Dreaming About Her

Chapter 1

As Eddie Reagan woke up the morning of June 21st and look over at her husband who was sound asleep with his arms wrapped around her waist, she had no clue that her world would soon be turned upside down in a matter of hours. Eddie slowly and carefully slipped herself out of Jamie's arms and away from the warmth of the covers over her, trying not to disturb her very peaceful looking husband up. She was wearing one of Jamie's old Harvard shirts and a pair of gray sweats with her hair up in a messy bun. She thought she would put some coffee on and catch a quick shower before waking Jamie up for their last shift of the week. As she passed through the small hallway, she admired their wedding photo that was hanging up in the hallway, and thought of how beautiful that would look in the house that they bought someday. She also thought of just how lucky she was to have the most amazing husband ever. She walked over to the coffee pot and grabbed the coffee can worrying about how Jamie was going to take the news of her being pregnant tonight. She had just found out a few days ago, after going to the doctor while Jamie was at work. She was so surprised when she found out, but so happy at the same time. She just hoped that Jamie was as happy as she was, knowing how it happened so quick. After putting everything in the pot and turning it on, she went and grabbed a quick shower. As she got out, she slipped on her blue silk robe and went to wake Jamie up, but much to her surprise Jamie was smiling at her as she walked in the bedroom.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Reagan" – Jamie said in that soft and sweet tone that he has.

"You would think that after hearing you say that so many time in the last six weeks, it would have gotten old by now. However, I still love it every time you say it." – Eddie said as she walked over and sat down by him.

"Well, you better get used to it, because you get to hear it every morning for the rest of our lives." Jamie said as he sat up and leaned in to give her a kiss.

"I put some coffee on before I got in the shower, so it should be ready by now." – she said as she stood up and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Thanks, babe. I'm gonna go ahead and grab a quick shower. I'll be in there in a few minutes." – he responded, as he headed to the bathroom.

15 minutes later Jamie walked into the kitchen and grabbed his cup of coffee that Eddie had poured him before she went into the bathroom to get ready. Since Eddie was still getting ready after Jamie had finished his coffee, he decided to go ahead and take their bags out to the car. When he got back inside the house he noticed that Eddie had finally made her way into the living room and was putting her shoes on.

Jamie just stood at the door for a minute to take in how beautiful his wife was, before looking at her and asking "You ready to go, babe?"

"Yeah, honey. Did you already take our bags out to the car?" – she responded.

"Yeah, we are ready to go." – he replied

As they headed out to the car Eddie looked up at him and said "I figured after we get home tonight we could look at some more houses online."

"Sounds good" – Jamie responded while smiling at her, and opening her door before letting her get in the car.

Once they got to the precinct, he got out of the car and made his way to the other side to open Eddie's door for her. They then walked up the steps and entered the doors to the 2-9 precinct and gave each other a very passionate kiss before he headed to his office and Eddie headed to get ready for roll call. Soon after leading roll call, Jamie headed out to meet up with his rookie partner, Officer Rodriguez. He had been training Rodriguez for about two weeks, and the rookie was doing a great job so far. For the most part the day had been fairly slow, and all of a sudden a call came over the radio.

"Units in the confines of the 2-9 precinct, we have a 10-31, commercial burglary, at 31 Ludlow Street." – came through the radio.

"Show 2-9 Sergeant responding." – Jamie replied to dispatch, as Rodriguez flipped the lights on and sped the car up.

"2-9 Charlie, show us responding as well." Eddie said into her radio as her and Whitten got in the cruiser and sped off, from where they had just got done patrolling on foot.

As Jamie and his partner pulled up to the Pharmacy, the suspect ran out the door and into the alley beside it. Jamie and Rodriguez jumped out of the car and ran that direction, as Eddie and Whitten pulled up to provide back up. Eddie and Whitten followed not far behind Jamie and his partner.

"Police, stop!" Jamie yelled, and saw one of the suspects turn with a gun. Before Jamie could duck, he heard a loud bang, and felt an immense amount of pain in the side of his neck. Before he fell to the ground the guy managed to shoot three more times, hitting Jamie in the chest, abdomen, and back when his body turned as he was falling. Jamie hit the ground and could barely breath, and immediately thought of Eddie. Rodriguez fired back at the suspect and missed, before bending down and putting pressure on the gunshot wound that his sergeant now had. Seconds later Eddie and Whitten came running around the corner, and Eddie about lost it when she seen Jamie lying there on the ground. Jamie heard Eddie shouting his name before his eyes started to close.

Eddie yelled into her radio, "Officer Down, we need a bus forthwith" before bending down by Rodriguez and grabbed Jamie's hand.

"Stay with me Jamie" Eddie said, but Jamie's eyes had already closed, as he had lost all consciousness.