The Benefactor

Warhok and Warmonga find themselves in a void of darkness. Both of them look around, clearly unsure and unhappy with what just happened.

"Where are we?!" Warhok yelled.

"We demand that you release us! So says Warmonga!"

Suddenly, the symbols on their foreheads return and immediately cause them great pain that makes them go on all fours.

"Who does this to us?!" Warhok called out as he and Warmonga both suffer from the burning headaches they suffer from.

"Who are you?!" Warmonga demanded to know.

"Wouldn't you like to know…" The mysterious figure called out from the darkness. "I gave you back life, so be grateful or I'll send you back to oblivion myself!" He called out.

Both Lorwardians look uneasy, so they start to calm down.

"We… will remain calm." Warmonga said, somewhat calmer than her companion.

"For now…" Warhok muttered. "Where did those two come from? And how did they defeat us so easily?!"

"That is because they are not of the universe you know of. The one with white hair has powers that made him a challenge, while the other had that device that transformed him into a different alien lifeform from his own universe. They're used to dealing with beings like you."

"There is none like us!" Warhok called out, sounding insulted.

"Maybe not in this universe." The mysterious voice said. "However, you're in luck. You'll have a chance to redeem yourselves soon enough…"

The Possible home was destroyed during the Lorwardian invasion, but thanks to the efforts of Danny and Ben, it was being rebuilt rather quickly. Danny used his strength and intangibility while Ben transformed into the magnetic Lodestar once more to levitate all things metal for them to use. Within an hour and a half, they finished rebuilding not only the Possible house, but most houses on the block. It helped that Ben used his other aliens, namely Four Arms, Ditto Humongousaur.

Kim's family were there as well, their jaws dropping at the sight of these boys and their abilities.

"So… let me get this straight." Her mother, Ann, spoke up. "These two are from different universes and are here because some interdimensional threat is targeting this world?"

"Pretty much." Kim said.

"The best part…" Ron said as he was eating his beloved naco. "They made Bueno Nacho fixed us fast." Ron hugged the paper bag his food was in. "I love these guys!"

"Heh… parallel dimensions." James Possible mused. "I was wondering when this would ever happen to you, Kimmie-Cub. Truthfully, I thought it'd be during your Sophomore year."

Kim looked to her father in a somewhat surprised manner.

"You were wondering if this would ever happen, Dad?"

James shrugged. "Well, anything is possible for a Possible."

Danny Phantom flew back in as Ditto came in before turning back into Ben.

"That's most of the houses, finished. The rest of them we at least gave enough so that the construction crew don't have too much to do." Danny admitted.

"We'd help more, but we really need to deal with Vilgax and the others." Ben said.

Suddenly, a beep from Kim's watch happens. She answers.

"Go Wade!"

"Kim, I figured what those other worlds guys stole. It's called the Tempus Simia."

"Tempus Simia…" Kim thought to herself. "Time Monkey?"

"Exactly." Wade corrected. "How'd you guess?"

"Took Latin… although, it feels oddly familiar." Kim said as she looked away in thought.

"Well, it was broken into two pieces. Those three were spotted in Australia, taking the other half, now they're seen in Africa."

Kim looked up at their guests.

"Found your baddies. Think you can make it?"

"Sorry, but the Omnitrix only keeps me as one alien at 10 minutes at most." Ben explained.

"Even I can't remain in ghost form that long. Tires me out." Danny stated.

"Then I guess we'll have to call in a favor…" Kim said.

"But Kim!" Ann called out. "You still haven't decided which College you're attending!"

"Oh, you graduated?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." Kim said.

"So, it's June in this universe? Huh… I guess not all universes follow the same time period. We might end up in one where it's still the 60's." Ben pointed out.

Kim went back to her mom. "It's alright, I can mull over my options on the way." She looked to the boys. "For now, I'm calling in a favor."

Neither Danny nor Ben could believe it. Kim was able to get a jet, from some popstar in her universe named Britina, and have let them bum a ride with her.

"Thanks for the lift, Britina." Kim thanked as Ron chugged some soda.

"It's the least I could do after you proved my innocence Kim." Britina thanked.

"No big." Kim said.

Danny and Ben just looked at their surroundings, unsure of all this.

"I've never had anyone so grateful to give me a ride." Ben admitted. "I usually have my own jet or whatever to do this."

"I just fly on my own." Danny said.

"So." Kim decided to talk with these two as Britina just read a magazine. "What's your versions of Earth like?"

"Well, mine has known about aliens for a while. My best friend is one too." Ben said. "I'm also world famous, got my doctorate in whatever in a week and I saved the universe more than plenty of times."

"I can see you're modest too." Danny Fenton said with sarcasm and his arms crossed.

"What about you, Danny?" Kim asked.

"My town is plagued with ghosts…"

"GHOSTS?!" Ron panicked.

"Yeah… a lab accident infused my DNA with ectoplasmic energy and lets me use the powers of one. Now I'm Danny Phantom."

"And your real name is Danny Fenton." Ben added with a snarky tone.

"Wait…" Ron spoke up. "You're Ben Tennyson and you're Danny Fenton… aka Ben 10 and Danny Phantom."

"Yeah?" They both said.

"Not very creative names…" Ron stated.

"Right… because people whose names sound like "Impossible" and Unstoppable" aren't something to make fun of." Ben responded.

Ron and Kim just looked at each other, a bit surprised.

Danny noticed Britina looking lost from all of this.

In Africa, the three villains outside this universe were awaiting for their benefactor's word.

"So, what exactly is this thing meant to do?" Vlad asked.

"Supposedly, time travel, as the simian hybrid said." Malware responded.

"Time travel… and in your universe, Plasmius, we are rebuilding a gauntlet that controls reality itself. It seems our benefactor wants to appeal to some god complex." Vilgax suggested.

"Hmm… with power like that-"

Before Vlad could finish, the symbols on their foreheads returns and they all get headaches.

"WHAT NOW?!" All of them shout.

A dark portal opened near them.

"He wants us to enter?" Malware asked.

"Looks like it." Vilgax said.

All three of them walked to the portal and entered it.

Britina's plane finally landed, it was morning in Africa.

All of the boys yawn as Kim walked to them.

"So, feeling better Ron?" Kim asked. "Your powers back?"

Ron closed his eyes and tried to bring it out. It made a small blue glow, but that was it.

"Sorry, I can't do it any more than that."

Kim and Ron both look upset, but Ben spoke up.

"I bet I know an alien who can help out."

Ben set the dial on the Omnitrix and selected an alien that he pressed on.

In a flash, and the horror of the other airport patrons, Ben became a large, purple creature in a green suit.

"And… this is?" Danny asked, although sounding reluctant.

"Name's Gutrot. I'm a walking chemical factory. Now then…" Gutrot walked to Ron and took a closer look. "Okay, I think I got something." He started shaking. "Danny, Kim, stand back."

Both of those he named looked at each other, worried, and did as he said. Rufus looked worried too and scurried away.

"Uh… what's about to happen?" Ron asked, worried for his fate.

Gutrot released a gas, complete with a certain sound, that made Danny and Kim look grossed out.

"And that's that." Gutrot said. "I mixed a chemical that helps your body become more immune to whatever Malware did you you. You should be better in like less than an hour." He explained.

Ron coughed.

"Good to know…" He says with his eyes tearing.

The three villains were waiting in the darkness for a word from the benefactor.

"Hello?!" Vilgax called out. "Where are you?!"

"Who are you?!" Another voice he wasn't familiar with called out.

The darkness began to clear and the three see two figures unfamiliar to them, but familiar to the heroes. The Lorwardians.

"Which of you is the one who revived us?!" Warmonga called out.

"None of us." Vlad said. "Another one is at work here."

"We are as much in his employment as you are… not that we like it." Malware said.

"We are not under anyone's employment! We are Warhok and Warmonga!" Warhok snapped. "We have no master! We are conquerors, the greatest in the universe!" Vilgax laughed at that, Warhok did not like that. "You find this funny?"

"If you are the greatest in the universe, I assume you were retired recently as we all were." He said.

"Indeed…" Warmonga reluctantly admitted. We were defeated by an Earth human who had odd powers that fought us off."

"The blonde human with magic." Malware said. "I nullified his powers."

"Tell me, how many times had you lost to that one?" Vilgax said, still smiling.

Warhok sneered before looking away.

"Once… my first encounter on Earth"

All three of the other world villains laughed.

"Once?! It took Ben Tennyson multiple times to defeat me!" Malware laughed.

"And Danny Phantom never actually defeated me! His father abandoned me in space. Some conquerors you two are!" Vlad mocked.

Both Lorwardians were about to argue back, but that's when it happened.


Suddenly, all of them had the symbols on their foreheads return, causing them massive cranial pain.

All of them hissed in pain.

"Again?!" Vilgax shouted in pain.

"Who dares?!" Warhok demanded despite the pain he feels.


The voice called out again, from above.

Once they were no longer feeling pain, they all looked up.

The saw a figure in the dark, looking down at them.

"Are you him? The one who recruited us?" Warmonga asked.

"Indeed… and you and your Warhok have proven a disappointment." He said with an apparent arm cross.

"DISAPPOINTMENT?!" Warhok shouted.

"You fell to the ones called Danny Phantom and Ben 10. You only lost to Kim Possible's little boyfriend due to his power. Even then, you both underestimated her and her allies." His red eyes were now visible, glaring at them. "I revived you as you were the most powerful of evil to have recently died… and yet that's only in context."

"HOW IS THIS FOR CONTEXT?!" Warhok jumped up and tried to reach the figure, but instead finds himself hovering in mid-air. "What?"

The figure has his hand out, looking like he's holding something in the air. However, once he motions throwing something to the ground, Warhok is launched down.

The figure, still in shadows, landed between all of the villains.

"Well… I'm guessing you all have some kind of issue with me. Now's the time to vent your grievances." This being said.

"Gladly!" Malware said as he ran towards the figure. "No one controls Malware!"

Malware slashed out, but the figure effortlessly dodged with a simple motion to his left. When Malware tried again, he caught the arm.

"For Lorwardia!" Warmonga shouted as she ran in and threw a punch.

This being only caught it with his other hand as he swung both his opponents up and slammed them into each other. He then throws them back where they came.

Vlad flew in and then split into four, laughing smugly.

"Let's see you handle four at once!"

"Only four?" The being said.

All four Vlad's fire at him, but this being only spun its hand in one motion before creating an energy dome that shields him.

"Lucky shot…" One of the Vlads grumbles.

The figure quickly appears behind him.

"No… I'm just better."

Before he could turn to face this figure, he's whacked away like an insect and into the other three, causing all but one to disappear.

Vlad got up, but the figure grabbed his cape and used it to swing him and slam him into the ground three times before throwing him away.

"Fool…" The being said.

As Vlad groaned in pain, Vilgax stepped up.

"Now… it is my turn. You will learn to respect Vilgax the conqueror!"

"Respect the one who fears some obese comical excuse for a villain?" The being scoffed. "Don't be foolish…"

Vilgax snarled in anger as he ran towards the being. He reached out to grab him.

The figure swatted Vilgax's hand with minimal effort and threw an uppercut that sent the villain into the air.

Vlad and Warmonga got back up and were about to attack him from behind.

He reacted quickly, turning to block their blows with his hands before reaching up and grabbing the falling Vilgax by a tentacle and swinging him like a bat to knock them away.

Warhok got back up, the being threw Vilgax at him, knocking him back down.

Meanwhile, Malware got back to his feet, but the being grabbed him by the face and threw him towards where all of the villains were, in a pile.

"Fools…" This being said. "I restored you to life for a reason, proving yourself inferior to me isn't that reason at all…" His mouth finally appeared. It was jagged and red, and in a twisted smile. "Though it has been entertaining."

"What do you want with us?!" Warhok demanded as he and the others got up.

"Simple… I want you to break me free." He said. "I need a few things to make myself free. The first is from this world. I need the Tempus Simia to be restored. Then, by the time we finish, the Reality Gauntlet should be restored. We will return to the world home to you, Vlad Plasmius, and claim it. However, to ensure everything is right… we will build machines to ensure things go right."

"What kind of machines?" Malware asks.

"The kind that will open up and free me." He responded.

"If you're so powerful, why do you ask for our help?" Warmonga pointed out.

"Because I cannot leave this world or my powers would be weakened, to the point where you may as well poke me and I'd scream in pain." He said. "That's why I need you."

"You need someone who can go to these words without being weakened." Vilgax pointed out. "I'm assuming that's why you always remain in this world, even when you restored us."

"I could technically step out and do it all myself… but I cannot risk it. That's why you are here." He said. "You must do it for me."

"What are we getting in return?" Warhok asked. "Aside from vengeance on those who defeated us."

"You can live." He said. "You will all live."

Vilgax only laughed. "What could be so dangerous about you that you'd be locked away here?"

"I'm glad you of all people asked me, Vilgax." The figure raised his arm and motions with his finger. "Come here, and I'll show you."

Vilgax walked over, kneeling down to the figure.

It was then, with the motion of his hand, the darkness surrounded the two of them, blocking the others from seeing.

Vilgax looked back for a moment before facing this benefactor. The benefactor then raised his hand and created a red orb of energy. The light illuminated and showed his appearance to Vilgax.

What Vilgax saw caused him to gasp.

"Y-You! You're… it can't be!"

The orb disappears, darkening the figure again.

"You know what I am, and what I can do."

"But… the way you are… it… IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Vilgax shouted.

"Not for me. Now… you know what I am and what I can do. You know full well I would be able to either help you… or kill you instantly."

Vilgax gulped.

"I understand."

"So…" With the motion of his hand, the darkness lifted, allowing the others to see. "Now, you understand why?"

"Why would you show me?" Vilgax asks once the shock wore off.

"Because you of all people should know better than to mess with me." This being said. "Now… will you obey me.?"

"Yes!" Vilgax said, standing straight.

"Good." The being smiled again. "Then you shall be in charge. Note that I am not at all like Diagon, I know what you can do and you won't be able to trick me."

"I understand." Vilgax quickly bowed before turning away and walking to join the others.

"So… you will all work to deal with our heroes and ensure the ceremony to restore the Tempus Simia's power." The being said. "If the ones responsible for your losses show up, do not let them interfere. Make sure you finish the ceremony, we are running out of time."

"With your power, can't you just reverse time?" Vilgax pointed out.

"For me to do that, I have to be standing completely in the same universe to make it happen. And I want to avoid trouble for now…" The being glared. "Do not make me waste time…"

Vilgax gulped.

"I understand."

A portal opened near them.

"You have your assignment, now go!" The being shouted.

All of the villains did as he said, turning towards the portal and walking towards it.

Once they step through and appear in Africa, only Vlad spoke up.

"Vilgax? What happened? Why are you so eager to do as he demands? What did he show you?"

Vilgax looked away for a moment before speaking up.

"Let's just say… he's something you don't want to mess with."

Our villain is something only Vilgax recognizes as something not to mess with.

What could he be that even Vilgax the Conqueror fears?

Well, I'll tell you one thing... it's NOT Ma Vreedle.

Anyone else hate that Vilgax, dude who momentarily wiped out the multiverse, is afraid of this comical villain? Our bad guy thinks so too and is aiming to fix that.

Now, we know he wants freedom, but soon we'll find out what he is.