"The Avatar got into Lake Laogai." Zuko has just been informed by his Intelligence Minister.
"What?" Zuko stood up, outraged. "How could this happen?"
"Somehow, they've discovered the Dai Li had a base underneath the lake, and they went searching for the bison." The Minister filled the Fire Lord in.
"We cannot let him get his hands on the bison." Zuko said.
"What should we do?" The Minister asked.
He doesn't know. If the Avatar gets his bison back, he would go to the Earth King. If the Avatar doesn't find his bison, he'll keep searching until he eventually finds it. If they take the bison out of Ba Sing Se, the Avatar will leave the city, and then Zuko's plan would fail, and he won't capture the Avatar. The Dai Li can put him in prison, but then he'll escape, because they'll underestimate him, just like his soldiers did. If he goes there to get him himself, he will blow up his agents' cover and Ba Sing Se won't fall to his hands. If Ba Sing Se doesn't fall, a full scale invasion is going to strike the Fire Nation. If the Avatar gets out of Ba Sing Se, Ba Sing Se will fall, but he won't capture the Avatar, leaving a loose end in his plan. If he blows up his agents' cover, he's risking both Ba Sing Se and the Avatar. If the Avatar gets to the Earth King, he loses control of the Dai Li. No, wait, Long Feng loses control of the Dail and Ba Sing Se, Zuko remains here, in power, and the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, and his agents spread all around the city. He will regain control of the Dai Li, he would do it just as easily as he did the first time.
"Let the Avatar have his bison." Zuko ordered.
"Excuse me, sir?" The Minister asked, confused. Just a minute ago he was saying the Avatar must not get his bison.
"This is the only outcome that we'll be able to recover from." Zuko explained. "You see? That's the only thing we can do without completely spoiling our plan. It is a minor setback, true, but it is nothing compared to what will happen if we relocate the bison or capture the Avatar now."
"I will order our agents to release the bison, your majesty." The Minister bowed as he walked out.
Zuko now has to regain control over the Dai Li and Ba Sing Se. Azula would have to wait.