Late in the morning in the city of Toronto, a former drama contestant goth girl Gwen enter in a cafe shop called "Little mugger." The cafe has about twenty people in the cafe Gwen waited in line while texting her girlfriend Courtney when she got in front of the cashier Gwen orders her coffee and the cashier hands Gwen a paper that has the number six for letting her know that her coffee is ready and Gwen receipt. Gwen is sitting at a table by herself still texting Courtney until she hears someone crying to the left to her and she turns to see Sierra at a table by the window on the table is coffee, tissues papers, and a tissue box, and she looks at her phone. Most of the customers in the cafe try to ignore her crying.

"Wonder what she so upset about," Gwen thought

Sierra looked up from her phone and see Gwen "Gwen,"

"Oh no she saw me please god don't let her come over to my table," Gwen thought

"Gwen!" Sierra shouted and moved from her table carrying her phone and tissue box to Gwen table

"Dammit," Gwen said to herself

"Gwen I'm so glad to have a friend to talk to about this tragic moment I'm going through,"

"Sure Sierra were friends," Gwen rolls her eyes "what's wrong

"It's about Cody he oh god," Sierra cried again, and she picks a tissue from the tissue box and wipes her tears with it

"Of course it's about Cody he probably didn't want to be some crazy wedding that Sierra wanted him to be a part of," Gwen thought

"Cody got he got...I can't even say that the words,"

"Cody got what Sierra?"

"He got a girlfriend," Sierra cries loudly in the cafe and Gwen feeling embarrassed to seeing everyone looking at them

"Cody got a girlfriend why he didn't tell me we are friends I mean I happy that he someone who loves him. Still though who is she maybe she a former Total Drama contestant better ask Sierra," Gwen thought

"My Cody running off with another woman," said Sierra

"Who is she Sierra?" said Gwen

"I don't know Gwen, but a friend of a friend of mine who works at a subway station says she has tan skin, hourglass figure, has orange hair, auburn eyes, and have some fox tattoo on her arm,"

"Okay I don't recall any former Total Drama contestant with those features," Gwen thought

"And get this Gwen Cody girlfriend two years older than him I mean why some twenty years old wanted my Codykins she probably a cougar wanted to leach off of his fame,"

"Hold on Sierra I think Cody is smart enough about those type of girls,"

"What if your wrong what if that bitch breaks Cody's heart, but I won't let that happen when I find her I'll straighten her out," Sierra switch from sad to angry and she rips up the tissue box in angry

"Sierra calm down you don't know anything about the girl, and you already want to ruin Cody relationship with her," Gwen crosses her arms

"You should care to Gwen your was Cody former crush,"

"Yeah but like him as a friend that's it,"

"Coffee ready for number five!" shouted the cashier

"That my coffee Sierra, I got to go and don't go nuts over Cody girlfriend,"

Gwen left Sierra she grabs her coffee and leaves the cafe she looked at her phone and Courtney messaging her.

"I can't wait to tell Courtney about this she not going believe this," Gwen thought as types back to Courtney about the news she got about Cody.

Thank you That British guy for letting know for miss spelling Sierra