A/N: To all my fans of Naruto the Scarecrow don't freak out. I haven't abandoned it, in fact I just sent the recent rough draft to my beta. The next chapter should be out soon. I'll go more into why its late there. I wasnt originally going to do a harem story but it's freaking DxD, the personification of harem stories. I did however keep it small.

The Conquering Red Dragon Emperor

Monkey D Garp was not a man who stressed out over strange things happening to him. He had seen some truly impressive things during his travels in the Grand Line. He had seen islands in the sky, sea kings that were taller than the Red Line and even a glimpse of the fabled Raftel during his chase after the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger.

That was a why Garp didn't feel the need to freak out when he found himself in a strange city called Kuoh in a country called Japan. His long years of service with the Marines had shown Garp that things generally worked out for the best on their own. Whether it was the work of some divine being or new found Devil Fruit, Garp was probably here for a reason and he was content coasting along and enjoying his holiday until something happened; Kuoh had some extremely tasty rice crackers.

As Garp strolled on some pavement munching happily on some crackers he saw a group of children in a park. A group of three boys were facing down a boy who stood protectively in front of a snivelling girl. The leader of the boys could be heard from the other side of the fence.

"Move Hyoudou, we need to teach Shidou just how annoying she is. Telling everyone to pray to God is dumb, this is Japan!"

Garp's interest had been piqued so much he had stopped eating. He saw the other boy shake his head, "No way. Sure sometimes all the God stuff sometimes annoys me but Rin is my friend and no one hurts my friends."

"Fine, guess we'll just hurt you to!"

Garp chose that moment to act. He had a soft spot for kids and his innate sense of justice wouldn't allow him to walk away. Using Shave, he turned up behind the three boys.

Adopting a stern expression he said, "Now now kids, break it up. Don't make me tell your parents you're being brats!"

Garp had to hide a smirk. He was by no means a short person and with the amount of muscles he had gained throughout his life Garp would've appeared as a skyscraper to the young boys. The bullies bravado vanished and they quickly ran away from the monster man who could teleport.


That was the voice of the boy. "That was amazing Mister! How did you do that?!"

Garp turned around and smiled. "Stuff like that is possible with hard training. It's a type of martial art."

"Could you teach us?"

It was an innocent question, one that anyone could see coming but Garp paused. Was this why he was here? Was it his mission to train this boy into a upstanding citizen and possibly join the military?

Garp mentally shrugged, this time he'd get it right, Ace and Luffy had become pirates. True Koby was a fine marine but Garp had an opportunity to mould this boy into a true powerhouse. The earlier you got training in, the stronger someone got.

"Sure kid, I liked the way you stuck up for your girlfriend there."

This time Garp couldn't hold in his laughter as the boy's face twist in shock. The boy whirled to face his friend.

"Rin, you're a girl?"

The girl in question looked both annoyed and happy. "I have been this whole time Issei, why do you think my name is Irina? Are you going to be nicer to me now?"

Issei didn't answer. It appeared that this new information had short circuited his brain. The fact that his best friend was apparently a girl was more shocking than seeing a man appear out of thin air tickled Garp's funny bone. He guffawed as he took his half finished pack of crackers out of pocket. Resuming his munching, Garp asked,

"So you're Issei and Irina huh? Well I'm Monkey D. Garp but just call me Garp. I'm not Japanese and everybody I know just calls me Garp."

Issei and Irina bowed slightly in greeting and gratitude, Garp had saved them after all. Once that was done Garp said, "Alright, let's start your training now. Warm up by running laps until I finish these crackers."

The kids quickly set off; it appeared as though awe had set in once they processed that he had indeed appeared to teleport. After three laps Issei looked over at Garp to how many crackers were left but as it turned out Garp had pulled out a new packet and was eating those.

Issei turned to Irina, his words coming in short gasps. "Do...you think...we should say something?"

Irina shook her head. "He's kinda like my dad. Garp said run until he's outta crackers and he's not out yet."

She looked to be in better condition than Issei, something that slightly irked him but he didn't say anything. Issei nodded and focused back on his running. Unknown to both kids Garp had used his Observation to listen in on the brief conversation.

'The girl's father trains her as well huh? I wonder what for? Oh well, she has a good head on her shoulders and Issei seems a good kid. Might as well finish this bag quickly.'

Old age and a dressing down from an irate navigator had shown Garp just how extreme he had been training Luffy. This was his chance to change his training methods but still have good results.


Touji Shidou didn't quite know what to make of the situation. He had expected to find his daughter and her best friend playing some game in the park not shadow boxing while a tall man barked corrections at them while eating rice crackers.

"You there, what are you doing with my daughter?"

A touch of hostility entered Touji's voice. He was very protective of his family and what kind of man hung out at a public park with someone else's children. The man turned but Touji noted that no surprise appeared on his face. That either implied that he know who Touji was or already knew he had been approaching. How interesting.

"You must be Irina's father. Well they wanted to know what martial arts I used after I intervened and stop three boys from beating her and Issei. Oh and call me Garp."

Not turning his back on the man, Touji called his daughter to his side. In a quiet voice he asked her, "Don't you remember what I said about trusting strangers? How do you know he's a nice man?"

In an equally quiet voice she said, "I remember dad but Garp did help us. Garp didn't try and get us into a car and he didn't tell us to keep it a secret. He's not acting like a bad guy."

Touji kept back his sigh. Irina was a bright girl but she truly had taken the Lord's teachings to heart. Still, Garp wasn't raising any supernatural red flags. Touji was an experienced Exorcist and had dealt with his fair share of Fallen Angels and Devils but Garp wasn't exhibiting any of their typical mannerisms.

Returning his voice to normal volume, he said, "Issei, it's home time. I'll walk you back. Garp, I'm sure both my wife and Issei's parents would be interested in hearing more about these bullies and your martial arts."


Garp was wondering exactly what he should say. Ordinarily he wouldn't worry about the consequences and just say the truth; that being that he was from a different world but his future role as Issei's mentor hung in the balance. Something told Garp that neither set of parents would react favourably with the whole truth. Luckily he had been here for about a month and had plenty of time to learn about this new world; the internet was so helpful. At least the kids were in Issei's room, they couldn't contradict anything he said considering that he had been honest with both of them. Garp wasn't sure how much of his tale they believed but none of it would sound good to an adult.

"Well I'm a retired Marine who decided to come to Japan when I got cheap flights here. I was minding my own business when I saw three boys about to attack your kids. I stepped in and told the bullies that I would tell their parents. The bullies clearly didn't think about the fact that I had no idea who they were or what their names were so that meant it was an empty threat but they bought it.

"As for the training , Issei just wanted to know how I moved really fast."

"What do you mean?"

That was Issei's father, Gorou Hyoudou.

"It's easier to show you, let's go to the backyard."

Garp purposefully lowered his prowess with Shave; lowering his speed enough to still be visible to the naked eye but faster than any man his age had any right to move. Despite holding back considerably both sets of parents had amazement all over their faces although Touji had a spark of renewed suspicion in his eyes.

Garp resumed his talk from the living room. "That was what I did in the park. It was one six unique styles making up what we call the Six Powers.

"I was going to teach them the basics seeing as how impressed I was with Issei's resolve to protect his friend."

Garp trailed off. He knew parents tended to be over protective and his role to train Issei might be over just as it was set to begin.

Touji turned to his wife. "Mikoto, why don't you discuss this with Gorou and Miki? I'd like to learn more about these Six Powers."

Mikoto knew about her husband's duties to the church and suspected that there was more to Garp than he had let on and that Touji would try to get to the bottom of it.

She smiled, "Of course honey. Miki, shall we prepare some tea?"

Garp could see Touji wanted a private word and once they were alone Touji turned to Garp. "Alright Garp, what's your real intention?"

Garp kept face calm. "It's as I said. Issei gained my respect by sticking by Irina even after the bullies offered him a free pass on a beating. Truly good kids these days are so rare and they should have some idea of self defence so that they don't get the niceness beaten out of them."

Touji nodded to himself. That was a better answer than before. "Alright, do you believe in the supernatural?"


"God, Angels and Devils?"

"Um no. I personally only believe in things that I can see and touch."

That answered that. Garp didn't seem to have any knowledge of the hidden aspects of their world. Touji had spent years learning how to spot deceit, it was necessary when dealing with devils and he couldn't sense any from this mysterious old man.

"You said Six Powers but only showed one. What are the other five?"

"Moon walk, Finger Pistol, Iron Body, Tempest Kick and Paper Art.

"Finger Pistol and Tempest Kick are attacks so I won't teach them those. I really only want them to be able to defend themselves.

"Moonwalk is similar to Shave, it's high speed movement but in the air. Iron Body makes a user's body denser and is a good defence against attacks while Paper Art makes a user more flexible, able to dodge incoming attacks with ease."

Garp gave a short demonstration of each. Touji was awed, he couldn't sense a bit of other worldly energy from Garp so he wasn't affiliated with any of the factions. This was a pure human capable of fighting the supernatural. This was something the Church would love to know, their Exorcists were all too easily killed by their supernatural counterparts and Angels couldn't mobilise without risking open war. Something told him that Garp would be unwilling to join the Faith, the man was enjoying his retirement and freedom. If Irina could learn some of these Six Powers though, she could help train others.

"Okay, depending on what Gorou, Miki and my wife say, I'm happy for you to train my daughter. I would like to be present for the sessions though, please don't take it personally but I'm not quite so trusting as to just leave my daughter alone with a strange man."

Garp nodded, that would be fine with him. In fact he would've been alarmed if the opposite had been said.

Once Touji had given his approval it didn't take long for the other adults to come round. It was decided for the Hyoudou's backyard to be their training area and training would be three days a week after kinder garden. Garp had asked for daily sessions but the parents had put their feet down. Garp might've been known as the Hero of the Marines but even he was wary of incurring a mother's wrath.


Issei sniffed. After almost a year of training Irina was leaving Japan and leaving him as the focus of Garp's training. How could she, they were best friends! He wasn't crying because of losing his friend, he was just worried about the increase in Garp's training if he was the only pupil. No sir, he wasn't crying, nope.

"I don't want to leave Ise but dad says it's God's will. I'm sure we will see each other again!" Irina wrapped her arms around her best friend. Issei returned the hug with vigour.

"You promise?"

"Yep, I'll pray every single day until it happens!"

"Then I promise when we meet I'll have mastered everything Garp wants me to learn."

They separated and Garp smiled at Irina fondly. In spite of trying to keep himself distant, he had failed once Irina had called him Grandpa one day by accident. Garp had had a big smile on his face for the rest of the day after that and it hadn't taken long for Issei to follow suit.

That had only reinforced his desire to get things right this time. Ace had died before his time and Luffy was wild, not to mention a pirate but Issei was good. A little dorky but good down to his core.

That was why he had started both of them on the basics of Observation Haki. Both had a long way to go but they could use it. Training and time was all they needed now. His biggest regret was that he hadn't had more time to train Irina. She had a grasp on Shave and Moonwalk along with Observation but now she wouldn't learn Armament and he didn't know if she was a Conqueror.

"You take care now you hear me? You're my only honorary grand daughter after all. Keep up with your training."

Garp wasn't really one for hugs but Irina was an exception. "Bye Grandpa, don't be too rough on Issei!"

Garp shook Touji's hand before the Shidou family grabbed their bags and walked through the gate to board their plane.

It was a few days after that when Garp changed Issei's training schedule. "Alright kid, you've made good progress so now it's time to learn another form of Haki.

"Armament Haki coats your body with energy which increases your striking power and bypassing some defences such as Iron body. I hope you're ready because this will make your other training look easy."

Issei shivered but he didn't say a word. He had a promise to keep now and no training was going to force him to break it!


Odin was a god of great renown. He was the All Father, leader of the Aesir and one of the strongest beings in the universe. That didn't stop him from being a huge pervert and spreading his teachings where ever he could. That was why he could be found sitting in a park regaling a small group of children about the beauty and necessity of women's breasts. No other force in the world was stronger!

Odin smirked as he saw stars in the eyes of the boys and knew he had managed to make a new bunch breast connoisseurs.

"Issei, stop listening to that dirty old man. Besides, if you ogle women they won't like it and then you will never get closer than looking at a distance."

Odin turned his head to see a man walking over. He was old, not as old in appearance as himself but still it was obvious his best years were behind him. One of the kids who had been listening stood up and walked to the newcomer.

"Really Grandpa? So I should listen to both of you? Love breasts but not be creepy?"

The old man chopped Issei lightly on the head. "Issei your eight years old, breasts should be the last thing on your mind. Now, let's go, its training time. Anyway, I always preferred butts myself."

Odin knew he should leave it alone. He was strong and could obliterate the whole town by accident but the end of that sentence needed to be addressed.

"You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Life giving milk for newborns comes from breasts, what comes from butts? Poop that's what."

The only other adult in the park stuck his tongue out in protest. "But you see, women can be born with generous busts without having to work for it. Truly nice butts, women need to work for them. Training, running and squats. That takes dedication most women don't have and who am I to not appreciate their efforts?"

Odin frowned. It was a good argument but breasts were almost holy. He also wasn't accustomed to disrespect let alone from a human. Odin allowed a small portion of his power to leak out, not enough to alert the nearby devils but enough for the man to feel.

This 'butt man' didn't even flinch. He instead did something strange. No holy or demonic energy got released but a strange force seemed to emanate from his body. It had a strange property, almost as if the man was imposing his own will over Odin's.

Odin allowed more of his power to leak, enough to dwarf the mans. If he wanted the man to back down he was disappointed. More of that strange 'will' was released. No human should have a power like that and it clearly wasn't a Sacred Gear. What was going on?

Before he got to the bottom of this latest mystery Rossweisse came running over. "Lord Odin! Finally, I've been looking all over for you. Please pull back your power before the other factions notice us."

His attention divided, Odin glanced at his bodyguard before returning to the man but amazingly the man had vanished. 'High speed movement without a trace of magic? He didn't have a bit of holy or demonic power so that leaves natural means as the means for that movement. The only problem is that not many people in the supernatural world can do that. He also mentioned training which implies that it's not completely normal. That boy might be a potential asset in the future.'

"Rossweisse, when we get back assign a junior Valkyrie skilled in reconnaissance to keep an eye on that man and kid. Somethings strange about them but be clear, they are not to be hostile in any way just observe."

His curiosity was so great that he even passed up a chance to tease her in front of children.

'Who was that man and that strange aura?'


Issei hurried through the rain. Detention had kept him back in middle school after class and now he was late for training. If Garp stayed true to form than that meant every minute he was late would increase the difficulty of his training. As he ran a sudden burst of fear and pain smashed into the outer range of his passive Observation.

Issei truly didn't want to be any later for training but over the years Garp had also drummed into his head that so long as he had power, he should use it to help the powerless.

'Hopefully Gramps understands. Maybe I can milk it and make this thing the entire reason why I'm late.'

His Observation led him into the woods on the outskirts of Kuoh. Soon the sounds of fighting could be heard. In a small clearing a women was being attacked by five men with strange flashes of light.

Issei didn't try and understand what was happening, all he knew was a women needed his help. Coating his right hand in Armament, he used Shave to appear behind the nearest man. Issei then chopped the back of his neck and the force of the blow knocked the man out. The other men paused incredulous that some teenager had best one of their number.

The women used the opportunity provided and struck her nearest attacker killing him instantly. Splitting their forces, two attacked the women while the last one advanced on Issei, his sword glinting menacingly.

Issei quickly realised that he was outclassed. Observation and Paper Art meant that he was able to dodge most attacks but he lacked raw battle experience and his attacks were obvious. This resulted in a stalemate until Issei didn't react in time to a burst of energy from behind him.

Issei cried out in pain and before he could recover his original opponent's sword stabbed into his gut. Issei's world was pain as he slumped to the ground. He felt his strength leaving him.

'Is this how I die? Seriously?'

Even was pain over took him Issei felt intense anger. At his own weakness, at the ones who killed him and at the fact that he wouldn't see his family again.

'No way. I can't die here, not now.'

An intense burning filled his chest but Issei could tell if it was more pain or something else. All he knew was that he had to finish that fight so that the girl could get help. From the depths of his soul Issei felt something begging to be unleashed. He didn't know how but willed for it to happen.

At that instant two things happened. A red gauntlet appeared on Issei's left arm and a burst of energy left his body, colliding with every living thing around him for a hundred meters. The last three men fell unconscious and the woman staggered. All wildlife fell over from the uncontrolled burst.

The women knew that it would be wiser to keep running. Cut down her defenceless enemies and flee but this boy had helped her. She hoped she wouldn't regret this. She hurried to Issei's side and began using her healing magic. It was going well and she had just stabilised him when an angry old man appeared like a whirlwind in the clearing.

He turned a furious gaze on her. "You have ten seconds to explain why my grandson is lying there injured before I kill you."

The women froze. "These men were attacking me. Your grandson come to my aid but suffered major injuries. With a burst of energy he managed to knock the rest out before collapsing. I immediately started healing him. My name is Kuroka by the way."

The man seemed to calm, albeit slightly. "How could simple men hurt Issei? He's far superior to any person in Kuoh."

"They weren't human."


Kuroka sighed, it was all or nothing now. "What do you know of the supernatural?"


A/N: So what did you think? I kinda skimmed over the training since hopefully readers will be familiar with the forms of haki and the 6 powers. Its also why I didn't really go into too much detail with the characters. Garp and Issei should be easy enough to picture and the Irina's family flew off to England.

Yes I gave Garp the ability to use Conquorers haki but that was needed so that he could teach Issei. Some people might get annoyed at how lucky Issei is here, getting both Ddraig and CoC but well it's just a story. Hopefully it's not enough to drive you away but if it is I hope you find another one to your liking.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts with a review. I always welcome constructive criticism.

Hope you enjoyed the new story!