Season 05, Episode 03: Gift of the Marco

Marco tries to find a perfect gift for Star, but has trouble doing so.

Marco walked up to construction site of Star's future house. It wasn't too far from his own. Marco was excited to say the least. His absolute best friend, the love of his life no less, was moving in right next door. Star was up in the second floor of the house, with various tools around her, just across from her was her mother. Star was wearing a simple t-shirt and blue jeans, something she herself never thought she would ever wear. Safe to say, the transfer from princess to teenager was harder than first thought. Nevertheless, with each new outfit she tried on, she grew more and more fond of Earth clothing.

Marco called up to Star to get her attention. She was starting to wipe sweat from her forehead when he called up.

"Oh Heeey Marco!" She cheered. Marco found it rather amusing that she was still so happy and cheerful despite being hot and sweaty.

"Need anything up there?" Marco asked.

"An iced tea and some sun-block would be nice."

Suddenly, Rafael come through, holding a tray.

"I have just the thing!" He called.

"Ah, thank you Mr. Diaz, we were getting parched up here." Moon said, picking up a large glass of iced tea.

Star picked up her own, and took a gulp.

"Oh, you have no idea how much I needed that."

"Hey Star, how much longer do you think you'll be?"

"Um… I think I'll be up here all day. You said it yourself, the faster I move in, the better!"

Marco chuckled.

"You betcha!"

"Sorry if you wanted to hang out today."

"Oh no, no biggie."

"You sure?"

"No, your busy, I-I'll get you that sun-block in town."

Star looked at her arm.

"And hurry, I think I'm already turning pink."

Marco walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets.

"I know I'm getting sun-block, but I kind of want to get her something special." Marco told himself.

Marco made his way into town. But since the combination of the dimensions, Marco had little to no idea where he was going. The best idea he had was to wonder around until he found a store with things that Star might be interested in. Marco looked around, the only landmarks he recognizes are Butterfly Castle, and Monster Temple. He couldn't quite make out the differences from Mewni things and Earth things. He took a moment to get his bearings together before picking a random direction and heading that way. He spotted a little general store. He shrugged his shoulders and stepped inside.

The store was small and had a rustic country feel to it. An elderly woman with thick glasses ran the counter.

"May I help you with anything, young man?" The woman's voice called out.

"Ah, no thanks, just looking around."

Marco swung his head around, looking at the shelves. Nothing caught his eye. He politely left the store, thanking the old lady for her offer.

Marco stepped outside, and a large venus fly trap like monster plant took a bite at him. Marco quickly dodged with a scream.

"Woah… could've sworn that was not there when I went in."

Before Marco could take his next step, a giant monster thumped his way by. The impact of the giant foot knocked Marco off his feet. He landed on his behind with a grunt. The monster looked down.

"Oh Hey." It said casually, as if greeting a friend.

Marco, dumbfounded could only raise his hand awkwardly, as no words could escape his mouth at that moment. The monster simply walked off, thumping his way forward. Marco stood up and dusted himself off.

"Hoookay… That's gonna take some getting used to."

Marco looked left and right, as to not be taken by surprise again. After assuring nothing giant was coming he continued his quest. Marco heard dragon-cycles fly overhead. They were heading into a forest of tall, unearthly trees. Emerging from the forest, was a small stream of sparkling water. It wasn't magic though, just the river bed was full of crystals that reflected the sunlight. However, Marco didn't stop and look however, his mind set on finding a good gift for Star. He was too busy looking around him and not straight ahead that he didn't even see Janna. When they collided, Janna let out a yelp and Marco just went 'oof'.

"Bah, Marco, watch it!" Janna scolded.

"S-Sorry, Sorry!"

"What are you doing out here anyway?"

Marco, shuffled around and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I-I'm getting Star a gift. And-"

"Aww, how cuute…" Janna teased.

"I just can't find the right one." Before Janna could fire another tease at him he quickly asked a question. "What are you doing out here?"

Janna simply looked around, as if looking out for someone watching.

"Okay, so, basically, there's this new guy in town I have never seen before. He walks around in some fancy white lab coat."

"Huh strange…"

"Yeah, he's shady and elusive, but ol' Janna has a few tricks up her sleeve."

"Right, I'll keep an eye out for… a suspicious guy wearing a labcoat."

Janna and Marco exchanged farewells and went different directions. Marco took a few steps and noticed a beauty parlor.

"AH" He said and jogged his way into the store.

"Hello sir, would you like to try our coconut perfume?"

"Ah no th-."

Marco was sprayed with a white mist directly in his face. This sent poor Marco into a coughing and wheezing fit. He hunched over and coughed violently. He swatted the air around him to wade off the perfume. The air was soon clean, and Marco huffed in order to breath again.

"Please, I'm just trying to find a gift for my…"

"Special someone? Take a fine look at our selection of color pallets and makeup?"

Marco was presented with a large shelf full of makeup and beauty supplies. The trouble was, he had no particular idea what Star liked.

"I uh… don't know if she likes any of these… uh… thanks, I better get going."

"W-Wait sir! Don't you want to try our strawberry blast perfume!?"

Marco was already out the door as the clerk dove down to get the spray bottle. She was greeted by the door swinging close.

"Oh…. Maybe next time."

Marco was now running a full sprint. If the clerk at the beauty parlor was chasing, he was at least hoping to out run her. Marco looked behind him, saw he wasn't being followed and leaned on a light pole to catch his breath.

"Ugh… Why can't I just find a good gift?" Marco swung out his arms "Why does this place have to be so weird and confusing?"

"Maybe try that jewelry store over there."

"GAH! JANNA?! What are you doing!?"

Janna leaned out from behind a building, in an alleyway.

"I thought I told you Marco… I'm watching for that labcoat man." Janna said. "Speaking of which, have you seen him?"

"No. I'll see you around Janna, I'm going into the store."

"Alright, tell me if he's in there."

Marco turned and rolled his eyes. He made his way into the store. Glass covered shelves harbored a wide variety of jewelry, bracelets, rings, necklaces, as far as the eye could see.

"Hey, could you stop gawking at everything and pick something."

Marco turned to see what looked like a punk rock teenager manning the counter. She blew a bubble and popped it.

"Do you work here?"

"Uh… duh… I'm behind the counter. My mom makes me pay rent and this is a family owned business so…"


"Are you buying anything?"

"Uh… no, just- uh… just looking around."

The angsty clerk blew another gum bubble, her arm resting on the counter supporting her head.

"Yeah, could you like, hurry up we close soon."

"Close? Its only like…" Marco rolled up his sleeve to check his watch. "Holy Cow, its 8:25?!"

"Uh… yeah… we like close in five minutes… so hurry it up."

"Oh…. I'm not sure if Star would like anything here…"

"Who's Star?"

Marco ignored the question. He shook his head rapidly.

"u-uh… I got to go, sorry for wasting your time."

Marco bolted out the door. The clerk blew one more gum bubble.

"What a dweeb." She told herself.

Marco ran full force back home as the suns lowered into the sky. He keeps forgetting there are now multiple suns, which makes one strange, yet beautiful sunset. Marco raced passed the same monster who knocked him over.

"Hey again." The monster greeted, but Marco was too focused on getting home.

Marco raced into his front door and closed it behind him. Star was nowhere to be found. He sighed, disappointed in himself for not finding a gift. He sat on the couch and leaned forward with his arms resting on his legs and his hands upholding his head. He had a grim expression on his face. Suddenly the front door swung open and slammed against the wall.

"MARCO DIAZ!" A very angry voice called.

Marco gasped loudly, the figure in the doorway was none other than Star Butterfly. And she was red, both ways, furious and badly sunburnt.

"Where have you been? I've been baking out here!"

"Oh my gosh, Star I'm so sorry I-I. I got distracted because I wanted to buy you a gift and forgot all about the sun-block. I tried looking everywhere from the beauty parlor to some old general store….."

As Marco rambled on and on, explaining his situation, Star's expression went from angry to sympathetic.

"Aw… Marco…" She finally said, calmly. "I know you meant well, it's just…"

"I screwed up…"

"No, no! You went the extra mile and forgot the main task…" Star reassured. "I find it very sweet you tried to find a gift for me…"

Marco looked up.


"But, the best gift I ever got is you, here, with me…"

Star held Marco's hand.

"Yeah…" Marco chuckled. "I could say the same."

Star smiled brightly.

"HUUGS!" She exclaimed before embracing Marco and bear hugged her back and…


Marco jumped back.


Star took a moment. She couldn't help but giggle at how concerned Marco was. Marco soon started to chuckle, albeit nervously. They soon howled with laughter.

"Guess we'll have to ease up on the physical contact huh?"

"There's something we can do, Diaz?"


Star snuck a quick peck on his lips. She grabbed his hand and walked up the stairs.

"This is disappointing…" Marco said.


"Now we can't have tickle fights…"

"Oh ho ho, Marco… Maybe another time." Star cooed.