I own nothing as perusal and this is an idea that came from one of the favorite games I have ever played and do hope you can enjoy it.

PsychoNightmare: Thank you and don't you worry about me making more of this since I already love making this story.

The Omega Prototype.

Now you know how it began but you don't know the whole story. Do you wish to hear more? Well too bad because you're going too and this time we're starting a day after when I used my abilities to help a giant talking robot that is able to-

"Jack!" A voice called out startling Jack from his thoughts.

"Geez Arcee, you're going to give me a heart attack." Jack said. "I really do need to stop narrating to myself." Jack said after calming down a bit.

"Do you know who it was that was hiding in the pipe?" Arcee asked as the two are now driving back to Jasper but with Bee following closely behind him.

"Yeah, you remember last night in the garage, the small kid with brown hair and red glasses. That's Raf he was the one who was hiding but there is one problem and I have a sneaking suspicion he already spoke about this to someone else." Jack said and the three picked up the pace and their destination is the Jasper high school, when they got there it was nearly time for everyone to start coming out but looking by the stairs Miko was sitting on the brick wall with her sketchbook out and off to the left Raf was leaning up against a tree waiting.

"I hope your wrong about that Jack." Arcee whispered with Jack getting off and walking over to Raf.

"Oh! Hey, Jack. What brings you here?" Raf asked looking as innocent as he possibly could.

"You didn't follow the drill." Jack said with Raf knowing full well what he was going on about.

"Look I didn't feel like leaving you behind since you are the only who took me and Miko in when everyone else ignored us and not only that but you actually listen to our problems. I didn't want to leave you behind because it felt wrong to do so to the person who looked out for our well being." Raf argued back with a sad look on his face.

"You already told Miko didn't you?" Jack questioned with a poker face.

"Y-yeah. I told her on my way home from the pipe. S-sorry." Raf apologized while Jack turned to Miko and whistled for her.

"Miko come over here." With that Miko placed her drawing equipment away before jogging over to Raf and Jack.

"Whats up Jack-a-rabbit?" She asked.

"Do you believe in Raf in what he said yesterday?" Was the first question.

"Well, of course, I do because I know Raf doesn't lie and thinks with his brain and if he said that giant transforming robots exist then they do." She answered.

"Did Raf say anything about me. At all?" Was the next question.

"He said something about living vines or something about that I don't know since the signal on his end was weak." She said with Jack letting a sigh of relief go right as Bee drove up against the curb.

"Alright, the two of you get in don't ask question cause I don't know either and Miko." He said getting her attention. "Don't do something stupid when we get there." With that, Jack took off on Arcee while the two followed closely behind Bee alt mode all the way out in the desert with nothing in sight except for sand, sand, sand and guess what more sand till at the end of the road was giant mesa on it's ow with a single tower of to its left and any other mesas are about 5 or so miles away from it but as when they were about to go off-road and crash right into the mountain a hidden door had opened up allowing Arcee and Bee to drive in, along a spiral road leading into a wide-open area that was fit to house a missile of huge proportions but standing by a console fit to be used by one of these robots, then the same bot from yesterday came walking out from a hallway to the right of the drive-in entrance.

"I thought there was only one?" The bot who looked like the medic questioned.

"Haven't you heard that humans multiple rust for brains?" Jack sarcastically asked already getting on the bots nerves.

"I'll have you know rust is something we don't take kindly too." He shot back.

"Yeah, I know because there is a disease on your planet called plague of rust where it causes the host to turn into rust and or any metal buildings it comes in contact with." Jack said shocking everyone as he got off Arcee heading for the upper platform with Raf joining him while Miko ran off towards the green bot.

"And how do you know that?" The Medic bot asked gazing at Jack with calculating eyes.

"That is something I can't tell you as its a family secret." Jack said ignoring the glare well, he tried too. "Keep glaring at me and you'll find yourself missing a few limbs, doctor." He threatened but all it did was make him laugh as if he was able to do such a thing.

"As if a human was even remotely capable of doing such a thing." He said as he was ignoring the fact that the look Arcee was giving was more like a warning but he had just pushed a wrong button.

"You big green guy." Jack said now on the floor of the base.

"Me?" Bulk said a little unsure but still moved over towards Jack.

"Sorry in advance." Jack said not letting Bulk understand what he meant as Jack already picked him up by one of his feet and threw him upwards all the way to the ceiling. "Still don't think I can't tear off a few limbs?" Jack questioned and this time he meets Bulk halfway through his descent catching him and landed while also making a few cracks in the floor but not enough to damage it too badly.

"Although you have an incredible amount of strength I implore you to put one of my troops down and refrain from dismantling them." A new voice said coming from behind Jack as everyone now had their attention on the new bot that was much bigger than Bulk and was sporting a frame that resembled a semi-truck.

"So you must be the Autobot leader the Decepticons had tried to kill so many times but always seemed to fail. Its a pleasure to meet the invincible Optimus Prime." Jack complimented putting Bulk back on his feet.

"Wait one moment. Jack since when were you able to do such a thing?" Miko instantly asked as Jack was now her prime target for questioning.

"Not telling you." He said ignoring her.

"Also since when did your eyes change colour?" With that, Jack thought she was making it up.

"They haven't, they also been a stormy blue." He said and this time Miko brought her phone up to his face with the camera showing his eyes colour being a stormy red like a storm that came out of hell, not only that but the red lighting were also pulsing brighter. "Scrap. It must be side effect maybe. Whatever it's not life-threatening so I don't care." Jack said but he caught the attention of the medic.

"Side effect? What do you mean? What kind of medicine have you been taking that changes your eye colour?" The Medic asked with Jack now being his involuntary patient but when he tried to pick Jack up he had instantly jumped away much further than he wanted to as he ended clinging onto the wall of the base about 90 feet away from the floor shocking everyone even more.

"The last thing I want is to be some mad doctor or scientists test subject or end up on their dissection table." Jack angrily said as he dug his feet into the wall to stop him from falling.

"You're full of surprises for a human." Bulk commented while the medic just looked at him, astonished by his abilities to pick up a bot who weighs over two tonnes and jumped 90 feet into the air which should be impossible for a human.

"Well enough about me. Why don't you guys explain to them why we're here, I already know about the Decepticons and your war." Jack said which got them back on track while he just stayed up their not willing to go down or anywhere near that medic but as Optimus goes on about explaining the war and how they had been taken in by the Autobots as they feared the Decepticons would target them for even knowing the Autobots, they even explained why they and the Decepticons are here on Earth because they had been fighting a war that led to their planet becoming uninhabitable due to the war causing the production of energon to end and so they scattered to the stars some in search of a place to call their new home, some want no part in the war but what they had not expected was agent Fowler to show up with two soldiers wearing black uniform, a pair of blue goggles, one of the shoulder pads were sticking out and because of their uniform you couldn't see their face.

"Special agent Fowler to what do we owe the pleasure of you visiting?" Optimus asked while Miko and Raf are hiding behind Bulk and Bee.

"Well, other than the paperwork that is stacked up on my desk because of the trouble that you caused on the highway outside of Jasper, I'm ordered that BLACK-WATCH soldiers are to check up on the base just to make sure that the infection from New York doesn't spread as they had found out that a scientist called Alex Mercer had assisted someone out of the city with a young child with a more deadly version of the infection and they think a military personnel had a hand in with helping Mercer." Fowler explained as more of the BLACK-WATCH soldiers storm in from the elevator and started to search the entire base as Bulk and Bee did their best to Miko and Raf while Arcee stole a quick glance towards Jack but she didn't find him there, one of the soldiers spotted Arcee looking upwards and did the same only to find nothing until a gunshot was heard coming down from one of the hallways and then a scream of pain.

"Arcee accompany the soldiers in their duty." Optimus ordered and with that Arcee was behind all the BLACK-WATCH soldiers with all of them holding their guns up and the further they went down the corridor a blood trail was spotted leading to one of the storage rooms but the sight that awaits them was horrific as two of their soldiers were torn to pieces and was held aloft by the living black and red vines which attached themselves to the floor, walls and ceiling even some of their limbs were in the middle connecting the vines together as if it had entered their body and stretched out with blood dripping down and pooling into a huge puddle.

"Keep your eyes peeled." One of the soldiers said as they ventured even further into the storage room but unexpectedly to stop Arcee from going further she was trapped outside the room as more vines just exploded outward and filled the doorway and as soon as that happened more screams of pain and gunshots were heard until the only sound Arcee could hear was the dripping sound of blood fall to the floor forming a red river as the blood makes its way to the door.

"Prime, please tell me you haven't been keeping one of those things this entire time?" Fowler pleaded hoping Optimus didn't help Alex Mercer in any way.

"I'm afraid not Agent Fowler as I haven't been informed of the situation happening in New York and even if I was told about it I'm sure the government doesn't want to send in aliens to sort the problem out." Optimus said with Arcee come running out holding a BLACK-WATCH soldier. Well, what remains of one.

"Sweet lady liberty. How did one get all the way from New York to here? If I report this then more of them BLACK-WATCH troops will come down here and keep a twenty-four-seven watch on what happens here and will try to exterminate the threat any means necessary and that even going as far as to just bomb the entire town knowing how the general works." Fowler said as now he was stressing out because there was the threat of the infection being down far south in America.

"Worry not Fowler we will keep the infection or whatever it is contained inside the facility and have it on lock-down the only way in and out is via ground-bridge." Optimus said and before Fowler could say another word the computer by the medic started to beep alerting him to whatever it has found.

"Optimus I just picked up a strange energon signal in Nebraska." He reported.

"Ratchet fire up the ground-bridge, Autobots prepare to Roll out." He ordered with Bee and Bulk keeping Raf and Miko out of Fowler's sight and that also meant that they had to take Miko and Raf with them, Arcee placed the remains in a crate for now but what she didn't expect was for something to jump between the shadows at a fast pace too fast for a human eye to keep track of it and when the bridge opened the same thing had already jumped into it while they were busy transforming but what they didn't expect on the other side was dead Vehicons each have whole in their chest.

"What happened here?" Bulk asked but as when he finished that the dead corpses started to convulse coming back to life each standing back up as the red and black vines had moved around in the hole that was created until it looked brand new armour but they didn't move an inch after that.

"What do we do Optimus?" Arcee asked as their weapons are trained on the now undead cons and like a hidden command was said the cons had turned around with their guns out and started to march further into the tunnel leaving the shocked Autobots and two humans behind.

"Let's follow closely behind, Bulkhead and Bumblebee keep the humans close to you and if need be retreat till you are at a safe distance but remain with them to ensure their safety." Optimus said and they all nodded their heads and stuck close behind the cons and watched while they continuously marched onwards guns raised and firing at any Decepticon they see, marching over their corpses more and more of them get back up on their feet with what happened to the first lot but as they progressed each one of their looks changed their visors turned black while their paint jobs went from purple to red with black highlights and the symbols on their chest changed as well to two eagles back to back.

"Do you see that Optimus? Their changing appearance while on the move." Arcee pointed out making the Prime become astonished with what they were witnessing but when it came to a very large open area where different platforms above them have many Miners and Vehicons working on mining the huge energon crystals.

"You there! How come you're not working on mining the precious energon for lord Megatron?!" A sliver bot demanded from high above but he was so high up that he couldn't see the Autobots in the back.

"We... No... Longer... Serve... Rust bucket... Megatron..." Every single infected Vehicon declared shocking the silver bot a lot.

"HOW DARE YOU RISE AGAINST LORD MEGATRON YOU'LL KNOW YOUR PLACE!" He shouted and if a command was even needed as every Miner and Vehicon armed themselves before attacking the infected cons and as each one gets blasted with many different holes appearing all over their bodies even shots that would normally kill them.

Did nothing because when they had finished firing upon them they bare witnessed to the holes sealing themselves back as the red and black vines seeped out from their energon fuel lines and started to do a criss-cross pattern till there was not a single hole even the tiniest bacteria couldn't get in.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He had demanded and then it was the infected turn to show what they can do and unlike their arms transforming into weapons the red and black vines had appeared and started to shift their arms into many different weapons almost as similar to the ones Jack has, many had chosen to have their arms shapeshift into blades, a few had taken to using the whip, a small amount had chosen the claws and the rest had chosen to use their guns and charged at the Vehicons like an unkillable horde as the Decepticons tried their best to kill them but they kept coming back it was even worse as the Infecticons who fired their guns at the Decepticons only ended up joining the unkillable horde as they turned on their comrades, tearing their limbs off, shredding their armour and internal circuits the Silver bot had no clue on what to do so he did what he was known for and that was cowardly retreating with him transforming into a jet and flying towards the ship that is high above them as he left the Vehicons to their doom, the tidal wave of unkillable Vehicons overwhelming them as not a single one still stand unless they had the red and black vines in their bodies and when they were sure the warship was gone and not coming back each and everyone went back to their normal duties of mining but more effectively, leaving the Autobots completely alone.

"Enjoyed the show?" A voice asked as a Vehicon that was very much different from the others as this one had a different symbol on its chest which was both halves of an Eagle and Half of the Autobot face and the visor was like a raging storm that came from the lowest depths of hell and something about that Vehicons posture also gave away the fact that it stood there posing excitedly and proud. "Was it that bad that your speechless or in a good way?" It questioned.

"And who are you?" Bulk asked as the Vehicon did a fake hurt.

"Ouch, that hurts right here pal. I can't believe you already forgot about little old Jack." He said with sagging shoulders.

"There is no way your Jack, not in a stellar cycle." Arcee said not even believing the strange Vehicon.

"How much you wanna bet on that?" He asked with curiosity looking expectantly at Arcee.

"My spark. Cause I know there is no way a Cybertronian is a human." She stated completely sure of herself.

"Alright, and I know one way of taking that." He said and stepped back a little. "Are you completely sure?" He asked just to double-check and received a sharp nod and with everyone watching even Miko and Raf they saw as the Vehicons entire body was surrounded by black and red vines which had seeped out from underneath the armour and slowly they vanished as did the limbs but the further back the vines went they revealed human arms that have a red leather jacket on with a black hood on the back of the Jack was the Autobot crest but in Black and sometimes it even pulsed red but what shocked the Autobots the most was the fact that the face was the exact same as Jacks even the red stormy eyes. "It seems you owe me your spark Arcee." Jack said with a smug grin while she just huffed and crossed her arms

"Holy... Jack-a-rabbit?!" Miko exclaimed as Jack stood there with his arms spread out wide and a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"The one and only, in the flesh." Jack said and then stood still before turning to look over towards two Infecticons which were carrying two parts of a corpse that was leaking a dark purple liquid and when the Autobots followed his gaze they saw someone they thought was killed and is truly killed as the bot was bisected in half from the shoulder to hip. "Well, damn and I thought I was brutal-" Jack was saying but the two half corpses started thrashing about like it was still alive and it wasn't the kind of alive like Jack, it was more like a zombie coming back to life, without a command two more Infecticons came rushing over dropping a huge chunk of a blue crystal to restrain the two corpses. "Ah, this must that Cliffjumper that... oh, what's his name? Streamer? No, I think its Screamer terminated." Jack was thinking out loud.

"How do you know that?" Raf asked.

"Huh? Oh, when I consume Biomass I also takes the victims memories and skills in any department. For example, if I was to consume Optimus I would not only gain his memories but his fighting skills and all the memories that are held within the matrix of Leadership." Jack explained, the Autobots were focused on Jacks explanation but for Arcee, she was focusing on watching the thrashing undead partner.

"Jack." Arcee abruptly said stopping him from doing anything else.

"What can I do for you?" He inquired and Arcee turned to him.

"Is there any way for you to turn Cliff back to normal?" She asked shocking everyone as they would never expect such a thing from the second in command but Optimus was looking at Arcee looking at her with critical eyes.

"..." Jack had said nothing looking very sombre.

"Please, Jack. I-I'm just not ready to say goodbye to him yet." Arcee whispered to Jack in a pleading tone but with how his head was tipped down she couldn't see his eyes and like before without a single command the four Infecticons had let one of their arms go and shapeshifted them into a different weapons for all of them except the last as it had to stop the undead Autobot from attacking, one was an arm blade, another was claws and the last was massive black fist and when Arcee heard the telltale sound of shifting behind her so turning back she bared witness to Cliff's undead body being pummeled, sliced and cut till it no longer moved or even spoken as the dark purple in its eyes faded to pitch black.

"I cannot." Jack said once it was all over but Arcee was consumed with rage so much that she shot Jack multiple times till nothing but blood was left as it had splattered all over the ground the only other piece of evidence that Jack was there was his left eye flying out towards Miko and landed in her hand, unleashing a shrill shriek Miko had threw the eyeball far away from her.

"Arcee! There was no reason for you to kill him!" Optimus angrily reprimanded but Arcee's body was still shaking with rage.

"Oh, yeah! Then was it alright for them to just kill Cliff and he tells me he cannot save Cliff! What would you do Optimus? Huh? What would you do?!" Arcee argued back as she was on the verge of tears. "What gave him the right to just kill my partner, the bot who I'm supposed to look out for and they do the same?" Arcee desperately asked as the entire mine fell into silence except for the sound of tools being used to mine the energon.

"Cliff was already dead." A voice they all knew too well spoke as the blood moved towards each other but close to the eyeball as well, with a hand made of blood reaching out of the pool and smashing into the ground to support the being. Everyone was shocked to see the blood moving on its own and even the blood hand moving but not only that as another hand shot out the puddle doing the same the next thing that came out of the blood pool was a head that had the same shapes as Jacks not only that but the blood was taking a more defined form as it went upwards sticking up in the air before it changed to raven black and fell down and curved off to the side, the next thing to happen was an eye taking form retaining its colour like before but there was hole in the other socket but one of the blood hands moved to grab the eyeball and placed it near the socket before black and red vines shot out attaching themselves to the eyeball and sucked it back in to its rightful place after that the rest of Jacks facial features appeared even the clothing that he was wearing appeared once that was over he had jumped out of the puddle landing on his feet in front of it with his jeans and trainers on but the blood-puddle was still there until it moved towards Jack and was absorbed into him. "I cannot help those that have been killed and brought back to life as Cybertronians are different to humans instead of a heart you have a spark thus once the spark is extinguished I cannot help them and even if the spark was to be reignited it's not same." Jack explained but everyone was in a shocking state that the only ones who actually listened to him were Optimus and Arcee.

"But why did you kill Cliff we could have done something to save him?" Arcee questioned.

"I'm sorry but when I was infecting these Vehicons I also had a look at their memories each one has heard about how Megatron brought back a chunk of something called Dark energon, which gave me the conclusion that Megatron must have used the Dark energon to reanimate your dead comrade as a mindless energon thirsty killing machine. In honour of not staining his memory even further I chose the only right solution which was to put him out of his misery. I give you my condolences." Jack sadly said and Optimus took a bit of interest in Jacks answer to Arcee's question. Instead of letting Cliff remain alive as an evil experiment thanks to the Decepticons and try to save him he took the route of honouring Cliff's memory by killing him and not to stain the memory they all knew about Cliff. "But I would like to offer you a choice." Jack said after a brief moment of silence but it wasn't directed at any of the others, it was just directed at Arcee.

"What is it you could possibly other me?" Arcee asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"You see these Infecticons?" Jack asked directing their attention to them. "Each one is a part of a hive mind, I control every single one all the way down to where energon is directed through their bodies. What I would like to offer you is something similar but you retain your free will as well as gain some new perks. What do you say?" Jack stated and everyone was shocked beyond belief as if something like Jack said could actually happen. "Well, you heard me out so... just think about it. In the meantime, these guys will remain here to keep mining the energon for both our needs." Jack said.

"Why would you need energon?" Optimus asked as everyone saw how each Infecticon was working away at mining energon.

"I think its because of both energon and whatever kind of metal you're made up of has upgraded my 'gifts' so to say and was wondering if I need the energon to keep some of them active and usable as I concluded that energon is the source of energy and life for you Cybertronians." Jack explained as he shifted one arm in blaster he had acquired when he first consumed a Cybertronian. "Anyway, I think we should go back to base to let Ratchet know that you guys have taken over the mine and will be getting a good source of energon for a while." Jack said with a sigh as at this moment he just wanted to lay down in his bunk at the garage and do some more practice with his repairing, and artwork but he needs to remember to get another piece of a metal sheet.

"Very well, Autobots return to base." Optimus ordered with Bulkhead and Bee transforming around Miko and Raf and the two found themselves inside their respective bots alt modes, Optimus had started to send Ratchet a comm message to open a bridge and when one was open Arcee transformed and drove through leaving the others behind and so Jack had hop in Optimus alt mode when he was in the three drove into the ground-bridge where Ratchet is standing by the ground bridge console and lifting the lever up to shut it off once they where all through jack saw on the floor a motorbikes skid marks on the floor which meant that Arcee came through full speed and left the base for a drive and so getting out Optimus alt mode Jack walked down a hallway that led to a room that still had the BLACK-WATCH soldiers hanging corpses and with the door blocked off Jack just had to walk up to it before it opened it up for him, walking inside along a wall was three pods with something inside moving around and because Jack had used his powers in this room to kill all the BLACK-WATCH agents he also had accidentally turned the room into some kind of nest as all the walls were covered in some kind of red flesh like substance, Jack was going to ask his mom about them before he realised the time as it was nearly his curfew so rushing back to the hub he found out that Optimus had assigned Bulkhead to be Miko's guardian, Bee to be Raf's and Jack would have gotten Ratchet but he was too busy examining a strange purple liquid and so he ended up having Arcee but at the moment she wasn't there so he had ridden in Optimus' cabin for the night.

"I don't think she likes me." Jack said as he was looking out the passenger side window.

"That may be true but eventually you'll grow on her." Optimus said.

"How can you be so sure of that? I mean I had terminated her very own partner because he had basically become one of the Decepticons experiments and trust me when I say this. I don't wanna end up on Shockwaves examination table." Jack said with a shiver as the two are now on the outskirts of Jasper.

"If Shockwave were to get his servo on you then that could mean the end of us as he would surely use your gifts as weapons of destruction." Optimus grimly said.

"I must confess though, I am very interested in what a combiner is as the memories I obtained some had the Combaticons and Constructicons which have the ability to combine into something, what was it that they could combine into?" Jack asked with absolute curiosity.

"Hmm, the Constructicons consisted of six members, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Hook and Scrapper. They were the best builders the Decepticons had but when it came to fighting they would be able to combine into Devastator who was quite formidable. The Comabticons consisted of Onslaught, Brawl, Vortex, Blast Off and Swindle. They were a dangerous team to ever face and even more dangerous when they combined into Bruticus. Each bot is a component to the Combiner, for example, Bruticus needs Brawl and Swindle to walk, he would also need Blast Off and Vortex to have arms while Onslaught would function as the chest and helm." Optimus explained as he stopped at the shutters to the garage Jack use as a home.

"If you wouldn't mind Optimus but when I come to the base tomorrow can I get any form of information on the two groups, please." Jack said lifting the shutter up.

"May I ask as to why?"

"Cybertronian technology and history are very interesting and the prospect of a combiner is something I would like to learn." Jack said closing the shutter and started to carve out a Cybertronian rune saying Combiner into the sheet of metal as he did so he could faintly hear a voice inside his head.

"Keep growing stronger son..." Was the words Jack heard and thought he was hearing things and chalked it up to sleepiness.