Earth 2004.

In the milky way galaxy is the planet known as terra or earth, this planet was since much change in a few millennia. Dinosaurs ruled the earth, then came mammal's then came humans, but nobody could prepare on the what was about to happen as a meteorite was heading for the planet. It entered the atmosphere and started to burn up, It was about to crash.

On the planet, wild life saw the red glow in the sky ad they sensed the danger in instinct the animals fled as the rock crashed down on to the surface and landed over the ground. It was able to stop as meteorite landed next to a lake of water reflecting the night sky.

The next morning.

The sun rose up and shined on the forest, animals gathered around to see this rock that came from above. The meteor cooled as the heat had dissipated from the flight. Deer, rabbits and other animals went and sniff this rock to see what it was. Once one of the animals came close to it.

Sounds of crackling rock.

The meter then split as a crack came down from the middle of it, Two hands opened itself up as what came out of the space rock was something not of this world, The creature stood about the size of 6,5 feet, Its body looked like it was covered in tar, around certain parts of its body was a grey like skeleton like appearance, its tail looked long and dark as it was fork liked shape, It had one black and white spiraled colored horn on its head, Its eyes were the color of a blood red, Its had sharp teeth and razor blade like claws, It had two small half skulls on his shoulders looking like separate heads.

" RRRRRROOOOAOAOAOAOAORRHHHHHHHHHH!" It roared loudly causing all the other animals to scatter. It looked around to see where it was, It saw the field of grass it stood on, the large trees that surround him and right in front of him was a lake of water. It walked towards it and kneeled down putting its face into the water, looking at as the beast gulped down what looked gallons of water at a time.

It rose it's head, dripping with water as it quench its thirst for the time being. It then looked over to the meteorite that came out of, wondering where he came from but when he touched it, visions came into its head, flooding things as It didn't recognized.

" RRORORROROROROOOOAAAHHHHHH!" It roared in anger getting the images to stop, when it stopped away from the rock they did, The beast was now panting like it was exhausted. Not knowing where he is or has landed. The beast decided to see where it can go as it started its walk. Unaware on what its about to experience.

A little bit later.

The creature kept walking around looking as the bright light in the sky was looking down on him, seeing more of these trees and colorful looking things on the ground.


The beast felt something in its stomach as he placed his hand over her tar colored skin. One thing he needed now was food, he looked around to see what looks good to him, He looked around and saw some of those creature before, eating the grass. Possibly knowing that these things are easily startled. The creature slowly walked towards them, slowly, slowly masking its presence. When it was close enough to at least one of them.

" RRRORORORORORORORORROOAAAHHHHH!" It roared as it pounced on one of them. It struggled until The beast wrapped its teeth around its neck, in no time at all there was a snap and the deer was dead. The creature then began to feat upon it, tearing its body apart to eat, bones, organs and blood was all shown as it basically devoured the deer like an apex predator. It licked its lips of a good meal and wanted to continue its walk.

Sounds of an explosion.

A loud boom was heard as its looked up to see a massive pillar of green light reaching the sky and then dying down shortly after, wondering what it was the beast then went to that location. In the short span of a few minutes, the beast made its way to where the light was only to see a massive crater looking like a bomb went off.

It landed on the ground and looked to see, it sniffed the air thinking that something major happened.

" Ba-ba." It heard the face as it looked and saw a small child with blue hair laying next to a burnt, crisped up corpse of another child. The beast walked closer to see, the girl saw the creature tower over her, wondering what it, if it was a dream or not the girl passed out. The creature then opened its mouth hoping for another meal, its teeth shown as its head came close to the girl. Then something else caught its eye as its stopped and closed its mouth.

A few feet in front of him was a silver sword with a emerald green gem on the hilt. It approached the blade even from a few inches and only being on this planet for a few hours, It knows of that power this sword was releasing. Without no care for itself the beast then grabbed the sword and held it, the sword then sent images into the beasts head, giving it information knowing that this beast was something different from the people here.

The right hand of the creature was changed into a silver gauntlet, the emerald green light then changed its color to a solid dark red, The sword disappeared into the gauntlet as the information exchange to the creature was done.

" What the hell happened." The beast heard the voice as more people were coming, its jumped and disappeared into the tree's leaving the girl to whatever was about to happen.

Later at night.

The creature was able to find a suitable cave to rest in as it walked into it and saw down on the gravel.

" RROROOOAAAAHHHH!" It let out a roar letting anything know not to come close to this place that he rests in. The red gem on its arm glowed as it made the beasts body glowed lightly then died down shortly after..

" W...What happened?" The creature was then able to speak words rather then growls and roars. " I can...? I can speak." It said to itself wondering as it looked at the sliver gauntlet on arm. It then yawned as it did felt tired. " Must rest." It's said as it lie down on the ground and closed its eyes so it can rest...

The next day

The sun rose, shining the light into the cave, the creature flickered its eyes open to see the light, irritated to see it blind him, its stood up and walked out of the cave, It looked at the view it had as it was located in a different part of the forest. Its ears then flickered hearing a strange noise, It then followed this strange noise.

Few minutes later.

It walked through the woods as the noise got louder, louder and louder until it was near it, being behind a tree. The beast looked and saw the same blue haired girl from the other day but she was showing and shedding water from her eyes as she kneeled right in front of a strange rock.

" WWAHH!" She was louder as The beast came close to her, She then saw the shadow over her as she looked behind her and saw this beast, but she didn't look like she cared as she was sad.

" What... is.. that noise your making." It asked wondering why.

" The noise?" She said wiping her face." I'm... crying." The beast then tilted its head.


" Yes, crying, tears." She said explaing.

" Why?" It asked. She then looked at it as it was clueless about how she was feeling.

" I... lost somebody important." She said to it as the beasts looked at the stone in front of them and saw the name... . . This still not explained why she was showing tears to him.

" What.. happened." It asked her.

" He is gone, died trying to protect me." Hearing word die and death trigger something in the beast's head as images came into his head as this filled his mind with this knowledge. It then kneeled down next to the girl as it looked at the stone.

" Death is not something that can be easily be dealt with." It said to her as she stopped crying and looked at him.

" What do you mean?" She asked it.

" When something dies, It will have a major impact upon on the things that it touched." The girl the looked saddened. " But." She then looked at it again. " The things that it touched will mean something or to someone one, making sure that a lesson can be taught not follow a certain path... But to be better then what they've chosen." The girl then stopped crying feeling a little up lifted.

The beast then stood up and walked away as the noise it heard was gone not before it felt something on its legs. It looked down and saw the little girl hug his leg as she still had tears but a smile, she looked up at it.

" Thank you." She said as she let go.

" Yuki! Where are you." She heard the voice of her sister, she looked at the creature again as it was gone the next moment. The girl then went back home away from the grave as the creature looked away from afar as It stood from a couple of tree's

" I... Must learn more of this place and this world if i'am order to survive." It then jumped from tree to tree as it went back to its cave. This thus begins a story about a monster not of this world, placed here to understand why it was sent here. It will learn and understand what this world will have to offer as it will soon discover another part of this world that will make it not so normal as we follow a new story.

For this world will not be prepared for the power of MONSTER X.

Been a while. So this was something still wanted to make as it was just something i wanted to do because right now i'm working on the ending and set up to the next part of monster amongest hero's. I figured i would do something a little bit different and make a story about old boy X. Next chapter. We'll get the introduction to you know who and i need help thinking of a normal name for monster X and it can't be just X.

So i'll be doing this until whatever, i'am a little slow so please wait and to people asking why did you kill off basara and gave monster X the ability to Speak in the first chapter.

basara was a character i did liked but i felt like in my opinion, I would have liked him better if he was not human because he's a badass, just my opinion. Also why should a monster story mixed with harem work like this. To be fair japan does this but with mech anime so way i'm doing this my way.

The reason i gave him the ability to speak because even though there probably another way for him to speak, This was best choice i had since its the start to everything that will happen in testament.

So anyway enjoy and hope you like it also like i said i'm busy alot so it will take me time to roll these out so bear with me