This'll be my first MHA story, and I have just a few things to say before the story,

1. Harem. Yup going that route. And the main girls are Kinoko, Manami, Toga, Pony, Toru, Kyoka, Nejire, and a few more.

2. Izuku ISN'T quirkless, his quirk shows up at the USJ so chapter 3 or there abouts. So he will still get OFA, sorry to those that don't like that.

3. While this story does lean more on the fluffy side, I WILL make full use of the 'M' rating. Izuku has the soul and memories of a battle scarred Lieutenant General from a land full of fantasy Scheiße. He is not an ok boi. He needs the cuddles. Also lemons

4. Fem Shoto.

5. While the story does reference the "other worlds" where Izuku's past life was from, a fair bit, it ISN'T the focus of the story, this is an MHA fic first and foremost.

6. Izuku might be a tad bit OP but he isn't perfect.

7. I may have forgotten something

8. I don't own shit other than the concept and OCs I might use

Now on to the story with you lot!

Izuku Midoriya was not born a normal boy. It would be on the young child's 4th birthday that his parents --and the entirety of his school-- would find out that Izuku, according to the Quirk Doctor, was "Quirkless".

But the child had more pressing matters to attend to other than the fact that he was now vastly different compared to 80% of the population, or the fact that his best friend now tormented him, or the fact that the adults that used to smile down at him would now look at him with pity, like he was an injured puppy, or the fact that his loving and caring mother would constantly berate herself like it was somehow her fault, or how his eccentric and energetic father now seemed to be consistently devoid of his usual jovial attitude and his signature 10 gigawatt smile, no, what was bothering the child was the waves upon waves of memories that flowed into his mind, thoughts and feelings that weren't his own had begun amalgamating into his being, a past life that was both familiar and foreign imprinted itself into him.

And it happened in the span of a long, loooooong year, during which the young boy had shut out the outside world, but not for the reasons that his parents deduced --he wasn't dejected due to his lack of a quirk--, no, it was because he had to process all the information now available to him; over a hundred notebooks were filled to the brim with information written in a language that was foreign to the world, and even then it had been heavily coded in a way that was nigh impossible to crack.

Not that you could blame the kid for going to the such lengths to protect his notes, after all, paranoia's a bitch.

[He had been a soldier, a warrior, a protector, an advocate of peace and a harbinger of war, a guiding flame for the lost and broken; an errant spark that burned the villains, that threatened the people and peace, alive.

He was someone who embraced life and spat in its eye in the same instance.

He had lived an accumulated total of 253 years, he had died a total of 158 and a half times, he was brought back to life(one way or another) 157 and a half times.

He was an Empath who had been forced to strangle his own soul in order to survive, he had been rescued and brought back from the brink of whithering away from the inside out, resuscitated from drowning in his own grief.

He was a sworn protector of the people who chose to embrace an emaciated child starved of affection.

And he is utterly confused how he has seemingly "naturally" ressurected.

Grayson Feuereifer Az'thor Krieger Von Drake, that was his name.

Izuku Midoriya, that is his name.

He is both and he is neither.

He is currently mumbling.

And he is currently hungry.]

With a tired sigh no five year old should've been capable of, Izuku closed his notebook and rubbed the exhaustion from his eyes.

Looking around his room, the child took in as much as he could, from all the hero memorabilia to the scattered crayons that haven't seen any use in a year, this is his reality now.

He's a kid again.

"Maybe this time I could actually enjoy being a kid without having to worry about getting blasted to bloody bits and pieces." He said to himself with a bittersweet laugh.

Taking one last look around the room, he was met with his own reflection courtesy of a full length mirror, he had to suppress the wince he got when he saw the way his eyes looked; they looked dead.

He could just hear the words of past friends and comrades alike echoing in his mind.

'You look like a walking corpse'

'Has anyone seen any stray soul out there? The Lieutenant misplaced his again'

'Oi! We need a puppy or something over here, boss needs it'

'Stop blaming yourself sonny, it ain't your fault, it's never really your fault'

'Get over it you damn brat'

He winced again at the last one, he could still feel the phantom pain of getting smacked upside the head.

Letting out another tired sigh, he began some breathing exercises, he started reeling in the memories with every inhale, and releasing them with every exhale, letting them wash over, around, into, and out of his soul; just like he practiced for over a century.

And surprisingly, when he opened his eyes, he saw the light of mirth and childlike glee fill his eyes, he felt a smile tug at his lips, it felt good.

It felt damn good to be able to smile again.

Then he saw the calendar beside the mirror and the blood drained from his face.

It took a year for him to sort himself out.

A half-hearted "shit" was all he could say to that.


"Izuku dear, it's rude to just stare at your katsudon you know." His mother chastised.

Izuku only managed mumble out a response to that, he was still at an impasse, he could only imagine the emotional whiplash of suddenly having one's seemingly emotionally drained kid be suddenly energetic again, he really needed to plan this out as carefully as he could, so as not to further hurt his parents...

His parents.

Stars and stones... that felt good to think about.

"And that mumbling dear, I could barely handle your father doing that, you're not doing this on purpose to annoy mommy aren't you?" His mom added.

It was another one of Inko's attempts at trying to fish out any sort of response from her beloved son, but it seems like it's another failu-

"... Sorry mommy" Izuku said with an embassed blush just a moment later.

Or it seems like the stars have aligned themselves to give her back her son.

She could only hope...

After washing the dishes like any good son, Izuku had begun making his way back to his room still trying to formulate a plan on how to go about the whole thing... that is until he heard it.


He didn't know what had gotten into him, all he knew was that he had somehow found himself in front of the television, words leaving his mouth before he even realized it.

"Who is this?"

The poor dumbfounded Inko --this was usually the time Izuku locked himself in his room afterall-- took a couple of moments before she was able to answer, temporarily forgetting the fact that her son was kneeling in front of the television, too close for her liking.

"That's All Might, he's a hero, today is the anniversary for his debut. You... you used to idolize him." Inko said with a sad smile.

She misses her little bundle of joy. She can never forgive herself for failing her son.

"... No." Izuku began.

And before Inko could even formulate a question, or a statement, or even sigh of resignation, her son continued.

"Not used to. I still do. I still look up to him." He said, remembering the fanboy that was in him.

He frowned, gaining a far-away look in his eyes, almost as if he was deep in thought, he chewed his lips for a moment, looked down at his hands, then looked towards his mom, then back to the television in front of him.

A pause.

"Mom..." He began, a growing grin on his face.

"I'm gonna be a hero." He said with an air of finality, like a King making a decree.

His mother promptly collapsed.

A half mumbled "My son is back" was all Izuku heard before his mother fell into unconsciousness.

"Well... That works too I guess... " Izuku mumbled to himself, looking at his poor unconscious mother with a look of concern.


It was currently break time for Izuku and his classmates, but instead of playing Heroes and Villains with the other kids, Izuku had busied himself with more notes on the subject of heroes, after waking up from her impromptu nap yesterday, Inko, instead of denying his proclamation, (because she'd be damned if she loses her son again) had told Izuku that his dream would be a hard, if not, a downright impossible one given his Quirkless nature.

A fact he was (apparently) constantly reminded of.

(It seems shutting out the world made him quite detached to reality. Who would've thought?)

He scoffed at that, he'd been through worse in his past, he'd be a hero or die trying.

But speaking of a constant reminder, here comes Katsuki Bakugo and his cronies.

"Hey Kacchan, come back to do your parrot impersonation again?"

That... That had stopped them in their tracks. It had a year since they last heard Izuku speak, let alone sass them.

Didn't stop Bakugou for long though.

"Shut up you Quirkless Deku. So you didn't fall mute huh? Why the hell are you even still here huh? You should just leave and stop showing your face around here, your stupid Quirklessness is making this school look bad!" He yelled out, minor explosions popping on his palms.

"You said almost the exact same thing yesterday you know, can't you at least be a little more creative?" Izuku replied with the most deadpan look a five year old can pull off.

A beating promptly followed.

And as the dust cleared, Izuku was left sprawled on the ground, scowling up at the sky, his notes lay scorched and scattered all around him.

'And once again I'm beaten up and left on the dirt. I really need to finish up my plans and get back in shape before Kacchan becomes even more of a rabid dog than he already is' Izuku thought to himself, as he sat up despite his aching body's protest.

At least his body is just as durable as he remembers when he was this age in his past life. He thought to himself as he stretched.

Then he stopped mid-stretch. He just remembered something. Something he once heard someone yell out as a battlecry.

'Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war'

His grin returned to his face tenfold, it was time to train a WARHOUND.


One year.

One measly fucking year.

That was all it took.

All it took was ONE YEAR for a Quirkless, useless shitstain to completely dominate him.

'HOW?!!?' He thought to himself.

He was supposed to be the best of the best, the top dog, the big shot, the next number one hero for fucks sake. How the fuck was Deku of all people looking down at him with a smug look on his face, not a scratch was on him, hell, there wasn't even a speck of dust or sweat on his shirt and shorts, only his shoes were dirtied.

"How..." Katsuki asked through gritted teeth, as if the very action of doing so was hurting him.

"How? How what, Kacchan? You're going to have to be more specific than that you know." Izuku answered back. A ghost of a smirk dancing on his lips.

"How the fuck did you beat me!" Katsuki yelled out as he lunged, his hands darting forward and grabbing the front of Izuku's shirt... And just as quick as he did so, he found himself on the ground once again, he never even saw Izuku flip him.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!! Katsuki yelled out as he jerked himself up to a seating position.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Izuku teased, the ghost smirk was beginning to possess his lips.

"Don't you sass me. How the hell did you do this! Tell me you bastard! Do you secretly have a quirk huh!???" Katsuki had asked from his positon on the park's dirt floor.

"Questions like that are going to cost you Katsuki. And it Won't. Be. Cheap." Izuku answered, the smirk vanishing from his lips, and for a split second his eyes seemed to take on a pale, but sharper look as a small disapproving frown made it's way to his lips, and just as quickly as it came, it vanished and in its place was the playful smirk and his bright green eyes.

"What's it going to take..." Katsuki asked quietly, doing his best to surpress the cold and surprisingly violent shudder he got when Izuku used his actual name instead of his old nickname.

And in answer, Izuku simply thrust his hand out in front of his downed comrade; for Katsuki would be his comrade, he would make sure of it.

"You won't pay for all of it now, but what I need from you right here, right now, is loyalty, perseverance, will, and your trademark stubbornness." Izuku said, his hand still open in front of Katsuki.

"Fine. But I'm still calling you Deku." Katsuki replied as he clasped his friend's hand.

"If you want to... Kacchan." Izuku replied with a smile as he hauled him up.


It had taken a while longer than he had expected, but he's finally done it, he's finally one step closer. And sure it'd take a more than just one single flawless victory against Kacchan to keep the explosive boy's respect and trust, but he'd work on that when he got there.

He was making his way home now, after the whole ordeal at the park, the greenette needed a celebratory peanutbutter and jelly sandwich (one of the best innovations this planet has if you asked him).

But thinking back, the boy knew, if it had taken him a year of hard work and effort to catch up and subsequently surpass his childhood friend, then it'd at least ten times the effort to be able to keep up with Kacchan and subsequently push themselves to be the best they can be.

And he knows, that as the years go on, he's got even more work to do, though the smile on his face seems to show he's more excited than worried about the upcoming challenge.

However, before he could continue his musings, a voice called out to him and pulled him from his thoughts:

"And what's got you all happy and smiley?" A voice asked teasingly.

He turned to regard the man who had immediately addressed him as he entered their apartment, he was enjoying a cup of coffee, his curly black hair and mischievous smirk were the first things Izuku noticed, he stood there for a full half minute simply staring at the man, and then the green haired boy promptly tackled the man into a crushing (as 'chrushing' as a six year old can muster at least) hug.

"Dad!" Izuku yelled out, a wide grin on the child's face.

"Child Spawn!" Hisashi jokingly replied.

"Paternal unit!" Izuku quipped back almost immediately, making them both laugh.

"What are you doing back here already? Didn't you say you needed a month and a half more before you could come back?" Izuku asked as their laughter died down.

"No reason in particular honestly, I just missed you guys, and speaking of, Inko said she's already on her way home, how about you give me the down-low on what I missed while we wait for her." Hisashi said with a soft smile.

And then Hisashi watched as his hyperactive son animatedly began telling him all that he missed.

The sight formed a pit in his stomach, cause every time he saw his child's blinding smile, he remembered the way his son looked not too long ago, it was like his son was dead to the world and he was only four years old then. Nothing they did could reach out to him, no so called 'trained professional' was able to help, there were even times where he'd go for weeks without uttering any words. It was a devastating time for both him and Inko.

Then by some twist of fate, the Izuku they had known and remembered, the energetic and playful little ball of life they had called their son had somehow come back, all without any input from Izuku's parents --and he still wasn't sure what to feel about that part-- but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

He had his son back, and damned be the gods if Hisashi wasn't gonna do whatever it took to keep his child.

"-and me and Kacchan are gonna be friends again-"

OK, that gave him pause.

"Wait wait, hold on there spitfire, did you just say you and that little firecracker are gonna be friends again?" Hisashi asked, disbelief clearly written on his face.

"Yeah!" Izuku proclaimed happily, "I finally beat him without getting hit back, he can't say I'm below him now."

Huh, well who would've thought, his quirkless son --and while it didn't matter either way to Hisashi whether his son had a quirk or not-- had just apparently beaten the resident walking IED, and while Inko was less than keen on Izuku's 'Beat Kacchan and be friends again' plan (patent pending), Hisashi, who wasn't really one for conventional thinking anyways, couldn't help but feel proud of Izuku.

"Huh, you don't say? Well looks like we've got a change in plans then. Get dressed kid, we're gonna go out to celebrate." Hisashi said, pulling out his phone to inform Inko of his plan.


Inko was happy, that much was certain, her little bundle of chaotic joy and unpredictable energy was right beside her, full of smiles and bubbly laughter, and Izuku, her little green cinnamon roll, was riding on said bundle of joy's shoulders laughing at some joke her husband had said.

The three of them were currently walking through Mustafu Market Square, they had just finished enjoying an ice cream cone each, strawberry for her cause it was her favorite, mint with chocolate chips for Izuku cause it matched his hair, and...


camembert with wasabi sprinkles for Hisashi cause that was weirdest flavor available... apparently.

She'd have to remember not to kiss him today. She did NOT want to know camembert and wasabi tasted like together.

"-ut are you really sure this is ok dad? You're not ditching work right?" Inko heard her son ask, effectively snapping her out of her musings.,

"Well of course it's alright grasshopper, work has been really quiet lately, and I've been missing my two favorite seaweed heads anyways, so here I am." Hisashi replied with a chuckle, as he reached up to ruffle Izuku's hair.

Inko had to smile at that, she truly lucked out marrying her high-school sweetheart.

"Well that seems new." Hisashi said from out of nowhere, pointedly looking at a relatively new building to their right.

"Oh that's a bakery, they opened up two months ago." Inko replied.

"Yeah! Natsumi-san makes the best cupcakes and croissants!" Izuku added happily, he personally loved the French pastry it reminded him of a similar treat he used to eat back when he was still in Eden.

"Oh? It sounds like you're already familiar with this 'Natsumi-san', would it be correct for me to assume that you already buttered them up?" Hisashi said, a half suppressed chortle of laughter laced his words.

"Uhhhhh daaaaaad, do you really have to make bad jokes like that?" Izuku groaned from atop his perch.

"Oh come on, I haven't seen you guys in forever, at yeast let me have this."

"... One day I'm gonna be making jokes like that, I'm blaming you if people hate me for it." Izuku deadpanned.

Hisashi looked utterly devastated at that, he was speechless to the point where he repeatedly opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

Inko had to suppress a giggle at the sight.

And suddenly, without so much as a warning, Izuku's head snapped to the left of them, his emerald eyes searching the crowd.

"Izuku? What's wrong son?" Hisashi asked worriedly.

However instead of answering, Izuku deftly leapt off of his father and dashed into the crowd.

Hisashi spared a half second to glance at his wife before giving chase, only for him to falter after five hurried steps, letting out a sigh of incredulity at the sight in front of him.

Said sight was of Izuku hugging a girl around his age, she was wearing a cute little sundress with a mushroom pattern at the hem, her warm brown eyes were partially covered by her honey brown hair, which curved inwards in a mushroom-shaped bob.

But, where Izuku was all smiles and laughter, the girl was all stutters and flailing arms.

Her wide, cat-like eyes, which resembled the caps of cross-sliced shiitake mushrooms, were darting every which way, and the blush on her face seemed to intensify with every second that she was in contact with Izuku.

Her parents simply looked on in amusement, if their smirks and chuckles were any indication.

Hisashi sensed more friends to add to his collection.

"False alarm, it's just Izuku hugging his girlfriend" Hisashi said with a massive shit eating grin.

The adorable squeak and cute little confused look he got from Kinoko and Izuku respectively had made his day ten times better.

"Oh thank Kami, that nearly gave me a heart attack. So which one is it today?" Inko said, pushing her way forward against the hustle and bustle of the general vicinity, still trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.

"Yeah, adora- wait... What do you mean which one?" Hisashi asked, turning to regard his wife.

"I'll tell you later." Inko told Hisashi simply, as the girl's parents were making their way towards them.

"Hi there Inko, this must be Hisashi right? My name's Ren Komori and this is my wife Tsubaki Komori, it's nice to finally meet the father of our daughter's future husba-oof" Tsubaki promptly elbowed her husband in the ribs, and the tall, pale, brown-haired man collapsed to the floor in a groaning heap, his lab coat pooling around him.

"What my loving husband meant to say is, it's nice to finally meet the father of our wonderful daughter's first friend in this city, and to finally be able to put a face on dear Inko's 'Lovable annoyance', it's a pleasure to meet you at last." Tsubaki said with a small bow, her wavy black hair bouncing twice as she stood up straight before it finally settled down, it framed her soft looking face perfectly, her golden eyes shining in the mid-day sun.

"Urkg... What she said" Ren squeaked out, still clutching his ribs but finally standing on his feet.

"You guys are great. Let's be friends." Hisashi replied easily.

"Awesome. Wanna ditch our kids in a park while we hang out like overgrown reckless teens?" Ren asked, his eyes sparkling with mirth.

Inko and Hisashi shared a look.

Inko shot her husband an exasperated half glare, while Hisashi gave her a dopey smile.

Ren and Tsubaki were in a similar fashion.

In the end, the husbands won and the two kids were dropped in a -- regularly patrolled, healthily monitored, constantly filled with trustworthy people, and lively-- park.

And somehow, Izuku still hadn't let go of Kinoko, yes he ended the hug, but his hand was still holding onto Kinoko's own.

He just did not want to let go.

And frankly, she didn't want him to.

It was young love.

Or childish innocence.

It was one of the two.

And while Izuku himself was technically an adult, he was also very much still a child in body AND in half his mind and soul. So he himself wasn't sure what exactly was going on, he was just going along with it since it seemed natural to him. It felt nice to just be able to relax in the presence of a friend.

It did not last very long.

"Eehhhh what have we here? Two young little lovebirds?" A voice from behind them drawled out.

It was a man, a rather tall, lanky, orange-haired man wearing a plain black shirt, loose camouflage cargo shorts, with a blue beanie on his head, and blades rapidly growing along the length of his arms down to the back of his hands, as a wide grin slowly split his face.

"Why don't you two keep lil ol me company? I'm a little bored you see, and you children always have the best screams." He said, his hand reaching out to grasp Kinoko's face, the grin on his face growing wider by the second.

Izuku promptly punched him in the nuts with a perfectly timed uppercut.

The resulting high-pitched whine gave any surrounding dogs a headache.

But even as the man fell to his knees, the glare he was sending the boy was scalding.

In response, Izuku turned to look at the other people in the park, who somehow didn't even notice the commotion.

Taking in a deep breath, Izuku grabbed Kinoko's hand and yelled his lungs out as he ran from the downed man.


And almost immediately every head in the vicinity snapped in their direction, some adults were already steering other children away, while others still were reaching for their phones. Perfect.

(if he said a villain was there, he could've been mistaken as a child simply playing pretend. People were stupid like that.)

But the man had already recovered, way faster than a man punched in the privates should've been able too.

"Damn brats!!!" He yelled as he sweeped his hand out in an arc, shooting off the blades in his arms in a blind spray.

Some harmlessly struck the ground or the nearby trees, others shot off into the distance, but one of the blades was in direct line of Kinoko's back, but just as it was about to impale her, Izuku roughly tackled her to the ground, tucking the both of them into a roll, trying his best to take the brunt of the damage.

"Got you, you damn brats." The man said, making his way over to the two children, a limp in his steps.

Izuku frowned up at the man who was slowly making his way to them, before he turned to his friend with a serious look on his face.

"Kin-chan, Listen to me. I'll distract him, so you can use your quirk." Izuku said.

"But Iz-kun you-you know I can't con-control it yet! What if I hit you too??" Kinoko asked worriedly, her voice trembling almost as much as her hands.

"It'll be fine. Trust me. When have I ever let you down?" Izuku replied with a wide smile, before standing up and facing the man.

"Oi!" He yelled, channeling his inner Kacchan.

"Oh, you wanna fight? Are you sure about that you brat? I'm a real villain you know, this isn't the time to be playing hero, why don't you run? I do like moving targets better than the ones that just grovel and beg and sit still, who knows, you might even have a chance to run awa-ACK" The villain's monolog was cut off, as Izuku punched him in the nuts once again.

He's a quirkless kid. He doesn't have too many options at the moment. He'd rather fight dirty than die with his friend, dammit.

"Fffffffffff- You fucking BRAT!! What the hell is wrong with you!!?" The villain wheezed, falling to his knees and clutching his tender family jewels.

"You're the one who's being a villain here. That's what you get." Izuku answered in a deadpan, moving away from Kinoko now that he had the villain's attention.

"Oh fuck you!!" The villain roared out, swinging his bladed arm towards the boy, who ducked under the swipe before springing back up and hopping away.

"The was a horrible swing. My mom hits my dad way faster and stronger than that." Izuku quipped, confusing the man for a moment. Any second he can gain is crucial, he'll apologize to his parents later for talking about them behind their back.

"The fu- You know what I don't give a rat's ass. Eat shit and die you brat!!" He yelled out, aiming to swing his arms out again.

But this time Izuku was counting on it. Before the man could reach the axis of his swing, Izuku ducked and dashed forward, aiming another cringe worthy hit on the man's dangly bits.

But somehow two consecutive nutbusters have prepared him for the hit, letting him throw his knee out just before Izuku could land the blow, and catching Izuku in the guts, knocking the wind out of the poor boy.

"You really think I'd let you hit me there again?? Aren't you being a little too cocky for a wannabe hero?" The man spat, figuratively AND literally, at the boy's face as he picked him up.

"Ok, first of all, that's a horrible pun. And second of all, I'm not cocky, you're just stupid enough to fall for a trap." Izuku said, a wild grin on the boy's face as he yelled out:


With wide eyes the villain whipped his head behind him, only to be met with the defiant gaze of a girl who's crush he had just kneed in the guts.


Then all he saw was black.


"Well... I honestly can't say I've ever seen a villain be subdued by mushrooms before but... I guess there's a first for everything." Deatharms said, looking at the fungus covered villain being detained by the police.

"Yeah, Kin-chan's awesome like that."

The, also mushroom-covered, green-haired boy in front of him spoke up, making the EMT checking up on him smile, and making the girl beside him blush.

Deatharms only chuckled at that.

But his sidekick, a freshly graduated hero named Zom, with an impressive regeneration quirk had more words to say apparently.

"Amazing?" He said with a scoff,

"There's mushrooms all over over half of the park, and while she did nail the badguy, she got you in the crossfire too. She ain't all that great kid, she needs more practice, a lot of it. I suggest you look for another person to look up too." He finished with a huff.

The brown-haired girl visibly deflated at the comment, tears forming her eyes as her lips trembled.

Deatharms frowned at that. That was no way to talk to civilians, let alone children.

But as Deatharms turned to reprimand his sidekick, he noticed the green-haired boy's eyes flash dangerously.

"Ne, hero-san, you're making it out like Kin-chan did something bad." The kid began.

"Well of course, she didn't control herself. She should've-"

"Should've what hero-san? Taken the chance that half of her full power would've been enough? Gambled with her life and mine? Well I suppose I can see your point, mushrooms would look horrible on that beautiful park isn't that right? And I know that her quirk wears off in a couple of hours but having it on me is so horrible isn't it? Yeah I guess dying would've been a way better alternative right hero-san?" The kid all but spat out, contempt lacing every word.

"I didn't think I'm so-"

"Yeah. That's right. You didn't think. And all due respect hero-san but you have no idea how truly dangerous her quirk is. She could've suffocated him. Blinded him. Hell, she could've made him choke on deathcaps. But she didn't. And you wanna know why? It's cause she trained, and trained, and trained. Her control is already amazing given how young we are. And not only that, but she's also aiming to be a Hero! So yeah, I'll stick to looking up to her, thank you very much." He finished, his eyes burning with a quiet fury that challenged Zom to try and talk back.

He didn't. He simply wordlessly turn around and walked away, shoulders sagging as he did so.

"Never listen to people like those Kin-chan, they don't know what they're talking about." The green-haired boy said, trying to soothe his crying friend who was clinging to his shoulders, stroking her hair softly.

She only sobbed in response, and Deatharms could've sworn he heard the boy grinding his teeth.

And that's a wrap. Massive time skip next chapter btw(Meeting All Might and the entrance exam). This first chapter is just a small foundational build-up for the future chapters. Just needed to show up all what Izuku was like really, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Also fuck Endeavor. He's a fucking cunt.