Hello, if some may remember me, I was Marsrockstar101, I know it's been a few years since I wrote of this platform. I had lost my edge for writing for some time and kind of became busy with other things like school and my art. Now I've come back with a new light and more ideas. Some of you if, any, remember my story Love of a Stolen Heart it was by far my most loved piece I have ever wrote and going back, reading the comments from oh so long ago made something click inside of me. I know how it feels to love a story then the author never post another chapter for a long time and you really want them to update again but its been years. I get that, I'm sad that I became like that.. I lost the passion. But now I want to start again, build back up. I know that my writing has improved since then and hopefully will be better than before. As a starting point I plan to rewrite Love of a Stolen Heart.

I still love Hotwheels Battle force 5, but I also have ideas for other stories. I hope to get back to you all soon. This message will stay up until I post a chapter for the new rewrite. Till then stay freaky, be geeky!

~ Bmo