With Blake joining her employers, they left with their new droid companions, C-3P0 and R2-D2. They went in search of someone to buy Luke land speeder. That, someone, turned out to be a few Jawas who gave Luke the money like he said before since he was not coming back.

"Alright. Give it to me. I'll take it." Luke said, accepting the money.

As for Blake, she waited with the Droids while the blond bartered. While she waited, she noticed one of the Jawas looking at her weapon with interest. Despite the different species, she knew the look as she spoke to it.

"Sorry little guy," Blake said to the tiny hooded alien. "But, this is not for sale."

The Jawa said something in his language and walked off then back to his friends with the speeder they got as Blake, Luke and Old Ben walked away.

As they walked, Luke talked to the two. "Look at this." Holding a few pieces of rectangle gold. Thanks to Solo explaining what credits are and the different types she knew how much Luke had. "Ever since the XP-38 came out, they just aren't in demand." The blond says.

"It will be enough," Ben says as he puts his hood on.

"You get what you can get," Blake says as she walked with. Then wondered how Solo was doing. Unknown to her and employer's, a hooded person was following the three.

With Solo in the docking bay, he walked in and saw that a certain Hutt was there yelling at the ship with bounty hunters surrounding him.

"Solo! Come out of there! Solo!" The Hutt yells in his native language at the Falcon, assuming he was on the ship.

Waiting long enough, he spoke. "Right here, Jabba," Solo announces, getting everyone's attention. "I've been waiting for you." He says.

Honestly, he was glad he sent Blake with those guys. He would not want Blake to meet this particular Hutt, or have the Hutt set his eyes on one of his crew since he really didn't want the Hutt to say anything perverted to her.

"Have you now?" The Hutt asks the smuggler with a chuckle.

"You didn't think I was going to run, did you?" He askes. Chewie was with him as he walked up to the slug alien.

"Han my boy, you disappoint me." He began as he slithers up, "why haven't you paid me yet? And why did you fry poor Greedo?" He asked the smuggler acting like he cared.

Solo just thought that the Hutt had no care about what happened to Greedo. Solo noticed Boba was there, but next to him was a woman smaller than all of them next to him.

"First." He looks at the only girl in the area. "Who are you? I know all of Jabbas normal top lackeys, and you're not one of them."

She didn't say anything but stare at him with mismatched eyes, Boba speaks up instead. "She with me," Boba says sample, Solo decided not to ask more on her or why she has a fancy umbrella as he looks back at Jabba now.

"Ok, then and Jabba, next time you want to talk to me come see me yourself, don't send one of your expendable twerps." Solo pointed at the Hutt.

"Han, I can't make exceptions." Jabba began as he moves Solo walking next to him. "What if everyone who smuggled for me dropped and blast there first cargo at the first sign of an Imperial starship? It's not good business." The Hutt points out to Solo.

"Look, Jabba." Solo began defending himself. "Even I get boarded sometimes." He says as he walks on the Hutt tell making the Hutt make a noise. "Think I had a choice?" Solo then spoke in a more respectful tone to the Hutt. "But I got a nice easy charter. I'll pay you back plus a little extra I just need a little more time."

The Hutt then got a pleased smile then. "Han, my boy, your the best." So for an extra twenty percent-"

"Fifteen Jabba. Don't push it." Solo says to the Hutt.

"Ok." Jabba says, accepting that." fifteen." The Hutt then got serious then as Solo began to walk to his ship. "But if you fail me again, I'll put a price on your head so big you won't be able to go near a civilized system...and I'll take that girl name Blake as one of my slaves." He says.

Solo stopped and took a deep breath. It was one thing when Jabba threatened him like that, but saying he'd make Blake into a slave was another thing, so he took another deep breath to calm down. A glance at his partner could tell Chewie was doing the same with the way he gripped his bolt caster.

"Jabba." Solo began. "You're a wonderful human being." He says with a minor hint of disgust in his voice as he goes past them and onto his ship.

"Come on." The Hutt ordered as his goons followed him. As Boba did, he looked at the hooded girl next to him.

"You knew who this Blake is, do you?" Boba asked, and the girl nodded. Boba noticed the girl's reaction when Blake's name was mentioned.

Neo had never engaged Blake in a fight, but she has seen and heard of the catgirls' name and knows she was a member of Team RWBY. The two continued to walk away from the docking bay.

Boba remembered a few days ago when he found this women. He found her lost, broken, and at a Tusken raider Villager. Well, what remained of one.


Boba was on the job. Hunting another debtor that owed the Hutts. As he flew across the desert on his speeder, something catches his eyes off to the side. Using the internal binoculars in his helmet to look, he spots a lot of smoke in one area. Deciding to investigate, he changed directions and engages his speeder towards the smoke.

After a few minutes, Boba comes across burnt remains of a Sand people village. The sand people there lay dead everywhere he looked. The Bounty Hunter was interested now, killing off a whole village of sand people was not common. What surprised him next was the center of the empty village, was a girl who stood there with a thin sword surrounded by dead bodies. Before he could approach the girl, she fell to her knees and broke down crying then.

Neo was in pain. First, she lost the only person who cared about her, then she was lost wandering in the desert for days, now she was in an unknown place with creatures that tried to kill her. For now, all she can do is cry.

As for Boba, he parked his speeder and walked up to the girl. Neo heard footsteps and readied her weapon. She saw a man in green armor, a rifle in his and wearing a helmet with a t-shaped visor.

"I assume you did this?" Boba asked.

The girl only stared at him. Judging by the state of her ruined clothing and the broken look she wore. Boba assumed she been out here must-have lost for a while on this sand-covered world to find civilization. He also heard a loud growl, not from a beast but from the girl. Boba assumed she mustn't have eaten for a while, and killing all these sand people didn't help.

Boba reached for his belt, the girl got up quickly looking like she was about to attack. Boba remained calm as he pulled out a bar from his belt, the girl looked at it confessed.

"Here," Boba says, tossing it to her. She catches it and looks at it for a moment and back at him with a look that said. 'What is this?' "Its food," Boba says.

The girl unwrapped it. She took a bite out of it then, after the first bite she began to destroy it fast, having not eaten for a while only to have food felt outstanding to the girl. When she finished, Boba started talking.

"Who are you? And how did you get here?" Boba began.

The girl stared at him for a few moments before she bent down and began to write words in the sand. "Neo." She wrote as she looks at Boba, who reads it.

"Ok, Neo, so why are you out here?" Boba asked, now knowing her name.

"Lost." She wrote.

Boba looks at her, thinking about what to do here. He wasn't a charitable man for anything. Never did things for free. But looking at this girl and the talent she demonstrated, she can have this one on him. "Come, I'll take you to somewhere civilized." He offers.

Neo would say thank you, but she smiled gratefully as she followed him to his speeder. When he gets on it, Neo looks at his ride that floated off the ground, it was kind of weird but she didn't mind as she gets on and then goes.

End of Flashback.

Neo had made herself useful when she helped Boba catch the debtor he was hunting for and prevented him from escaping. Since she proved herself, Boba offered her a place with him, like a partnership. He usually worked alone, but he was curious about the girl, and Neo got a little attached to the Mandalorian bounty hunter.

"I got us a job, we will do it soon," Boba says as Neo nodded and follows him then.

With Blake, she, Ben, and Luke got the droids and headed to the docking bay. The spy that was tailing them soon hid when Blake looked when she swore someone was following them but continued on as the spy called someone.

"Where on our way." An imperial said. The imperial was the old Clone that worked for Vader. He was sent down to hunt for the Death Star's plans. He brought along others with him to capture the crew that have the stolen plans.

Back with Blake, the old man talked then. "If his ship as fast as he's boasting, we ought to do as well." He says to the group.

"Probably," Blake replies. She talked with the old man and Luke for much of there walk back to the ship. Ben had asked questions, things mostly about her, and what's her race is called. She'd answered his questions which made her wounded if Ben trying to interrogate her or something.

Blake also had some talks with Luke and heard of his family's deaths. She felt sad that he lost his uncle and aunt. She's was glad to get to know the blond better.

Ben may have asked Blake some questions, but some she bent the truth a little on. He can tell, and so far, he felt like she was a lost person who suffered much. He did not push on the subject since he did not want to make the girl distrust him. There was also the way Luke was quickly bounding with Blake. It reminded him...of a certain someone who bounded with people well. They cut their talks when they saw Blake's Wookie companion waiting for them.

"We will talk more later. You truly are an interesting person to talk with," Ben says as they entered through the door Chewie was near.

Chewie let everyone go first and growled at Blake, Blake felt it was just to ask if they did anything to her.

"If you wondered if they did anything to me, they didn't. They're actually pretty nice," Blake says Chewie was glade as he went in then, and everyone saw the Falcon.

Luke did not look impressed with this, for he honesty expected better. "What a piece of Junk."

"You know there's a saying of never judging a book by its covers, right?" Blake said her opinion the ship was fantastic looking. It looked unique with how the cockpit was to the side instead of the front, but Luke saw it as something else. Luke was about to respond to her, but Solo talked first.

"She's right. Also, this ship will make past point 5 light speed." He says as he walks up.

"I like how the ship looks," Blake says.

Solo smirked. "Ok, she doesn't look much to most people, but this ship got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself." He says, but he got serious then boasts about it. "But we're a little rushed, so if you just get on board, we'll get out of here." He says as he points to the ship as Chewie was starting it up as well.

And it seems Solo has every right to want to rush as a minute later a large group of Stormtroopers' walking towards the docks. Leading them was a Trooper with blue markings on his shoulder pad as he walks up to the spy. Lots of people got out there way, not wanting to get into any imperial trouble.

"Which way?" The old Clone asks as the spy points and walks away. "All right, men load your weapons." They all started to head to the docking bay fast. As they got there, the Clone saw them...and to his surprise, the cat ear girl Vader saw on the hologram who displayed unknown abilities. Seeing this, he ordered his men into action. "Stop that ship! Blast them!"

Hearing that Blake had wide eyes along with Solo as the troops fired at them, the blue one fired at Blake. She drops to avoids the shots and switches her weapon to its gun mode and fired. She was not going for any kill shots as she shot Trooper's shoulders or legs...but it seems the bullets were not breaking the armor but making the soldiers stagger or pushed them back.

Solo, also fired back at the troopers, started to take cover as both Solo and Blake quickly ran into the ship then. Solo hit the ramp controls that closed the way they came in.

"Chewie, get us out of here!" Solo yells as he gets to the ship's pilot seat with Blake taking the spot behind the Wookie while Ben and Luke take the seats at the game board.

"Oh My, I've forgotten how much I hate space travel," 3P0 says.

Blake strapped herself in her seat just in time for Han to break the atmosphere. It was then that she saw two imperial star destroyers out in front of them, she intently became worried. Seeing just one got her troubled before, but seeing two after them was a nightmare now that the empire is trying to kill or capture them.

"Ah, Solo..." Blake began.

Solo saw the two destroyers. "Looks like they sent two imperial star destroyers." He says in slight surprise. "Our passengers must be hotter then I thought." he then gets up then. "Chewie, try to hold them off, angle the deflector shields while I make the calculations for the jump to light speed." He says as he continues. "And stay sharp there gonna try to cut us off." He warns.

"Anything I can do to help?" Blake asked Solo.

"If they send Tie fighters, go to the canons and shoot them down," Solo says. Blake was hoping the two large ships don't send fighters. She's not sure if she would kill someone, beat them up, or break bones Blake was fine with, but she won't kill someone.

"Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast." Luke says as he and Ben came up. It was not out of anger but because of the pressure of the empire capturing them.

"Watch your mouth kid or your going to be finding yourself floating home." Solo threatened as he goes back to the ship's controls. "We will be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers we lose them."

The star destroyers began to fire on them some shots hitting the Falcon, but thanks to the shields they were not dead yet, but the ship shook.

"They're hitting us!" Blake says a little more worried now.

"Here's where the fun begins," Solo said while avoiding the powerful green laser fire from the imperial warships.

"How long before you make the jump to hyperspace?" Ben asked calmly. Blake was honestly surprised that this guy can be calm in a situation like this.

Solo began to press some buttons then. "It will take a few moments to get the coordinates from the nav computer." Solo explained.

"Are you kidding?" Luke said, sounding a little panic. "At the rate they're gaining!"

Solo turned to Luke and explains the important things about space travel. "Traveling through I'm hyperspace ain't like dusting crops boy," he went back to calculate while still explaining. "Without precise calculations, we'd fly right through a star or bounce close to a supernova, and that will end your trip real quick, wouldn't it."

Then beeping was hears then. "What's that flashing?" Luke asked, pointing at the light.

Solo bat's Luke's hand away. "Where losing deflector shields." He says. "Go strap yourself in I'm going to make the jump to light speed."

The three then go, Blake went with them since there was nothing for her to do in t cockpit. The three strap themselves in, Blake gave Luke a few words of comfort.

"We will make it, don't worry." She says to ease some of Luke's tension. Ben saw this and saw that it worked. He smiled a little as the Falcon went into hyperspace, escaping the star destroyers.

"Thanks, Blake," Luke says with a smile that Blake returned.

"Your welcome," Blake says nicely.

Giving the two a little time, Ben spoke then. "Luke, let's start your training." He says as he takes out a small training droid. Luke and Blake look at it with different levels of confusion.

"What is that?" Blake asked.

"Jedi used this to train. Normally when there young, it fires lasers but none lethal ones." He says. The droid looks at the two...and fires at Blake.

"Hey!-ow!" Blake says as it fired some more shots, the first hit her gut. It felt like getting hit with a small lightning Dust round. "Hey! Stop you -ow" it then shot her two more times one on her shoulder the next at her butt. "Enough!" She draws her sword and smacks it away, making it go down as she rubbed her butt with one hand, lethal or not that blast stung.

"Oh forgot, I had left this on the attack, sorry." He says as it flies back up and looks at Luke. "Now Luke try to deflect the shots it fires at you. You can watch this if you want Blake." He says.

"I'll watch, could be interesting plus I got few questions about the Jedi," Blake says.

"And I'll answer any question you want to ask about them." He responds with a kind smile as he starts Luke training then with Blake watching and if she could help out in any way.

Note: Well heres the next chapter hope you all enjoy. Also I like to thank Helljumper206 for helping me edit.

Hope you all enjoy the fanfic.