Chapter 1: Mysterious Persons



This is my new account, and I'm not going to say what my old account was cause I'm starting anew…. Totally mysterious…

A little about me? I'm a huge nerd so strap in for yet another time traveling naruto(Naruko) fanfic.

Yes we will be using Naruko bc I am obsessed with the idea of it so…. ALSO

IF you like obito, you will be glad to know that he is in the sory!


I have not finished the series, but I basically know what happens (thank you internet!), so if I happen to get any events sort of wrong PLEASE TELL ME I am not a walking encyclopedia! ALSO !Even if I had finished it, who in the actual heck actually knows every single detail about this long ass story line so cut me some slack. This is a FANFICTION, I will be as accurate as possible, and it will not be perfect! Thank you!


~This scene references the nine tails attack on the leaf village the day Naruto was born~

Minato rushed to pick up Kushina and take her back to their home. He carefully placed her next to Naruto. Then, as swiftly as he came, he disappeared to fight the nine tailed fox. As he landed on top of the Hokage statues, the nine-tails launched one of its tailed beast attacks at him. Minato acted quickly, transporting the enormous mass of energy to outside the village.

"I've got to be careful where I send these…" Minato thought to himself.

As Minato subdued the attack, he felt the presence of someone behind him. As he turned to attack, he saw the man in the striped mask again. Minato swung to try and hit the masked man, but his hand went straight through the man's head. Minato looked at the man with surprise, not sure what jutsu would allow the man to become totally transparent. As his shuriken went through the masked attacker, the masked villian shouted, "I'm your opponent, and it's all over,"

The masked man grasped Minato's arm, and attempted to draw him into his void, but just as he was about to do so, Minato used his transportation jutsu to escape.

"He flew away... He's fast." The masked man murmured to himself. He stood for a minute, gazing at the destruction he had induced through the control of the nine tailed fox. The masked man was about to turn away to follow minato, when he saw a bright flashing light from the direction of the nine-tailed fox. He turned quickly, but it vanished just as quickly as it came. He saw the nine tails spiral into a small dot in the sky, and suddenly fall.

"What the... " the masked figure murmured to himself.

The small dot then glowed red, and shot towards a clearing outside the leaf village. The masked man glared at the oddity disrupting his plan, then started after the red dot in the sky.

Minato landed in the plane outside where Naruto was born, and looked back expectantly back at the leaf village.

"Where is that guy," he thought to himself, "I thought he might have followed me, but I guess not."

Minato stood up and gazed at the nine tails ravishing the city. But right as he was about to go after the monster again, he saw a bright flash, then a swirling of the nine tail's body into a small dot in the sky. He then felt a strong chakra he had never felt before. Minato stepped back in confusion, then stood up straighter. He watched as the dot turned into a red haze, then shot off into the outer reaches of the city. Minato observed the scene, for another minute, then started towards the center of the city.

"That can wait for a moment, I need to make sure everything is handled in the city"

The masked man followed the light, speeding faster ahead of him.

"How is that thing so fast… what is it?"

The masked man continued to chase the red light, further out of the city, when finally he saw it land in an old training field. He landed slightly behind a tree to watch as the glowing figure stood up.

"A… Woman…?" the masked man thought to himself. He saw the woman stand there, two blonde ponytails moving slightly in the breast. He watched her stand there until she whipped around and stared right at him, two red eyes staring into his one. He jumped a little bit as he saw the animalistic eyes of the nine tails stare into his. He felt daggers of hate drilling into his skull.

"Come out… now…" she said, in a low growl, "Obito…"

The masked man- Obito- raised his chin and smiled, "Alright you got me, I'll come out. But tell me- who are you? And how do you know me? You seem to have taken the power of the nine tails all for yourself…"

The woman smirked, and stepped forward, "My name? You know my name. You destroyed my life… you killed my family…my friends…"

Obito hummed softly, "Not surprising. I have ravaged many villages in my search for the tailed beasts. But you've still not mentioned your name. You bear a strong resemblance to Kushina Uzumaki, but with bright blonde hair of all things, you wouldn't happen to be related to her?"

The woman smirked, "You could say that… I'm the daughter of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. My name, is Naruko Uzumaki!"

"You're… What?" Obito said, confused, "I thought they just had their first baby… Are they even old enough to have a daughter that old?", "Nevermind, I will be taking that fox back anyways so you will not be alive for long,"

"Whatever you say old man," Naruko said, "Just try and take Kurama away from me again you freak,"

"Kurama? You think you can address me by that name? Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me? What happened to you? I thought we were getting along well after all we went through together."

"Interesting… I do feel a strange comfort within your body, you have seemed to have harbored a similar being before,"

"You're silly, I have been the nine tailed jinchuuriki since I was born. You've been with me since I was a baby, and we even grew to respect each other. I think we've become great friends!"

"Interesting… We will discuss this further at a later time… now, you wanted to kill this man?"

Naruko furrowed her eyebrows, "...Yes,"

"Good girl… I shall lend you some of my power, do with it what you want,"

"You think you can defeat me? Give me everything you've got" Obito said, pulling the chains from his sleeve, "You look so worn down, I doubt you could hit me anyways,"

As the chains dropped he cinched them to his wrists, and started to sway back and forth. Naruko leaned back on one leg preparing to fight him. She felt the power of the nine tails flow through her as strong as the rage coursed through her veins. She smirked, then moved forward to attack.

Minato landed in the center of the village, checking in on the Jonin that were still evacuating the citizens of the leaf village.

"How is everyone doing?" Minato asked urgently

A Jonin turned to him and nodded, "Yes, we have the situation handled. There are many casualties, but not nearly as many as there would have been if the demon fox had continued its rampage. The nine-tailed fox has disappeared somehow, and the medical ninja are on their way to help out with the injured. Do you know what happened with the nine tail? Did you defeat it?" she asked enthusiastically.

Minato shook his head, "I have no idea I am planning on figuring that out now,"

"Right. Do you have any specific orders for us before you go?"

"No, I trust your judgement," Minato said.

With those last words, Minato turned and transported himself towards the edge of the leaf village in the direction that the red light had flown. When he got to the edge, he sensed two powerful chakras in the training fields. He raced over, but watched from a distance, as two figures stood talking to each other. He watched them talk, taking in the words they were saying, trying to figure out who the two of them were. Then, they lunged at eachother and the fighting started.

"So… they aren't friends then… I wish I could've heard what they were saying," Minato observed, "The masked man, and the mystery woman,"

He studied the two carefully, especially the one surrounded by the red haze.

"Is that ninja… a Jinchuriki? She is surrounded by the chakra of the nine-tailed fox … but that's impossible… the fox was never sealed again.. Unless that masked man did it, but why would they be fighting then? Unless he thought this girl would be easier to control than the nine-tailed fox..."

Minato watched the two go at each other, curiously watching the speed and skill of the jinchuriki in front of him. He watched as Naruko swung at the masked man, dodging and jumping around the opposites attacks.

"She must have fought him before… and she seems very accustomed to the nine-tailed chakra… she must be a very skilled kunoichi… but I still don't know who she is,"

Naruko made shadow clones and jumped around, trying to get at Obito when he materialized again.

"So she has fought him before? And she can use Shadow Clones so well? She reminds me of an Uzumaki… with that strong chakra reserve and the ease that the accepted that fox"

Naruko jumped and weaved around Obito, until obito caught her arm, and swung her into the rock formation behind them. She gasped, and fell to her knees. As she tried to stand up Obito ran up and pinned her by the shirt to the rock

"So, you said you know me huh?" Obito said to Naruko, "Which village are you from? Did I kill your parents? Your friends and family?" Obito taunted.

She snarled and tried hit Obito, but he dodged her attack and stabbed her with his kunai knife. Naruko screamed as Obito twisted the knife.

"You've been pesky, jinchuriki," Obito said in a low voice, "But I need you alive so I can take your nine tailed fox friend residing in you,"

"Good… Luck…" Naruko said, panting, blood trickling from the side of her mouth.

"And then when I'm done," Obito said, getting close to Naruko's ear, "I'll destroy the rest of this village, just for you"

"I won't let you kill anymore innocent people!" She shouted, conjuring up a mass of swirling blue chakra in her hand, "Rasengan!" She shouted, drilling her jutsu into Obito's chest.

"What?" Minato said in surprise, "Nobody else knows that Jutsu…"

Obito flew back, skidding against the ground, then planting his hand to propel him up on his feet. "You stupid girl," he growled, and ran at Naruko. Naruko jumped up and created shadow clones to attack. They came at him from every angle, trying to counter his phasing.

"You destroyed everything that mattered to me!" Naruko yelled, creating multitudes of shadow clones. With every hit, she yelled "You killed my friends. Neji. Hinata. Shikamaru. Choji. Kiba… And you even went after the only family I had left!" She yelled, throwing another rasengan at him, but hitting a tree. The tree came crashing to the ground as Naruko continued to chase after Obito.

Minato jumped closer, "I need to help her… I don't know who she is, but she can't defeat that man on her own.. She is injured" he thought, observing the injury in her stomach

"Sakura and Kakashi were the only family I had left, and YOU!" Naruko continued, her attacks getting more wild as she grew angrier. The red chakra was coursing faster through her veins, giving her tunnel vision, making her vision go red.

"Kakashi? But he's…. Not dead is he? Is she a girlfriend I don't know about? A friend of his?" Minato stopped, and put his hand to the ground. He closed his eyes to concentrate, and felt for chakra within the village… "Kakashi… Where are you…" Minato thought, searching for his chakra among the thousands of people surrounding and inhabiting the village, "Found him… He's not dead… So what is she talking about? Who is this girl?"

"You killed them all!" She screamed, red chakra flowing from her body, forming a tail behind her. Her eyes became like the nine-tails eyes, and the whiskers on her face appeared thicker. She growled and got on all fours to bound at Obito.

"Wh- I didn't" Obito said back, as Naruko lunged at him. She ran at him, forming a mini tailed beast bomb in her hand

"I haven't killed Kakashi yet!" Obito shouted, lunging at Naruko, "But I'll make sure you get to watch when I do!"

Just before Naruko and Obito collided, Minato pushed obito to the ground, putting a seal on Obito's back knocking him out, while simultaneously kicking Naruko into the air. Naruko flew up falling hard onto the ground, where she laid motionless. Minato stood up and watched as the red haze surrounding the girl slowly seeped back into her.

"Who are you…" Minato murmured.


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