people with the bathrooms are." Her friends laughed.

Thomas shook his head laughing too. "A little over-the-top?" asked Ben.

"A little more than a little bit." Said Naga.

"Well so much for my first impression." Said Ben laughing. Mal laughed too. She stared at Thomas for a moment before looking away.

Audrey glared at her through a smile. "Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter aren't you?" Said in a disingenuous voice, "I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh. My mom's Aurora. Sleepy-"

"Beauty. Yeah. I've heard her name." said Mal, cutting her off. "You know and I totally don't blame the grandparents for inviting everyone in the world except for my mother to the stupid christening."

Audrey blast a fake smile. "Water under the bridge!"

"Totes!" said Mal, putting on an even bigger fake smile. Both girls fake left and let the laughter sizzle out of unison.

Ratigan asked, "Is it me or did it suddenly get cold around here?"

Naga said, "Yeah what under the bridge my foot." She and Ratigan chuckled softly.

Ben clapped his hands together. "Okay! So how about a tour?" he said happily. He headed toward the garden, sharing facts about the school and its history. The group looked up into the face of a fearsome statue that resembled Ben's father in Beast form. Ben clapped and it came to life and growled. Carlos squealed and jumped into Jay's arms. Ben noticing Carlo's fear, gave a quick double clap. The statue magically transformed into the Best as a young prince. Carlos relaxed a little bit. "Carlos relaxed a little. "Carlos, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Said Ben.

Naga asked, "Does he shed much?"

"Yeah, Mom won't let him on the couch." Said Ben with a serious expression.

Naga and Ben exchange looks. Naga gave a wry smile and he smiles back. Thomas said, "They were making a joke Ben. We walked about this. You need to know the difference."

Mal giggled. "He's not that smart when it comes to jokes?"

Thomas replied, "When it comes to jokes it like a very stale sense of humor. Like the one parents should make, not kids. My mom is only good at pranks. Nothing too big but enough to get a nice laugh. Dad has none as far as I know." He shook his head in remembrance.

Ben continued his tour. Jay put Carlos down. Carols clapped to get the statue to come alive again. Nothing happened. He raced ahead to catch up with the group.

Inside the buildings, there was a fireplace, dark wood staircases, chandeliers, and stained glass windows that made the place feel warm and sunny. "So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" Mal asked. "Like wands and things like that?"

"Yeah, it exists, of course, but it's pretty much retired," said Ben. "Most of us here are just ordinary mortals."

"Who happen to be kings and queens," added Mal.

"That's true!" said Audrey snootily, draping Ben's arm over her shoulder. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She looked at Ben possessively.

Thomas said, "Well most of us are just lords and ladies."

Ratigan said, "Here's one thing that has been bothering me for years since the creation of Auradon. What would people like Basil or Quasimodo be under?"

Thomas answered, "Just ordinary citizens and/or friendly to the court. Royalty, in a term, is not as loose as you think it is. Like the 7 dwarves. They're not royal but they help the treasury of the state and run the banks. Though some people here do earn the term 'royal', it's more of a title only if there's no royal bloodline. But it's hard to figure out when it comes to my mom and Moana, given their history, it's more like elected leaders than royal leaders. But even that's loose when it comes to their own rules when it comes to earning or bloodline."

Naga said, "Sounds like we're one special war away from democracy."

Jay said, "I was thinking the same thing."

Ben took his arm off Audrey. "Doug!" he said when he noticed a nerdy boy with thick glasses heading down the stairs. The boy was wearing a blue-and-gold marching band uniform and carried a clipboard. "Doug!, Doug, come down!" Ben clapped a hand on Doug's shoulder. "This is Doug," he announced. "He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." He looked right at Naga. "I'll see you later, okay? And if you need anything at all, feel free to-"

"Ask Doug or Thomas," blurted out Audrey. She faked laughed and dragged Ben away.

Thomas held his hand out to Ratigan. "Here I'll take you to your classroom and your room. I know you're used to bunk with Naga but rules said you can't anymore."

Ratigan turned to Naga and she nodded. She opened her back got out his bed. Ratigan said, "Fine, but after hours and day off, I'm free to visit her."

Thomas said, "No arguments." He took the bed, Ratigan jumped in his hand and the two left.

Doug walked up to the remaining five. "Hi guys," said Doug. "I'm Dopey's son? As in" -he started counting on hid fingers- "Dopy, Doc, Bashful, Happy, grumpy, sleepy, and…" Evie caught Doug's eye. "Heigh-ho," He said to her, completely charmed.

Evie went up nose to nose with him. "Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." She started to twirl her hair flirtatiously.

"So, about your classes," said Doug. "I put in the requirements already. History of Woodsmen, and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and" -he cleared his thought- "Remedial Goodness 101. Everything else is just the basics. If you want Ratigan's class, that's mostly for Juniors and Seniors."

"Let me guess…" said Mal. She popped a piece of candy into her mouth. "New class?" Doug nodded sheepishly. "Come on guys," Mal said, dropping the wrapper on the floor. "Let's go find our dorms." She started up a flight of stairs. Carlos, Jay, and Evie followed her. Only Naga stayed behind with hands on her hips shaking her head.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys," said Doug, pointing in the opposite direction.

Naga walked up to them. "Quit embarrassing yourself." She showed them her snake fangs meaning business.

As Mal and her friends came back down the stairs and headed in the direction indicated, Doug hung back, counting through the dwarves again. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and…"

"Sneezy," said Carlos, passing him and ascending the opposite staircase. Doug sighed and looked at the ceiling.

After showing the boys their room, Doug showed Naga's her. "Now you have a roommate in your dorm, but she mostly keeps to herself." He said. He opened the door for Naga and then he and the other 2 girls left.

Naga walked inside and saw it was just a basic bedroom, but only one bed. "I have a roommate but only one bed?" she asked herself. She out her bag on the bed and looked around. "Least there's no hole in the ceiling like my place." Then she saw a lamp. "A lamp." She walked over and picked it up. "For real, or a decoration." She was about to rub it when a gold mist came out of it and then a figure appeared. It was her roommate. She has a slender figure and fair skin color. She has light blue eyes and long black hair with pink highlights tied in a high pony tail. Under her right eyebrow, she has three-star markings and faint blue eye-shadow. Has on harem pants, a top decorated in jewelry and wears a golden jacket on top. Around her waist, she wears a violet waistband and wears black suede high heel ankle boots with golden heels. Her jewelry includes four golden bracelets worn on her left wrist, a golden necklace, and wears a golden head chain that is centered with a sapphire. The figure had her hands on her hips. Naga said, "Hello."

The girl said, "So now I get to meet my new roommate. The kid that enslaved my dad for 3 wishes."

Naga asked, "Your dad is Genie and I bet your mom is Eden."

The girl said, "Least you're not stupid as your dad. I'm Jorden and this," She took the lamp out of her hands. "is mine so keep your hands off it." Then she saw Naga's legs turned back into a snake tail. "Yep Jafar's kid."

Naga said, "Well luckily you're only dealing with one. I have a twin brother and if I were you, I would put everything you own on a chain to your hip or it goes bye-bye. And one more thing, why isn't your skin blue or, in your mom's case green?"

Jordan said, "Us genies have to pass a mile stone in order to get the whole shebang. My seven brothers are a few steps away from it. But I have to ask, why do you have a snake tail?"

Naga shrugged. "Just a part of me." She opened her bags and pulled out her clothes and opened the closet in the room. "Since I get you 'love' to live inside your lamp, I get the closet."

Jordan glared but then saw the clothes. "Wow. These are amazing." She picked up a beautiful light emerald dancing sari. "Did you steal these?"

Naga snatched the clothes back. "No, I made them, some using my own snakeskin."

Jordan grossed out. "You're kidding right?"

Naga shook her head. "Nope. Well, I only use it if me or Evie are out of fabric to make clothes. Turns out this stuff can make great saris. Case in point." She twirled around to show Jordan hers. "All me." Jordan was impressed. Naga went back to her put stuff away. "So you have seven brothers? You parents must really love each other."

Jordan said, "Least we know what love it. Ekada and Ethan are the other twins, Ekambar and Ekavir are the second set, Ekayavan, Evavada, and Evan are the triplets, and then there's me."

Naga eyes' widen. "Very fertile indeed. So you're the youngest?"

Jordan said, "Unless mom and dad pop out another kid, yep. Ekada is a rapper/actor, Ethan is a jazz singer, and Ekambar, Ekavir, Ekayavan, Evavada, and Evan are Broadway performers and part of an acapella group off season."

Naga asked, "And you?"

Jordan said, "Then next internet star."

Naga groans and rolled her eyes. "Great another one."

Jordan said, "I'm also a dancer. The best in the land."

Naga smiled evilly. "Oh really? The best in the land? You know, when I dance on the isle I make $30,000 a month. How much do you make through your little internet crew after paying the monthly utilities?" Jordan glared. "Apparently not enough." Then she pulled out her dancing bells. "But you're welcome to borrow these." She jiggled them a bit. Then she looked around her room again. "So since you live in the lamp, do I get to customize my room?"

Jordan asked, "Into the Arabian-Indian vibe huh?" Naga nodded. Jordan said, "Well I can help you fix the room, but rules say that until a certain amount of days pass, you need to keep the basic first. Mostly in case, any kids get transferred or something. But if you need help with decorating, I'm free to help." Naga smiled and this time it was kindly. Such a great start.

Meanwhile, Ratigan was shown in his classroom. Thomas pulled up to the door A113. "Here we go." He opened the door and inside was a typical classroom. With a couple of posters about crime, detectives, captured bad-guys and such, and every table has their own detective kit. "This is your classroom. Here and Basil will be teaching the students how to solve the crime like detectives."

Ratigan said, "So brains over brawn."

Thomas said, "Pretty much it." Then he took Ratigan to the teachers' rooms and went to a small double door room next to a small flight of stairs leading to an opening leading into a series of tunnels inside the building. "And this is your room." He placed the bed under his arms, pulled open the doors, and place the bed inside the room. "Through these series of tunnels, you can go anywhere within the school. But right now you're under probation so it'll just be your room, the library, your classroom, and, like you asked, Naga's room. If you're good from now until coronation day, then you're free to explore all the tunnels and rooms of the school." He said.

Ratigan got off his hand and walked inside his room, it was a basic area that you would normally see in a one-story house. The house was like a miniature version of a Victorian one story house, completed with a fake fireplace. "Not bad, Native boy. Not bad." He took his bed and found one of the bedrooms. He'll be turning the other 2 into a library, and a study to grade assignments. Hopefully, most of his papers would be on a computer. He walked back out and asked Thomas, "Am I free to add things? Like a computer, a couple of shelves and books?"

Thomas said, "Of course, under approval but yes. Your room is actually modernized to the 21st century standards. It only looks Victorian. I've also wanted to tell you that there's a restaurant that is easily connected through these tunnels called La Ratatouille. Here in this building is mice and small animals only. Outside the school's limits are for us humans. But until the mice and rodents are used to you, I recommend take-out from that restaurant."

Ratigan asked, "How do I know I'm not being poison?"

Thomas answered, "If you're ordered take-out all foods go through a detector for all kinds of poisons known to man fact or fiction. If a single piece of food is out of place, it's sent back, the restaurant gets a complaint, and you get a free dinner including money back. But since you're a teacher here, it'll be a free dinner and dessert of your choice." He handed him a small wallet. "Here is your wallet with cards, money, bank account numbers, and the rest of the basics. Anything else, you'll get from your computer which you'll get in tomorrow."

Ratigan got the wallet. "Thank you, Thomas." He walked inside. "If I need anything else, I'll call." He closed the doors and locked it. Ratigan looked around the room. "Well it may not be the isle, but it does feel like home."

Elsewhere, upstairs, Mal and Evie opened the door to their dorm room. It was light and airy and dappled in sunlight. The white canopy beds were covered with pink pillows, and flowery curtains fluttered gently in the fresh breeze from the open windows. Evie's eyes widened with delight as Mal's narrowed un horror. "Wow," said Evie. "This place is so amazing-"

"Gross," said Mal.

"I know, right?" asked Evie, changing her tune. "Amazingly gross. Ew!" When Mal wasn't looking, Evie couldn't help giving a silent gasp of joy at her new crib.

"I am going to need some serious sunscreen." Said Mal.

"Yeah." Said Evie.

"E," said Mal, pointing to the windows. She closed the curtains as Evie moved to other windows in the room and did the same, plunging the dorm into darkness. "Whoa!" said Mal. "That's better."