chapter 1

Hannah was poking around a cave and saw something she wondered what it meant and touched it. Then was zapped away. "Whoa!" she said. She got up and held her head. "Where am I?" she said. She looked around saw this didn't look much like her home.

She began to look around. Then went into a city. The people looked almost like cats. "Wow, I never seen a lioness like her," a man said.

"Lioness?" she asked him when she heard him.

"Well that's what you are," the man said.

Hannah rushed over and looked in a barrel of water. He was right she was a lioness a white one. "Wow," she said.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes I'm fine, I better be going now," she said and left.

Hannah continued to look around. Then she bumped into someone. "Ouch!" she said.

"Ow!" the other one said.

"I am so sorry," Hannah said and then saw him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's okay," Hannah said. "I'm Hannah," she said.

"That's a lovely name," he said. "I'm Lion-o," he said.

"Nice to meet you," Hannah said.

Lion-o offered a hand and helped Hannah up. "I haven't see you around before are you new here?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," she said. "I don't know how I got here or what happened, I am just getting use to things here," she said.

"Then come with me," Lion-o said.

They were at the palace. "This looks like a palace," Hannah said.

"That's what it is," Lion-o said.

"You live here?' Hannah asked.

"Yes I am the prince," Lion-o said.

"Oh pardon my bad manners earlier," Hannah said bowing.

"It's quite alright get up," Lion-o said.

Hannah stood and they went inside.

"Lion-o your late," Claudius said. Then he saw Hannah. "Lion-o who is this?" he asked.

"Father this is Hannah I ran into her earlier on my way here, and how she got to Thundera is quite a story," Lion-o said.

Hannah explained about the cave. "I heard a voice say something about my destiny," Hannah said. "What could my destiny be?" she said.

"Well until you find out you can stay here," Claudius said.

"Thank your majesty," Hannah said bowing.

"Hmm you have very good manners," Claudius said. Then came up to Hannah and Lion-o. "Perhaps a great bride for Lion-o," he said joining there hands.

"Father!" Lion-o said.

"Oh my," Hannah said blushing.

"Father you embarrassed her and me!" Lion-o said.

"Lion-o I think it's about time you settled down," Claudius said.

"But father," Lion-o said.

"Lion-o please you got to understand, I was your age when I married your mother. There were plenty of lion noble ladies chose from, but unfortunately for you there was no lion noble ladies your age that don't have husband of their own," Claudius said. "I know it's hard to accept, so can you please be okay with it," he said.

"Well I," Hannah said.

"What is it?" Claudius said.

"Where I am from it's illegal for people Lion-o and I's age to get married to each other or someone older unless you know a baby happens." Hannah said. "I know this world is different, but I am willing to learn it's ways and try to accept my new life here, and discover my destiny" she said.

"Can Hannah I talk about it first?" Lion-o asked.

"Yes you can but first we must do the ceremony to see if you are ready for being a king," Claudius said.

Lion-o was doing well with the sword. Then saw something. "It can't be," Lion-o said. "I never thought I would see that again,' he said.

"Lion-o what's wrong?" Tygra asked. (Lion-o's adopted older brother. Similar to my Thundercats heroic legends fanfic where is protective of Lion-o).

"I saw something," Lion-o said.

"What did you see?" Jaga asked.

"I saw something from a nightmare I had of legendary monster I had that nightmare at least once a month since I was 5 up until I was 12," Lion-o said.

"Lion-o you are blowing things out proportion son, the sword seems to be ready, but you might have a bit of ways to go," Claudius said. "Now you and Hannah have somethings to discuss." he said.

"Okay," Lion-o said.

Outside in the garden. "Hannah do you really want to get married to me even though it is against the customs of where you are from because it doesn't fit the circumstances?" Lion-o asked.

"I don't mind, I'll be fine," Hannah said. "Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me even though you may not love me," she said.

"I happen to think you are lovely, and I have started to love some of the things about you," Lion-o said.

"I think the same about you," Hannah said.

"So you are okay with it?" Lion-o asked.

"Yes," Hannah said. "How about you?" she asked.

"I'm okay with it," Lion-o said. "We better tell my father that we agree to the betrothal," he said.

Lion-o went to his father with Hannah. "Have you two decided?" Claudius asked.

"We agree to the betrothal," Lion-o said and Hannah nodded.

"Good," Claudius said. "Lion-o you must make a betrothal necklace for her," he said.

"Betrothal necklace?" Hannah asked.

"It's to show you are pledged to marry Lion-o," Claudius said.

"Yes, it is," Tygra said.

"I better get to work on it," Lion-o said. Then picked out a stone. He began to crave it. He worked all day on it. Then he finished it up and showed to Hannah. I had the Thundercat's emblem carved in with a heart surrounding it.

"Lion-o it's beautiful!" Hannah said.

"Okay Hannah this a symbol of my commitment to marry you," Lion-o said putting it on her.

"How do I look?" Hannah asked.

"Beautiful," Lion-o said.

The alarm sounded. "It's Grune and Panthro they returned!" Tygra said.

"Then let's go," Claudius said.

"Hannah you want to meet Grune and Panthro?" Lion-o asked.

"Sure," Hannah said.

"Then let's go," Claudius said. They grabbed some mounts.

Hannah got on to one with Lion-o. "Hold on tight," Lion-o told her.

"I will," Hannah said.

"Giddy up," Lion-o said.

They road up to the gate and there was Grune. "Hello Grune," Claudius said.

"It's great to be back this is a gift for you and your sons wait until the Thunderian stone cutters are done with it," Grune said. He saw Hannah. "Well, well who is this I never seen a white lioness before." he said.

"This is Hannah she is now my betrothed." Lion-o said.

"Well, that's grand," Grune said. "Nice to meet you," he said kissing Hannah's hand.

"Well it's nice meeting one of Thundera's generals," Hannah said. "Where I am from my father was in the army he was very brave, he lost his life saving a young boy from the enemy and the boy's family sent my family gifts. My gift was this bracelet." she said. "When I look at it, it reminds me of my father and how brave he was," she said.

"I know your father would be proud of you," Claudius told Hannah.

"Thank you," Hannah said.

"Grune where is Panthro?" Claudius said.

Grune pulled out a pair of nun-chucks. "Panthro fought bravely but it was force he couldn't defeat," Grune said.

"Oh no," Hannah said.

"Tomorrow Thundera will mourn this tragedy but today we will celebrate the return of Thundera's greatest general," Claudius said.

They started the celebration. There were games and Lion-o lost. Hannah helped him feel better. Hannah help Lion-o protect two lizard prisoners.

"This is wrong, how would you feel if you were in there position?" Hannah asked.

A few of the cats looked thoughtful while others were still angry. The lizards were released. Hannah decided to have talk with her future father in law.

"Claudius I know what you spread when you lock up different species like that it is called racism," Hannah said.

"Racism? How can that be bad protect from those who are evil?" Claudius said.

"Many people where I am from are just like that, I use to be a creature called a human, I have some pictures of different humans here." Hannah said. "Tell what other difference then skin color do you see?" she asked.

"None you all look similar but there are also differences in religion, and how they dress," Claudius said.

"Right even though look different, worship different things and wear different clothes they are the same." Hannah said. "I learned one thing when watching an educational show and it's never judge a book by it's cover, it means never judge by appearances." she said.

"But how can I know they are bad with out looking?" Claudius asked.

"You wont know until you get to know them, sometimes people do wrong things, those lizards only took from you because their families are starving," Hannah said. "I encountered many people like them at home, you act like some of the upper class men of stereotype caring only for your own kinds welfare." she said.

"Why do want to speak of this?" Claudius asked.

"Because it is wrong!" Hannah said. "Think about if it was one of the other animal species who had control of most of the lands would you like to be treated fair and give the same rights as their people?" she asked.

"Yes," Claudius said.

"Sometimes armies and people do the wrong thing because the leader does something wrong," Hannah said. "I am going to ask you a question and I want a truthful answer." she said.

"Okay," Claudius said.

"Are cats and lizards both animals just like the others races in the other places?" Hannah asked.

"Yes," Claudius said.

"This is something from my science class." Hannah said showing him. "Its how we classify living things. these are kingdoms or the biggest groups. This is the animal kingdom," she said. "Here are the different Phylums, classes, orders, family, genus and species. They all may be different, but they..." she said.

"Make up the same major group," Claudius said.

Hannah nodded and put the stuff away. "I am so sorry for talking to you that way, it's just sometimes the only think almost everyone understands is being give stern talking to or licking." she said.

"I needed that talking too, it was very brave of you to set me straight, you made me see, we are all part of the same group we are all animals, I know you and Lion-o will bring a great deal of good and bring the animals truly together in real lasting peace, I think it's too late for me to do that," Claudius said.

"It's never too late," Hannah said.

"Well it's time we go to bed," Claudius said.

"Good night," Hannah said.

"Good night and thank you," Claudius said.

"No problem," Hannah said.

The next night the lizards attack. "I brought this upon us," Claudius said.

"Father?" Tygra said.

"Me, our people, all of us, we have been so prejudice. If I had been kinder and better to the other animals all the wars and all this would have been prevented." Claudius said. "I know we have no choice to fight, I just hope some good will come out of it," he said.

They fought and Claudius had been badly injured. If wasn't for Hannah it would have been fatal. It was Mum-Ra. In the cell Claudius sighed feeling sorry for himself. "I knew this would happen this was the nightmare I had when I was little," Lion-o said.

"Son?" Claudius said.

"Wait a second Lion-o dreamed about future events?" Tygra said.

"I told Jaga about it and he got all freaked out and he just said he had to think," Lion-o said.

"It's obvious Jaga knew that dream was predicting the future." Claudius said.

A lizard came up and placed food in and Lion-o saw something. "What is it?' Tygra asked.

"Look," Hannah said.

Lion-o pulled a key out of the food. "I guess your mercy is a much better thing than I expected. I'm sorry I was so hard on you, you will be a great king." Claudius said.

The sword of omens was retrieved and they rescued Jaga and a cleric who was Cheetara.

Jaga stayed behind.

Everyone saw the smoldering city. "This only the beginning." Lion-o said.

To be continued.