"Conference room, now," Hotch ordered a ticked off look on his face.

Elle and Morgan showed incredulous looks but complied nonetheless.

Reid came in last, shutting the door quietly and sitting down at his normal spot at the table. "What's going on?" he asked cheerfully.

Almost on cue a man in his early to mid twenties with raven black hair and striking green eyes walked in. His build was more towards Morgan's type but his posture and tendencies were almost completely like Reid's. He shifted nervously when all the eyes were on him before giving a bashful smile, "I was told to come here for the BAU, do I have the wrong room?" He questioned when nobody spoke and just stared at him.

"Hadrian?" Spencer asked awkwardly stepping forward from behind Morgan who immediately covered Reid.

"Spencer? Um...hi!" was the newly dubbed Hadrian's not so eloquent response.

"You two know each other?" Gideon asked, sounding amused.

"We went to college together," they responded in sync creepily. The entire team just stared at them. Hadrian and Spencer didn't even blink.

"What? Are you also some kind of genius?" Morgan asked almost worriedly.

"I do not believe intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 178, a photographic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute... Yes, I'm a genius," he finished when everybody, bar Reid, stared at him.

"Well anyways," Hotch interrupted the deafening silence, "Dr. Evans will be with us for the next six moths as a temporary transfer. He will still do all of the things that every team member does including paperwork, but only for the next six months. Reid, show Hadrian to the cubicle across from yours," Hotch said.

Reid just nodded and held open the door for Hadrian receiving a quiet, "thank you," in return.

"Six months huh? Morgan asked sarcastically, "six months for Reid to bond with the only other person relatively near his intelligence level, and then he just leaves?" he said concerned.

"This will be a good opportunity for Reid to practice formulating bonds," Gideon said not sounding any more happy about it then Morgan.

"He worked with me once in California, he'll be a good addition to the team," Elle said, "temporarily," she finished seeing all of the looks Morgan was sending her way.

"Well this will just go great," Hotch murmured underneath his breath looking out of the window where Spencer was laughing at something that Hadrian said.