Izuku had to think about a lot in the span of less than a second.
As Norio's finger pulled the trigger, and the end of the blaster lit up red, preparing to shoot out a bolt of energy, it registered in his head he was still timed out as far as he knew.
The energy blast finally formed and shot towards the Volann, everything feeling slow. He almost felt like he was back on Vilgax's ship for a moment. Even if he could use the Omnitrix he'd have no time to select a suitable alien, and getting a bad selection was simply not an option here.
The blast was almost upon the alien and Izuku's body suddenly glowed as green lightning started bursting off of him. He had only one choice. 'One for All: Plus Ultra Base!'
To everyone else, all they saw for a moment was a green bolt of lightning rush towards the red bolt of energy and the fish-like alien, before suddenly said alien disappeared from sight.
"What the?!" Norio looked around, spotting Izuku had managed to in an instant get the asphyxiating escapee towards a group of aliens climbing onto one of the ships.
"Get him the water he needs now! I'll hold Norio off!" Izuku called before disappearing again, reappearing beside the plumber to try and kick the blaster out his hand. Norio reacted at the last moment, dropping the gun and ducking, avoiding the kick before pushing Izuku back and pointing a second gun at the freckled teen's chest which had seemed to magically appear in his hand.
Izuku wasn't to be stopped so easily though, barely dodging the blast fired by a few centimeters, he rushed back in, sliding on the ground and trying to strike the new gun out of the man's hand with a palm strike.
He thought he had succeeded for a moment when he saw the blaster go flying, only for the soldier to suddenly smack his hands against both sides of his head before he could move, making his ears ring as suddenly two more blasters were pointed in his face.
"A-Ah… so you have a duplication quirk of some sort…" Izuku realized as he stumbled back, surprised by the strength of the man. He was sure One For All had upped his durability yet his head still hurt like he'd taken two baseball bats to either side.
Out the corner of his eyes, he was happy to at least see most of the aliens were escaping on the ships, the plumber too distracted with him to stop them.
Norio smirked as he put his hands on the trigger.
"Perfect to avoid being disarmed."
He fired, only for Izuku to disappear again, dodging the blasts and suddenly zapping across the room, bouncing off of walls and one or two ships before managing to come in and land a punch on Norio's cheek, making the man stumble back before he immediately raised to fire again, hitting the wall behind where Izuku had been.
Two strong arms wrapped around the plumber's neck as he felt a foot come into his leg hard, forcing him to kneel. "Then I just have to knock you out before you can fire them!"
Izuku's eyes went wide though, as a moment later he saw the older man's weapons tossed into the air, before an elbow struck his stomach and he was forced to pull back, jumping out of the way of two sudden blasts from the thrown blasters that landed, firing randomly.
Norio took one of the blasts to the side of his leg, making him let out a cry of pain before he quickly aimed and fired two brand new guns again at the freckled teen, who quickly ran backwards, just avoiding the blasts as they hit the ground before he flipped back onto the wall and jumped forward at speed, missing the soldier with his new punch by inches as he predicted it incoming.
Izuku grinned though as his feet landed on the ground, and then he leaped high into the air, briefly touching the roof and completely dodging the final blasts Norio had tried to get him with, cracking the roof with the force he jumped off it as he landed one solid strike right into Norio's head.
The final two blasters dropped out of the man's hands onto the floor as he fell to his knees, before collapsing with a groan. Izuku let out a small chuckle as he kicked one blaster away and picked up the other, keeping it pointed at the Plumber just in case. "Wow, never gotten to use One For All full on in a fight like that before in my human state. Thanks Norio, it was a real blast."
The man groaned again, coughing slightly. Izuku shrugged.
"Yeah you're right. That was bad even for me."
Izuku looked around, breathing a sigh of relief when he spotted a small group of aliens who had taken the Volann to the water at the end of the hangar. Izuku noticed there were only a few ships left, which meant there'd still be some left over apparently.
Izuku felt sick for a moment knowing why not every ship would be gone, turning back to glare at Norio and keep an eye on him when suddenly a loud crashing noise sounded out, making him jump and look up to see the wall ahead of them starting to crack and crumble.
"What the-"
Then finally it gave away and Izuku's jaw dropped when the second biggest robot he'd seen since he'd gotten the Omnitrix, crashed through the ceiling onto the floor, beaten in size only by the Zero Pointer.
In fact, it was roughly half the size of the Zero Pointer.
It looked like a massive medieval knight for the most part, with a tunic and gloves all made of metal, along with massive spiked pauldrons on the shoulders. The helmet was particularly interesting as it had a golden mask of sorts depicting a stoic face covered by a grey metal cowl. The eyes seemed to be pure black voids and it completely split right at the center.
The most notable thing that made Izuku breathe a sigh of relief though was seeing the robot was covered entirely on side with ice and was being bombarded with pink energy discs.
The face opened up and a somewhat battered Magister Homura fell out onto the floor coughing.
"Midoriya. There you are." Todoroki called out, stepping over the rubble and landing on the scene. "I see your mission went smoothly."
"Yeah I- Woah!" Izuku had to suddenly jump back when a new energy disc came flying straight towards him. Instead of hitting him however it arced down and smashed into Norio, who the Omnitrix bearer hadn't noticed had been starting to rise. "T-Thanks, Gwen."
"No problem. Just try to pay a little more attention." Gwen said with a slightly cheeky smirk.
"Guess I missed the boss battle, huh?" Izuku asked, pointing at the giant robot. "Did not expect to see a robot like that turn up."
"It was certainly a surprise, that's for sure." Todoroki said, seemingly completely disinterested. "Nothing that difficult to deal with overall though."
Several minutes earlier
"Hey Todoroki, can I ask you something?" Gwen asked as she and the heterochromatic teen sprinted through the halls, being lucky enough to avoid any plumbers for the most part. Any small groups of them that did appear were always either almost instantly frozen or knocked out by an exploding energy disc from the redheaded pro.
"I suppose." The teenager hummed simply as they rounded a corner and started descending some stairs.
"You were in the sports festival with Midoriya, so you've known him for a while right?"
"Not for as long or as well as Yaoyorozu or Iida." The fire and ice teen said simply. "Why?"
"I was just curious if you knew anything more about how he got the Omnitrix. Some of the aliens he has are completely different from what my cousin had when he first got it, and his watch's design is a lot more like the final watch Ben got." Gwen explained, before halting as two plumbers rounded the corner. Before they could even raise their guns to the two intruders, Gwen had caught one of them in a tight grasp with a magic construct, smashing them into the wall and then into their partner hard enough they both hit the other wall and collapsed. Not even phased, Gwen turned to Todoroki as they continued running on. "Just makes me curious what other differences there might be."
"Well I don't have the answers to that. We- Plumber escaping straight ahead!" Todoroki suddenly called and Gwen looked forward, gritting her teeth when she saw the retreating form of Homura.
"That's the leader! Come on, let's put an end to this already!"
The two picked up the pace, Gwen's hands constantly coated in a pink glow and Todoroki ready to throw a barrage of ice and fire forward at any moment if need be.
They were almost stopped at one point when metal walls started falling down on them, but Gwen made short work of them with her most powerful attacks and they soon followed Homura into a dark room that seemed empty for a moment.
"Where did he…."
"Miss Tennyson, look up." Todoroki said, with actual shock clear in his voice for once. The redhead did and she gaped at what she saw. A giant robot designed to look like the Forever Knights she fought when she was ten-years-old, chained up to the walls.
"Oh god not another one of those…" She groaned as she saw it start coming to life. Homura must have already gotten into the control area when the two had walked in. "We need to stop that thing as soon as possible!"
"On it!" The teen beside her shouted, running forward and stomping his foot into the ground, a massive barrage of ice travelling straight towards the robot. It had fully awoken at this point though and tore it's arm from one of the chains holding it in a surprisingly fluid motion, backhanding the ice and completely shattering it.
Todoroki blinked. "Ah. That is problematic."
"Well well well, Gwendolyn. So nice of you to show your face. Now I can finally get rid of you for good. It may be a work in progress but it's hardly anything to sneeze at." Homura chuckled from inside the robot, bolting forward with thunderous footsteps and trying to crush the two.
Gwen's hands shot out, creating a massive mana shield that blocked the robot's strike. It cracked somewhat under the pure pressure however and the dimension hopping woman knew she'd have to come up with something else fast.
She quickly redirected her construct so it changed from a shield into something more akin to a massive whip, wrapping around the robot's arms as she bolted forward, platforms of Mana appearing under her feet and letting her raise higher into the air while keeping the focus on her.
This gave Todoroki a chance to attack more freely, sending another barrage of ice out that froze the massive machine's right leg. Its free fist simply smashed into the ice, breaking most of it before it tried to strike Gwen, who leapt atop the fist and dropped over the side.
She ran forward on another platform of Mana once she was beneath the fist, the whip of mana following her as she maneuvered herself in specific ways.
Todoroki quickly understood what she was attempting to do when he saw the whip was starting to tie up the robot's hands, preventing it from attacking as freely.
This also gave Todoroki more of an opportunity to strike with the villain distracted. It had become apparent attacking from his current position would hardly give him any advantage though.
Looking to the nearby wall he took inspiration from Gwen's mana platforms and the crystal platforms he'd seen Izuku use as Crystalize in the past. He'd have to be more careful than those two but they gave him an idea.
He ran at the wall, Ice starting to form beneath his feet that shot out in two directions. One path went out towards the wall, travelling up it while the other path started making its way towards the gargantuan machine, starting to rise into platforms of ice.
He used the ice on the wall as a sort of climbing frame, his left hand melting holes into the ice for him to grip into and climb up, eventually reaching the height of the first platform where a bridge of ice shot out for him to travel across.
Once he reached the edge of the first platform, a second platform appeared and he leapt onto it, incredibly thankful he'd requested shoes that would prevent him from slipping on his ice for his costume.
He started rising higher and higher with each platform until he could eventually jump and land on the villain robot's shoulder, seeing it's hands had been completely tied up.
That didn't stop it however, as it started struggling and very suddenly broke free of the restraints, it's eyes glowing red as two lasers suddenly shot out towards Gwen, who barely had time to make a shield before she was thrown off her feet, hitting against the wall and falling to the ground.
"Miss Tennyson!" Todoroki exclaimed, before seeing one of the hands then coming to crush him. He gritted his teeth, ice forming at his foot and rapidly expanding out, creating a blockade between the shoulder and fist, freezing the hand in place.
It struggled, trying to break the ice and Todoroki tried to blast the face with fire, hoping he could melt through and tear the plumber out from inside the cockpit. The face had to be split like that for a reason and he was sure it was where he'd find the plumber.
The plan proved to be in vain however, as the ice suddenly shattered and the robot's hand was freed. It would have tried to crush the heterochromatic teen again most likely if it wasn't for the sudden violent barrage of energy discs that exploded against its face, causing the machine to stumble back.
He didn't need to be told twice, Ice quickly starting to spread all down the right side of the metallic monstrosity. The second a pause came between the magic barrage, Homura tried to throw Todoroki off of him, smashing through some of the ice and bashing his fist off the wall hard, causing it to crack and begin to crumble.
"GET OFF IT NOW!" Gwen cried out and the fire and ice teen did as the pro said, running and jumping down, ice continuing to form on the robot which he used to slide down to safety at the same time, leaping off at the last moment to the ground, rolling and creating the last of the ice needed to fully freeze up the robots right side.
The last of Gwen's barrage came in fast and hard, causing the massive machine to tumble back, turning as it fell and crashing straight through the wall, smashing hard into the ground as the debris of the wall collapsed all around it and Homura fell out onto the floor, groaning.
Both Gwen and Todoroki quickly took stock of the next room, surprised to see that Izuku was there, a blaster being held to a fallen plumber presumably the final group of aliens all hurrying onto one of the final ships to escape.
"Midoriya. There you are."
Izuku just chuckled, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand as he took in the sheer size of the robot. "Not difficult, huh? You're something else Todoroki."
The stoic teen just hummed, barely reacting. Izuku turned his gaze to Homura with a more serious expression as he heard the final ship beginning to leave. "And there it is, it's all over Homura."
"Yes. Every innocent alien is free and going home, all your 'plumber' friends have been taking out and you're outnumbered and outmatched." Gwen said as her hands glowed, ready to react in case he tried anything. "So make this easier on everyone and just give up."
"I didn't… spend my entire life preparing… for it to end so easily…" Homura growled, gripping the ground. Izuku was about to make a comment when he saw black fur beginning to spread around the plumber's arms.
"Look out!"
Then, the man let out a feral roar as three massive claws sprouted one either of his hands and he bolted forward, going from all fours to his feet rapidly, running faster than any normal person could possibly hope to. Homura had finally decided to use his quirk.
"No! Get back here!" Gwen shouted, throwing energy blasts after the man that just missed. Izuku looked down and gritted his teeth seeing he was still timed out.
'No time to waste. One For All: Plus Ultra Base!'
He bolted forward at speeds that were at least equal with Homura's, lightning bursting off him as he rapidly made his way to the end of the hangar.
"MIDORIYA?!" Todoroki shouted out, the most shocked Izuku had ever heard him so far at seeing the green haired teen use a power in his human form.
Homura reached the end of the hangar seconds before Izuku, making a massive leap into the air and landing on the ship with the final escaping aliens, his desperation showing.
Izuku landed on the same ship a moment later, running over to the back of the ship and appearing in front of Homura, delivering a roundhouse kick to the plumber's face just before he could try to tear into the cockpit.
The now half-man, half-monster was thrown back onto the wing of the ship, before he let out a howl and bolted forward, trying to tear Izuku open. The freckle faced teen barely had time to react, jumping back slightly just in time to avoid having his vital organs suddenly thrown off into the sea.
Izuku struck back, fist connecting with the plumbers face and making him twist from the impact but he twirled around completely, coming in for a strike with his claws and forcing Izuku to have to grab them, making him let out a cry of pain as he felt multiple cuts open up. Acting quick, he swept the man's feet out from under him and delivered a strike to the chest, throwing him away.
Unfortunately, before he could even try to pull up the Omnitrix, Homura was on his feet again and launched at him, trying to slice his legs into pieces. Izuku leapt into the air, which very nearly went horribly for him as the laws of physics took over and he landed on the back of the ship, having to quickly run back right into a claw assault he barely managed to slide under, striking Homura down below as he did so.
"RA! You bRAAAt!" He screamed, turning and coming in again for yet another attack. He threw out both his hands, bringing both claws down towards each other. 'Dammit! He's giving me no room to breathe and check the Omnitrix. It must be charged by now but that means nothing if I can't get a second to use it. Have to end this right now!'
Reacting at almost the last possible second, Izuku grabbed both sets of claws as tight as he could with his arms crossing each other to grab the claws, ignoring the cuts that opened on his other hand or the ones that were suddenly aching with more pain as he stared straight into the beast's eyes… and used all his strength to snap the plumbers claws in half.
Izuku kicked Homura in the chest while he was distracted howling in pain, causing the furry villain to leave the ground and fly towards the back of the ship, while Izuku lifted up the Omnitrix to quickly scroll through his selections.
Fortunately, it only took two tries before the perfect alien showed up while Homura began to stand. Izuku wasted no time pressing in the selection, his entire form being engulfed in a green flash before Enhance stood tall. "This has been a good fight and all, Homura, but I think I can enhance this situation!"
Homura roared, using his remaining claws to try to strike the alien only for Enhance to turn into a puddle of liquid metal before he spread across the entire ship, turning it black with green stripes.
Weaponry raised on all sides of the wing, pelting the plumber with hundreds upon hundreds of dull shells. After a couple of moments, the constant impacts took their toll and Homura finally collapsed on the wing.
Izuku held him there with some metal trappings while his single eye moved inside the ship, finding the group of aliens inside. The Vulpimancer, Volann and Gourmand he'd gotten DNA from were all inside, the Volann inside a tub made out of crystals like Crystalizes, filled with water.
Izuku looked around to see the two other aliens inside was the alien that looked like Crystalize JJ had told him was a Petrosapien, who was controlling the ship and beside him, a Sonosarian.
"Wh-at's go-ing on?" The short silicone suited alien asked, looking up at Izuku.
"Don't worry about it. Homura tried to hitch a ride but he's out of it now. Exterior of the ship took some minor damage but shouldn't be anything that will cause major issues I don't think." He explained. "Only thing, any of you got a way for me to take him back to the base without interrupting your flight? I'd rather he had no chance of waking up near any of you."
"I saw some hoverboards in the back of the ship." The gourmand spoke up, pointing behind him. "If you're using a Mechamorph, should be good enough, right?"
"That's perfect. Thanks guys! I hope that whatever happens next for you all, it goes well!"
"We hope so too. Thank you for everything." The Volann said and the Vulpimancer let out a roar of agreement.
"No problem! Hope I won't be rescuing you again any time soon!"
With that, Izuku disappeared into the back of the ship, opening the cargo ramp at the back for him to leave. He spotted the hoverboard, melting into it and dropping out into the sky.
The ramp closed once he was out, presumably the Petrosapien's doing, leaving Izuku to fly up towards the wing where he saw Homura starting to slip off. He quickly flew up to the man, pulling him on and holding him tightly, before he turned, created boosters at the back of the board and blasted off.
Despite how far out they went, it only took Izuku about a minute to return to the plumber base, flying into the hangar and letting the man go flying across the hangar.
He let go of the hoverboard, grabbing it and tapping the symbol on his chest a few times, turning back to normal. Gwen and Todoroki had clearly been preparing for his return, as the redhead had a rope on her and had immediately tied the man up once Izuku showed up, so he wouldn't disappear again.
Izuku flinched slightly seeing the torn off claws, wishing he hadn't had to do something quite so violent but decided it would be better not to dwell on it. He'd had no choice in the moment and it wasn't like he liked doing that.
With that thought, he managed to smile again as he could bask in the knowledge of a simple fact. Finally, the plumbers had been defeated for good.