Hello everybody, I would like to say the story that I publish are not written by me.

My account only give a stage for stories I read and thought it would be more comfortable to read them hear at fanfiction.

The story is called: Storms


From: Archive of Our Own (or for short: ao3)


Summery; when Thor returns to Earth, the first place he goes is the Avengers Compound. He is anxious to see his friends, and more than a little anxious to see Tony
But the compound is empty, and Tony is a mess- drinking himself to sleep and not eating anymore, not even working in his lab anymore. And when Thor learns what happened while he was gone, what happened in Russia, he decides to stay and try to help.
Tony doesn't want his help, but Thor stays anyway trying to show Tony that he is still beautiful and worthwhile.

And one night, with storms raging outside the window, Tony gives in and lets Thor love him like he's always wanted to, and they find comfort and peace in each other's arms.

Credits are saved for: NotEvenCloseToStraight

Thor was excited to be home, excited to be back at the compound with all his friends. He had been gone for so long, dealing with Asgard and everything had gone so wrong so suddenly…

Well anyway, he was relieved to be away from Asgard. He was ready for Tony's ridiculous movie nights, and Clint's haphazard breakfast creations, and sparring with Captain, and trading war stories with Natasha. He was looking forward to spending time with Bruce, the quiet scientist had a wicked sense of humour that was matched only by Tony's cutting wit.

He was even looking forward to the mission debriefings, where Tony and Steve inevitably fought and bickered, and Tony usually ended up storming off in some grand fashion, the color high in his cheeks, dark eyes sparking dangerously.

The genius was beautiful in something of a delicate way, and Thor had always had a hard time keeping himself from staring. Tony was not a large man by any means, but his passion for whichever cause he was engaged in was unparalleled. Thor loved to sit and watch him talk, to watch him work, to watch him-

Thor just liked to watch Tony, period. And if he were honest, it took most of his self control to only watch, because Thor would love to see Tony flushed and passionate spread out across a large bed and bathed in firelight. In fact, he was sure Tony would look more beautiful like that than any other way. Of course, they had never had any time to discuss or explore any of those things, but now that Thor was back again, perhaps in between missions he and the soft haired genius could spend real time together, and Thor would get the chance to tell him how he felt.

So when Thor landed in front of the Avengers compound with a crack of lightning and a ground shaking boom of thunder, burning the pattern of the bifrost into the lawn, he was caught up in his thoughts and didn't notice that the grass was brown and dead, that there were no vehicles parked in the driveway.

Too intent on seeing Tony, on giving the man a hug, on hearing that light hearted laugh, it wasn't even until he was striding through the halls towards the common area, holding Mjolnir lightly in one hand, and calling for the team that he realized that most of the lights weren't even on. The rooms were locked up, the windows dirty, the few plants wilted from neglect.

The compound was...silent, and Thor stopped uneasily at the door to the common room, noting that even though the room had been repaired since the fight with Ultron, it looked like it hadn't been touched in months.

"Hello?" he called, and his deep voice echoed through the empty building. "Hello?"


He startled when Tony appeared on the other side of the room, leaning against the doorjamb, looking weary.

"Friend Anthony!" Thor grinned, but Tony's expression didn't change in the slightest.

"What are you doing here?" he asked slowly, taking a drink from the glass in his hand.

"I have returned." Thor said, as if that was explanation enough.

"I see that." Tony said in that same slow way, and Thor narrowed his eyes a little uncomfortably. "But I still don't know why you are here ."

"Because this is our home. The Avengers compound." Thor offered and Tony smiled a little then, looking as if he just couldn't believe what Thor was saying.

"You don't know. You don't know what happened, do you?"

" What happened?" Thor demanded then, almost frightened by the look on Tony's face. "Where are the others? The Captain, and Hawkeye and Natasha? Bruce?"

"They are all gone." Tony waved his hand around the empty space. "Cap took them all. Took them all and left me...here."

"Where are they?" Thor didn't understand, and felt like there was something Tony just wasn't willing to tell him. "Where did they go?"

"I don't know." Tony shrugged and took another drink. "I was in Russia and…." his voice trailed off, his eyes seeming to glaze over a little. "Anyway. They aren't here. No ones here. It's just me now."

Thor set Mjolnir down and folded his arms. "Anthony what is going on? Please, where is the team?"

"I don't know." And Tony laughed, sounding so broken and bitter that Thor felt it like an ache in his own heart. "I don't know. Haven't known for months now. But you know. It's fine. If you want to stay there are just...dozens of empty rooms. Take your pick."

"Are you- are you alright, Anthony?" Thor softened his voice a little, because even from this distance he could see the bags under Tony's bloodshot eyes, see the unkempt goatee, and the pallor on his usually tan skin. The hand holding the glass was shaking a little, and his left hand kept pressing over his chest as if it hurt. "Are you well, I mean?"

Tony tipped his head back and finished off his drink, then winged it across the room and watched it shatter against the wall.

"Always. I'm always alright."

Then he was gone, and Thor was left in the empty room, letting the silence of an abandoned building settle around him.

"FRIDAY." Thor asked hesitantly, looking up at the ceiling. He vaguely remembered Tony naming his new AI after a day of the week after Ultron had destroyed JARVIS, and he wasn't quite sure if FRIDAY was correct, but that seemed to stick in his mind. "FRIDAY?"

"Thor Odinson." the heavily accented voice sounded large in the bedroom. "You have returned to the compound. Welcome back."

"Yes." Thor said softly. "Thank you. Please, can you tell me what happened here? Why is the team gone, and why is Anthony here alone?"

"You don' want to see it." the AI replied. "If you want to know what happened, perhaps you should ask the boss."

"Anthony did not seem in any shape to speak of it." Thor said firmly. "Please. Any information you can give me."

"Don' say I didn't warn ya." FRIDAY almost sounded regretful, but a TV folded down from the ceiling anyway, and Thor sat back on the bed cross legged to watch.

It was mostly clips of the video feed within the compound, and they flew by quickly. Something involving General Ross, who Thor only knew because of Bruce. Then an issue involving delegates from a little country in Africa. Ross demanding the team sign the Accords for the United Nations, and Captain Rogers adamantly refusing. News clips then, about a Winter Soldier, a bombing at an embassy, about Steve and several of the Avengers being called criminals and being hunted. Hunted as vigilantes.

A fight in a tunnel that ended with most of the team being taken into custody, as well as someone called the Black Panther. Cut to an airport, where an enormous man in a red suit was tearing planes apart and tossing them, a figure flinging webs that couldn't have been more than a child. Vision and Wanda fighting. Clint and Natasha fighting. The Black Panther person against the Winter Soldier. Tony against Steven. It was awful, and Thor's heart broke watching his team fight against each other.

Something about a man named Zemo. Natasha turning her back on Tony and leaving. Tony visiting a prison called the Raft.

Then it got worse.

Thor sat up when the news feeds ended and a new camera came online.

It was a shaky feed, as if looking through someone's eyes, and Thor realized in horror it was the video feed from the Iron Man suit.

A car accident, a figure on a motorcycle, a theft of something from the trunk of the car, then the figure on the screen killing both people in the car.

The camera swung around and Thor found himself staring right at Captain Rogers face, and Tony's voice, sounding terrible and raw. " Did you know ?"

Then came the fighting. Awful. From both sides. The Winter Soldier- Bucky, apparently- fighting for his life. Captain Rogers, not pulling his punches at all. The camera swung wildly between the two, shaking and jolting as the super soldiers fought against Anthony.

Tony screaming " do you even remember them?"

Tony begging FRIDAY to analyze Steve's fighting patterns, because he was losing, and the Captain wasn't going to stop.

At one point the mask was ripped off and the view was skewed, turned on it's side, and Thor had to watch Steve throw Tony to the ground, pummel him with his fists over and over, then raise that shield high over his face and bring it down with a crunch into Tony's chest.

The shield was left on the ground when Steve limped out of view, holding the Winter Soldier up.

Tony was on the ground, broken and battered. His voice hoarse, his breath rattling as he asked FRIDAY to bring the helicopter, to please get him home.

And then the screen went black, the audio picking back up once Tony was back in his helicopter. It was simply pained breaths, hacking coughs, and body wrenching sobs as FRIDAYs calm voice listed the injuries Tony had sustained. Broken ribs, busted leg, concussion, cracked sternum. Internal bleeding, severe bruising, broken nose, orbital fracture. Broken collarbone.

And Tony cried through all of it, begged FRIDAY to get him out of there, anywhere, the compound, to Pepper, anywhere . Begged FRIDAY to call someone.

"Who should I call, sir?"

"Nevermind. There isn't anyone to call."

Then there was only the ragged sounds of Tony trying to breathe as the helicopter flew back towards the states.

And Thor sat on the bed and clutched a pillow to his chest, tears falling unchecked as he mourned for his friend.

Thor found Tony on the far end of the compound, staring out a window and drinking straight from the bottle of scotch in his hand.

"Anthony." he said cautiously, and his voice was still thick with tears. "Anthony you should have-"

"Should have what?" Tony didn't even sound like himself, the usual snark and bite in his voice gone, leaving just a wooden tone.

"Should have called for me." Thor said after several minutes of silence. "I would have came and-"

"Nothing would have helped." Tony interrupted and took another long drink from the bottle. "It's done now."

"You have been here alone, all this time?" Thor questioned and Tony nodded.

"Where else was I supposed to go?"

They fell quiet again and Thor kept opening his mouth to say something, anything , but nothing came, nothing seemed right. How could he find words of comfort after when he had just seen, after what he had heard?

"You want a drink?' Tony asked finally and Thor shook his head slowly.

"No thank you, Anthony. But I will stay here with you, if you would like."

"No thanks." Tony said. "Doing just fine by myself."

So Thor left, leaving Tony with his bottle of scotch.

But several hours later, he crept back to that side of the compound and found Tony passed out on the couch.

Picking him up was no trouble, and Thor frowned at how light Tony had gotten since he had seen him last. Underneath the silk shirt he could feel Tony's ribs standing out under his skin, and this close, Thor could see the veins running beneath the too pale skin.

Tony was not well. He was not alright, alone like this.

Thor tucked Tony into the bed, pulling the covers up high as he started shivering, then bent down and placed a feather light kiss to each of Tony's eye lids. "I am here now, Anthony. I will not leave you."

But Tony turned away from him, rolling over in the bed to face the wall, because even in his sleep, Tony couldn't trust anyone.

Thor sat in the chair beside the bed and settled in to keep watch over him.

Outside the windows, lightning flashed and rain started pouring from dark clouds, and Thor closed his eyes and let the anger at all of this roll through him.

Because when someone so beautiful was hurting so badly, what else could nature and gods do but storm?