AN: A quick update for ya'll! I'm going to focus on this story more cause I want to complete it. Plus it's really fun writing it :) Don't worry I will update Unfaithful and Illicit Desires soon!

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z.


Goku was in his room, typing in his essay for history. As his fingers clicked on the keyboard, his mind drifted back to the encounter with Maron yesterday. God, she was such a snob. It stressed him out just thinking about her.

He suddenly stopped his typing to think..

Goku and Chi-Chi walked out of the cafeteria, their arms wrapped around each other. Chi-Chi's body shook as she sobbed. Every cry a stab to Goku's heart, he couldn't stand to hear her cry. It was just too much for him. He looked behind him, seeing all their friends in the distance. He looked back at Chi-Chi as he sat both of them on a bench.

Chi-Chi just buried her face in Goku's blue sports jacket, as her cries started to decrease. Goku combed her loose raven locks with his fingers, trying to soothe her. After a few minutes of silence Goku spoke.

"Chi.. you okay?" He asked, as he placed a kiss on top of her head.

Chi-Chi looked up, whimpering slightly as she nodded her head."I'm fine.. I'm sorry if my crying is annoying.. I couldn't help-" Goku interrupted her.

"Chi-Chi, don't you dare apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. It's Maron who needs to apologize to you." He spoke truthfully.

Chi-Chi stared at Goku, her midnight eyes now a faint red. Goku titled her chin up a bit, and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Chi-Chi didn't protest and just melted against him.

Goku sighed, he absolutely hated drama. And to see his girlfriend cry because of it just tore him apart. One thing he was certain of knowing.. he didn't like to see Chi-Chi cry. Sure he had seen people cry before and it made him sad but.. Chi-Chi just broke him apart when she cried. He promised himself to never make her cry.

Suddenly the door swung open and his dad came in. Goku looked up and closed his laptop. He was practically a carbon copy of his dad, the same hairstyle and eyes. But of course he had his mother's skin complexion and soft heart.

"Hey what's up?" Goku asked.

"I got a call from the school counselors. Some students reported a fight and said you and your friends were involved. Care to explain?" Bardock asked, as he crossed his arms.

Goku mentally groaned. Of course Maron's pesky friends had to snitch on him and his buds.

"We didn't start it, some crazy girl at my school did. She really likes me for some reason and she insulted my girlfriend." Goku said frowning, as he thought of Chi-Chi's crying.

Bardock chuckled lowly. "Man, so now you're going through it huh?" Bardock asked as he sat next to his son.

"Huh?" Goku rose an eyebrow in air.

Bardock looked up, his mind drifting off to past memories. "I've told you and your brother many stories about me and your mom, but there was one story I never told cause I thought you weren't mature enough for it."

Goku continued to listen. Bardock spoke again.

"I've known your mom since elementary, but I never realized my feelings for her until my junior year. To see the shy and short girl I knew in elementary grow up into a soft yet strong woman she has become today sparked something in me. Of course because of my feelings drama entered my life."

"What type of drama?" Goku asked curiously.

"Just like you, somebody else really liked me as well. And she did not like your mother." Bardock as he laughed a bit.

Goku's eyes widened. His father experienced the same thing too?!

"Wow, what happened?" Goku asked.

"She would often yell harsh things at your mother, and tried to get me drunk so she could take advantage of me. She never succeeded. It wasn't until a few weeks before graudation I decided to propose to your mother in front of her. And when I did.. oh man I'll never forget the look on her face. We went to college, graduated, and we got married. The same year we had your brother and a few years later we had you." Bardock said as he finished the story.

Goku stared at his father. He never imagined that would happen to him.

"Man, I never knew that happened. I could see why you didn't tell me that one."

Bardock smirked as he rubbed his son's back. He got up from the bed and walked to the door.

"It's dinner time." He said and left the door open. Goku got up and followed his Dad. He saw his brother and mother at the table, their utensils in their hands as they waited for the two other Son family members to join them.

Goku sat next to his brother, while his father sat next to Gine as always. They said their blessings and started to dig in the food. As much as Goku thought his mom's food was delicious, he kept wondering what Maron had mentioned during the fight, saying that she knew Chi-Chi's father's "dark secret." What dark secret could there be about Chi-Chi's family?

He decided that he and Chi-Chi needed to talk. And not just talk during break, but a heart to heart talk in privacy. He tried to think of where he could talk to her though.

A cafe? Too crowded.

The school bathroom? That's a big no no.

His car? Just no.

He mentally groaned, but suddenly a light bulb lit in his brain. Maybe he could invite her to his home, and they could talk in his room. Of course it had to be a day where his parents and snobby brother wasn't home. He smiled.

"Hey Mom? Dad? Are you guys having any late night shifts this week?" Goku suddenly asked.

Gine looked up from her plate, so did Bardock as he slurped up his noodles.

"Hmm.. I believe this Wednesday my shift is until 10:25 P.M.." Gine said as she placed her finger under her chin.

Gine owned a meat shop downtown, and it was a huge success. Her meat was considered to be the highest quality in West City.

"Me and the team have a late night meeting with the boss until 12 on Thursday." Bardock said as he swallowed his sip of red wine.

Bardock worked in a search and rescue team with his friends that he had known since elementary, it was a tiring job but it was a good salary.

"Raditz?" Goku asked.

"What?" Raditz asked, as he chowed down a loaf of bread.

"Are you out of town this week?" Goku asked.

"Tch, no. And even if I was why do you care?"

Goku groaned. "C'mon Raditz just tell me."

"Kakarot, what's this about? If you're thinking about having your friends over for some late night party you can forget about that." Bardock gruffily said.

"No no! It's not that it's..! Uhh.." Goku stopped as he suddenly realized that his family never met Chi-Chi.

"Spill it Kakarot." Raditz said.

Goku blushed, seeing this Raditz smirked.

"Ohh is this about that Princess you're dating?" Raditz tauntingly said as he poked Goku's cheek.

Gine gasped and clasped her hands together. "You're going to bring your girlfriend over?! Oh this is an opportunity I cannot miss!"

Bardock smirked. "Why not, we finally get to meet Kakarot's royal significant other."

"Dad! We're not engaged!" Goku yelled as he hid his face in his hands.

"Oh just wait a few years, you'll be changing your words." Bardock said, his trademark smirk visible to all.

Goku groaned and banged his head on the table. Needless to say, Goku didn't eat dinner that night.

Wednesday rolled by, and as always Goku met up with Chi-Chi at the bleachers as he greeted her with a short and tender kiss. They walked hand in hand around the quad together, talking about homework and such.

Chi-Chi smiled and closed her eyes as she leaned her head on Goku's arm. She hadn't been so happy in such a long time.. this man made her so happy.. and nobody would take his place..

Goku then decided it was time to talk.

"Hey Chi?" Goku said.

Chi-Chi looked up, her face beaming. "Yeah?"

"Can we talk..?" He asked gently.

Chi-Chi looked at him longingly, trying to read the look on his face. Her heart started to beat faster.

'No.. he couldn't.. we just got together..'

"Sh..sure Goku.." Chi-Chi said uneasily, as her grip loosened. Goku gritted his teeth but led him and her in an empty hallway in one of the study buildings.

Suddenly Chi-Chi pulled away from him.. and bursted into tears. Goku's heartstrings were immediately pulled as he pulled her into an embrace.

"Fine.. just do it! Leave me for that blue haired bimbo!" Chi-Chi sobbed.

Goku's eyes widened. Why in the god's name would he leave his raven haired beauty for that bitc-

He suddenly froze as he realized why she was crying. Did she think.. he was breaking up with her? He placed a kiss on her lips and hugged her tightly.

"Chi.. I'm not leaving you.. Chi!" Goku said sternly as he shook her shoulders. Chi-Chi looked up, her tears illuminating her face. It was such a beautiful sight. He gently wipes her tears away with the pad of his thumb. Chi-Chi smiled as she wiped the rest of her tears away.

"I'm sorry Goku for thinking such a stupid thing.. it's just ever since that fight in the cafeteria I just couldn't think straight.." She admitted as she looked down.

"Hey don't worry.. but that's what I wanted to talk about.." Goku said gently. Chi-Chi looked up, as she bit her bottom lip.

"Well actually I was wondering.. do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow? We can watch a movie or do homework together?" Goku politely asked, smiling as he saw the smile on Chi-Chi's face.

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother or anything.." She shyly admitted.

"Chi-Chi you have never been a bother to me. Just let your dad know and let me know if you're available."

Chi-Chi smiled. What had she done to get such a wonderful man in her life? Nobody had ever brought her such joy to her life.. of course she loved her dad and all but this man here.. he had the looks of a god, the mind of a child, but the heart of a pure angel..

She hugged his arm and looked up.

"I love you Goku." She said, her knees feeling weak as she stared into Goku's onyx orbs.

Little did she know that Goku was feeling the same way.

"I love you too Chi." He replied back before they both sealed it off with a kiss.

AN: NEXT CHAPTER GOKU WILL FINALLY LEARN OF CHI-CHI'S BACKSTORY! And more Maron drama too, but this time it's juicer. Also some interaction between the girls and the guys