
We all know that Tessa Gray is a rare kind: half-Warlock, half-Shadowhunter. So what if Magnus is too? How would he have met Alec and what would he be doing with his life?


I do not own anything in this story aside for the 'What If' scenarios. Most content will be inspired by both the book and the TV show so I hope you'll enjoy it.

What If: Magnus is a Half Like Tessa

Magnus Bane.

Magnus, the late Latin name that means 'great'.

And Bane, an old English with Germanic origin that means 'the cause of distress and annoyance'.

That was the name the Silent Brothers gave him when they took him in when he was only but a 5 year old child. Obviously he was named because he was two things when he was growing up: (1) He was a genius and (2) He was a troublemaker. He must've been a real pain in the Silent Brothers' asses to be basically named the great troublemaker.

Magnus did still remember the incident when he was first introduced to glitter. He, according to himself, 'glitterfied' the whole Silent City because he thought it was too gloomy and dark. To say that the Shadowhunters that came that very same day were terrified; horrified even. They went there to ask the Silent Brothers for help only to find their cloaks covered in glitter from top to bottom.

If one asks them what happened, no one would answer them. It's like a forbidden topic to speak about. Magnus would laugh his head off everytime someone asks him.

Needless to say, he accepted the given name without much question or protest. He didn't want his real name. He couldn't remember it anyways so that was fine.

It has been a norm for the Warlocks to change their names in a way that is similar to the Shadowhunters when they ascend, specially the new ones. But Magnus was a tad bit... different.


His parents were actually ordinary Shadowhunters. And being a half-demon born in a family of Shadowhunters, Magnus didn't have a happy childhood. His own mother tried to kill him as soon as she found out what he was. After her failed attempts, she finally took her own life as she could no longer bare the burden to having bore a demon-spawn.

Magnus' father was angered by this so he tried to kill the child using Seraph Blades. He and his wife always carried around their Seraph Blades in case there was a demon attack; specially when his wife was carrying their supposedly first child. He was elated at the news that he was soon to be a father. But his dreams were crushed the moment the baby's eyes turned from dark brown to yellow-green cat eyes.

He and his wife immediately knew what it meant. The baby is half-demon. They couldn't even think as to why it would happen in the first place. His wife was sure that she didn't sleep with anyone other than her husband. The only possibility was that a demon tricked her into thinking that he was her husband.

There were records of demons - specifically Greater Demons - that can shape-shift perfectly to whoever they want to copy. They never did find out who the demon was and they didn't care much. Magnus' mother was called names and treated differently by the other Shadowhunters for bearing a half-demon so she killed herself. His father, in turn, tried to kill him for making his wife do something like suicide.

Magnus had no idea during that time what was happening. He only knew that his mom that has tried to kill him is now gone and he was to blame for it. His father kept shouting at him being a monster, an abomination, and a demon. Magnus, being so young and clueless about the difficult relationship between Shadowhunters and Downworlders, he couldn't grasp the concept of why he was hated in the first place.

So when his father got too close to killing him, Magnus only felt pain and he wanted to get away as soon as possible. He struggled out of the grasp of the older man but failed to do so. And when he glared at his so called 'father', he felt power. For the first time in his life, he didn't feel so useless and weak.

He looked at the cautious man in front of him before bursting into flames. Magnus couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked around, thinking that something or at least someone else did it. But it was only the two of them. Before his father died, he could hear him get weaker and die.

'You monster! You're never our son.'

Those were his last words to the five year old child.

'But I'm also human...Aren't I?'

That was his last thoughts before passing out. He woke up in a bed and in the company of strange and weird looking men with stitches and tattoos covering their faces and hands. He asked them questions like where he was, who they were, and what he was doing there.

One of the men approached the child and sat down in front of him. He explained everything about them and the Shadow world. He explained what Magnus was as well and why his parents acted like that with him - with anger, disgust, and hatred.

That was the start of his life. He swore never to use his magic ever again to make other Shadowhunters see that not all demon-blooded creatures are quick to pick a fight with them. He trained his magic and his body. And when he was finally old enough to explore the world, he did.

The Silent Brothers of Madrid, Spain all bid him farewell.

"To be a Warlock or a Shadowhunter. The choice is yours, child."

During that time, Magnus was the only living half-Shadowhunter, half-demon according to the Silent Brothers. So he traveled from one place to another in hopes of learning more about the world. And knowledge he did gain. He met numerous mundanes and Downworlders. Shadowhunters still treated him an abomination and it still hurt him. But not so much thanks to the company of Ragnor Fell, another powerful green-skinned Warlock with horns.

Magnus would often call him pet names like 'little cabbage', 'my green prince', etc. Ragnor didn't like it one bit but he allowed the other to do what he wants. It's not like Magnus even listened to him in the first place. Next to his travels, he found a village in the middle of a forest. He saw a blue-skinned woman tied on top of what seems to be a bonfire.

That was when Magnus truly realized the horror of being a Warlock. Without thinking ahead, he charged in the middle and saved the young woman. He later knew her as Catarina Loss. She told him how the village tried to burn her for being suspected of witchcraft when the only spell she used was to save them from the epidemic.

"They fear what they do not understand. I am afraid that is something common among the mundanes," Magnus told her before looking back at the village from afar. "Why don't you join me on a great adventure around the world?"

Catarina looked at the man with a weird look, "You only just met me. I don't even know who you are."

"Well, what do you have to lose anyway?"

The woman was skeptical at first but later on took his offer. So with Catarina by his side, Magnus went back to meet Ragnor once again. That was the start of the trio's long friendship with each other. They participated in the mundane wars and they even got involved in some famous people like Casanova, Nicholas Flamel, Marie Antoinette, and many many more.

He thought he even found love with a mundane with the name of Etta. But it didn't last. Did he love her? Possibly. Did she love him? Perhaps. But Etta realized too soon that she wanted someone to start a family with; someone to grow old with - someone who isn't Magnus. He wasn't mad. In fact, he understood why Etta left him. He was broken after, believing that he could love nobody. That love was something very fragile and fickle.

Then he saw the love between the Shadowhunter Edmund Herondale and the mundane Linette Owens. Maybe... Maybe he could give love another try. And he thought he had found it in the Downworld vampire Camille Belcourt. But it ultimately didn't end well.

Ragnor and Catarina had stayed with him throughout everything; every whims, every trips, every heartaches, and every dangers.

But he found no one like him.

For a long time.

And during that time, he found the horrors of being a Shadowhunter. He saw them kill demons and Downworlders. He saw how the Shadowhunters treated those like the Werewolves, the Vampires, the Mermaids, and even the Warlocks. He saw prejudice. He saw in them too much pride and greed. And Magnus knows first hand that these things can get you killed.

Sure he saw some evil and violent Downworlders, but his hatred for Shadowhunters outweighed the latter.

That was when he decided to abandon his Shadowhunter heritage and just go pure Warlock. He started giving services to Downworlders and mundanes alike for the right price. And by right price, it meant like a very big one.

Until he went to a certain party in London.

There he met William 'Will' Herondale and James 'Jem' Carstairs.

And Tessa Gray.

Tessa, who was also a unique person like him.

Make no mistake. He wasn't in love with her. But she was like a sister to him. And Tessa felt the same.

Ever since then, they stuck together through thick and thin. The people around them see them as parabatais but they weren't. They couldn't. Not without assuring that they won't die during the parabatai ceremony and the ascension since they were still half-demons. But they didn't care.

Magnus despised Shadowhunters but being around Tessa, Will, and Jem gave Magnus hope that maybe not all Shadowhunters were bad. So he decided to stay and help the Shadowhunters as well. He helped them for a long time even after the battle with the Infernal Devices. Using his magic and a scythe as his weapons, he became a very powerful ally. He was unbeatable. Until that tragic day.

When Jem became a Silent Brother to save his life, Magnus witnessed the pain of losing a loved one from Tessa and a parabatai from Will. And years later on, Will also passed away leaving Tessa on her own to grieve for the lost of two important people in her life. Tessa would still meet with Jem in secret but she couldn't stay with him for long.

Magnus has been there for her. They started going to more missions together and not before long, they were very well known as the 'Half Duos'. Proud and powerful, they have survived ambush after ambush of demon attacks and even Greater Demons. They fought rogue Downworlders and specially those who have gone against the Accords.

The funny thing was, Magnus was there when it was signed. But they didn't need to know any of that.

But what they couldn't understand, despite almost a decade has passed, was how Tessa became pregnant with Will's child if she was half-demon.

"Does that mean I could also..." Magnus started as he stared at the small bump on the woman's stomach.

Tess shrugged her shoulders before placing a hand on his growing belly, "I'm not sure. Heck I don't even know how this was even possible in the first place."

But not everything is all flowers in paradise. Eventually, he and Tessa left the Institute. They did everything they could. They fought demons, Tessa raised her child, Magnus took Downworld clients, before they both ultimately went their separate ways. Tessa became involved with the Spiral Labyrinth and Magnus became more famous specially after being named as the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

Magnus thought that that would be the last he would ally himself so close to the Shadowhunters. But never did he expect to be called in back by the London Institute to help the New York Institute with raising and strengthening the barrier. He had cut all ties with them because of some difficulty in the past. It has been hundreds of years since then. Maybe they already forgot how they treated him and Tessa before?

He cringed when he remembered the unreasonable requests and missions the Clave kept on giving them. They both knew that it was to hopefully get rid of them. But they were tougher than what the Clave had anticipated. Finally getting tired of it all, they made the big decision.

The 'Half Duos' later became an inspirational story to future Shadowhunters; with the fact that some parts of the story were changed to benefit the Shadowhunters. They hid very information like how the two people were both half-angel and half-demon; how they were mistreated; and how they were still alive today. The Clave covered the information with false data like that they were actually pure Shadowhunters and that they died a hero while protecting the world from two Princes of Hell. And that made future Shadowhunters more prideful and gain a bigger ego.

Magnus stood up and made a portal in front of the Institute. 'Better get this over with and done so I can relax back at the loft,' he thought. And when he got to the Institute, he told them that he would start charging them for his services with they agreed in turn. True to their words, they paid him handsomely for his service. They couldn't cheat him of money since Magnus had gained the reputation of a very well supported Warlock by almost all of the Downworlders.

But before he left, the current Head of the Institute observed him carefully as if she was waiting for him to attack her.

"There's another thing," a mature woman hesitantly started. "Is it true that you are also part-Shadowhunter?"

"I am a Warlock. I am pretty sure I have no angel blood in me," Magnus answered immediately. "Besides, isn't that impossible?"

This was not the first time Magnus rejected his angel blood but this was definitely not going to be the last. If word gets out that he is indeed a half, together with Tessa, the Shadowhunters may become desperate to capture them and do several experiments. They would treat them more as objects or specimens that living breathing people.

By the time Magnus was done, he could feel someone tug the end of his coat. He looked down and saw a child not older than 7 year old. He had dark hair and the biggest most innocent blue eyes.

"Are you a Warlock, mister?"


And that's it for today. What do you think? R&R please :) And please no bashers/haters. :( I can't take them.