Living the life of a vigilante/hero was bound to have some weird stuff in it. Like cloning! But this was something that Dick didn't exactly sign up for. Neither did the other guy, but he was sort of expecting something strange. Just not this.
Having to keep secrets, doing detective work, and try to learn how to properly 'play nice' on a team is something that is a part of their life now. But the clock is ticking, and they're afraid of what happens when they run out of time.
"-disturbance reported over by-" a deep, gruff, male voice. He was in a vehicle. Everything was black and red.
"-got it b-" a younger, growling male voice. It came from him.
Tall, spiraling buildings, climbing up, up, up into the skies themselves. He wove in between them, not unlike a needle through thread.
The scene shifted into a building. The world around them was a blur. Or as if everything was underwater.
"So we finally-" a younger even still, voice held malice. It distorted towards where it was cut off.
A glimpse of a small child dashing about. His heart stutters in fear.
Flashes of images, going by too fast.
A light?
The kid. It's going to hit him!
His heart beating ever so faster, he jumped over to the child. And as he does so the image is burned into his mind.
A child of roughly nine years, with black hair, disheveled, and impossibly wide, blue eyes are overflowing with fear. His mouth opening up for a scream, his petit hands are slow to rise in order to shield his face. The green shirt is dirtied with mud as well as his pants and black shoes. The child's knees are locked and he knows that he wouldn't run.
As he moves closer and closer, a thought is screeching in his mind.
I got to protect him! I have to keep Matt safe!
And then there was nothing.
Except for a voice. It was faint. It was soft. It was commanding. Something about… fate.
Time runs short. You must awake up. You must awake up, now!
He woke up with a gasp.
Blinking rapidly, he got himself together. Hands twitched. Couldn't move them much. Glass? Separating him from the world. Cold seeped through to his back. Metal? Most likely.
Okay so he was in some sort of capsule. Pod? Either way works.
The room? The walls were red… and honestly looked organic by the way it was twisting and turning with all the… ridges it had. Cables snaked through the floor, attaching machine A to machine B. And in front of him, was a boy, no, a teen wearing a white one piece suit with a capital red S on a shield.
Then he remembered. He was going to see the Justice League HQ with Kid Flash, Speedy, and Aqualad. Except it wasn't the real HQ and Speedy left.
There was an alert saying there was a fire over at Cadmus. Batman had said he was suspicious about them, but then another alert came that was far more important. Robin decided to go and find out what his mentor was suspicious about, with Kid Flash and Aqualad tagging along. (Okay maybe there might've been convincing going around, but the three of them went.)
And then they found out that Cadmus had been keeping secrets. Building up bio weapons. Creating Superman's son.
His fellow teens were bounded to pods like him. And from what it looked like, he was at the far end, with Kid Flash in the middle. Which meant Aqualad was at the other end.
"What? Wha-what do you want?!" Kid Flash suddenly demanded, obviously freaking out, and effectively bringing Robin out of his thoughts.
'Bad idea,' a thought that didn't exactly sounded like his own crossed his mind. (It sounded distant. Like it wasn't entirely there.) Which honestly, wasn't wrong.
Blue eyes just stared harder. Ones that belonged to a clone that they had discovered not that long before.
Robin turned his head as Kid said, "quit staring, you're freaking me out!"
"Uh, KF," Robin called to his friend who turned his head in turn, "how 'bout we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?"
'We need to get out of here.' Robin thought.
"We only sought to help you." That was Aqualad. Yay, everyone's wake. Not. Maybe. At least he wouldn't have to carry anyone unconscious.
"Yeah, we free you and you turn on us. How's that for grat-"
"Kid please," Aqualad quickly interrupted, "be quiet now. I believe our new friend wasn't in full control of his actions."
With a flick of his fingers, Robin was getting his lock pick out of his glove.
'Ahh, always a good thing to be prepared.' He thought to himself. Now time to try to get himself out. Trying to find just the right place to put the lock pick in was tricky. However when he found it, he went straight to work.
"Wha-What if I?" It was Superboy. He stopped for a second, and heaved out a breath before starting over again. "What if I wasn't?"
Kid Flash spoke. "He can talk?"
'That's a rude thing to say.' It was that thought again. The boy wonder narrowed his eyes. That thought wasn't his. Not to mention it certainly didn't sound like him.
And Superboy was getting angry.
"Yes, he can."
Robin looked over to his friend.
'Way to go KF.' Now that was definitely a Robin thought. But seriously, sometimes his best friend needs to… chill.
He watched as Kid Flash turned his head to either side before looking away. Or at least it looked like he was looking away. Kinda hard to see much when one is trapped and bound. "Not like I said 'it'."
"The genomorphs taught you. Telepathically." Aqualad said, turning his own attention back to the… clone.
'Telepathically huh?' Robin thought. That was some good info for the future.
"They taught me much." Superboy confirmed. "How to read, write. I know the names of things."
The boy wonder didn't like how this was going. And for a second, he could feel… something else feel the same way. (It was very odd. It was almost like… and echo of his own feelings. But that couldn't be right.)
"But have you seen them?" Robin asked. "Have they actually let you see the sky? Or the sun?"
"Images are implanted in my mind." He saw Superboy turn his eyes downward. "No, I have not seen them."
"Do you know who you are? What you are?" Aqualad asked.
Immediately did Superboy began to talk in an almost… robotic way. No, it was like a script, something that has gone over and over and over until it was imbedded into the mind. "I am the Superboy, a genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish. To destroy him should he turn from the light."
Robin's eyes went wide as he turned to look at Kid Flash. His own expression was being mirrored back at him.
"To be like Superman is a… worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that Solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." He heard Aqualad tried to convince the other boy.
Unfortunately this made Superboy angry. "I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!"
And that made Robin angrier. How could anyone do this to a person? A clone isn't a thing, they're still people. They deserve to go out to see the world. Not to be locked up and treated like a weapon. Couldn't exactly show off his anger though. Might send the wrong messages. "Your home is a test tube. We can show you the sun."
"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight, but we can show you the moon." Kid Flash gave his input. Which was actually pretty useful. They've been down there for that long? Not good.
"We can show you, introduce you, to Superman." Aqualad continued.
Robin hoped that this would be some pretty good bribing in order for Supey to help them out. After all, who wouldn't want to meet the person whose pretty much their role model?
"No. They can't."
Immediately did the lock picking stopped. (It really didn't help that he was distracted by their conversation. Making him pause for a heartbeat before continuing. And now this.) Robin snapped his head up to the new, male voice that pretty much shot down their escape plan.
It was the main man walking forward who wore a lab coat. He had glasses on, his brown hair looked to be greying, and was long enough to be pulled back in a ponytail. Might've been somewhere in his forties if Robin had to guess. He had an imp like genomorph on his shoulder.
The people flanking him was a woman with darker skin, glasses, a green turtle neck and was wearing a lab coat as well as having another imp on her shoulder. She was obviously younger than the man. Twenties at the youngest, but more likely thirties. If Robin remembered correctly, she was the one to have exited the room that held Superboy in.
The other person was Guardian. Honestly, Robin wasn't sure how the man got into this mess.
'I bet that those genomorph creatures are what's keeping him from leaving.' There it was. That voice again. That had to be at least the third time Robin heard it in his head and obviously no one else heard it. Was it one of the genomorphs? The ones that looked like honest to god imps? But either way, Robin couldn't help but agree to it. He never saw the imp like creature leave Guardian's side. And if he remembered correctly it did something to him when they first met up.
Not good.
"They'll be otherwise occupied." The male scientist turned to the woman. "Activate the cloning process."
"Pass. The Batcave's crowded enough." Robin snarked.
'You sure about that?' The voice muttered.
'Rude.' Robin shot back in his mind. Great. He's talking to himself. Maybe.
Surprise trickled through from… somewhere. Robin didn't show anything outward, but if he would he would be furrowing his eyebrows. He didn't know where it originated and how it came to be. He just. Felt it. And most importantly it wasn't his own emotions. If they were, he would know.
How very odd to say the least.
The mystery man turned over to Guardian, and said, rather aggressively, "and get the weapon back in its pod!"
Which in turn made the, possibly mind controlled, hero walk over to Superboy.
"Hey. How come he gets to call Supey an it?" He heard Kid Flash complain.
'Don't think this is the best time for that KF.' Robin thought to himself.
Guardian got up to Superboy, putting a hand on the… boy's shoulder. (Was Superboy a teen? A child? A baby? The guy is roughly sixteen weeks old, but has the body of a what. Sixteen year old? This could get confusing real fast.)
"Help us." Aqualad didn't plead. It was a statement. It was almost similar to how Batman would say it. Maybe Batman had been teaching Aqualad some stuff behind his back.
Robin watched as Superboy shrugged off Guardian's hand. He watched as the head honcho came up to Superboy, voice condescending.
"Don't start thinking now." The imp hopped from the man's shoulder onto Superboy's. Robin narrowed his eyes as he saw Superboy's own pair widen. An almost blank look took over. The man continued around until he faced the boy. "See, you're not a real boy. You're a weapon, and you belong to me! Well, to Cadmus. Same thing. Now get back to your pod!"
An urge to backhand the man rose, and Robin would comply with it if he gets the chance.
He saw Superboy turn around, and walk away.
The door closed.
The two scientists looked at one another. They then nodded, and the woman typed something into the keyboard panel.
Suddenly, two arms with four needles for fingers came out from the sides of the pod.
And Kid Flash was the first victim.
The sharp needles plunged into his chest. Not only that, but powerful electricity was charged into his body. It was not a good experience.
Robin couldn't do anything but scream, listen to his friends scream, oh and not to mention, try to writhe in pain. Did he also mentioned scream?
"Where's Dubbilex?"
Robin cracked an eye open as he faintly heard the man from before.
"Ooh!" It sounded like someone had an unpleasant surprise. "Lurking as usual. Get the g-gnomes downloading their memories. When that's done and when you're sure the clones are viable, delete the source material."
'Not going to happen.' The other voice growled through Robin's pain. The boy wonder whole heartedly agree.
Unfortunately there wasn't anything that he could do at the moment. He was too late to undo his locks, and the shocks were too much for him to do anything. Eyes wrenching close to black and flashing white. With a hint of some darkish peach or whatever color was on the inside of eyelids. It was hard to tell. Mainly because of, oh he didn't know, maybe it was the pain of the electric shocks he was receiving.
It felt like ages. Just the pain of the electricity and of the needles. Then he heard it. The sound of twisting metal.
Forcing his eyes to open he saw Superboy rip off the whole entire metal door, lifting it up above him.
Suddenly the pain stopped.
He could see with half lidded eyes, but that was just fine.
Superboy then threw the door off to the side, walking in like nobody's business.
"I told you to get back to your-" Superboy shoved both the man, and Guardian and the woman away without a hint of effort.
"Don't give me orders." Supey's voice was gruff. Clearly annoyed.
'Welp. Time to get back into getting out.'
This time, Robin made sure to work fast.
"You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked.
Superboy narrowed his eyes for a moment. Quite intensely too. "Huh. I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option."
'So Superboy has a sense of humor huh?' The voice asked.
'Seems like it.' Robin couldn't help but think back. Whether or not it was heard, he didn't know.
Robin was a free bird.
He let himself drop out of the pod, landing on his feet.
"Ahh. Finally! Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long." He complained, rubbing his wrists.
"Seriously, that's what you're worried about? The whole League will have our heads after tonight." Kid Flash shot at him.
'Sounds like he never met the old man. Wouldn't pass something by him to do something like that.' The voice snarked back.
Robin ignored the voice, instead walking over to the keyboard. He pressed a button, and turned his to see if it worked. A noise went off. The arms retraced from KF and Aqualad's chests as the doors opened. Good.
"Free Aqualad. I'll get Kid Mouth." He told Superboy.
"Don't you give me orders either." The other, possibly, teen still sounded annoyed. Irritated perhaps. But he went over to Aqualad anyways.
As that was happening, Robin made his way up to the top of Kid Flash's pod, undoing one hand then the other.
When the older teen dropped to the floor, Robin stopped for a moment.
That's right, the urge to backhand. With a grin, Robin flipped down, and ran up to the male scientist. Who was starting to try to at the very least sit up one might add. He brought up his right hand, he then whacked the back of it onto the brunet's face, knocking off his glasses.
"Agh!" The man screamed.
With a cackle, he ran over to the others. They were already making their way out.
"You-you'll never get out of here! I'll have you back in pods before morning."
Kid Flash stopped.
Oh yeah, there were giant spheres filled with their blood.
As Robin grabbed his batarangs, the special kind that exploded, he said, "that guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all."
"What is it with you and this whelmed thing? Also didn't you just give him a backhand slap?" Kid Flash asked him as they both started to run again.
Behind them, the containers exploded.
Robin cackled again. "Yeah I did. He deserves it though."
"Okay fair."
They ran, and they ran, and they ran. Red, large, thick tendrils twisted their way down, down, down the impossibly long hallway. It was much like the architecture from the room they escaped out of. However embedded within the walls, yellow egg sac like objects were there.
If Robin was being honest it looked like disgusting giant pimples filled with pus.
Aqualad began to speak, bringing Robin out of his thoughts on the state of the underground facility. "We are still 42 levels below ground, but if we can make the elevator-"
Giant behemoths decided that it was a great time to walk out from halls intersecting their escape route.
Robin stopped. So did everyone else.
Just what they need.
Together, they turned around to see the vile yellow zit like eggs glow red. He witnessed them stretch out, until more, smaller, more agile genomorphs popped out. Almost like they were being born. It was gross and honestly something Robin expected from an Alien movie.
Which was something that they desperately needed. Not.
Behind them, the large… behemoths roared, bringing its giant fists down. Quickly they moved out of the way.
He ran towards the beast, alongside Aqualad and Kid Flash.
"Aah!" And apparently Superboy had other plans. Case and point: punching it in the face.
Robin knew that they weren't going to win this fight. After all, it was better to pick your battles. And their main battle was to escape.
He jumped over the shoulder of a different behemoth. On the other side, he turned to see if Superboy was even trying to follow.
Nope. He was still fighting.
"Superboy, the goal is escape, not to bury ourselves here." Aqualad pretty much scolded the clone.
"You want escape?" Okay wow that was aggressive. Superboy then grab ahold of a hand of one of the fallen genomorphs, and swung it into the other two, still standing, ones.
That would certainly help keep the rest at bay for a little while.
Robin and Kid Flash rushed over to Aqualad, who had successfully forced open the elevator doors. They looked up, staring into the empty shaft.
The boy wonder grab one of his grapples, after his friend jumping over to his side. He shot it up into the dark not quite abyss. With a push of a button, he was speeding upwards. Once he was at the end of his rope, he stepped down onto a small ledge.
He turned his head to witnesses Superboy bound upwards after them. Then, he saw the momentum slowly stop.
"Aah! I-I'm falling."
He watched them fall.
(He had sworn to himself that no one was to ever fall again.)
Quickly, he shot out a batarang, one that doesn't explode, over to them. He gave a small sigh of relief as he saw Aqualad grab ahold of it.
"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" Superboy sounded… lost.
"Don't know, but it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool." Kid Flash, being the kind of guy that he is, tried to lift the other's spirits.
Helping down Superboy and Aqualad was no problem after that traumatic experience.
"Thank you." Superboy said. Robin wasn't sure who that was meant for. Except ya know, it wasn't the time for that. Especially since he saw something coming down to them. Rapidly.
"Guys, this will have to be our exit." He told them urgently.
Both Aqualad and Superboy were kind enough to slam the elevator doors. They rocketed outwards, making an opening for the four of them.
With speed, they got out; Robin doing a roll into the hallway. They all watched the elevator go past. Moving forward down the hall would've been great.
Except there were more genomorphs.
Eyes quickly assessed the area around him. Nearly all of the areas were filled with the creatures.
'Robin! Go left!' A voice reminiscent of Batman's barked an order to him.
Now Robin can be a good little soldier. And when Batman tells him to do something in a certain tone a voice, he does it.
Shooting to the left, Robin ran. His heart pounded. Superboy gained the lead.
"Go left! Left!" Superboy shouted. Apparently had an idea where to go.
Robin ended up getting behind with Aqualad. He watched the other two turn the corner.
"Great directions, Supey. You trying to get us repodded?" He heard Kid Flash say as they caught up.
Except Kid Flash didn't find what Robin found.
"No. I don't understand."
"Don't apologize. This is perfect!"
It was an air vent.
With a grin, Robin jumped up to the grate. He flicked his finger, getting his special tool out. Unscrewing the screws were child's play. Just like that, they were in. With Robin in front of course.
"At this rate, we'll never get out." Kid Mouth complained.
"Shh. Listen." Superboy stopped them.
It was the genomorphs clicking. Scuttling.
They had to go. Now.
The four of them crawled faster. And when Robin saw an exit, he took it.
He brought out his holo computer, hacking his way through the system.
'What did you do?' Hello voice, nice to hear you again. It sounded less urgent than last time.
"I hacked the motion sensors." Robin spoke aloud, letting everyone know what he did.
KF grinned. "Sweet."
"Still plenty of them between us and out." Robin pointed out.
"But I've finally got room to move," the speedster said as he pulled down his goggles. He turned around, slamming the door open and running up the stairs in a way that only he could.
They had no choice but to follow.
As Kid Flash ran over the gremlins that could only be genetically engineered creatures, Robin pulled up his computer again. He found something he didn't like.
"More behind us." He informed everyone.
He continued to run, ignoring the sound of destruction behind him. Had to be Superboy.
Honestly he's going to get some great thighs after this.
Alarms were going off. Great. Oh and they came across a fallen Kid Flash. Wonderful.
"We're cut off from the street." Aqualad said.
"Thanks. My head hadn't noticed." Robin almost didn't hear Kid Flash's muttering over the noise.
Didn't matter, Robin had to try hacking. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the two strength-enhanced beings try to pry the doors open. No luck.
"Can't hack this fast enough." He dismissed the hologram. Giant genomorphs grabbed his attention. As did a door. "This way!" He spun around, kicking the door next to him down.
They run through.
Only to be surrounded.
'This doesn't look good.' The strange voice growled. Once again, sounding very reminiscent of Batman. Robin minutely nodded, rapidly snatching his weapons from his utility belt.
The imps that were there, their horns lit up red.
Robin felt something, a new presence perhaps, enter his mind. The next thing he knew, everything went dark.
He woke up with a strange sensation. His body felt… smaller than usual. It almost felt like… like… like everything was too tight. And his head. He never had any alcohol in his life, but he was sure this is what it would be like to be hungover. (Yet it was almost like he was too light. Not just his head, but his body. Almost as if he could fly he was so hollow on the inside.)
Although if truth be told, in his short amount of years of fighting crime, he had plenty of time to get some pain in his head.
What was he doing?
He was on patrol. And he was sent to check something out. And then… something to do with Matt?
His heartbeat spiked at the thought of his younger brother. But he forced himself to calm down. He was Batman after all. And something wasn't right. (Bruce would've bark into his ear, forcing him to stay calm. Yet Bruce hadn't spoken at all. Was the connection busted?)
But after that?
Eyes opening without his permission. His whole body moving without his permission. And a voice that didn't belong to him spoke from his throat.
Suddenly it hit him like a truck.
He was stuck in a body that didn't belong to him.
And from what he had gathered, it was a different version of Robin (there were many reasons why he could list as to how he knows it's a different version, such as a Kid Flash), one of the original Batman's partners. (It was unsure which one it was.) Not only that, but the boy wonder was in some trouble.
'Wh-what?' Batman's eyes widened. It was Robin's voice. In his head.
Before, Batman heard it a handful of times. And that was, surprisingly, sometimes in response to his own comments. (It was odd. It was almost like when the suit was on lockdown, and when that oh so generous AI took over it. But he was still able to move his mouth those times. He couldn't do that here…)
Then it hit him. Batman was able to widen his eyes.
'Something happened.' Batman thought. Either to himself or to Robin, he wasn't entirely sure.
'Wait a- you! You're that voice!' Robin's voice. It sounded as distant as before, but also surprised.
'I guess I am.' Batman replied. 'I'm surprised that you even heard me.'
'What are you even doing?' Robin demanded.
Batman took a breath, which was a thing he needed to do. His lungs burned. (Was it even his lungs?)
"At this point I don't even know." He murmured, not unlike how he would when he talked to the old man.
He shakily stood up on two legs. Which were shorter than normal. Thinner than normal. Weren't even clad in his usual uniform.
His hair was free and the only thing he could feel on his face was a mask. He could feel a cape clung to his shoulders and brush his back. It wrapped around him almost like a blanket would.
Everything that was dulled before came back, and it came in hard. The senses; the pain. Especially the pain. He had to push it back.
This wasn't his body and he was in control when before he was just an observer.
What the fuck.
"Guardian?" He heard one of the other boys, teens, say. Aqualad, he thinks.
Oh yeah. They're trying to escape.
"Go. I'll deal with Desmond." The man with the golden helmet said. Batman narrowed his eyes. Didn't look like the man, who was probably Guardian, was under the influence of those… genomorphs anymore.
"I think not." A new voice cut through the air.
The creatures as well as Guardian turned around. And they parted away like the Red Sea to show a man. The man who wanted to clone Robin and the others. The man who wanted to kill these kids.
"How much do you want to bet that that's Desmond?" Batman asked aloud, voice low.
"Five bucks." The kid next to him, Kid Flash if he remembered correctly, replied, voice equally low.
"Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." The man, who Batman was just going to call Desmond at this point, held up a freaking test tube of glowing, electric blue liquid before kicking it back into his mouth.
"Why do I get the feeling that he's going to transform into a monster?" Batman, rhetorically, asked.
"Maybe because of the sounds of his bones cracking?" Kid Flash asked back.
Okay maybe he likes the kid.
'Wait a sec,' he thought, narrowing his eyes, 'he said Cadmus.' If he thought back on it, the man said the name earlier too. When he was talking to Superboy. He was wondering what that was about.
'Yeah.' Robin replied. 'We're in the research building, Cadmus.'
Well shit.
Then of course the scientist's clothes had to rip. And Batman obviously didn't like how the man was transforming, but damn it, he wasn't sure what Robin would do in this situation. He sure as hell wasn't going to end up getting beat up by the junior league because their friend started to act differently.
Slagg it.
Desmond flexed back, roaring, and was obviously showing off his new, grey skin. With his old skin hanging on like a snake's old ones that didn't get all the way off.
'Gross.' He heard Robin say in his head. Which, of course, was true.
Batman has seen a lot of shit and god this was gross. As per usual. Unfortunately.
"Everyone back!" Guardian commanded before running over to the newly made monster.
Only to be flung away with a backhand slap. "Aah!"
Superboy went in for a punch, getting one in return. The two traded blows.
'Okay, got any ideas?' Batman asked as he saw Superboy wipe the floor with his back.
And then the two busted through the ceiling.
'We could follow them.' Robin provided.
'Sounds like a plan.'
Earlier, while Robin was in control, Batman had felt everything Robin felt, only to a smaller degree. Almost like… a fog or an opaque window. But it wasn't far enough for him to forget where the grappling hook was.
He aimed up the hole, and shot up. Before he could press the button to zip up, Kid Flash took a hold of his arm.
"You think lab coat planned that?" Kid Flash asked.
As they made their way upwards, Batman could faintly hear Aqualad say, "I doubt he is planning anything anymore."
When they got up, Superboy was still fighting with Desmond.
The clone broke out of the hold; he was then caught by the legs and thrown over their way.
Batman quickly dogged, and Kid Flash did the same.
Aqualad wasn't so lucky.
Batman winced at that. Robin had shouted that. And it hurt his head.
Odd, but not unexpected. Tamara was loud too when she contacted him, and it had hurt his head then. So why not now?
The two flew across the room, going way past the giant hole in the floor. Batman rushed after them.
He helped Superboy up while Kid Flash got Aqualad. Once everyone was up, they faced a roaring Desmond.
It was a standoff.
'Who are you anyway?' Robin asked.
The mutated Desmond made the first move.
Batman ran forward. 'Would you believe me if I said I'm Batman?'
He hid behind everyone, waiting for his chance to strike.
He just needed to find some batarangs. Preferably the ones that wouldn't explode. Then he remembered where Robin pulled them.
Aqualad and Superboy went in for a punch together, hitting Desmond smack dab in the face. Kid Flash was behind him, kneeling down so when the mutated man fell, he would trip.
"Learned that one in kindergarten." Kid Flash sounded proud of himself.
Batman bounded over the teen, throwing the non explosive batarangs. Only for Desmond to swipe them away, as if they were mere toys.
Batman ended up staying back to observe. It was obvious that they weren't going to win this fight on brute strength alone.
Bodies slamming into a pillar. Destroy another. The shock causing one more to crack up near the ceiling.
His eyes narrowed before opening wide.
'That's it!' He thought at the same time as Robin thought 'of course!'
'Okay, I'm going to call you Batman for now, but you need to let Kid Flash, Superboy, and Aqualad know the plan.' Robin told him.
'Thanks, but I planned on doing that anyway. Any suggestions on how to do it?'
'You can use my hologram computer to help show them. Then you can grab some chalk in the lower right pack and draw a large enough X that no one could possibly miss it.'
Batman wouldn't argue with that.
"Kid Flash, get over here!" Batman called over to the young speedster.
'Okay, first: don't try to sound like Batman. They might think I'm trying to copy him.' Robin 'said'.
'Noted.' Batman growled back.
The Future Knight brought up the computer. As he did so Robin was giving him instructions on how to get the images up.
"We need to destroy the pillars. When that's done we need blockhead over there to be in the center for when the roof comes down." He made sure to try to sound… normal during the explanation. He then dismissed the images. "Got it?"
"Got it."
'One down, two more to go.' He thought.
He crept closer to the other two, trying not to get seen while Kid Flash provided a distraction.
"Got your nose." He heard Kid Flash say. And he most likely meant it literally.
"Superboy! Aqualad!" He held up his wrist, bring up the image from before.
"I need you two to get the pillars gone. X marks the spot when everything goes down. Make sure Blockhead gets there." He explained fast.
"Come and get me, you incredible bulk-Oh!" Kid Flash taunted, getting hit in the process.
Okay, time to make it quick.
"Do it fast." He pointed to two of the remaining pillars.
They went off to fulfill their tasks. As they were doing that, and while Kid Flash was tricking Desmond into destroying the other pillars, Batman grabbed some chalk. It really was in the place that Robin said it was. It wasn't like Batman didn't believe in Robin, but he wouldn't be lying if he said that sometimes the old man would be able to make him… doubtful about other people. And somehow this was one of those times. He wasn't even there. (Although just living in Gotham would normally give a sense of distrust to one's fellow Gothamite.)
Maybe that was the problem.
Quickly, Batman drew a large X on the ground before running away. He then went to throw some explosive batarangs. It would be on a timer and they would have to do it fast.
His eyebrow twitched as he saw how the batarangs hit the objects, but not exactly where he wanted it to go.
'Wow. You need to work on your aim.' He could hear the deadpan in Robin's voice.
'Hey it hit, didn't it?' Batman shot back.
Honestly he doesn't know how this was his life.
The teen went behind Aqualad, watching as the other used the water to help Kid Flash move along.
Once Desmond got to the position, after slipping on the water, Superboy slammed him down with his fists, making the mutated scientist back crash to the ground. Right in the X.
The tattoos on Aqualad's body glowed blue as he electrified the water trail. It traveled through the water, moving towards its mark. Desmond.
The man was roaring in pain, but couldn't move.
"Move!" Batman commanded. The explosives were going to go off.
They all ran.
The bombs went off.
Mad Stan would be proud.
The world around them came crashing down. They weren't going to make it out.
Batman felt a larger body wrap around him, covering him. He went down, head hitting the ground.
The world around him felt… far. But slowly it came back in. Like having blurred vision going back into focus. And yet, so heavy at the same time.
"Rob? Rob!" It was a voice. It sounded familiar. "Hey Robin!" Oh yeah it was Kid Flash.
"Could you please stop yelling in my ear?" Robin asked. "You're going to destroy my ear drum."
Quickly, Kid Flash backed off. "Sorry dude. You weren't responding. You okay?"
Robin blinked. Realizing that he's back in control. "Uh, yeah. I am."
Right. That weird body snatcher experience.
'Did that really happen?' He thought to himself.
'If you're talking about switching around, then yes. It did.' Robin tensed up. That voice. The one that claimed to be Batman.
The one that had complete and utter control of his body.
He so isn't whelmed at all.
"See? The moon." It was Kid Flash again. Always good for bringing him out of his thoughts.
Robin carefully stood up. It was almost as if he weighed more than he was used to. But when he wasn't in control… it was like he was floating.
The building around him was in absolute ruins. Desmond was unconscious and underneath a thick slab of rubble. Superboy was staring up at the moon for the first time.
A dark dot had appeared suddenly, without any warning, in front of the moon. Robin squinted at it, watching it as it grew closer, and thus bigger. It was the Man of Steel himself.
"Oh. And Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?"
Not only that, but members of the Justice League were behind him. All of them.
Batman stepped off of one of the Green Lantern's platforms, walking up to the group.
Robin stiffened. That wasn't his thought. How would the other, who claimed to be Batman but obviously not, know that name? Unless he was telling the truth.
Honestly how was this his life?
Superboy started to walk forward, making his way over to Superman.
He made a movement, probably to show off the insignia on his chest.
Superman… he didn't take this well.
"Is that what I think it is?" Batman said more so than asked.
"He doesn't like being called an it." Kid Flash muttered in a way that sounded like he was sharing a secret. Way to go Kid.
"I'm Superman's clone."
Shock rippled through the League.
Batman, as stone faced as ever, said two words. "Start talking."
'Welp, better listen up.' Robin thought over to… the other person.
'Planed on it.'
"I hacked into the Justice League systems to find out more about the fire that went off here at Cadmus. Kid Flash and Aqualad and I teamed up. Saved a few scientists from the fire and then found a high speed elevator that isn't meant for a two story building." Robin started explaining.
"We went down the elevator and into one of the floors and we found some… very unexpected things." Aqualad continued.
Kid Flash started to wave his hands around, exaggerating. "There were these huge, and I mean huge creatures that nearly squashed us! And they had these little guys sitting on them."
"We found a room full of them filled in containers. They were generating electricity so the rest of the facility would not be on the grid."
"Turns out Cadmus was creating at least eight different types of these creatures," Robin then brought up a screen, having quick screen shot of the images, "they're called genomorphs, and each type has different stats." He look straight up at Batman. "A whole army's worth."
"Then we found something very unexpected."
"Project Kr. That's capital K and lower case r. For Krypton." Kid Flash stated.
Everyone looked at Superman.
"We found Superboy here in a pod," Robin continued, "and we let him out."
'What about that Guardian guy?' Batman, the so called one in his head, suddenly asked.
"We also found Guardian there." Robin quickly added before anyone else said anything. But in a way that wasn't totally suspicious at all. "According to him he was head of security. It's more than likely that the telepathic genomorphs had him under control for…"
'Desmond.' The other voice provided for him.
"Desmond. It seems he's out of their control now."
"Is that all?" It was Flash that asked. He looked just as grim as the other heroes.
"Nope." Kid Flash popped the P. "We might've gotten into a fight with Supey here, and we might've been captured and encased in some pods."
"Superboy was the one to break us out." Aqualad stated. His voice was firm, indicating no room for argument.
"Then we fought our way to the top, Desmond drank some weird 'Blockbuster serum', we fought him too, and here we are!" Kid Flash finished off with a grin.
Everyone was silent, taking it all in. Batman nodded, and turned to everyone else. He stopped for a moment, turned his head to the four of them, and said, "we will be discussing about what to do. Stay there."
And there he goes.
Robin stayed silent.
'So…' it was the other Batman. The guy who claimed that was what he was called. 'You didn't mention me. At all.'
'Seems like it.' Robin replied.
'Why? You know the old man, he would want to know everything that goes down. That includes me. And if he finds this out later he'll throw a hissy fit.'
Robin only sighed through his nose. Why didn't he tell Batman about this?
Staying silent seemed like a good idea. He needed to think. Not exactly thinking in words, like he as been doing in order to communicate with the other. More like… in pictures so to speak. Objects. Not true words but thoughts nonetheless.
'Well, you could tell me how you know about him first. And how much.' Robin finally decided to say.
It was the other's turn to stay silent.
Superman walked up over to Superboy. "Well, uh-we'll figure something out for you. The League will, I mean. For now," he sighed, "I-I'd better make sure they get that Blockbuster creature squared away."
And just like that, he flew away. How disappointing.
"Cadmus will be investigated," Batman's voice cut through the awkwardness, making their attention turn to him, "all 52 levels, but let's make one thing clear."
"You should have called." Flash quickly gave his input, clearly wanting to scold them like children. Robin was thirteen for crying out loud, not a freaking toddler.
Batman side glared at him.
"End results aside, we are not happy." Batman continued. "You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."
"I am sorry, but we will." Aqualad said.
"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman commanded.
"Apologies, my king," he put his hand to his chest in respect before putting it down, "but no."
The king rose an eyebrow at the disobedience.
"We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own we forged something powerful, important."
The Flash spoke. "If this is about your treatment at the hall, the three of you-"
"The four of us, and it's not." Kid Flash interrupted.
"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" Robin finally spoke up.
"Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way." Superboy threw his opinion out there.
They all turned to stare at the Dark Knight himself, waiting for an answer. The man glared at them in turn.
It was a tense minute before he responded with the words, "you'll have our answer in three days."
Boy wonder felt his muscles loosen. It was an answer at least. Better than nothing.
He snapped back into attention.
"We're heading back." Batman said.
He turned to the other three guys, and nodded to them. "Probably wants to check out any injuries I took up. You should probably check too, just in case."
Kid Flash nodded. "Make sure he sees how your head's doing. It looked like you had a nasty fall."
Robin snorted and waved his hand, as if waving away an unpleasant smell. "Not as bad as it looks."
Actually he was getting a headache.
'I can feel the dull throbbing. Go get it checked out.' The other Batman suddenly said.
Robin paused momentarily. 'Wait, you can feel that?'
'Couldn't you when I was in control?'
Robin thought about it for a second. Yeah. He still felt pain.
A hand was waving in front of his face.
"Hey, Robin, Earth to Robin. You in there?"
The young teen blinked. He smacked his friend's hand away from his face. "Yeah, yeah. Just fine. Guess it's just hurting a little more than expected. Now I gotta get going before Batman blows a gasket."
He then turned away, and headed over to his mentor, his partner… his guardian. "Coming B."
Once he got closer, Batman began to walk with him. In silence.
'I'm not the original Batman,' the other began to speak, causing Robin to minutely perk up, but not enough for the man next to him notice. Maybe. 'The original Batman retired from crime fighting twenty-one years ago, in the year 2019.'
The two heroes of Gotham went over all the debris. Walking down the street, they headed for the closest Zeta Tube.
Shock ran through Robin. 'Problem. It's 2010. Are you implying that you're from the future?'
'Yes and no. It should be the year 2040 for me, but with everything I've seen so far, I doubt that this is even the same universe.'
Robin blinked. 'Parallel universe?' He asked.
'Parallel universe, alternate universe, alternate dimension, whatever you want to call it, then yes. The Justice League that I learned about, well, there wasn't a Captain Marvel in it, no two Green Lanterns, and certainly there wasn't a Flash and a Kid Flash at the same time with the original Batman in the League. There was no Superboy or a Aqualad. And if you just happen to be the first Robin in the year 2010, you shouldn't be a teen, but a adult.'
Everything was quiet. Both externally and internally. Robin needed to absorb all the new information. So much so that he didn't realize that he was back at the cave until Alfred was right in front of him.
"Welcome back, young master Robin." Alfred nodded to him.
Blinking rapidly, Robin was brought back to the present. "Hey." He gave the older man a crooked grin.
The butler rose an eyebrow.
Welp he's doomed.
"I suggest heading over to the med bay." He nodded his head over to its general direction.
"Yes sir." He weakly replied. Yeah he's doomed.
'So that's Alfred huh?' The other voice asked, sounding amused.
'You still need to explain how much you know.' Robin not so gracefully sidestepped the question. And there was something a bit odd about 'first Robin.'
For some reason he got the image of a man holding his hands up in mock surrender in his mind. 'Well, I'm not too sure how much I should tell you. After all, shouldn't you have been given a lecture on what shouldn't be said in case of 'gone to the past or alternate timeline of some sort as just your mere presence could mess things up'? Got to know what to do in case of emergencies you know.'
Okay he did know. It was one of the many things that were practically pounded into his head. Paradoxes were a huge no no.
Absently he picked at the sheets of the bed. The med bay was sterile. It was a dot of white in the dark ocean known as the cave. A small oasis that isn't much favored from any of the inhabitants.
'Okay fine. Then explain to the best of your ability alright?'
'Planned on it.' Now why could he possibly get the image of a smug smirk in his head, huh?
The other's voice turned serious the next he 'spoke'. 'I actually never had any interaction with the original Batman before that fateful day. I… I had a argument with my dad that day, and went out to a club. Only a gang came by and started to cause some trouble. No one else was doing anything, so I picked a fight with them. Ended up taking a cycle and basically started a car chase. There was a dead end that leaded to… well, where Bruce Wayne lived.'
Robin stiffened at this.
"Well, it wouldn't hurt as much if you hadn't injured yourself that bad." Alfred sniffed.
He hadn't noticed that Alfred was tending to his injuries. Let alone a gash on his forehead. How hadn't he noticed that?
"Sorry Alfie, sometimes you can't help tripping you know?" He shrugged with a grin.
He was given The Look.
Robin wilted a little. "Okay yeah, I'll be more careful next time."
Alfred nodded. "That's all I could ask for. That and healthy meals and for more sleep."
The boy wonder chuckled. "Where would we be without ya?"
"I wouldn't dare to think of such a thing," he said, dramatically facing away.
A chuckle resonated within Robin's mind while he was grinning at the performance. Oh yeah, he wasn't the only one in the audience.
'So what happened?' Robin pressed, wanting to know more.
'Imagine my surprise to find that the old man had some moves. We fought together and kicked the gang's butt. I ended up helping him inside his house, and as I was about to call home and leave, I found the strangest thing.'
He leaned forward, invested in the story, but also helping Alfred get a better position to wrap the gauze around his head.
'What was it?' He asked.
The image of a smirk returned. 'A bat stuck in a clock.'
Robin blinked. He certainly wasn't expecting that.
"The bandaging process is done, young master Richard."
Nor was he expecting that either.
"Thanks Alfred. I'm going to go change and then head off to bed." He said. He then hopped off, and walked his way over to the changing room.
Only to be held back by a hand.
"Not so fast. I must check to see if you have gained a concussion." Alfred gently guided Robin back to the bed.
"Awww man! But I feel fine!" Robin so didn't whine.
But a set of stern eyes coupled with pursed lips made him stay.
After getting the 'all clear', Robin booked it to the locker room.
'I tried to get it out, the bat,' he finally continued, 'and when I did, well… I found out who he used to be. Before he retired.'
Robin tossed his cape to the ground. It had a huge hole on the shoulder. Most likely either going to be fixed up or scrapped. Honestly it was a toss up. It really depended on Alfred.
'And then you became Batman?'
Laughter filled his mind. 'No. After a series of events that involved me stealing the suit, he let me become the new Batman.'
Record scratch. Freeze frame. Roll back, and press play.
His mouth made movements, trying to get words out but only babbling came out.
'YOU STOLE BATMAN'S SUIT?!' Robin, finally, finally , managed to think. No, more like shrek.
'Could you not do that? It actually hurt. Somehow.'
'Then could you freak out a little quieter? What's the word you used earlier? Whelmed?'
Before he could even give a reply, a hand gently landed on his shoulder. Unfortunately with how… intense the conversation was, Robin completely blocked out the whole world around him. So he practically jumped a mile high from the shock of the fact that someone was right behind him without him knowing and while he was kind of flipping out.
"Dick?" Oh man it was Bruce, he's using the Bruce voice he doesn't know if this is good or bad.
"Yeah?" Shit his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tired again. "Yeah B?"
Aaaaand he had his worried face on. Time for the teen to sink into the ground.
"Are-" Bruce stopped himself. He started again. "I know tonight was… not ideal, and you've shown me, us, the League, about how you feel… but…"
Oh thank god he was thinking it was about the whole 'not being trusted to see the actual League HQ'.
"Bruce," he cut his guardian off, "I'm fine. If anything a little mad that you guys didn't actually trust us to go there. I suppose it's a good thing though since I got to meet Superboy. He certainly wouldn't get to meet anyone his age."
He stopped for a second then tilted his head slightly. "Actually, technically people his age would be babies, but he has the body- and kinda mind?- of a sixteen year old."
Bruce nodded. "Thank you for that information."
He shrugged. "Can I get changed now? Kinda half naked here."
The man hesitated for a moment. "I just want to let you know, that we'll take more about this later." He then turned, and left.
He watched the man go, waiting until he couldn't see him anymore, before he let himself relax a little. He honestly doesn't want later to happen.
'We're so going to have a talk about this when we get to my room.' He thought to the other.
'Sure. And do you really go by Dick? I heard about that in old newspapers on the web.'
Dick rolled his eyes, putting his pajama shirt on. He's just ready to go to his room, lie in bed, talk to whoever's in his head, and then go to sleep.
'Yeah. It's what my parents called me, so what?'
All was quiet. He made his way up the stairs.
'It's just unexpected I suppose.' The other finally said.
'What's your name then? You already know mine and Bruce's.'
'Guess I have no choice do I?'
'Well, it would be preferred.'
Inside the manor, out of the study.
'Look, if we're really from two different Earths, and you're from the year 2040, then it's highly unlikely that we'll meet the you from here.'
Radio silence.
Dick huffed at this, but he was a man on a mission. He'll let mystery man think about it. Until then, he'll be in his room.
Socks padded on the hardwood floor, protecting the feet from the cold. Moonlight streamed in through windows, creating an eerie yet comforting atmosphere. He might've not spend all his life in the manor, with Bruce and Alfred, but it became his home. At the moment he couldn't think of any other place to be. Well, other than Pop's circus, but if truth be told… he wasn't sure if he would be allowed.
Okay, realistically Pop and everyone would welcome him back with wide open arms but, well, doubt is very hard to get rid of sometimes.
Just as he reached his door, he heard a soft sigh in his head. He paused, hand reaching the doorknob, and tilted his head slightly to the side.
'Okay, fine.' The other growled, voice sounding… sort of defeated. 'Just don't blame me when the old man goes after us because we broke, like, a hundred protocols.'
Dick grinned. 'I can take it,' He said back, opening the door to his room. He beelined to his bed, plopping down onto it.
'My name's Terry McGinnis.' He said. Dick instantly perked up, noticing the difference in tone of voice. The other, Terry, sounded… kind of like him. A teen. 'And my father was murdered. He's the reason why I became Batman.'
The young teen tensed up. Of course. Why wouldn't there be a murder. 'And your mom?' He asked.
'She's still alive. She doesn't know what I do though.' He, Terry, sounded tired.
Dick laid there, on his bed, thinking.
'Tell me everything.'
'Yes. All the details. What happened, who did it, everything .'
A heavy sigh echoed, and for a moment, Dick could almost hear it right next to his ear. He waited. He listened.
'My parents are- were- divorced. When I was fourteen, they went through the papers. I went with my dad while my little brother went with our mom. And I… I didn't make things easy. I ended up going with the wrong crowd. We got caught and I went to juvie. It was bad enough that the other guy, since he was eighteen at the time, he went to prison for three years. I was in for three months before my dad managed to bail me out. I realized how awful I had been. I went back to high school, got a girlfriend, and she helped out a lot. A couple of years later I got into a fight at school, came home, and my dad… my dad and I got into a fight.' He stopped. His voice, it was filled with regret, and near the end he sounded a little choked up.
The curtains by his bed were closed, yet small cracks of silver light trickled through. He tried to make his thought, small. Gentle. 'Then what happened?'
'I went off to the club I mentioned earlier. You already know what happened after that. Except that Bruce kicked me out after I found the cave.'
Dick snorted. Of course that man would do that.
'When I got home… I… I found the police there. And-and mom was there too. She tried to tell me what happened… our home was vandalized and the police was there and dad wasn't… I found my dad dead and the police tried to pull me back but he was dead and I was just so awful to him. The last thing I did with him was fight and now… I can't ever apologize to him.'
Exhale softly. Inhale softly. Yeah his parents died, and he witnessed it, but he didn't get into a fight with them. He didn't know what exactly to say for something so personal that didn't sound… like pity or sympathy. He needed empathy. So he thought what it would be like if that happened to him with his parents, or even Bruce.
'I-' Dick stopped, licked his lips, and started again, 'I can't say anything about your dad. Never met the guy, but… I'd think that he sounds like a pretty good guy. If something like that happened to my parents… I'd think they would've forgave me. And I think your dad forgives you too.'
All was still. Creaks of old floorboards sneaked into the ear. Dust particles danced through the moonlight.
'Thanks… I'd like to think so too.'
Man he kinda wants to hug the guy now. If he wrapped his arms around himself, would he feel it? He felt the movements… Terry made when he took over his body.
It was weird, when he wasn't in control. He was still there, but he couldn't move. It was like… sleep paralysis? Except all of his senses were dulled as well. And with how his body was moving without him actually making those decisions; it was almost like he was a puppet with invisible strings.
'After that I moved back in with my mom and brother.' Terry suddenly said, ripping Dick from his thoughts. 'And as I was moving things into my new room I found… something odd.' His voice took a darker, slightly angrier tone.
'What was it?'
Terry's voice, the next it spoke, it almost sounded like Batman's. Dick's Batman. 'It was a disk from work. Something that wouldn't, shouldn't, be made at the company. I went straight to Mr. Wayne, and he confirmed it. The company my dad worked at, was making nerve gas .' Those last two words were snarled. 'And the man who was making the nerve gas? He knew my dad had the disk and had him murdered .'
'What did Bruce do?' Dick asked, almost nervous.
Terry scoffed. 'Nothing.'
Wait what. 'Nothing? But-'
'All he did was give me back the disk and told me to take it to the authorities. According to him his Batman days were over. I left and as I was walking, my father's murderer was able to take back the stupid disk. I knew that Wayne wouldn't be able to help me, so I stole the suit.'
Breathe in, breathe out. Process the information. 'What happened after that? I don't think he wouldn't do anything if he found out you stole his suit.'
'Well, first of all, I found out my dad's murderer was planning on selling the gas and the first shipment would be that night, so I planned on stopping them. Second of all, Bruce had some pretty crappy timing and turned off the suit when I was fighting.'
Dick blinked rapidly at that. 'He turned off the suit? How could you turn off a suit? And while you were fighting ?'
'Yes, while I was fighting. I was getting pummeled. And the suit is high tech. Well, it was still cutting-edge at the time for being roughly twenty years old without a update. So of course the old man would have some sort of failsafe to make sure no one would be able to use it if it got stolen.'
Dick stopped for a moment, not really realizing that he was fiddling with his sleeves. Okay yeah Bruce would totally do that. 'But seriously? He turned it off while you were fighting?'
Terry huffed. 'Yeah. He turned it back on and helped me find a way out. After that I managed to convince him to let me stop the shipment. I basically trashed the place and sunk the plane that was trying to get away. I went home, took off the suit, and went to bed.'
The younger one snorted.
'In my defense that was the first time I did something like that. I was planning on giving the suit back that day but then my mom came in saying that I had a visitor. Turns out it was Bruce and she said he wanted to offer me a job.'
An ebony eyebrow rose up at this.
'Mr. Wayne said that he wanted me to be his personal assistant. "An ally if you will" he said. I accepted and that's how I got my cover story for being Batman.'
He shot up and started to wave his hands around. "Wait wait wait a sec here," he spoke aloud, "he just hired you as a PA? As a cover for being Batman? When he wanted nothing to do with you the night before?"
He could feel the urge to roll his eyes. But it wasn't his.
'Apparently that night gave him a lot to think about. One of which was letting me be the new Batman. And wouldn't it look suspicious if I suddenly started to hang out with the recluse, Bruce Wayne?'
He couldn't argue with that. 'Okay fine, but do you actually do PA stuff?'
'I drive him around, help him with the house work. I managed to ban him from the kitchen, though.' Another urge came about this time, and he allowed the smirk to come through.
'You finally saw the amazing Bruce Wayne's cooking skills?'
Arms twitched without his consent. 'I don't know how he managed to stay alive as long as he did! Except for stubbornness, but his soup was cold, and his toast would be burnt! After I heard about Alfred I was starting to see that man as a saint! One of the first things I had to do was get Mr. Wayne new appliances! How do you mess up a toaster or a fridge that bad ?!'
Laughter bubbled up, erupting from his chest and out of his mouth. Yep. Sounds like something that would happen to B. 'You'd be surprised.' He said, grinning.
'Don't I know it.' Terry said, exasperated. 'On the bright side I can feed myself when I live in my one room apartment.' He joked.
'At least you can cook. Alfred won't let me touch the microwave without his permission.'
Terry barked out a laugh. 'Maybe you should ask him for a cooking class. Who knows, maybe Bruce can make scrambled eggs without somehow burning milk.'
Dick sputtered. 'How?!'
'I don't know! The old man wouldn't tell me!'
It was simply ridiculous. Here Dick was, laying in his bed in the middle of the night, basically talking smack about Bruce Wayne's cooking skills with some guy from another Earth's future who had just told him his backstory. After freeing Superman's clone from an underground lab.
The whole situation was just so, well, ridiculous that Dick couldn't help but started to laugh. Echoing within his head, a deep laughter filled the crevices until it joined his own. Together the two laughed and laughed and laughed, until it slowly died off, sleep claiming its victims.
The world wouldn't be able to wake them if it tried.
Well. Here we are! That one story I was talking about, and still haven't fully finished! I'm up to like, uhhh chapter 6 or 7 now? It's still taking longer than I like, but eh, you guys get to read this now! I hope you're enjoying this so far, and get buckled up for a LONG ride!