(Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Kai and Dragon Ball Super are owned by Toei Animation, Funnimation, Shueisha, Fuji Tv and Akira Toriyama. Dont sue my ass, I own nothing. )

Chapter 1: Dawn of a new day

The sun rose on planet Cold 12, bringing light to the bases that spread all over its surface. For the previous "tenants", the break of dawn was something magical and worthy of prayer. However, with none of them left alive to see it, the soldiers that had wiped the planet clean of the "unnecessary" a few months ago just saw it as the beginning of another day.

What were they even called? The Dromarians? Not like anyone cared to remember the name of a species whose planet had been chosen to be "made available" for the ones that had paid for it.

That was how things worked in the Freeza Force.

Among the riff-raff that awoke to start their daily drills, in a base reserved only for the elite and VIPs of the Force, the members of one of the most prestigious squad in the entire galaxy opened their eyes to begin a new day under the employ of the Frost Demons, all five with different emotions and thoughts.


Ginyu awoke in his personal chambers calmly, his mind quickly processing where he was and what his orders were for the day. With a smile, he got out of bed and proceeded to stretch, took a shower and went over to the closet and took out his impeccably polished black armor and boots, something he had done himself the night before. Not because he didn't trust the ones whose job it was to do so, not at all, but because making sure everything was perfect and in order was something that he did to pass the time.

He looked at his reflection in the armor, and cracked a wide smile as his eyes set upon the insignia on the left side, just over one of his two hearts. That symbol, HIS symbol, always brought a sense of glee to him. In fact, he realised, it had brought him so much glee that he had made the Pose of Joy without realising it!

Dropping the pose, somewhat embarrassed by the fact that he had done so without the rest of his team around, he slid the armor over his body, put on his boots and arm braces and calibrated his personal green scouter before placing it over his ear, where it somehow stayed in place.

"I really need to ask the engineers again about these" he muttered. The last time he had asked they had said it was very complicated, and that he wouldn't understand. The nerve! Out of personal respect he didn't question further, but the workings of the small device still perplexed him. However, now was not the time to wonder how a scouter stuck to the side of one's head.

He looked at the clock that hung from his wall. He had 30 minutes to get to Training hall #4, where he had told the other members to meet early in the morning to begin their daily routine. He smiled, proud at himself for his diligence.

He left his room and set out to his destination. After a few steps, he decided to take the long route. He had more than enough time to watch the sunrise.


Jeice woke up with a start, his recent nightmare still lingering in his mind. He sat on the bed and held his head in his shaky hands. Why was he having these? It didn't make any sense. There was no reason to have them. He had moved on from that, right? He sure hoped so.

It took a while for him to get his bearings, but he eventually managed to calm down and his heart stopped trying to escaped from his chest. Remembering where he was and what he was supposed to do, he sighed.

"Another day, another round of doing nothing" he mumbled as he slid out of bed and went to take a shower.

As the water washed away his sweat and his sleepiness from his bright red skin, he began to think about his life choices. Why had he joined the Force? He closed the faucet, and as he dried his mane of pure white hair, he sighed again, his mind drifting back to his teenage years. He had joined the force out of admiration for "Capt'n" Ginyu, but after some time he found out what he had really gotten himself into. The eternal wait between missions. The politics. The...horror of holding someone while they were dying. The fact that no one cared about that, most certainly not his bosses.

He shook his head. No, now was not the time to think about that. The Capt'n cared, his mates where fun to be with and that was good enough. Now was the time to… What was the time again?

He looked at the clock on the wall. He had exactly 1 minute and 40 seconds to get to Training Hall #4.

"Aw, shit!" Jeice shouted, quickly speeding out of the shower towards the closet. He flung the door open, which ripped it from its hinges and fell against the wall with a thud. He paid no mind to the broken door as he grabbed a set if armor and forced his body into it, while putting on his white boots and gloves with as much speed as he could muster. Were they clean? That really didn't matter right now. He was the second in command, and if he didn't get his ass in gear, he was going to be late, which would earn him a scolding from the Capt'n.

"What an example you are, Jeice", he thought sarcastically as he ran towards the Training Hall, hopping he could come up with a good excuse as to why he had taken so long.


Burter awoke quite well rested. It took him no time to shake off the initial tiredness that always came to him after waking up. He did a few quick stretches, took a quick cold shower, and put on his armor, boots, arm braces and fully calibrated scouter, all in less than one minute. He grinned, looking at himself in the mirror. He really was living up to his namesake today. Although being as tall as he was usually slowed people down, he took pride in the fact that he was the fastest in the Force.

Mind you, he wasn't deluded enough to really think he was the fastest. He knew full well that Lord Freeza, Cooler and King Cold were superior in every regard to him, and that Captain Ginyu and Salza, leader of Cooler's Armoured Squadron were (slightly) faster than him, however he had the edge in reach, which made the illusion that he was indeed faster.

'But that doesn't mean everyone else has to know' he thought somberly, dropping his grin. All he had was his relatively superior speed. Ever since he was a kid he had been fast. Being the best in the universe had always been his goal. But since he had entered the Force, he had met people that surpassed him at everything. Strength, ability, focus, powers… All but his speed. And he planned to keep it that way. In the eyes of his enemies and peers, he needed to be the Fastest in the Universe.

He looked at the clock on his wall. He had 1 minute and 30 seconds to get where Captain Ginyu was waiting. He was somewhat surprised at how late it had gotten. He grinned however, his deep blue skin shimmering with his aura.

"I'll take it as a challenge" his raspy voice echoing in his chambers. Not that anyone wold hear him, but he always appreciated the confidence boost.

He opened the door to his chambers, stepped to the middle of the hallway, struck a pose, and sped straight towards his destination. Today, he was speed.


Recoome awoke very happy that morning. Yesterday he had won the base's "Super Wrestling Championship" organized by...him. And he won because he hadn't printed enough pamphlets and only Plumm from accounting had showed up. In the end, he had just spent the day showing Plumm some wrestling moves while Guldo laughed at both of them. But he didn't laugh once Plumm pile drove him into a table. That had been awesome! And today would be even greater than yesterday. Recoome just knew it.

"Recooooome… is awake!" he shouted as he got out of his bed. He hummed a theme song he had made up for himself while he stretched, took a shower, and put on his armor. Calibrating the scouter… well, he hadn't paid attention to that class in military school. He would ask Jeice to do it for him later.

Which would probably earn him a scolding from the Captain.

Recoome wouldn't ask Jeice to calibrate the scouter.

"Ah, nothing like a nice shower to start the day. Let's see, where did I have to meet the Captain and the guys..." he pondered while searching for his notepad. Contrary to popular rumors that went around the Force, Recoome was very much literate, and normally took notes of everything in a personal notepad, because otherwise he would forget. But he wasn't stupid. Just because he was flamboyant, clumsy, had trouble remembering stuff, talked in third person and had a knack for causing trouble didn't mean he was stupid. Duh.

He finally saw his notepad underneath the nightstand. He lifted the nightstand up with one arm and bent down to pick it up, which caused the poor piece of furniture to fall and dent.

"Aw crap, the table!" Recoome said as he straightened up, notepad in hand "the Captain is going to make me pay for that..."

He shook his head, focusing on what was important, and flipped by the pages of his notepad looking for today's appointment.

"Lets see… Ah! Here we go. 'Meet at 7:00 in Training Hall #4'. Ok, so what time is it…?"

Recoome turned to look at the clock on the wall. He had 1 minute and 20 seconds to get there.

"Oh no! I need to hurry or I'll get in trouble!" He dashed towards the door and flung it open, before stopping in the hallway and flexing his muscles.

"Recooooooooome Dash!"he yelled before charging like a bull down the hallway. He ran past a few rooms before he remembered that Training Hall #4 was the opposite way.


Guldo awoke very angry, still feeling the bruise done to him by that damn accountant yesterday. He wasn't expecting a guy with a power level of 400 to try anything, but he had definitely been proven wrong. He would have thought about how brave that guy was and what excuse did he have to be a coward, if only he wasn't so irremediably pissed off!

"Ooh, when I get my hands on him… I'll make him pay!" he groaned as he rubbed his upper left eye. He remembered how Recoome had laughed at him with that booming laugh of his, and it made him even madder. Someday, he would make them all pay.

After some more grunts of anger, he got out of bed, took a shower and strolled over to his closet. He took his armor and black spandex out and began dressing himself, all the while muttering to himself.

"Ooh, it makes me soo angry! Next time I see that guy I'll give him a psychic hit right to the brain! And then I'll get him fired! And Recoome… Oooh, I'll steal his notepad! The dumb brute doesn't use the electronic one everyone has because 'It reminds me of home'. Pffft! Lets see how you deal without your primitive paper writing device, you big oaf!

He finished putting on his armor, and kept going around in circles while coming up with ideas to get back to everyone.

"Ooh, to Pinat, I'll give him a psychic wedgie! Cheddra will get her armor pulled off in the middle of a meeting! Vegeta… Oh, I don't know what I'll do to him, but it will be the most painful of all painful deaths! And Captain Ginyu…

His brain clicked, remembering where he had to be that morning. Training Hall #4 at 7:00. He rolled all four of his eyes. The Captain and his morning routines. Well, he'd better get going if he didn't want to get scolded again. It was always him who got the lectures.

Guldo looked up at the clock on his wall. He was late.

His frustrated scream woke up all of those still asleep in the base.

Hello, and welcome to my very first fanfic. It has been in the works for quite a while, getting rewritten over and over because I couldn't come up with an organic way to introduce the idea. And that idea is, What if the Ginyu Force turned good? People have tackled the notion of Ginyu turning good, but Ginyu without the dynamic of his team members seemed a little bland to me. As you can see, this proyect is kinda difficult to do without establishing their personalities, which is what this chapter tries to do. Feel free to leave reviews, criticism is very appreciated!

P.S: This Fanfic doesn't have a set schedule. I still have Uni and work, so chapters might be scarce these coming weeks.