A/N: Okay! I lied!

This will be the last chapter I post before I start rewriting everything I have written, up to this point. After this chapter things get rather… scatterbrained. But, this isn't too bad. Yeah, I've already written another 10+ worth of chapters and now I'm going to scrap all of that, but I didn't like where I was going with the story, after this point.

The whole 'Mitch' side plot… I may hold off on the resolution for a tiny bit, maybe. And after this, I may not post for a little bit because I'll be typing up new chapters, first.

Oh! And I've wanted to do some sort of 'summer' chapter. It's going to be a bit hard considering Silver is at the base, but maybe I'll have some festival chapter happening, at some point. And I may have Silver 'out and about' sooner then I thought previously. I was getting a bit irked by this story because Silver had still been at the base for more then 30 chapters, and I think that was too much time for her to be there. But, don't worry! She won't be gone for long! After all, this is a story about Team Rocket, mostly. And as the title says, I'll probably have her in 'evergreen', aka Viridian City, at some point. After all, she made a bunch of promises to other canon characters that she hasn't fulfilled, so I think I'll have that happen sooner rather than later.

Okay! That's where I am with this story! And considering I'm starting anew, from this point forward, if you guys have any COMMENTS on how you'd like the story to go or characters you'd like to see, COMMENT or MESSAGE me! I'd love to hear back from you guys. And hearing from you guys does keep me motivated to keep writing my stories. I tend to lose interest if I feel like I don't have a captivated audience… So yeah.

And lastly, at some point this month I'll be going on vacation, so it may take me longer to post a lot of content at once. Just so you're aware, but I'll try to keep working on this story. ALRIGHT! YOU GUYS ENJOY YOURSELVES! See you soon!

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You groaned, sitting back in the computer chair as you put your arm over your face. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate, you couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Alex has been busy all day, while you've been trying to avoid Liz. She didn't exactly take the news well that you're the boss' kid, and you're worried she's going to do something stupid. In front of you. In front of someone like Archer. Geeze… this day is turning sour, fast.

And, you didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

You barely slept more then three hours, at most, and to top it off your father was waiting for you in the apartment. He was miffed, scolding you, but you could tell he was more curious about where you had wandered off to, at such a late hour. And now… you heard a familiar 'meow', trying to get your attention, and all you could do is let out an irritable scoff.

"I don't need a babysitter," you grumbled underneath your breath, more to yourself then to the feline now scratching her paws against your leg, tugging at your long black socks. "Alright! Fine! We'll get lunch," you responded with a huff, the persian sitting and holding her head up, waiting with her glaring red eyes as you continued to lean back, barely making any sort of movement before you slowly sat up and let out a yawn. "… You don't have to be so mean."


"Well, I'm sorry, but I needed to see some people. I'm almost seventeen. I'm not a little kid," you told the persian, even though you know she didn't exactly care about your excuses. Just that she was going to follow you all day.

Great. Just perfect.

You just know this day is going to go from bothersome to terrible in a matter of moments. You're sure of it.

But, whatever. Your day isn't going any better, so you slowly sat up, sighing and letting out a loud yawn as you stretched your arms, before you typed something on the computer, alerting Ghost that you were leaving, and you released your magnezone to watch over the room as you let the persian follow… or rather walk alongside you.

You were getting looks, from confusion to slight fear, to annoyance that you happen to have a pokemon roaming about, but you bet everyone knows that this persian is the boss'. Your father's. A roaming feline that usually alerts people that, hey, the boss is here. You better be working. But all Rob really wants is food and a cool place to nap in. It's not like she cares about what other people are doing, but that's not what everyone else thinks.

And that's probably why your father doesn't care if his persian roams around the base, knowing that she can take care of herself.

Still, the fact that the persian was following you everywhere was starting to get on your nerves, but you were more worried about Alex, if you're going to be honest… and Mitch. Your hand shifted into your jacket inner pocket, making sure a particular envelope was still there, before you sighed heavily and continued to walk, silently. Every so often you'd glance at the persian, but eventually you ignored her. It's easy, considering this persian has been by your father's side long before you were born. She'd follow you around the manor whenever your father was around, just to make sure you weren't getting yourself into some sort of mischief. Heck, your first little memory was probably the persian grabbing the back of your shirt and pulling you away from… a cliff? A river? Whatever.

"Sorry for causing you trouble," you decided to say, patting the top of the persian's head as she affectionately purred back in response, but you grew quiet as you both stepped into the cafeteria, and you had to put your hand in front of her face so she wouldn't jolt towards the food.

It didn't take long for you to get food, and something to drink to keep you awake, before sitting at a lone table and sighing to yourself. You handed off an entire plate full of food, edible for a feline pokemon, for her to eat, while you calmly began to eat at your own plate, with a thoughtful look on your face as you pondered everything. Alex, Mitch, and your father. Liz… and your plans for the future.

But as you sighed tiredly to yourself, you suddenly heard your name being cried out, followed by arms wrapping around your backside. "Sillvvverr~!"

"Liz. Is there a problem?" you responded in such a monotone way that she let you go and outright scoffed. "What?"

"You look like a baby 'mon that has been kicked in the face. What's wrong with you? You've been moppy for far too long," she scoffed, but you rolled your eyes at her, causing her to huff. "Anyways, were you looking to sit alone?" she asked you, her tray of food in her hands while you gave her a light smile.

"No, actually. Just don't mind the persian," you stated, and you smirked as the feline let out a huff, tilting her head up proudly, while Liz let out a nervous chuckle.

"Ah… so, did you get into trouble last night or something?"

"You could say that. I'm stuck being babysat all day," you scoffed, picking at your food as you continued, "so hear back from Alex yet?"

"Nah. He's doing some training stuff right now. Working out some details, but apparently he's already been accepted as a security guard… Ah, though what position he has I don't know, yet."

"They're a secretive bunch, aren't they?" you stated as you ate at your food. "The one time I met the executive in charge of that group, he was cussing me out for making a mess."

"Harsh," Liz responded, but you shrugged your shoulders.

"I really don't care. You can't please everyone. So, what are you doing today?"

"I'm being bored~!" she groaned, and then she let out a yawn into her hand.

"Did you finish your work?" you asked, earning you a growl, which caused you to huff in response. "Hey. I'm not going to be an excuse for you to blow off doing your work."

"What's with you and doing work? You're such a busy body!"

"Keeping myself busy helps me from not losing it," you responded with a scoff. "Besides, work is work, and it needs to get done –"

"My Arceus! You must have been the goodie two shoes that always~ did their homework, weren't you?" she huffed, but you couldn't stop the smirk that appeared on your face. "Holy crap. You are!"

"You can't be a president of a club if you don't get good grades. At least at the school I attended. I needed at least a B average to have any sort of leadership position, but every gal had high grades. It was expected, and to reach the top 100 listing was even harder."

"… You smarty pants," she huffed, causing you to roll your eyes, but she suddenly nudged you, grinning from ear to ear. "Lex is right about you!"

"For the record, I wasn't doing well in school until I was in 4th grade, and even then, I had to work diligently to reach the president position. I wasn't even given the chance to join student council, though I probably would have if I went onto secondary school," you told her, but she scoffed in response. "Doing things hands on is easier for me then reading about it, anyways."

"Hmm… still. You're a smarty pants," she stated, and you rolled your eyes at her, letting out an annoyed huff as she continued, "so… does that mean you're still working?"

"Look… being a champion isn't easy and at some point I'm going to have to roam around the region for a bit. So, yeah, I'm kind of busy… but my schedule right now is my own and I get to pick when I do things," you explained, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Why? Do you want to hang out?"

"Yes! I haven't been able to hang out in a while, and you gloated that you know all about Viridian," she stated, but you shrugged your shoulders.

"Eh. It's been a while. Stuff has changed –"

"Still! I need a wingwoman to help me out," she told you, but then you gave her a light smile.

"Sounds like fun, if you're paying for my drinks."

"What?! –"

"First two. Or our dinner. I expect to eat, after all," you stated, causing her to let out a scoff.

"… Fine. The drinks, that's it!"

"Aww~. Is this a date~~?" you grinned deviously, only to outright laugh as she hit you, hard, in the arm.

"I'm not gay!"

"You'd be cute if you were. Too bad~" you sighed, only to flinch as she hit you, again, but luckily it wasn't enough to leave a bruise… you hope. "I'm going to have to ask my dad, though."

"Oh… right. Your dad is…"

"I doubt he cares too much. Even if he says no, I'll find a way out –"

"I'm not going to get in trouble for you. You're such a brat," she huffed, but you shrugged your shoulders in response. "But, seriously. Did you get into trouble? –"

"I mean, I got yelled at for not telling him where I was going. Even though I left a damn note. I have to tell him if I'm leaving the base, but other then that it wasn't that big of a deal," you told her, but she pouted, causing you to give her a confused look. "What?"

"He didn't do something to you, did he? –"

"He doesn't hit me, if that's what you're asking," you scoffed. "I just had to sit there and hear a lecture from him for a good hour. That's all. I mean, geeze. He just kept ranting!... Whatever. I suppose I understand why he was so worried," you finished as you continued to eat at your plate, causing her to sigh.

"Well, as long as we're cool."

"We are," you stated, watching her nod, and the two of you resumed eating your lunch, while you gave Rob a gentle pat on the head, before fully engrossing yourself back into your meal.

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"Hey there."

"Ciao, amore mio," Alex responded, the two of you quickly pecking lips, but you noticed your father's persian suddenly letting out a low growl, causing the man to give her an unsure look, before he sighed tiredly and took a seat next to you, which caused Liz to scoot over.

"What? No kiss for me?"

"Do you want one?" Alex countered, causing Liz to scoff and blush, looking away in embarrassment.

"Not from you!"

"Makes me wonder…" you thought aloud, looking over at her, only to have her let out a string of curses, which you both ignored. "So, have you eaten yet?"

"No. I've been too busy. It doesn't even feel like I slept –" he flinched as you suddenly handed something to him, and he happily took the food you offered him. "Grazie."

"Prego, but you need to eat. You're acting too much like my father if you don't eat all day," you scoffed, causing the man to blush slightly at your words, and Liz simply glared at the two of you.

"… Don't do that."

"Do what? –"

"Speak in that Italian! I don't know what the hell you just said! –"

"My love is scolding me for not eating properly," Alex responded, causing Liz to stare at the two of you, slowly calming down with a sigh, but it was more of an agitated sigh then a relived one. "This doesn't happen every day. I just didn't have time to eat breakfast –"

"Still. Eat. I'll drag you by your ear into the cafeteria so you can eat, if I must," you continued, causing Alex to pout, and still blush madly, while Liz let out an annoyed sigh.

"You two. And why are you trying to talk in Italian anyways?! I thought you weren't very good –"

"Practice," you responded simply, while Alex sighed and quickly finished the food you handed over to him.

"You don't need to practice. My grandmother –"

"Will probably tear me a new one if I cannot even communicate with her. I thought you were the one who said she has trouble speaking Kantonese," you stated, and he gave you a meek nod.

"True, but she can still talk. She'll understand you and –"

"She'll be more impressed if I can talk with her. Besides, I needed to brush up on it anyways," you stated, getting a curious look from Liz.

"When did you ever learn Italian?" you heard Liz ask, and you shrugged your shoulders in reply.

"One of the many babysitters I had, I think. She spoke only in Sicilian –"

"Ah. That's why your accent seemed off," Alex stated, causing a scoff to leave your breath.

"Well sooorry~. I'm not changing how I speak. Just brushing up on it. Besides, my dad knows Italian and he's had to use it on multiple occasions," you responded, calmly eating your meal, and then you suddenly nudged Alex in the arm. "Oi. Go eat."

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled nervously as he rushed off, leaving you sitting at the table with an utterly confused Liz and a bored looking persian.

"What did you just order him to do!? –"

"To eat. Now, what did you hear about the Sinnoh stuff?" you inquired, again, causing the slightly older woman to let out an irritable sigh.

"I was saying –"

"Hey! If it isn't the twerpette!" the three of you heard a familiar meowth speaking, causing Liz to outright groan, the persian to lift her head and glare menacingly, and you smirked as the trio approached your table.

"Good afternoon guys. What's up?" you asked in a curious tone, watching Jessie and James calmly sitting next to each other, while Jessie was glaring at Liz, judging her, and James chuckled nervously as he set aside the plate he had grabbed for Meowth.

"Cassidy got on her nerves again," James stated, but he quickly noticed the boss' persian having a staring contest with the growling meowth, and he chuckled nervously. "Ah, what's the Boss' persian doing here?"

"Babysitting. Apparently I can't be trusted to be fine for one hour," you scoffed in response, causing Liz to snicker at your explanation.

"You know, having a persian watch you is kind of funny –"

"Shut up!" you huffed, whacking her in the arm, causing the girl to laugh in response while you scoffed and glared back at her. "This is humiliating and you know it!"

"We could get rid of the annoying persian," Meowth suggested, only to yelp as he was pawed away by the persian, only to purr as you patted the top of her head, causing the meowth to let out a needy whine. "Silv~~ –"

"What is my hand, pokenip? What's with you felines wanting me to pet you so much?" you huffed in irritation, turning your attention back to the others. "Anyways, long story short, I snuck out late at night and worried my – ah… the boss," you decided to say, though the look on your face told them you still didn't want to call your father 'boss', but you scoffed as you turned your gaze to Liz. "To see Liz and her partner showing up."

"That could have waited till today, you know –"

"I've been bored for more than a week. Besides, I wasn't sleeping well last night anyways," you responded, picking at your food, before glancing and turning your attention to the other two. "Other then the usual bickering, are you three doing anything interesting?"

"Not yet!" James suddenly shouted, causing you to give him a curious look while Jessie simply groaned at the thought.

"Word around the street is that the cops may be cracking down on some Rocket stuff in Kanto and Johto," Liz responded, causing you to shrug.

"Eh. I still think it has something to do with Sinnoh. The base is rather empty and even Milo was shipped out."

"What? That whiny twerp that thinks he's a hacker?" Liz scoffed, causing you to nod and groan at the same time. "I didn't realize he's working here."

"Yeah. And I'm not sure for how long. He almost messed everything up," you snarled in response, but noticing the curious looks everyone was giving you, you huffed and turned back to staring over at Liz. "You know how I explained I helped hack into the Team Galactic systems from here, right?"

"Right –"

"The only reason I did was because stupid Milo called me, and when I showed up he was panicking. He was so incompetent that another hacker, who doesn't even come close to my skills, had bugged Team Rocket's systems. If I hadn't been at the base and shown up at the right time, your entire network would be down right now and they'd have to restart everything. Wiping the computers clean and etcetera," you stated, noticing the thoughtful look on Liz's face as she tried to understand what you just said, only for you both to flinch when Jessie slammed her hands onto the table.

"What?! Where is that traitor!? –"

"Probably in Sinnoh. He and his team. He left around the same time you three first showed up. That's why I'm assuming a lot of people are being sent to Sinnoh, for whatever the boss is doing," you stated, pointing at Jessie and James in particular.

"You don't know?" James inquired, and you shrugged your shoulders in response.

"Don't know. Don't care," you responded bluntly. "He's stopped being all worried, staying awake at all hours of the night, so I'm guessing everything is running smoothly. Now. Whatever info I handed over to him was enough to be helpful," you stated, causing Jessie to give you a skeptical look.

"What sort of information?"

"A whole bunch of data. I also sabotaged Galactic's systems, so they're going to have to start over anyways. If they want to truly rise again as a team. You mess with me, and I mess with you. As far as I'm concerned, they're not supposed to exist anymore. Their boss even ordered their disbandment."

"That never stops a team from continuing to function," Jessie told you, causing you to glance over at her as she continued with a scoff. "After all, there was a point when the Boss left the team and everything was run by the executives –"

"Sure, but unlike Team Rocket, whose plans were foiled by an eleven year old trainer, I won," you stated, pointing to yourself and letting a snarl leave your breath. "Cyrus and I came to an agreement, and this Team Galactic that lingers needs to go. I let that worm leave without any deadly injuries if he made sure his team disappeared. Apparently, I need to work harder at getting rid of them. I thought I already did enough, but apparently~ the local police and Interpol can't do their damn jobs correctly," you sneered, causing Jessie to let a huff leave her breath.

"A deal? Is this Cyrus guy still around?" she asked, causing you to glance over at Liz, and she shrugged her shoulders at your words.

"Ah… technically… but not in our world," you responded, causing her to scoff.

"What does that even mean?! –"

"It means that Galactic is a bunch of crazies that did some rather stupid stuff," Liz responded with a huff. "Their whole plan was to change the entire universe, but that obviously didn't work."

"You're welcome. I practically threw away my soul to make sure Galactic didn't succeed, by the way," you responded with a huff, causing the trio to look at you confused as you scoffed to yourself.

"What. You did? I mean I know you're a bit fucked up in the head right now, but what exactly –"

"I told you. I'm not telling, so don't ask –"

"Is that why you have to talk to Cynthia almost every day?" Liz asked, causing you to roll your eyes and sigh deeply to yourself.

"Look. Let's just say that Team Galactic is just the specks of what remains of what their boss, Cyrus, ever wanted. What he wants now is probably more fucked up then it was supposed to be –"

"Is destroying the world not stupid already? –"

"Yes, but I'm trying to say that he's as messed up as Cynthia and I. And, for all we know, could be seeing absolutely everything. Past, present, and future. What he plans on doing with that sort of info is up to him, but while I wished he'd just disappear already, I have reason to believe he wants to do something."

"And that something is? –"

"If I knew I wouldn't be sitting around like an idiot, now would I?" you scoffed, only to feel a pat on your head, causing you to smile lightly and move back into your seat. "Hey Alex."

"Don't bring up Galactic, Liz. I'm not in the mood to deal with any problems today," Alex responded, though he gave you a smile in return before sitting down back in his seat, causing the woman to huff in response.

"I didn't! The topic kind of came up, so don't blame me!"

"We were originally talking about the fact that a lot of people are being shipped to Sinnoh and the rest are stuck at the bases, doing nothing," you explained, causing the man to give you a curious look.

"Oh," Alex responded, glancing at the trio before looking back to you, smiling lightly in response. "Would you like me to give my two cents?"

"If you want."

"It would be easier to have everyone out and about right now, but he doesn't want anyone to be giving away precious Rocket information. The executives already had to crack down on a bunch of spies in our mists, so tensions are high. That's why the boss called everyone back. They're making sure that our loyalties are still towards the team," he explained, finally turning his attention to his food and calmly starting to eat. "That's why my grandmother isn't at this base, in fact. She was told to report to a different base, in Hoenn."

"Oh?" you responded, causing him to nod.

"And our best daycare place is at the Johto base. That's why no kid is around, right now… except you," he finished with a smirk, only to chuckle as you playfully hit him in the arm. "Unless you have clearance, you're not allowed to leave a base right now, for a long period of time. There's a reason why we have a curfew," Alex stated, and you gave him a confused look.

"What? You guys do?"

"You can't be out later then midnight, and if you are you have to report directly to Executive Ariana," Liz stated, groaning at the thought. "Unless you're given permission."

"In other words, the base doors are closed by midnight. Anyone trying to get in after that time will be seen as suspect. But, I mean, if you're out in a large group and everyone has to return together, that's a good reason to be out longer then midnight."

"Because someone is incompetent and can't find the group," you responded, causing Alex to smirk at you and simply nod his head.

"Exactly –"

"Okay, so that means we do have time to party. Geeze, I see what happened," you chuckled, patting the persian's head at the thought, as you scratched behind her ears slightly.

"What?" Liz scoffed, but you shrugged your shoulders at her questioning.

"Why my dad was so, well, mad. He thought I had been kidnapped or something. But I left a damn note," you huffed, causing Liz to roll your eyes at you.

"A note isn't enough –"

"I know that! But it was late at night and, for once, he was asleep. I wasn't going to wake him up and keep him up worried," you huffed, only for her to sigh contently at your words.

"You're lucky Silver."

"And why's that? –"

"Your father actually cares. Even if you're too much of a brat to appreciate it –"

"I see it! But I'm not a little kid. I can take care of myself –"

"Says the kid that told me just how many times she got herself kidnapped," Alex decided to say, only to flinch as you hit him in the arm, again. "Sorry, but it's true."

"Not my fault. And besides, the times I did disappear I avoided getting nabbed. And I'm sure most enemies want me dead anyways, these days," you responded, stabbing roughly into your food, and he sighed deeply at your words.

"You worry me too much."

"Sorry," you responded angerly, but Alex shook his head, smiling meekly to himself.

"So… you three are?"

"Oh. I apologize. We haven't introduced ourselves," James responded, smiling meekly while Jessie was simply staring, and judging. Probably being smart enough to not gain too much attention, but still fuming over whatever happened between her and Cassidy.

Why she lets that girl get underneath your skin, you have no idea.

But you began to tune out the conversation, finding yourself mentally exhausted, and wondering if Ghost was done, yet. Or if you're going to have to wait another day or two before moving forward with your research.

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Prego [Italian] – you're welcome/please