*The application is at the end!

Ding, went the hotel elevator signifying that it had reached the first floor of the Toronto Hilton. Only a man stood in front of the elevator, with nothing but a cell phone in his baby smooth hands (thank you, Goldbond hand cream sponsorship, he thought). He let out a sigh of anticipation as the doors slowly opened, releasing the three or so hotel guests. He entered the elevator and checked a message on his phone before hitting the button for Level 6. He leaned against the railing and checked his reflection in the golden mirrored walls. The man had seen better days. The bags under his eyes appeared more pronounced than usual and his light brown coif was starting to grey at the temples. He signed once more and fixed his grey sweater. This had better be something good.

The doors had nearly slid to a complete close when a voice rang out from behind them. "Wait! Hold the elevator!" It was a woman, the man determined, and one that sounded oddly familiar. He quickly hit the button with the Open symbol on it, and in the nick of time the doors stopped. They opened to reveal a face just as familiar as the voice.

"Blaineley O'Halloran?!" Exclaimed the man as the woman entered the elevator.

The blonde blinked in shock. "Uh…you?" She knew the man from somewhere, she just couldn't quite place it. Was he some wannabe D-Lister who was constantly trying to get on an episode of Celebrity Manhunt by performing outside of her old studio? The particularly flirty waiter who had asked for more than just an autograph after her 4-star meal last week? Some mindless far-too-old stan that she had blocked on Twitter after fighting them over her less-than-polite comments about their favorite boyband? He looked like he could've been the last one. "Listen if you're still upset about what I said, I stand by it fully. The guy just can't sing!"

"What? No, no, you have me mistaken. We've never actually met."

Thank God, thought Blaineley. "Then why do I feel like I've seen you before?"

The man frowned. Has it really been that long? "It's me! Don? From Total—"

"Wait! I know you!" Don relaxed. He wasn't a nobody, after all. "You're the guy from those hand cream commercials! 'Super smooth, super fine', right? Goodness, I always changed the channel when you showed up." She laughed to herself and crossed her arms, casually noting that the elevator was conveniently already on its way to the floor she was ordered to go to.

Don scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration. "Uh, yeah, I've done more than just those commercials, you know. I've literally won 4 Emmy's? I modelled for Calvin Klein? I hosted a season of Total Drama? Any of this ringing a bell for you?"

Blaineley squinted her blue eyes. "Which season? I would definitely know if you hosted. I would've sent Chris a fruit basket with a card mocking him for losing his job."

Don sighed. This wouldn't be the first or last time he had this conversation. "Ridonculous Race. There were some budget cuts and the producers couldn't find a distributor, so it had to go online." Blaineley, who had started touching up her lipstick during Don's explanation, snorted.

"Well, that explains it. What are you doing here at the Hilton?" Don brightened at the change of subject. He hated being known as the "less relevant Total Drama host".

"McLean texted me two days ago asking me to meet him here. Something about a new TD season, I'm pretty sure. He was pretty vague, I almost thought it was a prank."

Blaineley raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Did this text happen to say 'Room 607, Toronto Hilton, 7 PM sharp. Tell anyone and you're getting totally suuueeeeeed'?"

"Yeah! How did you—oh." Don crossed his toned arms over his chest. And here he thought this was a solo gig.

Blaineley seemed to notice his disappointment. "Cheer up, Buttercup. If this meeting doesn't end with an offer of six figures, then I'm out and it's all yours. I deserve at least that much for dealing with McLean again. Plus, I plan on buying a summer home in Bali and those things are not cheap. Then again, you probably wouldn't know much about that, would you?" Before Don could retort, the doors slid open to Level 6. "Alright, let's get this show on the road."

The pair walked to suite 607 in silence. Before Don could even knock on the door, it swung open to reveal a gruntled Chris McLean. "You're late," he said with a slight whine.

"It's only 7:03," said Don just as Blaineley spat, "What, were you just standing at the door waiting for us?!" Chris ignored both of them and motioned for them to enter the suite.

Don looked around the main room, from the plush sofa and loveseat set to the in-wall flat screen TV to the amazing view of the city. "Nice place you got here, McLean."

"Yeah," Blaineley added. "I'm surprised you can actually afford it. Didn't your house in Malibu get foreclosed last year?" Though the question was seemingly asked with concern, Blaineley was smirking.

Chris let out a humorless laugh. "How's that new game show of yours doing? Oh wait, my bad, it got cancelled before it even hit the air."

Blaineley sputtered wordlessly. No one was supposed to know about that yet! "T-that show was beneath me anyhow!"

Chris turned to Don. "What about you, show-stealer? You having fun doing those foot cream commercials?"

"It's hand cream! Hand. Cream!"

Chris shrugged. "Whatever. Listen, I didn't invite you guys here to point out your multiple failures—though I do love pointing those out! You two are here because I have a proposal that should be mutually beneficial for all of us."

Blaineley sat down in the loveseat, legs crossed. "And that is?"

"I'm getting to that…" Chris growled. "You see this suite? It's pretty freakin' sweet, right?" He laughed at his own bad pun and frowned when he realized the other two hadn't joined him. "Anyway, I managed to pay for this with my up-front bonus for the newest season of Total Drama."

Don clapped his hands together. "I knew it! When do we start?"

"Whoa, whoa, slow your roll, dude. I haven't even told you what this season was about."

Blaineley rolled her eyes. "Isn't it just gonna be the same as always? Getting a bunch of teenagers to damn near kill themselves for the sake of entertainment?"

"No. This is different. The big TV execs won't let us get away with that kinda stuff anymore. And honestly? My criminal record can't take another hit. My old lawyers quit and now I'm stuck using whoever the production company provides. Whack." Chris picked up the remote for the TV and turned it on, where it was playing some singing competition show. "We have to play it a bit safe. But not too safe. This is still Total Drama so somebody's breaking a leg. One way or another." He carelessly threw the remote off to the side, resulting in it hitting a vase and breaking it instantly. Without even looking up he went, "room service will take care of it."

Don shuffled away from the broken shards of glass. "So…what—"

"Jeeze will you guys just let me finish? I'm only trying to save your pathetic careers, here. An-y-way…" Chris pointed at the television screen. "You see that?"

Blaineley regarded the TV with a dull-eyed look. "Some dime-a-dozen singing show? What about it?"

"Audiences eat this stuff up! No matter how many shows like it flood the market, they'll watch it. And there's like, no drama whatsoever on them. I mean what the hell is that about? The worst thing that happens is little Billy Bob from Middle of Nowhere, Kansas getting a scratchy throat and getting eliminated. Boo. It's boring!"

Don finally took a seat on the sofa adjacent to Blaineley. "I'm sorry Chris, but where do we come in with this?"

Chris faced him, beady eyes nearly bulging out of his head. "Let. Me. Finish. Please." Don held up his hands in surrender and Chris continued. "The execs want Total Drama to fill that craving for betrayal and catfights and forbidden 'showmances' while also following the same song and dance formula. They want the three of us to host Total! Drama! Takes the Stage!" He finished his announcement with a flourish and waited for the other two to drop to their knees in praise.

He was met with silence.

"What gives? Do I need to say it again? Total! Drama! Takes the—"

"Isn't this the same thing as Total Drama Action?" Don asked.

"No. That was about acting, this is about singing. And dancing. And all that other crap."

"We had to sing on World Tour though," Blaineley pointed out.

Chris was at his wit's end. "How many times do I have to tell you guys it's different?! You know that show The Voice?"

Don nodded while Blaineley scoffed. "Can't stand that show. Not for any particular reason. Definitely has nothing to do with Adam Levine dumping me after our two-week 'situationship'. Nope."

"Well, it's literally gonna be the exact same thing except we'll change it up just the slightest bit so we don't get sued! Each of us will have a team of talented singers, dancers, and musicians and our three teams will compete against each other in each episode. Whichever team has the least impressive musical spectacle has to send somebody home. Once there's twelve contestants left there's a merge and it's every performer for themselves. We'll switch things up with challenges that determine who gets special privileges during their routine. But here's where the drama comes in. The cameras won't stop rolling when they're done singing. They'll run all night. And we'll introduce sabotages into the game to make things a little more…interesting." Chris snickered to himself. Oh, they'll be breaking a leg alright.

Don raised his hand. "Are you done?" Chris nodded, though begrudgingly. "Good. I don't know about this. This sounds like something that'll get cancelled halfway through the run. Plus, what do any of us know about singing?"

"Uh, first of all, false! This is a proven recipe for success! Singing and drama? Where else can you get that?"

Blaineley replied, "Oh, I don't know, Broadway?"

Chris ignored her. "Second of all, who cares! All of these shows use singers with half-dead careers anyway. That being said, yours truly was in a boy band..."

"A terrible one no one remembers."

"Shut up, Blaineley! For Pete's sake!" The aging host rubbed his temples. "What I'm trying to say is, the viewers won't care whether or not we can hold a tune. When it comes to us, we just gotta make sure the rivalry is there. Think about it this way, Donnie—"

"Don't call me that."

"Don Juan, you can be the good guy to Blaineley's bitter bitch and my sadistic sociopath. Doesn't that sound like a great dynamic? Longtime TD fans would love to see it!"

Don considered it. Though he had initially been ready to accept the deal, he wasn't sure. He had to be honest with himself: he didn't really have much of a choice. His career had been in an upward trajectory until Ridonculous Race, when it suddenly took a turn for the worst. No one of any sort of respectability in the business wanted to work with anyone associated with the controversy-ridden Total Drama series. On the one hand, if he took this opportunity, it would forever solidify him as Chris 2.0, doomed to host different versions of the same show for the rest of his career. If he didn't, on the other hand, he'd be stuck advertising hand cream forever.

He shuddered. No. He would not be the hand cream guy. Don released a breath. "Okay, I'm in."

Chris practically jumped in the air. "Perfect! Blaineleeyyyy," he began, dragging her name out in anticipation. She snarled at him in response.

"How much?"

"Well the winnings are $500,000—"

"You know what I'm talking about, McLean. Some of us have summer homes to purchase."

Chris plopped down in the seat next to Don, mentally exhausted by all the contract details swirling through his head. "$11 Million, but I'm pretty sure it's negotiable."

Blaineley smiled her first genuine smile that day, if not that year. "That much for a show that'll probably tank after a couple seasons? Count me in."

Chris gave his own smile, though far less genuine. "Good. I have the contracts right here."

Hello! Turkey and Swiss here with my first story in a looong time. I've been reading a lot of SYOC TD stories lately and was inspired, especially by TurnipTheBeets' fics (seriously, check them out), so I decided to make my own! This will essentially be Total Drama meets The Voice (I've actually never seen the show a day in my life but my grandma is obsessed so I know the set up). 24 teens (15-18) will compete to win a reward of $500,000 and a record/performance deal. The 24 will be split up into three teams of 8: Team Chris, Team Blaineley, and Team Don. The contestants can specialize in either singing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. If they do more than one feel free to include that in the application and it'll come in handy after the merge. Each chapter will feature a mini challenge and performances. Whoever has the least impressive performance will be eliminated. The finale will feature the top three performers competing against each other. More will be explained as the story starts. For now, here's the application! I'll give it a week for submissions. You can either PM me or submit them in the comments (though PM is preferred). I'm looking for a diverse array of characters here. Diverse in stereotype (not everyone can be the sweet shy person), diverse in cultural background, diverse in musical interest, etc! If I don't get enough submissions, I'll either fill in with my own OCs or scrap this in shame lol. I may or may not add my own OC but they have no chance of winning lmao. Also, keep in mind this is a rated T story, so there will be cursing and potential sexual themes in later chapters. If you're against that let me know in the app!

(EDIT: I forgot to put the app on my profile so you could copy and paste! If you were having trouble before it's on my profile now!)

Full Name:

Nickname or Stage Name (if they have one):

Age and School Year (if in school):


Race and Ethnicity:

Sexual Orientation:

Main Talent (Singing, Dancing, Instrument):

Secondary Talent (your OC does not need to have one):

Preferred Genre (Ex. If singing, pop; if dancing, salsa; if an instrument, say which instrument and then a genre like classical):

Stereotype (Can either be music related like "Broadway Geek" or non-music related):

Physical Description:

Skin tone:

Eye shape and color:

Hair color, length, style:


Physical build:

Anything else:

Personality (as detailed as possible please):

Clothing Style:

Backstory/Hidden Secret:

Musical Inspiration:

Favorite Song:

Want a Relationship:





Audition Tape (why you should be chosen etc and a performance. These will be featured in the story!):

Anything Else: