The Spare

Chapter 1

Sokka and Zuko lead the escaped prisoners on the giant airship. Zuko blasted a fire ball right at the guard protecting the front of the airship. Chit Sang and Hakoda threw a few of the guards overboard. While Suki and Sokka started to disarm, and knock out the rest of the guards securing the entrance of the airship.

More Soldiers started to gather. Zuko and Chit Sang started throwing more and more soldiers overboard and closed hatch.

"Sokka, you, Suki and your dad find the control room and get us airborne!" Zuko called. "Chit Sang and I will see if we can find the engine room and start the airship."

Sokka, Hakoda and Suki gathered at the Control Room.

Suki took the wheel while Sokka and Hakoda started looking around the controls.

"Guys, are you there!" Zuko's voice came from the cone on a wire at the corner of the controls.

Sokka immediately grabbed it. "Yeah, are we ready for lift off?"

"Everything seems to be in order. This should get us back to the Western Air Temple. Let's take off, we're on our way up."

The three started pulling levers and pushing buttons as the airship came alive and lifted off from port.

The island was soon fading out of view and everyone in the control room gave a sigh of relief.

"We did it." Sokka said with a giant grin on his face. "We actually did it!"

Just as they were celebrating they heard a small thud right outside the door. Sokka walked closer to the door and it bursts open a masked figure.

The figure was short and held a curved bow in hand and started shooting. Sokka was thrown back by an arrow through the side of his uniform and was pinned to the ground near Suki who took the wheel. Hakoda started to fight the masked figure he used his arms to block their strikes with the bow. Unable to get another shot due to the enclosed space.

"Who are you!" a muffled voice exclaimed from beneath the Fire nation mask. "What did you do to the crew?"

Zuko and Chit Sang ran to the control room from the hallway. Chit Sang threw a fireball right at the intruder. The masked figure swiped it away with their bow which got them distracted enough for Hakoda to pin their arms together.

"Stand down soldier!" Zuko commanded.

"Zuko?" the figure gasped then started struggling more under Hakoda's grip. The masked person hit the bow right at Hakoda's face. They managed to get out of Hakoda's hands enough to try and get through the door but Zuko block them off. The person wasn't able to keep balance and Zuko had them pinned to the ground.

Zuko ripped the mask off their face while pinning their hands above their head. They were shocked to find a pale face of a young girl with sharp golden eyes that reminded them of…

"Azula!" Sokka exclaimed pointing his sword at the pinned teen. "How did you manage to get here!"

"Sokka this isn't…."

"What did you traitors do to Azula?" she demanded. "Unhand me!"

"Stand down, Izrah."

"Why should I listen to you, Zuzu?" she sneered. "You're a full-blown traitor now and you want to kill our family and throw all our political progress away."

After they tied up Izrah, Sokka, Zuko and Hakoda went to one of the rooms near outside the control room.

"Who is this Zuko?" Sokka demanded not putting down his sword.

"Sokka, Chief Hakoda, this is my youngest sister." Zuko introduced. "Izrah."

"Nice to meet you, too." she said sarcastically "Either kill me now or let me go Zuzu."

Hakoda looked at her curiously. "Who gave you the idea your own brother will kill you?"

"Isn't that why you broke into Boiling rock?" she demanded. "Why else would you break into a political prison filled with traitors, murderers and coup leaders?"

"Just how many crazy sisters do you have Zuko?"

"Hey!" Izrah exclaimed while Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you here Izrah?"

"I am not telling you around..." she glanced at the two people in the room. "outsiders."

"You better tell us!" Sokka said. "We can always throw you overboard."

"Fire Nation Politics." She said. "You wouldn't understand."

"What should we do, we can't exactly bring her with us to…"

"The Western Air Temple?" Izrah finished with a smirk. "I knew you'd be nearby. After the invasion at the capital, you wouldn't have gotten too far. The only isolated area without any of our sources are the Air Temples."

"You knew?" Sokka demanded. "Does Azula know too?"

"Do you think she'd believe little ol' me?" She asked with a tilted head. "What do I know about Warfare? What do I know about tracking the Avatar? I've never met the Avatar, nor his friends and masters."

"So, she does know."

"No, Ponytail." Izrah said with a roll of her eyes. "I'm not an idiot. Why would I set Azula on a rampage against an ancient relic? No, I would rather go there myself than send Azula. As if Father would let me go that far without a whole platoon of guards though."

Zuko pulled Sokka aside while Hakoda kept an eye on Izrah.

"She could come with us." Zuko suggested. "She's relatively harmless."

"Are you crazy?" Sokka demanded. "It's one thing to have you with our group. But it's totally different with having your crazy sister with us."

"They haven't even met her yet."

"You and Katara can barely make it a day without arguing."

"She starts it." Zuko grumbled.


Hakoda stood awkwardly as he stood guard with Izrah in the room.

Izrah whistled then popped her lips. "So, you're Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe. I'm guessing?"

"Yes, I've never heard of the Fire Lord having a third child."

Izrah shrugged "Well, he has his heir and his prodigy, there's no point to bring up his spare child."

"I doubt that's the case."

"Agree to disagree." Izrah said. "So, records say that you left the South Pole with your men and traveled the world helping the Earth Kingdom. Why? What's the South Pole like? What's the Earth kingdom like? Are they really these sad group of savages that throw rocks at people? I was under the impression that the Earth Kingdom people were strong, patient and stubborn. At least that's what some scrolls and tomes say."

"I suppose you can put it that way."

"What kind government do they hold? I read that Ba Sing Se and Omashu has walls that stand tall while the rest are mere villages." She raised her arms on her knees and her chin rests on the palms of her bound hands with curiosity. "How would Ba Sing Se be the Earth Kingdom Capital if the villages have their own heads. And What about King Bumi of Omashu? If he were king wouldn't that mean he has his own kingdom? So, wouldn't that mean that it was the Earth Kingdoms rather than just one Earth Kingdom?"

Hakoda frowned at the bound princess. This didn't sound like a hardened princess of the Fire Nation but a curious young scholar. "It is not my place to say."

Izrah's eyes narrowed. "Fine. What do you want to know?"

"You'll just give up valuable information?" Hakoda raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not." She said. "However, knowledge for knowledge sake. If I do not know how these villages or towns work, I wouldn't be able to properly set a governing body now would I?"

"What business do you have in the governing of the Earth Kingdom?"

"That would be telling." Izrah said with a smirk. "However-"

Her voice was cut off when the steel door opened, Zuko entered the room with a determined look on his face. Her face turned blank at the sight of her brother. Sokka stayed by the door frame looking at Izrah apprehensively

"May I have a word with my sister alone." Zuko asked Chief Hakoda. Hakoda looked at Sokka who nodded before looking at Zuko with a concerned glance. But Zuko had a look of determination on his face.


The metal door rang as it slammed back into its frame leaving the two Fire Nation Royals inside.

Hey guys! I'm back :P

I managed to pass my defense against the dark arts (aka my thesis defense) by the skin of my teeth. So I've got a few new ideas I've been dying to try. I got hooked into ATLA again from taking breaks between working on my thesis. I've been meaning to try an OC fic rather than a character adapting one. So here it is. :)

Please Review and tell me whatcha think. :)