How To Win A Game Of Shogi

By Lizzie223

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way shape or form.

"Shikamaru, it's your turn." Sakura informed him. Shikamaru stared at the shogi board, analyzing every possible angle. He moved one of his pieces languidly. Sakura bit her lip in concentration, her brow creasing as she thought out her next move. "You know, you're cute when you concentrate." He drawled, breaking her concentration. She blushed furiously before going back into concentration.

It was another five minutes before she did something he didn't expect. She kissed him. He kissed back until they both needed air. They both blushed. "Why'd you do that?" He asked, cursing himself silently for the higher pitch in his tone. Even though they were boyfriend and girlfriend they hadn't kissed since he asked her to be his girlfriend. In short, he was appropriately startled.

She shrugged. "Because I wanted to." She moved her piece right after. "Your turn." She chirped, emerald eyes sparkling. He felt himself drawn into those emerald eyes filled with happiness and a hint of mischief. He forced his eyes to move to the shogi board. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he put his hands together in concentration.

He couldn't concentrate. A part of him wanted to just look into those sparkling green eyes, reveling in their beauty. How troublesome. He moved one of his pieces distractedly, jumping when Sakura yelled "Cha!" "I win Shika!" She chirped happily, kissing him lightly. "It all went according to my plan!" Troublesome…

A lazy grin made its' way onto Shikamaru's face, he was always happy if she was. At first, he didn't understand why. But now, he knew. That when he was always drawn into those emerald eyes. Or when he kissed her passionately, laziness leaving. That when he complimented her, when she won. Or when he took her on dates, putting effort into it. The answer was quite simple really.

He loved her.

A/N: So yeah, for some reason, I'm getting a crud ton of inspiration for one-shots but that doesn't mean I won't still work on my multi-chapter stories. You should hopefully get an update for One Small Change soon. I hoped you liked this story!
