As always, I do not own One Punch Man, all rights to ONE

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Chapter 4: Halloween Party Times

*The Blizzard Group's Headquarters*

Fubuki was busy with the rest of her group, setting up for the party, she was the most helpful though, using her powers to float tables, and chairs, and couches all over, rearranging and decorating how she pleased.

The Halloween party was always a fun time that the group looked forward to. Fubuki had decided on being an American Cheerleader, It wasn't supposed to be the "Sexy" version, but with Fubuki's body and curves, it was hard to think of it as anything but sexy, it took the blizzard group a lot of strength not to stare at her with the blue, gold, and white skirt and matching top. The blue and gold pom poms also had left some of the male members of the group drooling for her in secret. They couldn't do anything with their boss, she'd probs rip their arms off with her powers if they tried anything like that.

All around were costumes of Salt and Pepper, one guy was a lobster, some others went as Men in Black, which worked with their suits already, everyone had a costume on.

Lily had opted for a witch costume with a big hat and a wand, fishnet stockings, and a little black jacket. Fubuki could see she had put in a lot more effort this year. She couldn't help but smile a bit, it was no secret the crush she had on the newest S-Class hero.

"How're you feeling Lily?" Fubuki asked as she floated food to the tables.

"Oh not too bad Miss Fubuki, it should be a fun night." the young girl said.

Lily had noticed that Miss Fubuki had also put more effort into her costume this year too, in past years she had focused on the setup and retiring early, making sure it was good for the rest of the team, rather than her.

"When do you think Gen...Demon Cyborg and Caped Baldy will be here?"

"Saitama? I don't know, I just told him it starts at 8pm. I don't think he even owns a clock though haha." Fubuki laughed as she realized that on his own, Saitama was never on time.

Lily couldn't help but notice how Miss Fubuki only focused on Saitama in the question.

8:15 PM

*Saitama's Apartment*

"Sensei! We are already late to Miss Blizzard's social gathering!" Genos said as he indicated the time with a small hologram projection that did indeed show they were late.

"Ok, Ok...keep your metal on Genos."

Genos had opted to go as Robocop. Saitama had said it seemed a little unoriginal, considering he was a cyborg, but Genos insisted that it was the perfect costume, as it had required him to only make a few outer pieces, a helmet, and to actually watch the movie.

Saitama meanwhile had fished out his old tracksuit, washed it, and had worn it over a plain white tank top. Now though he was fiddling with the wig that was all messed up on his head. The hair felt just like his used to but it had been so long he had basically forgotten how he used to look with his hair.

Eventually though he had found the tag inside that said "front" and figured out how to wear it.

"Oh!" Saitama's eyes widened as he was staring into the face he hadn't seen in years. With his hair, the blank potato face now showed off his more defined features that usually only came out when he was getting serious.

The dark hair was swept over and was the perfect amount of messy to look together, but not like a hard try.

"Genos, thank your doctor for the wig."

"Hai Sensei! Will do." Genos called out from the other room. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's do it."

8:35 PM

*Blizzard Headquarters*

The party was in full swing, everyone was dancing, eating, having a good time.

Fubuki was lounging on a couch, drinking some spiked punch, and kept glancing at the door. She was waiting to see if Sataima would show up but also, in a weird moment of reaching out, she had also invited Tatsumaki, and now she was starting to regret that decision, it always ended badly when Tastumaki tried to be social. It didn't help either that Tats hated her Blizzard Group.

Suddenly, she perked up a bit when she saw Genos walk through the door, she knit her eyebrows though at the stranger walking through in the track suit.

Who the hell is that? She thought to herself.

Lily got a little red in the face next to Fubuki as she noticed Genos, she also had a look of confusion though at the stranger, "Miss Fubuki, I thought Genos was coming with the Caped Baldy, who is that?"

"I don't know." Fubuki said

"Looks like it might be a cute friend of Genos', guess Saitama might be running late?"

Fubuki didn't answer her young member though and decided to investigate herself and greet Genos. She got up and walked through the people to say hi to the newest arrivals.

"Genos, hi, glad you could make it. Where's Saitama though?"

Genos seemed confused and was about to speak when Saitama cut in himself.

"Ehh...What do you mean, I'm right here Fubuki."

Fubuki squinted her eyes a bit and examined the stranger, then her eyes went wide, "It is you! What are you supposed to be?"

Saitama made a little gesture to himself, "I'm pre-strong Saitama."

Fubuki was smirking in thought, " mean you weren't always bald with that blank expression?"

Saitama opened his mouth to reply but Fubuki continued, "...And you chose out of all the things you could be at a costume party to be yourself?" She laughed a little and crossed her arms together, "Very Original." She said sarcastically.

Saitama fumed but turned to Genos instead, "I thought you said this was a good outfit!"

" Sensei…" The blonde Cyborg said, trying to think of the right response.

"Bah! I need a drink." Saitama went off, looking for the punch bowl.

Fubuki giggled a bit at his little temper tantrum, "Couldn't resist poking fun." she said to Genos.

"That wasn't nice Miss Fubuki!"

"Eh, maybe not, it's fine though, he looks good though, I didn't recognize him, so I guess that's a good costume."

Genos blinked, "So my suggestion was a success!"

"Easy there tin man, it's alright," Fubuki gave him a little punch on the arm, "You know, I thought he kinda looked like you with dark hair, like a human relative of yours haha, well go enjoy the party you bucket of bolts." With that, the ESPer sent Genos off into the party, where a certain Lily was watching him from behind the couch.

The party was going great and Fubuki was actually having a lot of fun, eventually she ended up on the couch and Saitama was sitting there too. One of the other female members was talking to him. Fubuki figured she'd listen for a minute, she knew it was rude, but she was a little drunk and it was easy to listen.

"...So how you liking this party?" The girl, Mika asked. She was a hero that joined Fubuki last year, and was right in the middle of their rankings.

"It's alright, the food was pretty good." Saitama answered with his trademark bored tone.

"Haha yeah I loved the Udon this year, it was great huh?"

"Um...yeah it was good."

"Did you want to dance at all, handsome?"

"Huh? What?, nah I'm ok."

Fubuki didn't know why, but she felt her temperature rising as she realized her member was trying to flirt with Saitama, he didn't seem to be too interested though so she decided to butt in a little. She tapped him on the arm, "Hi Saitama."

Saitama looked over and was a little relieved to see Fubuki, Genos had ditched him for a bit and this one girl had been following him around for a while.

"Ohh, hey Fubuki."

Mika pouted a little at the intrusion but when she saw it was Miss Fubuki herself, she decided it was best to back off and get herself a drink.

Fubuki moved a bit closer to Saitama so they could hear each other over the music. "How you doing?"

"Better now, thanks for saving me from what's her name." Saitama said with a gesture, also now relaxing a bit. "My walking stereo friend seems to have abandoned me."

The leader of the blizzard group laughed and stretched out, her curves accentuated with her cheerleader outfit. "Glad to help mister Tracksuit Haha."

Saitama seemed to stare a bit at her costume without her noticing, it was the first time he really looked and he was surprised how sexy the outfit was. He shook his head a bit and his usual bored expression came back, he hadn't thought about women for a long time either. Besides, who would want the Caped Baldy. He tried not to think of it but in the mirror earlier he remembered that he was once considered pretty attractive. It was the one physical downside of him getting stronger and losing his hair.

"What about you Fubuki?" Saitama shook one of her blue and gold pom poms, "Having fun tonight?"

Fubuki laughed and sat up, "So far, the fruit punch was delicious, I haven't drank in forever."

Saitama looked down at his cup, "Oh it was alcoholic, I didn't notice anything." He looked a little sad, another joy of life lost. His existential crisis would start again soon with all these things coming up.

He was brought out of his spacing out though as Fubuki rustled his hair, luckily it was designed to stay in place just like real hair. "Aw," The ESPer said in a mock-sad voice, "Can Caped Baldy not get drunk?"

"Ha Ha, laugh it up cheerleader. And I'm not the baldy tonight."

Fubuki blushed a bit at his mention of her costume but before she could answer back she heard a small, but loud voice, "Where is my SISTER!"

Fubuki groaned a bit but put on a smile as she saw her older sister hovering towards them, she was wearing bunny ears but that was it with her regular dress outfit. "Hey Tats, welco…"

"Save it, I see you and your loser group put in even more of a fuss this year." Tatsumaki looked at Fubuki's outfit, "And what do you think you're wearing?!"

The younger sister turned bright red, but still tried to deflect the conversation, "Well nice costume too sis, though kind of lacking."

Tatsumaki pouted, "I am clearly a bunny, so the outfit works."

Saitama cocked his head to the side, "I've never seen a bunny like that before, don't you think you should have at least painted on a nose or bunny whiskers?"

"Hahammgh." Fubuki couldn't resist laughing a bit at Saitama's comment, the alcohol in her system, playing a part to make it funnier for her. Her older sister was less than impressed though and her eye could be seen twitching a bit.

"The audacity, who is this nobody?!" Tatsumaki said as she floated right up to Saitama's face.

"Uhh...Saitama, we met before." Saitama said.

"Well you clearly must be a nobody since I don't remember you."

"...ok." Saitama said with a bored look

"You suck, Fubuki, stay away from this loser."

Fubuki was about to answer but then Saitama got an irritated look on his face, "Hey! She's a grown-up she can decide who she spends time with!"

Tatsumaki had a cold look on her face, "You're. Not. A. Part. Of. This. Conversation. SO BUTT OUT!" She screamed as she floated over Saitama.

Saitama leaned back with his hands up as to say fine but Tatsumaki heard him as he muttered, "I thought you were older than Fubuki, why do you seem like a 12 year old baby all the time."

Tatsumaki was bright red and Fubuki had her eyes wide as she thought, Saitama's gonna die.

The Terrible Tornado suddenly thrust out her hand and Saitama was blasted backwards, through the couch, the food table, and into the wall.

"Oop." Saitama said as some dust settled.

The rest of the blizzard group was standing horrified, the music stopping, and Genos stood there with wide eyes, "Sensei!"

Tatsumaki was floating with a pouty expression, "Serves that jerk right."

Fubuki was also surprised and angry with her sister, "What the hell Tatsumaki, he was my guest!"

"You don't need guests like that."

A sound interrupted the sisters though before things could escalate.

"That was rude."

Tatsumaki and Fubuki saw that the dust had cleared and Saitama had dislodged himself from the wall, his tracksuit top part had gotten shredded by the debris and so he was left with his hair, pants, and tank top on.

"Hey," Saitama exclaimed with a shocked face as he looked down, "You ruined my tracksuit, you'll pay for another one!"

Tatsumaki was wondering how he was perfectly fine but was getting annoyed again from his ranting, "Oh shut up." She held up her hand and again Saitama was pushed into the wall. This time though she held him there in the wall with continued use of her powers, "You stay there and learn how to show respect to me." A little smirk played on her lips.

Saitama was tired of this though and leisurely started to pull himself out of the wall again, "Respect? You, that's rich."

Tatsumaki's eyes widened as Saitama acted like her powers weren't even there. "Heyyy! Idiot, what are you doing?" She upped the intensity and the ground around Saitama cracked from the force.

Saitama just continued to walk towards them, "You remind me of this big octopus thingy from the spaceship a few months ago. He tried something like this."

Tatsumaki knit her eyebrows and pushed her attack even harder, she knew she couldn't go all out though, her sister and stupid group were here, "Shut up!"

Fubuki, Genos, and the blizzard group were all watching intensely as Saitama stood up to the #2 S-Class hero.

Saitama looked down and saw a pillow a little ways from him. He walked over to it and picked it up. "I killed the octopus with a rock, but I don't think Fubuki would want me killing her sister, so here's this."

Saitama tossed the pillow at Tatsumaki, and somehow it seemed to be heading at her with a force that even she couldn't stop in time.

"Ugnghhg!" Tatsumaki groaned in pain, as the pillow struck her in the stomach.

Fubuki gasped, she had never seen her sister be struck before, even more so, she never thought she'd see her get hit with a pillow.

Tatsumaki looked like she wanted to murder Saitama, she was also embaressed though, this had never happened before, and not to mention in front of her sister and her weak group dopes. She was about to say something but instead turned her head away, she looked like she might cry, and instead she blasted out, leaving so fast only a green streak could be seen.

Everyone in the room was silent, Saitama got uneasy from the silence, "Uhh, sorry about that, umm, I guess i'll go...c'mon Genos."

"Hai Sensei." Genos said and gave a little bow to excuse himself from talking with Lily, who blushed.

Fubuki was still speechless as she watched Saitama and Genos make an awkward shuffle escape through the crowd.

As they left. Saitama gave one last apologetic smile towards Fubuki, "Sorry again, thanks though." and then they were out the door.

After another moment of prolonged silence, Fubuki got a little red from embarrassment, "Well, don't keep staring silently, continue with the party!" and the conversation and music started up again, although a little less lively.

*Saitama's Apartment*

Saitama had removed the wig, taken a shower and was now chilling in bed, what a weird way to end the night.

Hope I didn't hurt Tatsumaki too badly with that pillow.

As he drifted to sleep though he smiled a bit thinking of Fubuki when she rustled his hair, She really isn't that bad when she's not giving me her group sales pitch.

*Blizzard Headquarters*

Fubuki was also laying down for the night, it had been a weird rest of the party after Saitama and her sister had left. Then there was the cleanup. Now she was exhausted.

Still a little tipsy though from the drinks earlier, she couldn't help think of a certain hero, no one has ever stood up to Tats like that.

As she drifted asleep she smiled thinking about it, That idiot didn't look too bad tonight either.

End of Chapter 4

Sorry for such a long wait in between chapter 3 and 4, i'll try to do better. As always, review and leave comments if you want :)