The Mask of Zero (One-Shot)

"Zero! Zero! Zero!"

Shut up.

"The Demon Emperor Lelouch is dead!"

Lies. Stop lying to me.


Shut up! Stop calling my name!

Kneeled on an endless void, a single figure gripped their head, covering their ears to avoid the chanting echoing through. Over and over, the chanting grew louder with no end in sight, all calling out for the figure who wanted nothing more for the world to go mute. They were chanting for their hero, a hero that had to slay the demon they hated with their entire being. However, the hero, a being that had only regained a sense of existence, was mourning over its creator. Lelouch, who created the being known as Zero, was right in front of Nunally, his beloved sister, still and dead. Zero knew what his sacrifice meant to the world but that did not mean Zero wanted this. Lelouch was the only one Zero truly cared for and yet, he had to watch as the blade pierced through his chest smoothly. He had to watch as the dying emperor caressed the right side of the mask. He could feel the touch, could feel the warm blood smearing the mask even now.

Why? There could have been another solution, Lelouch! You could have ruled or at the very least, fake your own death. Cast another illusion for the world. You could have a life with your sister in secret. Were you tired of your life? Of your sins? Lelouch... Don't go! Don't leave me in the hands of another! There will never be someone worthy of the mask.

"Big Brother! Please, open your eyes!"

Could you hear her? Your own little sister still loves you. You are still loved! All these plans and yet, your death will bring the illusion of peace. No one will ever live up your legacy, demon or not.


Shut up, your wretched bug. You have no right to wear this mask. You already killed him once when you erased his memories. You have no right to cry for him. From the very start, you were his first true friend and yet, you blamed him for being a killer and heartless. You even blamed him for Shirley's death when you had no damn proof. Even leading that worthless prince straight towards him when he came to you, of all people, for Nunally! No matter how much you hurt him, he still came to you to make sure you would protect her, keep her away from his sins. You will never live up to his legacy of Zero, of me! I refuse to yield to a broken knight!

Scarlet eyes pierced through the void, narrowed in hated for the world that kept cheering for the death of the demon. He also knew that his creator wanted a gentle world for everyone at the very end. He knew it was his wish and Zero would do everything in his power to keep it that way. Even though he hated the world, he had to be the Knight of Justice for his sake. He was even determined to shape the pathetic knight into a better Knight of Justice. Right now, at this very moment, Zero mourned for the lost of his beloved creator. Finally allowing the tears run down his cheeks, feeling the emotions wreck through his form. It was only about a few months ago that he had gained enough strength to become fully conscious to the world. Barely a month later, he gained more power to feel emotions just like any other human. Belief is a powerful tool and with the belief gathered through out the two years of his creation, Zero could finally exist besides Lelouch. Or at least, that was what Zero had hoped until he heard about the plan; The Zero Requiem. How cruel fate could be.

"Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!"