Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! It's a short chapter and not much happens here, so yeah I hope you enjoy the chapter. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Four days have passed, since the group's encounter with the two Eevees and the Pokémon Poacher, along with Naruto and May catching both Eevees as well. Since then Naruto and May have continued training their teams, now including their Eevees in the training, also. Along with their Pokémon welcoming the new additions to their respective teams.

Brendan also continued his own training, with his Pokémon, even exchanging training tips with Naruto, after seeing the results of the whiskered blondes own training.

Aside from training, Naruto and May also got to learn more about their respective Eevees, learning that Naruto's Eevee had a drive to grow stronger and battle, as it was always eager to go against his other Pokémon. While May's Eevee liked showing off, meaning it'd be great to have in contests, especially with the moves it already knew.

Eventually, it came time for lunch, with the group and their Pokémon all out enjoying the food.

"So, Naruto, May, have you thought about what you're going to have your Eevees evolve into?" Brendan asked, curious what they'll have their Eevees evolve into, since unlike other Pokémon, Eevees are unique in that it had several different evolutions to evolve into, so they had plenty of options for what evolutions their Eevees can undergo.

"I was thinking of having my Eevee evolve into an Umbreon." Answered Naruto.

"I was thinking of either Espeon or Sylveon, for my Eevee." May replied.

After catching their Eevees, the two had looked up all the information about Eevee and its evolutionary forms, at the Pokémon Center. Wanting to see which evolutions they wanted their Eevees to take, and which would best suit their purposes, Naruto in battles and May in contests.

"Good choices. Since Umbreon is a Dark type, it doesn't have many weaknesses, except to Bug, Fighting, and Fairy types. Not to mention, being really strong as well." Brendan stated, knowing Umbreon could be a powerful Pokémon.

"Yeah, and an Espeon or Sylveon would be great for contests, with their appearances and attacks." Added Max, since Espeon and Sylveon were very pretty Pokémon, so their appearances would help them in contests, along with their performances.

Along with the fact, that their chosen evolutions also suited their respective Eevees personalities as well.

"Thanks, I can't wait for Eevee to evolve. By the way Max, how much longer until we reach Verdanturf Town?" May asked, eager for them to finally reach Verdanturf, so she can enter her first contest.

"I checked my PokéNav earlier, and according to it, we just have to get through Rusturf Tunnel, and we'll be at Verdanturf Town." Max answered, with May smiling in excitement at hearing this.

"Alright! I'll finally get to enter my first Pokémon Contest!" May said, with her Pokémon sharing their trainer's excitement, ready and eager to show the results of their training, while the others chuckled at her excitement.

All of them knowing how much she wanted to reach Verdanturf, to enter the contest.

"I know you'll do great, May; with all the training you've done to prepare for it." Said Naruto, believing May and her team will be great in the contest, the girl smiling at his words, glad to see how much confidence he has in her.

"Thanks Naruto. Though I really hope that Silcoon will evolve before the Pokémon Contest starts." Said May, wanting Silcoon to evolve into a Beautifly, since she wants to use her in the contest.

"Well, there's no need to worry about that. Bug type Pokémon evolve much faster than other Pokémon, so it shouldn't be much longer, until Silcoon evolves." Brendan said.

"Sil." Silcoon eye-smiled at this, also wanting to evolve, so she can help her trainer and grow even stronger.

"Yeah, and we should be arriving Verdanturf Town, about two weeks before the contest. So, that'll give you plenty of time for Silcoon to evolve, and start training her for contests as well." Naruto added, having checked to see how much longer they had until the contest, with his PokéNav Plus.

May nodded at this, pleased at the chance to still have time evolve Silcoon, and get her ready for the contest.

After this, the group finished their lunch, before returning their Pokémon to their Pokéballs and packing everything up. Once that was done, the four set out again, soon arriving at entering Rusturf Tunnel before entering it.

'I wonder what kind of Pokémon can be found in caves?' Naruto wondered, since this is his first time exploring a cave, and he was curious of the type of Pokémon that could be found in them.

Though he supposed the most likely types would be Rock and Ground, along with possibly Dark types, as well.

Eventually, after walking through the cave for a while, the group stopped, when they saw a Pokémon up a head of them.

"Hey, that's a Whismur!" Max said, recognizing the Pokémon, with the Whismur flinching at the sudden voice and looking at the four.

Whismur is mauve, bipedal Pokémon with a spherical body. Its eyes are black and shaped like plus signs, and it has a simple, wide mouth. Two small openings on top of its head act as its ear canals. Covering its ear canals are long, yellow-tipped flaps resembling rabbit ears. It has stubby arms and yellow-tipped feet that lack toes and have plus-shaped markings underneath. Above its small, plug-like tail is a yellow, crescent marking. There is a hole in the center of its tail.

"A Whismur?" Said Naruto as he pulled out his Pokédex and began scanning it.

"Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon. Whismur can become so startled by the sound of its own crying, that it will continue to cry until finally falling asleep from exhaustion."

"Whismur?" Whismur looked at the four humans, before tilting its head at them.

"Cool, I always wanted to catch a Whismur." Brendan said, before stepping forward, eager to catch a new Pokémon.

"Let's go, Grovyle!" Said Brendan, while throwing out Grovyle's Pokéball, with the Starter Pokémon looking ready for battle.

"Grovyle." Grovyle looked at Whismur, narrowing his eyes in concentration for the battle.

"Whismur!" Whismur opened its mouth wide open, before unleashing a wave of blue sound waves at Grovyle.

"Grovyle dodge, and then get in close with Quick Attack, before using Fury Cutter!" Brendan said, as Grovyle jumped out of the way of the sound waves.

"Gro-Vyle!" Grovyle vanished in a burst of speed, before Whismur cried out, as the Grass Pokémon reappeared and tackled it, with the leaves on his arms then glowing red as Grovyle began slashing at Whismur.

"Whis!" Whismur was launched back, crashing into the cave wall.

"Now finish it with Energy Ball!" Brendan said, with Grovyle putting his hands together and forming a green energy sphere, which he then launched towards Whismur, with the attack impacting the Pokémon before going off in a small explosion.

When the smoke cleared, it showed Whismur on the ground, with swirls in its eyes.


"Okay, go Pokéball!" Said Brendan, throwing a Pokéball at Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon being sucked in.

The Pokéball rattled a few times, as the four watched to see if the Whismur would be caught or not, before finally it went still and let off a ping sound.

"Alright! I caught a Whismur!" Brendan cheered, while picking up the Pokéball with his newest Pokémon in it.

"Gro." Grovyle crossed his arms, pleased at having helped his trainer catch a new addition to the team.

"Congrats Brendan." Said Naruto, with May and Max nodding, happy that their friend managed to catch a new Pokémon.

"Thanks, I know that Whismur will be a great addition to my team. Now let's keep moving, I think we're almost to the other end." Said Brendan, while returning Grovyle to his Pokéball, as the other three nodded before they continued on their way to Verdanturf Town.

With his words being proven true, as it wasn't long before the four arrived at the exit of the cave, before coming out the other side. The group smiling, at seeing they had finally arrived in Verdanturf Town, with May being the most excited at finally reaching her first contest, and now they just had to focus on training her team, for when it began.

With their trip over, the group headed for the Pokémon Center to rest, and have their Pokémon looked at, before going out to explore Verdanturf.

So, what did you think, good. Yep like I said not much really happened, outside of learning which evolutions Naruto and May will have their Eevees undergo, along with Brendan catching a Whismur. Now onto the Omake.

Omake: The Fan and The Puppet

"Well, at least this place is better than Suna. It actually has water." Kankuro stated, as he and Temari walked through Phenac City, having been surprised to find a town in the middle of the desert, with an abundance of water.

"It must be located, in the middle of an Oasis. Though it doesn't seem to look like a real city, but more of a town, if anything." Said Temari, given how small the place really was and couldn't even be considered a city.

After the failed invasion and subsequent reveal of Orochimaru's betrayal, along with feeling the growing tension between the nations, Temari and Kankuro had both agreed to leave the Elemental Nations, entirely. The two remaining Sand Siblings traveling to the Regions of Server, going to one of less known regions, known as Orre. With it helping that most of the region was a desert, a place they were familiar with.

Though it did also remind them of Gaara, their now deceased brother. Something that still saddened Temari and Kankuro, as despite Gaara showing he didn't care about them and only about killing people, he was still their little brother. And now he was dead, which also helped their decision to leave Suna, since the rest of their family was dead, and they never really had any friends, there. Given how everyone went out of their way to avoid Gaara, and them by extension. Along with how they were also intimidated by their father being the Kazekage. All of which made for a rather lonely childhood, with little, to no friends.

But now in Orre, they saw not only a chance to escape the inevitable war, in the Elemental Nations, but a chance to start new lives. Since no one here knew who they were or what they've done, giving them a chance to start fresh.

The two having even gotten Starter Pokémon as well, with Kankuro getting a Baltoy and Temari getting a Starly.


Temari and Kankuro were pulled from their thoughts and tensed at the familiar voice, one they had only heard during the Chūnin Exams. And suddenly sensing four Chakra signatures.

Looking, the siblings saw Kiba, Shino, Shiho, and Tamaki, with the former glaring at the two.

'Shit.' The two thought, having hoped to not encounter any other refugees from the Elemental Nations, let alone ones from the village they helped attack.

"You're the Suna Ninja that helped attack our home!" Kiba growled, angry at seeing two of the people responsible for attacking Konoha and resulting in things getting as bad as they were.

"Look, we aren't looking for trouble. Neither of us want to fight, we came here to start new lives. Something I'm sure the rest of you are doing, as well." Temari said, hoping to avoid a confrontation, which would result in them using Jutsu and revealing their presence, which would undoubtedly spread rumors to other regions and reach other refugees, as well.

"True. But we are only here, because of the actions of your village." Shino stated, also angry, but doing a better job at hiding it, than Kiba.

"Hey, Oto and Orochimaru were the ones who planned it, along with betraying us, when they killed the Kazekage." Retorted Kankuro.

"And Orochimaru isn't here, but you guys are." Kiba said, as his nails extended into claws, while Shino's insects began buzzing, making Temari and Kankuro tense and begin reaching for their own weapons.

Though unknown to the Ninja, a large group of grunts wearing white and black uniforms, along with wearing matching helmets with visors covering their eyes, were making their way to Phenac City, on the orders of their leader.

And we get a look into Temari and Kankuro encountering Kiba, Shino, Tamaki, and Shiho, with none of them being aware of Cipher being on their way. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out