The Lord Commander of the Nights Watch sat behind his desk. Letters had been pouring in about the raiders and the news from Kings Landing. It had been almost two long years since the announcement of the Future King of the North. It was recorded that once the boy turns Six and Ten he was to make his way South to visit with their allies. A possible betrothal was in the air, but to who, that was a question he did not know how to answer.

There was a knock on his door that brought him out of the world of the South.

"Come in!" He rang. The Little boy from North of the Wall had grown much since he came here, a boy no longer. He stood tall and a sword at his hip. Though still to young to be the raiders, he was learning everyday from Jon.

"Two New Ravens my lord commander." Taking the scrolls, he recognized Bran's seal the moment and opened it quickly.



Bran Stark

Jon Looked at it confused. Bran has never once addressed him by his name, before nor has he ever signed it Bran Stark.

"Was there news from Winterfell?" The Young man smiled, nodding to the other letter. Quickly opening it, his smile only ever grew with each word.

Dear Lord Commander,

Ned grows each and every day, hoping to be strong and brave like his Uncle Rob and his Grandfather. He speaks about wanting to visit you almost daily now. But his time has been taking over by his little sister. Her dark grey eyes almost look as if they were peering into our souls. I wish that once she can, she meet all her family, including her cousin Jon.

Lady of Winterfell

Jon quickly picked up his quill, a smile wider than anyone had ever seen on his face before Jon couldn't write fast enough with the words he wanted to say.


Author's Note: Thank you all for reading, and enjoying my story. This all came from a weird dream I had about what if Gendry and Arya had a baby? What would happen or do? An as a true Jonsa (a Queen of the North) fan, I never could leave them out of things ^_^ I hope you've enjoyed it and I look forward to showing my improvement with other works in the future!

Thank you fro reading!