Hello! I've recently been reading fanfics about Fairy Tail either Fairy Tail only or crossovers and it caught my interest about the anime. After reading a few fanfics I went and watched Anime but unfortunately I'm stuck on episode 140? I think that's where I last watched about the Neo Oracion Seis Arc and about the clock counting down. So I decided to give this a try although this might not be regularly updated since I want to focus on Son of the Moon Archer.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Fairy Tail or the image cover! Only the scenes that deviate from canon that I do own as well as spells I make up! If not then its probably owned by

Anyway on to the story!

"Naruto" - normal speech

"Naruto" - Spells/Enhanced Voice

'Naruto' - thoughts

"Naruto" - Bijuu/Dragon speaking

'Naruto' - Bijuu/Dragon thoughts

A young teen groggily groaned as he slowly pushed himself up, leaning on his elbows. He opened his eyes and was rewarded with a bright sunlight, he blearily blinked to get rid of the sunspots in his vision and finally was welcomed with stormy sky and greenery. He looked around and confirmed that he was in a forest - a forest he wasn't familiar with.

"W-Where…" his voice was raspy as he tried to speak, "…am…I…?" He moved into a sitting cross-legged position and looked down on himself. He was wearing what appeared to be a torn, ragged and bloodied black and orange tracksuit. He had a black clothed hitai-ite on his forehead which had a mark something resembling a leaf with swirl in the middle of it, for footwear he wore black open-toed sandals. Under his open jacket, he wore torn and bloodied fishnet under-armor. His appeared looked like he's at the age of 17 years old.

The young teen sighed as he realized that he couldn't recognized where he was. He let a pulse of chakra out of his body, sending a transparent blue wave all around him and he could see images in his mind's eye that he was deep inside the forest, no sign of any living civilizations.

"Naruto…" A deep rumbling voice echoed in his head and the young blonde sat up straight and closed his eyes. "I have dire news…"

'What is it… Kurama?' he inquired hesitantly.

"Kaguya," the fox spat out, the blonde could feel the snarl on his companions dark lips. "Sent us in another dimension as an end game while our guard was down."

Naruto sighed tiredly, 'A last form of revenge, huh?'

"Indeed. And we cannot find a way back, as it is we are now stuck in this dimension."

"Yeah! A new world to spread bloodshed! WOOO!" a maniacal voice gleefully yelled in the surprised blonde's head.

"Be silent Shukaku!" Seven other voices shouted in reply.



'Kurama… why are Shukaku and the rest of the Bijuus inside my head?' Naruto asked in blank tone. Said Bijuus chuckled nervously.

"Er… Surprise?" Chomei chuckled nervously while his siblings looked at him with sweat drops at the back of their heads.

"Hehehe… The thing is Naruto-kun, when you wrestled our chakra from Obito, we instantly anchored ourselves to you and we knew that we would be resealed again after the war. So we thought it would be prudent and better to seal ourselves inside you," Matatabi explained as Son Goku jumped in.

"Yeah! We knew you wouldn't abuse our power and we trust you! After all, you are the only human to unite all Bijuus and earn our trust."

At their answers Naruto could only sigh again, only this time in acceptance and slight exasperation. He had made a promise of saving all of them after all and if they thought that they'd be safer with him, who was he to argue with nine all powerful Bijuus. Even then, they were the only connection he had left from his dimension and different beings in his head would not be a dull moment.

"Well, we need to find civilization first." with that said -still in his meditative position- he gathered the nature energy. He expected he'd take a few minutes to gather it but he was quite shocked to mix nature energy so easily and instantly.

"Whoa… this place is filled with Nature Energy!"

"So this is Nature Energy? Its quite… serene," Kokou commented as her siblings nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Lucky Seven Chomei thought Chomei was in a forest!" the rhinoceros beetle bijuu spoke enthusiastically.

"Will you please be quiet? This Nature Energy makes me feel at… peace… and… I… zZz… zZz… zZz…" Isobu at first complained before falling asleep mid-sentence. It made the other Bijuu inside the seal sweatdrop from their sleepy brother's antics.

"Back to the topic - its true the Nature Energy here is abundant but I feel another source of energy that coincides with it," Kurama murmured. The fox could feel the energy, something similar to chakra and yet not similar to chakra. He couldn't quite put it yet, but the Bijuu didn't feel it was threatening to his jinchuuriki so he put it at the back his mind.

The blonde sage stood up from his position and turned his head to his right. He could feel a cluster of energy in the direction he was facing which he guessed that a town was nearby, though he could sense the same energy in the opposite direction, though in comparison the latter was more potent and larger than the former.

Unbeknownst to him, the markings he had while in sage mode was different. His eyes were now bright green like the forest and he had slits for pupils. His whisker marks had thickened into bars and he had green markings going over his eyes (Similar to Hashirama's sage markings mixed with the facial markings of Bijuu Chakra Cloak, the one with the coat).

He didn't even get to take one step when he was surrounded. The blonde didn't seem phased that he was surrounded and merely looked at what were stalking him. It looked like a monkey, except they had green fur with pink heart-like markings over the body and four times the size of a regular gorilla.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Man leave! Or Vulcans squish then eat you!" one seemingly spokeand the jinchuuriki of all tailed beasts slightly blinked. These Vulcans were similar to a monkey summon that the Third Hokage had - except they were much more primal and have less than IQ to speak properly. He didn't want to argue, much less fight them but, with his luck he knew he would have to as the monsters seemed eager to follow their threat.

Too bad for him, Naruto waited for too long and the Vulcans thought his silence meant as an act of defiance. The one who spoke and two others on its flank lunged at the blonde, who jumped back to avoid getting captured. He skidded on the ground and regained balance, his eyes glancing at the monsters around him. Without warning, his form blurred and disappeared, making the Forest Vulcans to scratch their head in confusion. A sudden yelp from one of their own made them look to the farthest back and saw the blonde haired human standing over it with his fist outstretched. It didn't take genius to guess what happened.

The sight at their fellow Vulcan defeated, enraged them as the closest one charged at Naruto. The dimensional traveler dodged the swift punch aimed at his torso and sidestepped another Vulcan who tried to blindside him. Instinct kicked in and he immediately bent his body backwards, just in time to dodge another Vulcan. From there he put his hands on the ground and spun, his legs kicking out wide and hitting the monsters near him. His momentum dropped until he was staying still in the same position, before he kipped up and landed on his feet. His feet lashed out to hit a Vulcan in the face with the force a dozing bull and followed up another kick to another monster. The two Vulcans were sent flying back, hitting the others as they flew and Naruto took the time to look at his surroundings.

'These guys keeps on coming. Even with my stamina I might just get overwhelmed with this much monsters.'

"Heh! Its Irony at its finest, you used to overwhelmed others with numbers with your clones and now you're being overwhelmed by numbers!" Kurama snorted mirthfully and the other Bijuu agreed with their eldest sibling.

'I guess so,' the shinobi couldn't help but acknowledge his friend's statement. 'But I think its time I finish this up. Shukaku, please lend me your power.'

"Alright! GEKEKEKEKEKE!" the sand raccoon cackled as the reincarnation of Asura felt Shukaku's power pour over his body. Hands clasped together and held in front of his chest he concentrated on the ground. Unknown to him, a bright bronze seal appeared under his feet.

"Sando Gyazaringu!" he intoned and the seal glowed brightly. The Vulcans wobbled as the ground shook and cracked. The fractured rocks then floated above the ground before slowly crushed and ground into sand. A vast amount of sand gathered around the blonde and swirled like a tornado with the shinobi in the eye of the sandstorm deterring any attacks.

"Suna no Tsunami!" a bigger bronze magic seal covered the whole clearing and the Vulcans felt a sense of foreboding. They watched the sandstorm turn into a giant wave of sand rushing to them. It then swallowed everything in its path with nothing surviving from its destruction. Not done yet, he slammed his hands down at where he stood, "Sabaku no Maisō!" from his hands a wave of pressure emitted and the sand around him suddenly collapsed in on itself and crushed everything under it. At the center of it all, Naruto stood there looking at his handiwork.

"Well, I guess this is the reason why Gaara was chosen as Kazekage and his bloodline as one of the strongest in the Sand," he commented.

"HA! Take that you overgrown monkeys!" Shukaku cackled madly making his new Jinchuuriki sweat-drop while his siblings just deadpanned at their sandy brother. Shaking his head, the blonde just turned to the opposite way of where he sensed the large source of energy was and started to walk.

'Let's go find the nearest town or village. From there we'll gather information about where we are and find a place to stay and money,' Naruto mentally planned.

"Since when do you plan?!" The fox inside of him since birth yelled in disbelief. The other Bijuus snickered as Naruto's right eye twitch and small tick formed on his head.

'I'll have you know that I can plan! I just don't bother to do it beforehand as I'm much better in thinking on the fly,' the Jinchuuriki argued before taking to the trees and leaped from branch to branch at jounin speed.

It only took Naruto about an hour to reach the town, though he did encounter a few more Vulcans but he easily took them down by using Shunshin behind them and knocked them out. Now he could see that the area, he noticed that the buildings around him were much more western in appearance rather than the eastern design that was common in his home dimension.

While he was looking around, he eventually noticed that people were staring at him in apprehension. Some were avoiding him, some he could hear whispering about him and others were pointing at him. Confused he looked down and realized he hadn't change his clothes and mentally smacked himself for it. Showing up in torn and bloody clothes gave a bad impression of him committing something heinous - murder most likely given from what he heard from one of the residents.

He would have gone into an alley but a sudden explosion rocked in the middle of the town. Chaos erupted as people screamed and ran into their homes to avoid what caused the explosion.

From the center of the explosion a giant green winged lizard emerged. It roared causing waves of air to push everything in front of it slightly. It then turned, swinging its tail and smashed another building then charging into another.

"Get help!"

"Somebody call the Rune Knights!"

Were the various calls from the panicked people. A few meters away, Naruto looked at the monster with a curious expression. 'The explosion must have been a gas line, or broke an electronic device. I have no idea where the official authorities are but I can't wait until they arrive to a destroyed town,' he thought.

"ALRIGHT! MORE VIOLENCE! YEAHHH!" The sand bijuu cackled before a smack echoed inside his head, the blonde guessed one of the bijuus - Matatabi, he thinks - did it for his comment. A scream brought him out of his thoughts.


Standing before the Wyvern was a small girl, no older than 5, holding a stuffed bear in her arms and shivering in fright at the sight of the monster. Said monster thought the girl would make a great snack as it licked its' mouth before arching up and snarled. The action brought the girl to tears and shout, "KAA-CHAN!" As the Wyvern lunged mouth open to devour the girl.

Naruto appearedin front of the girl in a burst of speed and picked her up before jumping back as the Wyvern chomped down the space where they were seconds ago. He landed near a fountain where some of the people gathered to stare in surprise at his sudden appearance. Naruto put the girl down and gave her bear back with smile as the girl looked at him in awe. He knelt down ruffling her hair a bit, "Go find your Kaa-san." The girl nodded and went to her mother who had pushed her way to the front of the crowd and met her daughter in an embrace.

The blonde dimensional traveler smiled slightly before a snarl behind him made him remember his situation. Sighing he turned to stare down at the winged lizard which was standing among the rubble of a destroyed building.

"Alright, I was just hoping to get some money, a change of clothes, food and information but you just had to appear and disturbed this peaceful town. So… Futon: Renkudan!" His stomach expanded before he smacked a hand on his body, a green magic seal appeared over his mouth as a spherical wind shot out and knocked the monster into its back.

This gave him time to stare at what happened in surprise. 'Guys… what was that? I didn't use hand seals to do that!' He exclaimed in his mind as the bijuus looked curious and unsure of what happened.

"We'll talk about that later, just focus on the now and don't get - JUMP!" Kurama ordered and Naruto snapped out of his thoughts did as he was told, avoiding the charging beast. His right hand twitched and in three seconds, a ball of spiraling energy formed over it. Again, the blonde looked surprised but pushed his surprised back in favor of the fight. He looked at the Wyvern and disappeared, much to the onlooker's shock as they saw him reappear beside the Wyvern's head in mid-air and his body in the middle of turning, the ball of energy hitting the winged lizard.


The reaction was instant, the attack landed and made the Wyvern recoil at the power behind it. It was sent flying past the buildings and into the forest, crashing through 3 dozen trees and a few rocks breaking it in two until it skidded into the ground. It let out a painful groan trying to get up but it fell limp.

The whiskered young man looked at the aftermath of his attack and whistled. "That's got to be new record," he commented as he always kept track at the destruction his attacks made and this one was nearing his top ten in using the original version of the jutsu.

The sound of footsteps alerted him to the fact he was not alone and found that the town's residents have gathered in front of him and leading them were the mother whose daughter he saved and a man who looked the same age of the woman, and the way they were standing to each other he guessed they were a married couple. Their daughter was in the woman's arms, holding onto her teddy bear was looking at him curious and at awe.

"Thank you young man. We - the town of Oshibana - are in your debt, especially my wife and I for saving our precious daughter," The man said gratefully as he and his wife bowed. Everyone behind them followed their actions. The child he saved took a more direct enthusiastic approach, jumping down from her mother's arms and hugged him with her arms around his neck. Naruto stood with surprise at the girl's actions but returned the hug and carried the girl when she refused to let go bringing chuckles from the towns people.

"So what's your name little one?" Naruto asked.

"My names Hana! What's your name nii-chan?" The young girl's head tilted cutely and the blonde nearly broke his composure at the sight.

"Aww! She's so cute! Naru-chan, can we keep her?" Matatabi's squeal echoed around his head.

'I doubt we can Mata and her parents wouldn't approve,' he replied and he knew that the two tailed cat was pouting in his mindscape. He smiled down at the girl when she started to touch his cheeks, she must have seen his whisker like markings.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze," he said. He chose to add his father's name since he was in a new world where he got a chance to start a new life.

"Thank you Naruto-san. By any chance, are part of a mage guild?" the man asked. His words surprised Naruto but he did not show it. 'A mage guild?'

"No I'm not. I just happen to be passing by after fighting pack of Vulcans in the forest. I decided to help as there didn't seem to be any fighting force on stand by."

These surprised most of the people as they expected the blonde to be part of the guild. They would have even sent a mission request to different guilds if the young man in front of them had not appeared to help.

"I see," the man said thoughtfully before he shook his head. "If that is the case, we wish to reward you young man."

At this Naruto had wide eyes. "Uh - there's n-no need for that s-sir. I-I had done what any other people would." He said stumbled on his words.

"I must insist Naruto-san. If it weren't for you, our town would have been destroyed and I would have lost my daughter, so we will reward you," the man persisted and Naruto sighed as he saw that most the towns people were in agreement with the man who Naruto now thinks is the mayor.

"Alright," Naruto agreed with a sigh. "But I won't ask for money. I just want a place to live, a few clothes, something to eat and information about this place," he stated.

This drew a confused look on the man and his wife's face. "Why would you need information? Have you not been here before?" his wife asked and Naruto realized that he couldn't tell them about his past and how he got there. He couldn't tell the truth and since he has no idea where he is at the moment, he decided on half-truths.

So he told them he came from a place out of country and the techniques he used was different from other techniques here. He was a traveler who wanted to see the world but had practice in magic - or what he believed to be magic in the new area he found himself in - to defend himself. He recently arrived just a few hours ago, not a lie, and had just fought off a group of a Vulcans, again not a lie, until he arrived in town.

"I see. I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Hanzo and my wife here is Sasame. You can stay with me and my family until you wish to leave. For now I must over see the reconstruction of the damage buildings and remove the Wyvern so that it won't destroy anything else," Hanzo said as he turned to the people and started to direct different people to various task.

Looking around the former shinobi could tell it would take a while in reconstructing the fallen buildings and fixing the others. He stepped up close to Hanzo and spoke up. "Hanzo-san, I believe I can be of assistance." He formed a crossed hand seal and white magic seal with a cross like design appeared under his feet.

"Kage Bunshin!"

Around him many tangible duplicates appeared, numbering around 150 clones. The clones instantly followed the people who were starting to clean and fix the buildings and began to help them.

Seeing this, Hanzo let out a short laugh. "Thank you Naruto-san. Now come, I believe I have a few old clothes that would fit you back in my house." with that said, he turned and walked back to his house. An around his wife who put Hana down and asked Naruto to carry her. Not able to deny the girl's request especially when she was using puppy eyes on him he carried her on his shoulders and followed the girl's parent.

While he followed the man and his wife, Naruto let a smile grace his face as the girl played with his hair and chattering about how cool he is.

'A new life for a new adventure/A new life for a new adventure' was the collective thought of all the Bijuu and the former shinobi.

So that's a wrap for the first chapter of this story which I'm gonna call "Fairy Jinchuuriki" since I'll have Naruto use all the abilities he gained as the new Jinchuuriki of all Bijuu.

Also this will be the first time I try to write using techniques or spells in this case in Japanese so I might try make up spells as I go to suit Naruto's skill set. Also if you're generous enough can I ask someone who would want to make magic circle design whenver Naruto uses his abilities (Sand, Steam, Lava, Blue/Hellfire, Water, Crystal, Ink, Acid, and Pure Etherano) I have no idea about what spells could be in conjunction to Chomei who is a giant rhinoceros beetle. I think Crystal will be good for Isobu as substitute for corals.

Also if you have any pairing then leave it in the review section and I will make a tally about who would be paired with Naruto (only female Fairy Tail characters)

That's all see ya and SOAR HIGH DRAGONIANS!


Kage Bunshin - Shadow Clone

Rasengan - Spiralling Sphere

Futon: Renkudan - Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet

Shunshin - Body Flicker

Sabaku no Maisō - Desert Burial

Suna no Tsunami - Sand Tsunami

Sando Gyazaringu - Sand Gathering