(Hi guys! Haven't posted in a while, and I'm revamping/replacing my stories, I know I know, y'all most likely don't care about this story as you want the old stories back-but Patience! Patience my readers!

Anywho if your not in the loop, and I'm speaking gibberish to you, don't mind, and instead enjoy probably one of the most kinky, twisted, and messed Fanfictions there is for Destiny. It will start slow and calm, but soon...hehe...yall will see :D

Anyways enjoy the story! And expect updates semi frequently)


Amilio, Hunter.

Amilio is a hunter who has seen far too much, and has done even more than most Guardians. He's destroyed the Black Garden, killed Atheon, Crota, Oryx, you name it, he was the one who pulled the trigger. While on duty, he's a silent killer, off duty? He's a sarcastic, humorous person who attempts to see the good in situations but just can't at times...

Physical Appearance

Physical Age: 20-30

Mental Age: 15-30

Guardian Age: 4 Years

Hair: Black, messy, and very bushy.

Eye Color: Dark Green

Skin tone: Slightly tan, but mostly pale.

Height: 5'11

Weight: 171 lbs

Voice: Semi Low, but not too low.

Facial Appearances: No beard, and no scars on the face.

Scars: a jagged curved scar running down the side of his chest, from when he blocked a hit from a hive knight during the Crota's End Raid.

End of Original Characters.

Amilio sighed as his ghost turned in the bounties that he had gotten done digitally, as he looked around. He was currently leaving the blind well, after doing a couple of clears with everyone else, and boy was he exhausted. Not even a raid could exhaust him that much, and sure maybe it was because he was a bit underpowered, but so was everyone else. He honestly just couldn't wait to get back to the tower, take a nice hot bath, and relax...

"Well I think we did good work here, Guardian" his ghost chimed in, as Amilio nodded. The Hunter had finally gotten out of the center of the Dreaming City, and he summoned his sparrow. He got on it, and quickly sped off towards where he was keeping his ship, which was just right by Petra's little base of operations.

Within a matter of some ten minutes, Amilio reached his ship and he dismounted his sparrow. It disappeared, and went back into his inventory, as he started walking towards his ship. However, he noticed something was off...

"Hey isn't that, Petra?" His ghost said, as up ahead was the Queen's Wrath herself. She was dressed in her usual tight white mesh suit with a variety of belts and pouches on it. And a white oversized scarf around her neck, that covered more than her neck. She was flipping her knife, as her one eye shot over and looked at Amilio.

"Ah, leaving so soon Guardian?" She asked, as she caught her knife and holstered it. She turned and looked at him, with a slight tilt to her hip, as she leaned on his black shaded ship.

"Actually yes, yes we were, Petra" Amilio's ghost said, as it transmatted out of the Hunters inventory. It clicked a bit, as it's pure white shell shone in the now midnight sky. It's one eye clicked and whirred curiously at Petra, as the Awoken looked at the ghost. Her hand still rested on her hip, as she let out a sigh. She looked down for a moment, before looking back up at them.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." She said, as she held her ground confidently.


"Petra? What do you mean? We have to get home, we can't just stay here tonight, the Vanguard will get worried-" Petra cut the ghost off.

"No, no they won't. I called in a favor with one of my associates in the counsel, and they planned for our Red War Hero here to stay an...oh well you know, a year here" Petra's lips curled into a smirk, as Amilio blinked behind his helmet. How the hell...

"Petra, you cant just do that! We serve the light, and that means-". Petra nodded, "Oh I know all of that nonsense, but your needed here, and I need your guardian..." she said, as she began to eye Amilio. Gears were turning in her head, as she slowly approached the Hunter. Amilio felt his breath hitch, as the Awoken beauty got up close to him.

"Perhaps, you need a reason to stay...I can be your reason...I know you've already gotten all of our treasures..." she began to say, as she placed a hand on Amilio's shoulder and began to walk around him as her hand traced over his own mesh suit. His ghost watched confusedly, as Amilio didn't move or react. He was as stiff as a wooden board, and in more ways than just one...

"I'll be cooking something up for you, to reward you of your hard work...but just to make sure you don't try and leave me..." she whispered softly into his audio receptor on his helmet, as Petra pulled out her Vestian Dynasty. She flicked a setting on it, and took aim at Amilio's ghost before firing a single shot. An electric rope striked the ghost, knocking out its circuits, as well as its connection to Amilio.

The Hunter gasped out, as a flash escaped his body, and he fell to his floor. The light was just taken from him, as Petra walked over to his ghost and snatched up. She moved over to Amilio who was on his hands and knees, and watching her legs as she moved over to him. She leaned down and kissed his helmet, before getting back up. "You best watch your back Amilio...

...cause I'm gonna make you mine..."

Four days later...

Amilio had just physically turned in his bounties to a Corsair, as he noticed the female had her eyes on him more than usual, and he shifted uncomfortably.

Four days he's been here, and four days he's been doing everything the corsairs asked of him. Oddly enough, Petra seemed to have gone missing, which he found slightly worrying especially after their last encounter. But easily the worst part about all of this, was not having his light. He had to eat, sleep, drink, and do all of the other stuff a normal human would have to do, and he hated it. Already he missed staying up late at night, and getting no sleep.

The Hunter sighed in frustration, as he rubbed his side. He walked off, and up a small mountain where he found a slightly secluded spot, and he smiled. Finally some peace and-

"Agh!" Amilio grunted out, as someone grabbed the front of his helmet and ripped it off. His young and slightly tan face could be seen, as well as his messy and sweaty black hair. His dark green eyes wavered around worriedly, as he tried to see his attacker. Amilio struggled hard, as he tried to escape his attacker's grip but no luck.

An arm was wrapped around his neck, while the other popped the cork off a bottle. Said bottle was white, and resembled the Queensfoil Tincture, except a gas was swirling around inside and held an odd property. "Shh...calm down Amilio, I'm just going to guide you too your treasure..." purred out the recognizable voice of Petra in his ear, as the bottle was forced infront of his face.

Gases swirled out of it, as a black inky cloud began to force its way into Amilio's nose. He coughed out heavily, as he soon inhaled the whole thing, as he coughed harder. "Mmm good boy, now, come find me my Hunter..." she whispered, as she suddenly vanished from behind her. Amilio felt his entire world spinning, and nothing felt and looked right.

His vision was fuzzy, and blurry, like he was in a dream. He felt funny, and oddly enough very very horny...

He shifted uncomfortably at that feeling, as he looked around. The entire dreaming city was frozen in time, except for the entrance to the blind well. "What's going on..?" He asked a bit slurred, as he felt a piece of his clothing fall off him. He gasped out, as his chest was suddenly exposed. He looked around and shuddered, as his pants were ripped off next. He was soon fully nude, and it was rather awkward, as he looked around to make sure no Corsairs were around. Luckily none...

Amilio didn't receive an answer to his slurred question, as he was instead suddenly pounced down by none other than Petra herself. He felt the world shift around him, and suddenly he was on a very comfortable bed. The world continued to shift as he was now in what he assumed to be Petra's room.

A purple glow filled the room, as a wardrobe along with a table sat in a corner, infront of him was the exit, and to the left of him was another table housing his gear. The bed he was laying on was massive, and held a nice bounce to it. Purple covers and sheets were on it as well as Petra's Gear, as Amilio suddenly gasped out.

A wet, warm, and inviting feeling mesmerized him briefly, as he looked down seeing the one eyed awoken wrapping her full lips around his cock. He laid his head back against the bed, as she started bobbing herself up and down on his hard member. "Petra..." he gasped out, as he placed his hand on her head. A moan escaped him, as she started to blow him much harder and she was now eagerly sucking him off. The Veteran hunter grit his teeth in pleasure, as lewd noises escaped from the woman's lips as the Queens Wrath gave him probably the best head he's ever had.

She suddenly pulled off his member, breaking free of Amilio's grip as she instead grasped the base of his rod firmly with her right hand. Immediately, she started to quickly run her hand up and down on his flesh wildly. Amilio's eyes flickered, as bliss shot through his being. The feeling of a tongue running up his girth sent a shudder through his system, as a light giggle escaped the female below him. "You better not cum on me, Guardian. I don't exactly enjoy the feeling of being burned..." she mused, as she brushed her perky nipples against his balls.

Right...Awoken's skin are very sensitive to liquids, due to the cleansing nebulas on their skin-

Amilio didn't even get to finish the thought, as her head plunged back down on his member. Petra's tongue swirled around the base of his dick, as she bobbed her head up and down on him. A moan escaped his lips, as the Awoken worked her magic on him, and he began to feel a familiar burning sensation. A Gasp escaped him, as he thrusted his hips, causing his cock to slide in all the way and hit the back of her mouth. "Petra!" He managed to get out, as his cock throbbed inside her mouth.

A sudden hum escaped the Awoken, as Amilio bucked his hips wildly and he released his cum in her mouth. The smell of sex was already thick in the air, and Amilio felt the fuzzy feeling of the gas return. He was still drugged, and that wouldn't change for a bit, and it also explained his willingness to let Petra milk him like a cow.

Amilio had stopped thrusting, and light breaths escaped him as his chest rose and fell. The feeling of the one eyed woman's mouth clean his rod clean, as well as swallow his whole load filled him with a pleasure feeling. She pulled off his cock, and began to climb Ontop of him, as she grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. He looked over at her hazily, as he inspected her body.

Petra was well built and well gifted as most Awoken were. Her red hair shifted a bit, as the man nebulas over her skin swirled. A grin was plastered on her face, like she was proud to make one of the most renowned guardians cum. Her body was slim, curvy, and her thighs were much thicker than what she gave off. Her breasts were a very ample size, with her dark blue tits looking rather perky. A couple of scars littered her body, none too big or too odd, as he soon looked at her hips. He saw her well shaven, tight, and very wet entrance, as a glowing white liquid dribbled from her folds. His cock was pressed up against her nether regions, as Petra suddenly grabbed his shoulders and kissed him.

She broke the kiss, and licked his lips as she stared lustfully into his eyes. "See something you like, Hunter~?" She purred out, as she lifted her rear up. His cock sprung up, as when she went back down he penetrated her tight hole causing the male to gasp out. Petra moaned out, and she didn't waste any time, as she leaned back. She placed her hands on his thighs, and started bouncing on him wildly. The bed shook, and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh sounded throughout the room. "Mm...fuck Amilio..." Petra groaned out, as she started to hop on his cock faster.

The feeling of her lubricant like fluids coating his rod, inside her almost mind numbingly tight pussy was killing him. Not literally, but in the sense of pleasure it was. And it was very easy to see Petra was a speed demon, as in, she rode fast and hard and didn't stop even if he came. Her breasts bounced wildly with each movement she did, as her mounds of flesh moved in such a way it was hypnotic and Amilio didn't even know he was sucking on her left nipple until she moaned out his name.

The Queen's Wrath ran her fingers through his hair, as intelligible mumbles escaped her lips. Amilio's arms wrapped around her, and he started sucking on her tit much harder now. Petra moaned out and started riding him hard and fast, as sparks of pleasure exploded in his body. "Holy...Amilio you feel way too fucking good, love..." she whined out, as Amilio grunted out quietly. The pleasure ratings were off the chart, as suddenly he felt himself slam back into the bed. Her hands were on his stomach, as she started riding him with all that she could.

"P-Petra-!" He tried to protest, as he felt himself start to throb inside her pussy. "Fuck! Fuck! Just cum! Please!" She pleaded, as the Hunter quickly grabbed her well rounded ass; and soon started thrusting like his life depended on it.

"FUCK! YES!" The one eyed beauty cried out, as Amilio closed his eyes tightly and grunted out uncontrollably. His seed escaped him, as warm thick ropes of his cum splashed in and coated her core. The Guardian thrusted a couple of times into her, as he let out as much as he could into her before panting lightly. His whole world as he knew it, was a dizzying mess of bliss and pleasure. Petra let out a satisfied moan, as she leaned down and laid Ontop of him. She traced her fingers over his chest lightly, as she kissed his neck. A smirk crossed her lips, as she looked up at him and her eye held a mischievous glint.

"We're Not Done yet, Guardian..."