The day her son was born was the happiest day of Sawada Nana's life. He was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen, with his sunset orange eyes, wispy dark blonde hair, and the most adorably pointed ears. Tsunayoshi was the most wonderful mix of herself and her darling husband Iemitsu. Tsuna was quiet, not crying like most newborns, and some of the nurses gave the baby worried glances, but Nana and Iemitsu didn't care. He was perfect.

Tsuna was four years old when Iemitsu's boss, Timoteo, came for a visit. Timoteo was a kind older man with hair that had long since turned gray and laughter lines deep on his face. He stayed in the Sawada home for a week before he left, taking Iemitsu with him, to return to Italy. Tsuna didn't remember the day his father and "Nonno" left, having come down with a sudden fever.

If Timoteo and Iemitsu had stayed just another day, they would have felt the seal the Vongola boss had placed on the young sky break in spectacular fashion, unable to contain a flame much stronger and far more pure than itself. Fortunately for Tsuna, they were gone, content with the knowledge that the boy was sealed and safely hidden from the mafia. They did not know the consequences of their actions.

Years later, after the deaths of three of Timoteo's children and the imprisonment of his fourth, he would send Reborn to unseal and train Tsuna as the next Don. He had no idea what his actions had set in motion.

After waking up in so many unfamiliar or strange places, Link was pleasantly surprised when he awoke in a familiar room. He wasn't sure why it was familiar, but it was, and he had long ago learned to appreciate the little things in life. The soft bed in what appeared to be a child's room was leagues above waking on top of a stone slab in a pool of water.

The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in his quarters in the Zora's Domain, his body weak. He had defeated Calamity Ganon, had even lived for a few years afterward, but that was largely through his sheer stubborn will and refusal to leave Zelda alone so soon after she'd been freed.

The Calamity had infected him with its blight before he managed to defeat it, and although Zelda and Mipha had managed to heal him, it had taken a toll on his body that had killed him slowly and silently. By the time Link had realized what was happening it was already too late. None of that explained why he was alive and felt better than he had in years, but the former Champion was nothing if not adaptable, he was sure he would figure out what was going on eventually. Maybe…

Sitting up, Link decided to get a good look at himself. He'd been running around for over a week after leaving the Shrine of Resurrection before he'd been able to take a good look at himself, but there was a rather convenient mirror on the back of what he figured was the closet door. He noticed immediately that something was very different than it should have been.

Curious, yet somehow resigned, Link pushed himself out of bed and walked to the mirror. Everything about him was small. He was reminded of Purah and how she'd accidentally turned herself into a child, despite the Sheikah researcher being well over a hundred years old. Although, he had a strong feeling this wasn't as simple as an experiment gone wrong.

Link's features hadn't changed very much despite his child-like form, his hair was still the same color and his ears were as pointy as always, but his face seemed softer somehow. His eyes were the most noticeable change, their sky blue color was replaced by a deep amber while they had a more almond shape to them. He was, in a word, adorable.

Link's ears twitched as he caught the sound of footsteps coming in his direction before coming to a stop outside the other door in the room. There was a light knock before it was opened and Link turned to see who it was.

"Tsuna-kun, are you awake?"

A woman with brown hair and eyes opened the door, smiling at the sight of him, that felt familiar to the Hylian. Unfortunately, much like the room he was in, he didn't know why the woman was familiar. He didn't remember ever seeing her before.

Namimori was quite a culture shock to Link, it was even larger and more populated than Castle Town before it's destruction. With so many people in one area, he'd expected to see at least a few Gorons, Gerudo, and Rito around, maybe even a Zora or two. Instead he had only seen Hylians, although none of them had the long ears distinctive of Hylians, and the only people he'd seen with hair as white as a Sheikah's were the elderly, though none of them had long ears and they lacked the style of dress and red markings many Sheikah favored.

The technology and the buildings were also unfamiliar, unlike anything else he'd ever seen in Hyrule. There were buildings as tall as Hyrule Castle and not a single horse in sight, people were instead inside vehicles he'd learned were called cars, while others took trains and the occasional few took motorcycles similar to his own Master Cycle Zero. There was a lot Link would have to learn about the new land he found himself in, but at least there weren't any monsters.

Nana, his mother, had taken him to the healers, although they were very different from the ones Link had encountered. They had diagnosed him with amnesia, which the Hylian didn't entirely agree with, along with a few other things that he didn't bother listening to that Nana accepted with surprising ease. The healers had confirmed he was truly Sawada Tsunayoshi, Nana's son, despite his lack of response to the name no matter how many times they used it, and that there was nothing life-threateningly wrong with him. He was hale and hearty and that was enough for both Nana and Link to leave the hospital building without worry.

The healers had wanted to keep him there for testing because of his amnesia, but all it took was a glare from the four year old and a shake of the head when Nana asked if he wanted to stay and they had backed off. The Champion was probably more familiar with amnesia than anyone else in the building, the memories would come back with time and familiar sights, if they ever did at all. He also didn't like the feel of some of the staff, they watched too closely and set him on edge when their eyes lingered too long on him and his mother. Link would not be stepping in there again if he could prevent it.

Link couldn't remember his early life in Hyrule, only fragments and the vague wisps of memories long forgotten, but he knew much of it had been spent in Zora's Domain with Mipha or in Hyrule Castle with the father he never remembered. He knew his father had been a knight, thanks to Zelda, but he didn't actually remember. Logically, he knew he must have had a mother as well, although no one had ever seen her or heard anything about her. Zelda had told him there had been rumors, before the Castle fell, about him and his father and their lack of any shared features. Somehow, it had apparently evolved into a mess of different stories about his origins.

Most were tame, saying he must have taken after his absent mother or that he'd been found and taken in after a monster attack and wasn't related to his father, while some were much more outlandish. In one story he'd been found alone in the Lost Woods, in another he'd been raised by Lynels and that was why he was so gifted with every weapon he touched, even if it wasn't necessarily a weapon. There had even been one about him being the lost prince of a far-off kingdom, Lorule, whose heir had gone missing around the time Link first became known to Hyrule. There had also been a rumor about his physical similarities to the princess, but it had been settled very quickly by those who remembered her mother and a ritual the Sheikah had performed at King Rhoam's request that proved there was no relation. The only reason Link knew any of this is because Zelda had found the rumors entertaining and kept a record of them. Finding that particular journal had been a welcome distraction from the blight that had overtaken the castle on his way to defeat Calamity Ganon.

Despite his lack of memories, Link was still certain there had never been any schooling for children the way he now had to attend. Ordinarily, children learned the trade of their parents or some skill they showed talent or interest in. The stables were largely maintained by the same families for generations upon generations, although they were quite welcome to anyone who showed interest in horses, and were primarily run by Hylians. Hylians were also the ones who most commonly rode horses since the others races had their own methods for traveling across the land.

Every race had their specialty, for the Hylians it had primarily been their horses. The Gerudo had been known for their skill with intricate jewelry and clothing, the Rito for their instruments and song, as well as archers, the Gorons had been known for mining and precious minerals, and the Zora had been known for their weaponry and enchanting. The Hylians had also been a jack-of-all-trades race, able to learn any of the skills of the other races but lacking the elemental affinities each of the others was known for.

Now, being stuck in the same room for most of the day to learn things he already knew while surrounded by other children all the same current physical age as him, it was the greatest test of patience he'd ever experienced. No shrine could compare to the difficulty of the task laid out before him, one that would span years before it ended. While the rest of the class practiced their writing, a task Link had finished quickly and found incredibly easy compared to writing ancient Sheikah runes for Zelda, he prayed to Hylia for some form of excitement.