This is my first RWBY Fan Fiction, shortly after volume 3 or halfway in Volume 4 this popped into my head and I kept on thinking and… here we are.

Plus, this is going to be an OC X Blake story because Blake is one of my favourite characters, and after reading other stories of Blake and OC becoming a couple I find enjoyable. And yes, even thou I ship Blake and Yang like crazy, I really don't care if the ship has sailed or not just as long as all the main girls are happy at the end.

P.S there might be some more OC X Blake stories in the future but there will be other characters to ship with my OC's done the line

(Rewritten 09/05/2020)

I do not own RWBY only my OC and the change of selected scenes that are not in the real episodes / chapters.


A Tiger's Fury & Compassion

Volume 1 Prologue - Black & Stripes Trailer

'Your hopes have become my burden. I shall find my own liberation.'

Vale, Forever Fall.

Walking through the forest; a tall young man watches his steps not to let the Creatures of Grimm to follow him. However, he is no ordinary man, he is a Faunus, a White Tiger.

For his attire, he wears a black sleeveless pole-neck t-shirt, matching his short black hair, wearing the White Fang waistcoat jacket. On his arms he has long black armbands from his deltoid to his knuckles leaving his fingers and thumbs free, he also wears the White Fang cargo pants and armoured boots. He keeps his face completely hidden with a Sabre-Tooth Tiger like Grimm mask and of course his tail lazily swaying left to right.

He reaches to the end of the wood into a small area to see a beautiful raven haired girl with a black bow on the top of her head, sitting on a large rock looking at the falling red leaves.

For as long as he can remember, the two have been best friends, since the first day they met when they were kids.

"Is it time to go?" said the raven haired girl.

"No Blake," he replied in a kind tone. "Not yet, maybe in the next five minutes or so."

He walks to the rock; he sits down next to her with his arms cross and looks at the falling leaves as well.

"Everything is set," he said. "He will not see it coming and by the time he starts looking for us, we will be long gone."

Blake remains silent, lost in her world of thought.

"Blake," he says getting her attention. "You know there is nothing we can do to change his mind. We have to do this!"

"I know Bayek," Blake replied in a sad tone. "It's just… I thought we could change him. To find the old friend that you and I remember."

"I thought so too," he replied. "But he is too deep in the darkness, that not even his closest friends could help him."

Bayek reaches to hold Blake's hand, to show that everything is going to be alright.

"Blake, Bayek… it's time," said the bull Faunus with red hair, holding a chokutó sword.

"Alright," he says as he puts on white and light blue gauntlets on his wrists.

Blake turns her head to reply, "Okay."

The group of three make their way through the scarlet forest with great speed and in no time they reach to the end of the cliff. And not one second later, they hear the sound of a train heading their way on the tracks below; the Bull was the first to jump, followed by Bayek then Blake.

They slide down the side of the cliff, when the three where near enough they jumped again on to the moving train.

Once they were on; they head to the nearest roof door of the railway car, Bayek cracked open the lock with his bare hands and the was first to enter, followed by Bull and Blake. The three landed side by side, Bull facing the left and Blake and Bayek on the right.

"Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way," Bull said realising that they are not alone.

Each side of the railway car was full of robotic suits; that have now been turned on by themselves.

"Don't be so dramatic," said Blake.

"Atlesian Knights… what else is new?" Bayek says in a bored tone.

The three stand back to back as the Knights surround them, one of the robots draws its weapons on the trio.


The Bull was the first to attack the Knight who spoke, the other Knights drew their weapons as well, Blake quickly cuts up one of them with her cleaver blade. One Knight was going to attack her from behind; Bayek's gauntlets transforms, bringing out three blades on each hand, he jumps towards the Knight, one swing from his right hook and the Knight was now in three pieces.

More of them attack and the trio work as one fighting the Knights and defending each other, Blake removes her katana from the cleaver while fighting alongside them.

They soon make it out in the open with more Knights heading their way.

"Let's do this!" said the Bull Faunus.

The three battle again; the Bull Faunus uses his chokutó and rifle making his way to the next car, Blake transforms her katana into a kusarigama, throwing it at most of the Knights while shooting at them in the progress, while Bayek sliced and diced his way.

With the last Knight broken, they enter the car, while Bull and Blake walk to the crates, Bayek disarms his blade claws, takes out a memory stick and puts it in the keypad on the wall. The screen above the keypad flashed red for a second, then turned green, he takes it out and puts it away quickly, hidden back in the pocket before Bull sees what he was doing.

He walks over to them when the Bull looks inside one of the crates.

"Perfect," Bull says. "You two move up to the next car," he closes the lid. "I'll set the charges."

"What about the crew-members?" Blake asks.

"What about them?" he replied in a sinister tone.

"You can't be serious!" Bayek says angrily.

From the ceiling a huge Spider Drone drops not too far away from them and it is lock and loaded.

"That's new!" Bayek says getting his claws out again.

"Adam!" Blake says as the red head walks away from them.

The Spider Drone fires at them, Adam and Bayek dodged every bullet, Blake attacks the huge robot aiming for the head with her cleaver at the ready. However, no damage was done, she is knocked back, lands roughly on the floor winded.

The Drone steps forward; Adam and Bayek strike back, the tiger on the robots back, the Bull taking the thing head on trying to take it apart with everything they got, Adam gets knocked back by a kick from the drone.

Bayek sees that the leg is going to land on Blake; he quickly gets her in his arms, moves just in time, before it hit her. Now near the exit, he puts her down seeing she is unharmed and can stand on her own.

"We need to get out of here!" Blake says to Adam as he moves near to her and Bayek.

The Spider Drone combines its guns into a canon, it quickly charges to fire at them.

"Ah, crap!" Bayek moaned.

Next thing they know they are sent flying outside again; Bayek quickly recovers and helps Blake after hitting the floor, Adam looks up to see the Drone heading towards them ready to start round two, he turns to his right to see Blake and Bayek are on their knees ready to fight.

"Blake, buy me some time!" Adam orders. "Bayek get to the next car!"

"Are you sure?" Blake questioned.

"Do it!" Adam shouts.

They did as they were told, Bayek runs to the next car in no time, the second he turns around to see his friends from afar, Blake is in the air, her kusarigama following her movements like a dance. Strike after strike nothing damages it; Blake finally decides to shoot a few rounds in the Drone's face; she somersaults backwards in retreat back to where Adam stands.

The Drone brings out the canon again.

"Move!" Adam tells Blake.

Blake runs to the next car to join Bayek; they watch as Adam blocks the blast with his blade alone. Seeing how the attack did not work for the Drone, it jumps towards Adam, ready to crush him. However, with one slash from his sword the Drone disintegrated completely destroyed.

After sheathing his sword, Adam makes his way to his partners as he got near, he notices something was not right.

"What are you doing?" he questioned.

Blake was not looking at him; Bayek stares at the Bull, he retracks the blade claws once more so his right hand can remove his mask, showing his tanned striped face, his artic blue eyes that shows determination.

"We may have chosen this path from the start," Bayek answers. "But we will not take the blood of the innocent."

Blake looks up to face Adam.

"Goodbye," she replies.

She cuts the connection between the two cars, separating the trio into a duo. As the train moves away, leaving Adam alone with what's left of the cargo, watching the partners disappearing from sight.

Bayek looks at his mask, the mask that he hated wearing ever since the former leader stepped down. Looking at the speeding tracks then back at the mask, he throws it on to the tracks, seeing it smash into pieces the moment it lands.

He looks at Blake and places his hand on her shoulder.

"When we move forward, we leave the past behind us," he says to her kindly.

Blake puts her hand on top of his, showing that she understands what he is saying to her. Bayek looks behind him to see a bridge coming into view.

"We need to jump soon," he says while walking away from her and tightening his gauntlets.

"Did you say 'jump'?" Blake replied making sure she heard right.

She sees the bridge, and then sees a lake 30 feet right underneath.

"You've got to be kidding me?" she replies with annoyed yet scared tone.

"I've done this already, it's not that bad," Bayek says as he walks to the side. "We have to jump here or we meet up with the cops when the train stops."

They are getting closer and closer to the centre of the bridge, Bayek holds his hand out.

"Together," he says.

Blake looks at him, smiles and holds his hand.

"Together," she replies.

Now side by side, waiting for the moment to jump.

"You know I hate you right now," Blake added.

"I know," he chuckled replied. "Okay, on three…. One…. Two…. Three!"

They both jump together, still holding hands, in a matter of seconds they hit the water. Blake was struggling, she can swim, but not as good as Bayek. He lets go of her hand, wraps his arm around her stomach, and kicks hard upwards to the surface.

They break the water.

"Now was that so bad?" he asked.

To answer his question, she splashed water at his face.

"Let's just get out of the water!" she demanded.

In response Bayek turns his head away from Blake, spits out the water from his mouth and they swim to shore.

Sunset in Forever Fall.

Now dry, they are walking down the woodland, Bayek planned the whole escape, he hid their supplies near the lake they landed in, they both got a traveling bag with them with what they need. Bayek got rid of the White Fang coat and the black armbands leaving them to drown in the lake, showing his unique tiger stripes from his upper arms to his hands.

"So," Bayek breaks the silence. "What are you going to do now Blake?"

"I'm going to Beacon," she quickly answers. "I want to make a right for what I did in the White Fang."

"You'll be safer there too; Adam is not going to rest until we are at his mercy. You and I both know the price; we are now branded as traitors."

"What about you?" Blake asks.

"I'll stick around in Vale, Tukson is an old friend of dad's so I can work something out. Where heading to him anyway when we get out of the forest, he'll help us. It's a big city, you don't know what you're going to find."

And so, the two carry on, leaving the past behind them and a new future begins.

There you have it, my first RWBY Fanfic, I can say every time I was writing the word 'Bull' I was close to putting 'shit' next to it, cause for anyone who has seen what he has done in the show you can see why. There is a lot to tell about my OC, about his past, his family, his semblance etc.

So, at the beginning of the chapters I'll try putting quotes most of the time, as well as who and how the inspiration came to be.

Anyway, till next time. X