Dante: Well if anything this will be going out before a new story is posted. And I'll say this now, ever since Covid-19 maybe even a little earlier I just haven't really had the motivation to write. My life has boiled down to work, fgo, game, rest, repeat and it's just reached the point of making me bored and seeing anything as an annoyance. But with some help hopefully I can get back into it.


It was only a few days till the wedding between his sister and Riser. Having vanished from the house, Naruto had spent his time in self isolation, training, practicing and perfecting his movements. It's here we find him, his eyes a crystal clear blue as his sword, hummed with a golden glow. Lifting it above his head, the sword glowed brightly and when swung, released a golden beam with a red core. The sword itself has small cracks across the blade revealing a glowing gold underneath the darkness.

Collapsing to the ground, his sword vanishing in black wisps. He hit the ground with a thud as sweat covered his body. Raising his head, he smiled as he noticed a large crater in front of him from his swing.

"It's slowly coming back to me." He muttered in between pants and rolled himself onto his back as rain started to blanket the area. Closing his eyes, the man simply allowed the water to cool his body as he drifted off to sleep. His body tired from the constant training it had been exposed to. Footsteps echoed throughout the clearing as someone walked into it. The hooded beings gaze wandering around until it came to a stop on the sleeping boy. Walking over to him, the hooded being reached down with a silver arm, which rested on the boy's shoulder.

"Passed out from exhaustion. How far has this one boy pushed himself?" He asked, his gaze turning to the crater near him.

Looking back down at the sleeping boy, he picked him up and decided to move him under shelter, finding a large tree with enough leaves to keep the boy at least semi-dry. Laying him down, his gaze fell on the boy's face as he remembered the words of his king's self-proclaimed caretaker.

"Blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes." He muttered to himself, checking the boy's features gently enough to not disturb him from his slumber. "I have spent the past ten years wandering the globe, only briefly getting hints to where you may have been but finally my journey has come to an end." Sitting himself down next to the boy, the hooded man turned his gaze to the skies as his hood fell down, the water's efforts finally pushing it down.

He then turned to gaze at the sleepy boy, a woman with pale blonde hair and yellow eyes replacing him.

"I will not fail you again milady. Once this boy is ready, I shall stand by his side till the very end." The man pledged to the heaven's above as he removed a silver cloak that sat over his left arm and covered the boy's chest with it. Leaving the clearing in silence, the man continued on his trip, now returning to where he once came from.

(Hours later)

Awakening to the sounds of crickets in his ears, Naruto opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. His hands grasping the white cloak in his hands as he stood to his feet.

"I must have fallen asleep, but who brought me to this tree?" He asked himself in wonder. Shaking the thoughts off for now, he created a teleportation circle to return himself home, fully prepared for the multiple questions and reprimands he will be receiving from his sister-in-law. Almost as if predicting the future, the moment he appeared within the Gremory compound, Grayfia was standing in front of him. The same stoic face she usually wore on full display as Naruto knew something was wrong.

"Now that you've returned, I want to ask you something Naruto." Turning around, Naruto was greeted by his older brother standing behind him, a scheming smile on his face.

"And what might that be, Sirzechs?" Naruto asked, his arms crossing in confusion.

"What are your thoughts on Issei attempting to stop the marriage?" Laughing at his brother's insinuation, Naruto continued to laugh until he calmed down.

"Issei of all people. Dear brother, I think you may have gone insane in all your years as Lucifer." He chuckled out as the eldest of Venelana's children shook his head.

"I know you don't speak your true thought's Naruto." Sighing at his brother's words, Naruto's mood turned serious.

"If Issei had some help and some way to counter Riser and his Peerage than I believe he could be of some use." Walking away from his brother, Naruto stopped in his steps, his gaze turning back to the two. "With some training...he could be quite powerful. And curving his habits." With his peace said, Naruto left the two older devils to think on their plan of attack.

Upon arriving in his room, he was greeted by his mother waiting on his bed, gently knitting a sweater. Her gaze turned from her freetime activity to her son with a serene smile.

"How did your training go?" She asked, receiving a playful smile from him.

"Had I been someone else, I admit, I would possibly have trouble against him. But unfortunately for Riser, I'm in top condition and I'm ready for him." Hearing the confidence in his voice, his mother nodded, her smile never once leaving her face.

"You remember the stipulation if you lose right?" She asked, earning a nod from the blonde.

"Like Rias I will be married off, possibly creating an army of devil's with enough resistance to holy magic that we could possibly assault heaven. If we were to ever break our pact with them." Nodding at the grim implications her son suggested., Venelana stood to her feet.

"So I have complete trust that you, for your sister's sake, and your own...You will destroy Riser, and break down the wall of arrogance that makes up the boy's very being." Holding her adopted son to her chest, the woman gently stroked the back of his head. Naruto simply relaxed into the woman's grasp, his eyes closing in content within the brown haired mother's bosom.

Holding the boy close, she gently sat down on the bed, dragging him with her until her back hit the covers. Rolling over, with Naruto following her movements, the two laid on the bed with the mother's eyes closing gently. Her mind drifts off to sweet dreams of happiness with her family.

(The Next Day)

After awakening within his mother's grasp, Naruto gently pulled himself free and gently got off the bed, trying not to disturb his mother's beauty sleep. Exiting the room quietly after getting dressed, Naruto wandered down to the kitchen, grabbing an apple as he wandered around the home, eventually coming across photo's of his family. A magic circle appeared underneath him as he was reflecting on his brother's words from the previous night.

Teleporting to his sister's club room, he was happy to find all her pieces sitting around. The only thing killing his mood was the fact each of them were lost in their own thoughts.

"You know, arriving here I expected to be greeted at least with a single smile." He started, the group turning to him with Issei stepping up to him quickly.

"Where the hell have you been, you bastard?" Issei raged, grabbing Naruto by the front of his shirt.

"I've been training, which is what I expected all of you to be doing as well." Tearing the weaker pawns hand away from his shirt, Naruto's gaze turned to the whole group. "Instead of sitting around while Rias is forced to sit through being groomed to be the bastard's wife, why were none of you training?" He asked, silence greeting him. "Especially you Issei, I expected you to be training your ass off in order to save her."

"I do want to save her!" He retorted, a small smile coming across Naruto's face.

"There's the conviction I know. Alright Issei here's the plan. I need you to be a meat shield against Riser while Mordred and I finish him off." Looking at the blonde like he was crazy Naruto decided he may need to elaborate. "My brother asked me yesterday if I believed you could be useful in stopping Riser. I lied to him saying that you're nothing but dead weight, I believe that you might be the key to defeating him."

"Do you really think the pervert could be that useful?" The sharp tongued Koneko cut in, getting a nod from Naruto.

"The biggest reason is that Riser will underestimate him again seeing as he already defeated Issei before, so he'll believe he can easily do it again." He started, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to Issei. "Here's an invite to the wedding, I think Mom had the same thought as Sirzechs as she snuck it into my pocket last night knowing which pant's I'd be using today."

Handing the brown haired pervert, Naruto left the room with a wave over his shoulder and returned home. Deciding to rest for the day, Naruto went to the family library and sat down to read some of his favorite books from his childhood. His day faded away until Grayfia walked into the room carrying a tray of tea.

Taking the cup offered to him with a smile, Naruto continued to read the book currently in his hands until Grayfia pulled his attention away.

"Issei-sama appeared in your brother's office earlier. Apparently he found a summoning circle on the bottom of the invitation and met with him. The two seemed to hit it off and have devised a plan for Issei to interfere with the wedding tomorrow." Shutting his book with a sigh, Naruto placed his teacup down and leaned forward.

"Grayfia, are you aware of what Mother's plans are for the wedding?" He asked, getting a shake of disagreement from her. "It's a double or nothing bet. The last child of Lady Phenex will marry the last child of Lady Gremory." Taking a second to register his words, a small look of shock came across her face as she stared at Naruto.

"So what you mean to say is-"

"Riser and I will battle, and If he beats me but some unholy intervention, I will be married off to Ravel Phenex. My Excalibur will belong to the Phenex family." Cutting her off and standing to his feet, Naruto gave the maid a smile. "But that's only if I lose. Which I have no intention of doing." Leaving the room, he missed the smile she gave him as she stared at his back.

"Of course you won't. Your pride won't allow you to be beaten by those beneath you. And even then, that sword gives you the biggest advantage over him that anyone could wish for." Rolling up her sleeve slightly, she was greeted to the beginning of a scar. "After all, I've taken the attack from it and didn't leave unscathed." Covering her arm once again, she cleaned up the room, placing the book titled "The Little Mermaid Back" where she knew Naruto always placed it.

(The Day Of The Wedding)

Standing in the living room was Naruto and Mordred, forgoing the suit and tie they both wore to occasions such as these, both in their armor and cleaning their blades. While it may have been a joyous day for someone like Riser, the two had been preparing for this day since the beginning. All the constant training, all the injuries, all boiled down to their fight with Riser.

"Think you can handle his pieces?" Naruto asked, the cracks littering his sword glowing slightly.

"You're sure that he won't just fight you like a man?" Mordred asked, heaving Clarent over her shoulder.

"Riser isn't the type of person to take a challenge with no way of winning. He doesn't know enough about us so he'd rather sit back and let his peerage deal with everything while he studies us." Naruto answered, his sword vanishing. "Let's hope he's arrogant enough to actually accept it."

"I can't say much but I think he'll accept just for the sake of keeping his sister safe. Arrogant as he is, I think he still holds her safety above all." Nodding at Mordred's thought's. Naruto noticed a summoning circle appear underneath them.

"Showtime." His helmet forming around his head, the yellow eye protectors forming as Mordred's silver helm rebuilt itself. The two stood proudly together as they were transported to the room where the wedding was taking place.

(With Venelana)

"Now I thank all of you for giving me your attention. I wish to bring attention to a deal I struck with Lady Phenex not too long after I brought another child into my family." Venelana started, getting everyone's attention, all thinking she managed to hide being pregnant from them. "Should there be an unfair stipulation during the first rating game between my daughter and Riser, a second will be held. Should my chosen two lose, my Son shall be married to Lady Ravel after her brother marries Rias. Should he win on the other hand, Lord Riser will owe my son three favor's and Naruto and Ravel have choices upon who they shall marry and cannot be forced into anything." The crowd started muttering amongst themselves, each wondering if this was just a way to get out of a marriage, or to abuse their power.

With a summoning circle appearing next to her, Naruto and Mordred appeared, the two moving to stand on either side as Naruto stared down Riser. A scowl hidden behind his black helm.

"Don't you just look beautiful dear sister." Naruto started before his gaze drifted to Riser. "And you're still just as much as an arrogant prick." Growling at the insult, Riser stepped forward only for Venelana to stop him.

"Tell me Lady Gremory, why should I accept this deal made between my mother and yourself?" He asked as Naruto's armor faded from his body, only a crown remaining on his head giving the appearance of horns protruding from his skull.

"And I thought that you would love the idea of your sister being protected from any demon trying to get their hands on her." Naruto mocked, his gaze turning to the younger blonde as he offered her a slight smile.

"And you think you can do that?" A weakling like you?" Riser taunted, getting in Naruto's face, which never lost it's calm demeanor.

"Better than you ever could Burnt-Pecker." Mordred's armor could be heard rattling as she tried to hold in her laughter thanks to Naruto's response.

"As amusing as this is, Naruto would you mind if I brought the Red Dragon Emperor into your little spat with Riser for some...half-time entertainment." Sirzechs cut-in separating the two before it turned violent.

"I'm perfectly fine with Issei joining us in this fight. Are you?" Turning the question to Riser who scoffed. His pride on the line as the man in front of him didn't back down.

"Fine, if you wish for your group of three to be crushed by my power and I'll take your challenge. But In response to your group, my Rooks and Knights will also be participating then, but you are mine." He threatened Naruto, smiling as everything went to plan. Turning to the crowd, Naruto decided it might be fun to hype the battle up just a tiny bit as Issei was dragged in by Sirzechs.

"Place your bet's one and all for this once in a lifetime event. The Red Dragon Emperor unites with the blood of Pendragon in order to face the Phenex heir for the hand of Rias Gremory. Watch and be amazed as I promise that this fight shall not bore you!" Bowing as the group was transferred to where the fight was taking place Naruto turned to Mordred who nodded and grabbed Issei by his collar.

"You're with me string-bean. Leave the Burnt-Pecker to Naruto. We've got our own problems to deal with." She muttered, dragging the brown haired pervert off to the side where four pieces of Riser's peerage awaited them, having been dragged into the battle to secure Riser's victory. "Alright so which one of you want to get your asses handed to them." She laughed, pointing Clarent towards them.

Stepping up first was a woman with bright green eyes and brown hair. Her combat attire consisted of a western knight and eastern samurai, having added shoulder guards and hip plates to her knight look for extra protection. Something that Mordred scoffed at, knowing the girl was looking to show off her body more than anything. The brown haired girl replied in kind, pointing her broadsword at Mordred.

"You're awfully cocky for someone of a lower status. We belong to Riser-sama's peerage and will not be defeated by some weakling like you." She declared bringing her sword to her shoulder. "But you are respectful enough to wish to face us without any hidden tactics. I will commend you for that."

Looking at his fighting partner in concern, Issei was floored to see her start walking forward, her armor clanking as she kept silent in her approach.

"I'm going to wipe the floor with you." She muttered, stomping hard enough to crack the ground beneath her as red lightning started to spark around her. "Hyoudo! You take the rooks, I'll be there to help when I can." She ordered, getting a nod from the boy who got into a boxing stance, his Sacred Gear appearing.

Swinging Clarent around, she heard it clash with metal before sending her opponent flying away. Riser's other knight had tried to attack her from behind, but due to her constant training she heard the footsteps approaching from behind and managed to counter her. Looking to her left, having spun around to send her opponent flying, she saw a woman with black hair with tints of blue getting up from the ground. Her hair was done in five thin ponytails going around her head all held together but a golden accessory. A modified Cheongsam was what covered her body with red shorts and armored boots with matching gauntlets.

"Siris! Are you OK?" Karlamine asked, looking over to her teammate who had gotten back to her feet.

"Don't worry about me, focus on winning this battle for Riser-sama!" She growled. Shaking off the dizziness from Mordred's blow.

"Tch, I can't believe all of you go out of your way to try and get that asshole's attention." Mordred started, tapping Clarent on her shoulder in annoyance. "Oh well, I'll just have to beat some sense into you!" Rushing the broadsword user, she quickly attacked, forcing the brown haired woman onto defense before her concentration was broken as Mordred drove an armoured knee into her stomach.

Switching hands, Mordred backhanded the girl away before throwing her sword towards her other opponent, catching her off-guard. Deflecting the flying sword, she was unprepared for the vicious stomach blow which winded her easily before she found her face grabbed tightly and dragged down to the ground. Flesh met concrete violently before Mordred kicked her in the gut. Hearing Karlamine roaring as she approached, she grabbed the one currently groveling on the ground by the leg and spun around. Using the other girl as a bat, slamming her into Karlamine's unprepared side. Sending both girls to the ground, Mordred decided to switch toy's picking Karlamine up and easily ragdolling her, slamming her onto her back and then onto her friend's collapsed body as though she was a tree branch. When she was done, she backed away, moving to grab Clarent, which laid embedded in the ground. Her Helmet undoing itself as she turned to face the two easily beaten bodies. Her sword starting to crackle with the energy that had appeared earlier , was raised high into the sky. It suddenly became more violent as crimson lightning struck the ground around her and surrounded her before she swung towards her opponents. The two were sent flying, electricity covering their body as the groggily moaned in pain, their bodies collapsed on top of each other.

Turning towards Issei, she was quite surprised to see him actually holding up against Riser's Rook's, dodging through their attacks and getting a few lucky hits in. One being a solid uppercut which stunned Riser's Rook Isabela. She staggered back before Issei rushed forward and delivered another solid punch to her face, sending her to the ground. The masked girl got to her knees in shock. While the masked girl was wondering how Issei managed to land enough blows on her to rattle her very being, Issei was rushed by Xuelan.

Mordred couldn't help but smirk under her helm as she watched Issei dodge and weave through the Kung Fu specialists attacks and winced when she saw him nail the girl with his gauntleted hand, sending her to the ground. Noticing a red orb, Mordred couldn't help but cheer as Issei fired his signature technique, the Dragon Shot, straight at the ground sending the two Rook's flying away from the blast. Hearing footsteps behind her, Mordred ducked to the side as Siris' greatsword hit the ground she previously stood at. Grabbing the girl by her ponytail's Mordred pulled back violently, the girl grunting in pain before she fell back, the pain in her scalp now gone. Looking towards the armored knight, she was met by her own hair smacking her in the face.

"What's wrong girlie? Upset now that I gave you a haircut?" Mordred asked, stomping on the girl's chest. "None of you were ready to fight us. Naruto and I have been training for quite sometime and even Hyoudo has done what he could in this fight." Looking over to the panting teen, she received a thumbs up as he was doubled over, catching his breath.

Looking behind her, Mordred watched as Karlamine approached her, the girl's sword held at her waist in defiance as Mordred took her foot off of Siris chest.

"What are you gonna do with that? Poke me, try and stab me?" Mordred mocked, walking towards the knight whose legs trembled slightly as the silver armored monstrosity that is Mordred approached her.

"I will...defeat you. You're nothing compared to Riser-sama." Karlamine said, trying to sike herself up and lifted up her arms to strike Mordred. Raising her hand, Mordred caught the girls arms and reared her armored head back and lunged forward. A sickening crunch heard as metal met flesh and cartilage. The girl dropping her knees with her sword clanging on the ground. Her arm's, still in Mordred's grasp, were raised up before receiving a vicious hook to her gut and then being booted back. Getting to her feet, Siris tried to attack Mordred from behind only to find herself restrained in a full nelson hold by Issei. Turning around as her helmet came undone, showing her face to the two, her blonde ponytail flowing freely as she grabbed Siris by the jaw with an armored hand.

"That wasn't very nice of you, to try and attack me like that." Mordred strained, her other hand clenching and then with impressive force that made Issei jump slightly, nailed the knight in the face. Knocking some teeth out.

"You arrogant, little, pieces of shit." She gritted out, each insult being nailed with another punch. "Should learn, who you don't, fuck with." Grabbing the girls head and bringing it down, her knee going up, a violent smack was heard as the girl reared back, Issei letting go as she backed away. His fists clenching in frustration, lunged forward, punching the girl to the ground before following her down. Grabbing her and violently lashing out, getting a raised brow from Naruto as he continued to spectate the fight. In the corner of his eye, he noticed an irritated Riser getting ready to step in.

"Now now Riser. I'm your opponent. Whatever happens to your pieces is their own fault." Naruto taunted, scratching at his jaw with his unoccupied hand, the other holding his sword by the blade.

"Shut up you filthy dog." Riser nearly screamed, restraining him only just as he saw the smile on his face.

"And just like that I can see how far you are before snapping. Oh well...Mordred! Issei!" Naruto called, getting the two's attention.

Seeing Naruto raise his free hand to his throat, Naruto made a motion, slitting his throat in silence with a smile. Pulling Issei off of the girl, she grabbed her and pulled her to her feet and threw her over to the others. The group of four, struggling to get to their feet, as Mordred pushed Issei behind her.

"I would stand back if I was you. If you got caught in this, I don't think you would be happy with me." Mordred warned, raising Clarent in his hands with the sword opening at the base as red lightning arched over both her and the sword.

"It's for some overkill!" She cheered, raising her sword above her head with a feral grin. "I say this, not as a king, but as a loyal knight. Anyone who dares to deny my king's peace shall be crushed beneath my heel. Clarent Blood Arthur!"She roared, swinging down with a bright crimson beam enveloping their opponents and removing them from the battle. Riser looked on in anger and disbelief at the bright red beam that flew into the sky.

"That Hyoudo is how you take out your opponents." She panted out, walking over allowing him to get his first proper look at her. His eyes widened in shock, never expecting Mordred to be a woman.

"You are...the most badass and amazing girl I've ever met." He mumbled out, getting a chuckle from the blonde haired sword wielder.

"Your damn right I am." Looking towards Naruto with a smug smile, she got a small smile in response as he stood to his feet. "Looks like it's the end. Hope you're ready for a fun show Hyoudo." She said calmly as Issei stared at the two fighters.

"He's going to fight Riser alone?" Issei asked, afraid for someone he considered close to him.

"Issei, Naruto has been training for this day since the beginning. If there is anyone who can win this fight, it's him." Hearing the confidence in her voice, Issei nodded slowly. If Naruto trusted Mordred enough to handle the peerage by herself, then he should believe in him fighting just Riser.

"Well now Riser, what happened to all that bravado you had coming into this?" Naruto mocked, holding his sword in his armored left hand.

"Even if my pieces were defeated there is no way in hell that I will lose to the likes of you." Riser growled, flames covering his hands. In response, Naruto grabbed his sword's hilt, a dark aura appearing around the blade sent Riser to the air as Naruto swung the sword, an arc of energy slicing things far behind him.

"You dodged that quite well, unfortunately for you though, distance is an easy fix!" Naruto roared, his sword burning to life as he swung upwards, digging into the ground and sending rubble flying as Riser was forced to dodge the blade's extended range. Launching a ball of flames at Naruto, who retaliated by cutting it in half and launching himself into the air. Trying to maintain a safe distance was Riser's strategy, to weaken Naruto from afar and strike him at his weakest point. Landing on the ground, he gathered his strongest attack into his hands and launched it at Naruto, the blonde smiling as he rushed forward, his sword poised to pierce through the flames. A cone of black, purple and red energy with tints of gold covering his form collided with the centre of Riser's attack and pushed straight through. Upon reaching the boy, Naruto swung up, slashing Riser across the chest who backed away in pain.

Looking down at the wound, he felt a strange aura that horrified him.

"Is that a holy weapon?" He asked in shock, Naruto smiling with such cruelty he worried Issei as he approached Riser.

"That's right Riser. I knew you'd take this fight without doing research on how I battle. I knew that the easiest way to beat you, would be to hide as much information as I could." He said approaching the downed devil who tried to take to the air only to be caught by Naruto slashing downwards, sending him to the ground. Launching a quick fire ball at Naruto, catching him off guard by his recovery speed, Naruto lost his grip on the sword, sending it flying away. Feigning shock as he stared at his weapon flying from his grasp, his knuckles clenched in his left hand, the armor bending with strain before Naruto swung around. Barely out spacing Riser and managing to land a solid hook on his face. The elder blonde hit the ground with a bounce that Naruto took advantage of. Swinging his right foot up and kicking him in the gut with a resounding thud. As Riser's body floated upwards, his head was grabbed and then slammed into the ground, the concrete of the arena shattering before he was thrown away with ease.

His body landing in a slump, Riser attempted to get to his feet, blood pouring from the wounds on his forehead. Turning his back on Riser, Naruto moved to retrieve his sword with a calm step. His hand reaching for the sword's hilt was paused as he moved his head to the side, dodging a wild fireball with a smirk, filled with the same arrogance that Riser had, Naruto turned towards him, drawing the sword from the ground.

"How pathetic. All that bravado gone within an instant. You were never going to win against me Riser." Hearing his words destroyed the Phenex's pride in a way that sent him over the edge of anger. Standing to his feet with flames covering his body.

"Naruto...He's just toying with Riser." Issei started, not believing his eyes as the two fighters attacked each other again. Naruto made it seem like he was battling a newborn child, and Riser, being driven by his anger more and more, continued to fall into his trap.

"Drive your opponents mad so that they make obvious mistakes. And mock them to continue their rage. Simple but effective, especially against someone like Riser." Mordred said, watching from next to the reincarnated devil. Her eyes were drawn to the ground as black orbs started to flow upwards around them.

"What's going on?" Issei asked stunned as he noticed the orbs seem to converge on Naruto's blade as he brought the sword to his waist.

"He's gathering all the negative energy in the area into his sword and is planning on using it on Riser." Mordred explained. Issei took a step forward, his boosted gear glowing brightly as his Scail Mail covered his body.

"He's wide open!" He screamed in worry before taking off, Mordred letting him go with a smile.

"You go kid." She muttered quietly as she noticed Riser gather all the energy he could into a single attack.

Getting in front of Naruto, shielding himself from the attack, Issei stood in defiance against Riser, drawing more anger from the Phenex heir.

"Ever since you started, I was waiting to back you up. But seeing you toy with Riser as if he was nothing. You will win this without taking even a scratch, I will make sure of that." Feeling his power rise, Naruto closed his eyes as the blast engulfed him and Issei. Mordred staring in slight worry before the flames were swallowed by darkness. It slowly moved around before being absorbed into the sword, it's size growing as Naruto stood in front of Issei, a smile filled with pride on his face.

"Though I overlooked you in this fight, knowing you were only meant to distract the others until Mordred finished her fight, I have to say I am amazed that you would go out of your way to try and save me, and even fight as hard as you did against your opponents. Stand back and watch Issei, for you have the first class seat, and my blessing to win my sister's heart." Naruto declared, his sword exploding, sending wisps of energy flying as he took a step forward. His sword swinging upwards with a chant of victory.

"Let this Vile King's decree be heard by all. Swallow the light of those who oppose me and show me the blinding golden light of victory that was engulfed by darkness. Excalibur Morgan!"

Riser only had time to register the purple, black and crimson beam as it struck him with full force. The power behind it, annihilating part of the arena that they were all fighting in before the blast that swallowed Riser grew in size and exploded, expanding outwards and shooting to the sky, a pillar of destruction swallowing everything as the onlookers stared in shock. And with that attack swallowing Riser whole, the battle was over. Rias Gremory was saved from her marriage, and the darkness of the Pendragon blood was revealed to be standing amongst them.

(Main Room with the others)

Returning with his head held high, Naruto's sword vanished as Rias walked over to him. Issei standing nearby, still in shock at what he saw just before.

"Just how long have you been hiding that?" She asked, eyes widened in shock as Naruto chuckled.

"Since the very beginning dear sister. Information gathering is a nice strength to have." Naruto admitted, grabbing his sister by the shoulder. "Now, go and give your pawn a nice reward for doing his best." All but ordering his sister, he pushed her towards Issei as he turned to the smiling gaze of his mother. Bowing his head slightly, his gaze was turned towards the Phenex family and a wounded Riser on the ground.

Walking over with his hands in his pockets, Naruto was stopped as the remains of Riser's peerage stepped in front of him.

"I just want to give Riser a few words of wisdom. Nothing violent." Naruto started, easing his way towards Riser with closed eyes.

"Come to gloat and lord your victory over me have you?" Riser bit back spitefully, glaring at the pale skinned blonde who reached a hand towards him.

"You put up a good fight Riser. I was just more prepared for this then you." Naruto answered, shaking his hand in front of Riser's face. "You fought hard and for a good reason. I knew if your sister was put on the line, that you would face me with everything you had. Afterall, I'm the same way when it comes to Rias." Naruto started, Riser staring at the outstretched hand. "Now shake my hand and we'll call this my win. And why not the next one as well." Naruto taunted, Riser smirking at his words, shakily stood to his feet and grasped Naruto's hands roughly.

"Touch my sister and I kill you." Riser threatened, which only got a chuckle from Naruto as they shook hands.

"What happens is dependent on her." Naruto admitted staring at the shorter blonde. "If you want to at least try, you know how to contact me." Naruto finished, turning around and walking off. "Get stronger Riser. Kicking Issei's ass get's boring real quick."

Smiling at his words, Riser retreated quietly, not to lick his wounds, but to actually think about how he acted and the blonde who treated himself as an equal. As Naruto returned to the cheering member's of Rias' peerage, Mordred standing with him, her face set in the usual cocky smile. He laughed with the group before all went silent, as the others turned to see Rias and Issei kissing each other happily.

'Won the fight and got the girl. Good job Issei.' Naruto thought to himself as he soon joined the festivities and started partying with his sister's peerage before turning in for the night.

Meanwhile in Britain, Merlin had been watching the fight between the groups over a crystal ball that sat in the ground in front of her. A smile on her face as she noticed the change in Naruto's sword.

"So he bears the blackened Excalibur does he?" The voice of a younger girl asked from behind Merlin, who shook her head.

"As blackened as it is now, it can become pure once more. There are two sides to every coin after all." Merlin answered, the girl walking into the mage of flower's view to stare at the crystal ball.

Long blonde hair reaching her mid back, a black form fitting dress with blue accents that left her navel and abdomen exposed to the world and a black veil, hiding her face from the world. Looking her over, Merlin knew this girl could easily control the hearts of many men with ease. Though, looking past the veil she found a glint of care and love within the emerald green eyes the girl held. As if she was a teen having fallen in love at first sight.

"Not too much longer and we'll be meeting soon….Naruto~" The girl muttered to herself happily as she stared into the ball, noting the smiling face of the pale blond as he interacted with the other people around him.

(At the same time somewhere else)

A woman sat alone on a golden throne, light from the moon shining into her room from a hole in the roof, giving her an ethereal beauty. Her blonde hair glinting in the light as she was roused from her sleep. A smile came to her face as ruby red eyes opened and stared into the sky. Her golden armor gleaming in the light as a black long sleeved shirt covered her body, but was caught on the bottom of her bosom, leaving her midriff in view of all those around her, displaying triangular tattoos which worked their way up. Resting her cheek on her armored fist, a playful smirk came into view.

"Whoever holds such an interesting treasure should not be allowed to live." She muttered to herself, the smirk turning into a hatred filled snarl as she stood to her feet. "All treasure of this world belongs to me and as such only I am allowed to possess it, no one else is to be my equal." Walking away from her throne towards a balcony, the girl stared into the stars above and couldn't help but let out a laugh that was music to the ears of those listening, but did nothing to hide her arrogance and pride.

"Some Mongrel's just continue to make things in this world."


And boom. I have to give massive thanks to some friends I have on a Discord server for helping me with the editing, grammar and even a better storyboard for this story. So Special thanks to Tachyon99, Spacecore94, Shadowwolf125767, Blackit tamer, and The Azure King and Queen. These guys and gal, have been amazing help. So as always, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I'm going to have a unique arc set up between this chapter and the Excalibur arc so let's see where I can take this.