A/N: I am so screwed. Hello y'all, how have you been? I know it's been a while...but in my defense...uh...yeah I know. I was very busy with school though, so...this is going to be rough. Also, holy crap! This is my most popular story! Thanks, y'all! Onto the show!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Izuku Pov
Izuku didn't know how long he spent scratching Fou's ear, but after a small while, he felt Fou shift. He stopped scratching and watched the Wolf's tail flick downward. Nodding, he jumped off, landing in a small crouch. He walked up to the Beast and sent it a questioning look. The Wolf growled slightly before its entire form was enveloped in an explosion of violet. When the light finally cleared, Fou stood in his smaller Wolf form, shaking itself out. Fou lolled out his tongue and let out a few barks.
Izuku jumped in shock, "It's almost midnight!?"
The Wolf barked an affirmative and offered its back to Izuku. Fou knew his friend didn't want to oversleep and somehow be late for his meeting with All Might. Even though he seriously doubted that there was any force in the world that would cause Izuku to be late, he knew that Izuku would prefer to have an early start tomorrow morning.
Izuku gratefully climbed onto Fou's back, trying to contain his panic, and tensed his muscles as Fou took off at full speed.
The next day
It would be an understatement to say that Dagobah Beach was barren of any visitors. The area was completely deserted, with not a soul in sight. And there was a very obvious reason for that: garbage, so much garbage that there seemed to be a literal mountain of it. And not just one mountain in the middle of a sea of sand, but several smaller mountains surrounding the big mountain. It was sad, in a way, after all the beach wasn't turned into this out of any malice, just apathy.
"Fou…" Fou said sadly. Izuku nodded at his friend's words, a frown on his face. He never went here personally, preferring to go hiking over swimming, but maybe he should clean some of this up. Who knows, it might make a good place to train, what with it being abandoned.
As Izuku walked down a set of stairs to get onto the sand itself, he looked around. All Might didn't specify any specific time, so he left his home as soon as he woke up. Thankfully he got back home early enough to get a full night's sleep. He frowned, hoping he didn't arrive too early and walked around the main garbage pile when Fou suddenly leaped off his head and ran ahead of him with a loud "Fou!"
Izuku blinked and ran after his friend, and stopped when he noticed what the little critter was doing. Fou seemed to have jumped on to a spindly man's shoulder, and the man seemed to be looking back at the small creature with something akin to curiosity.
This man's appearance was anything but healthy, with stick-like limbs, sunken eyes, wild and dead hair. Even the tracksuit that he was wearing couldn't hide how thin the man was, instead it seemed to highlight that he was a walking skeleton that needed a hospital bed right now. Interestingly, even with the man's horrifying appearance, he had a small tire in his hands, obviously pulled from one of the smaller garbage piles. Izuku noted that there was a small truck filled with similar pieces of garbage. This man has been here for quite a while and was doing his best to clean up the beach.
Funny enough, Izuku recognized this man. It may have been around a year, but he would never forget his first meeting with this man.
"All Might!"
Fou fell off the man's shoulder, seemingly from shock.
The man looked down at the shocked squirrel and turned to face him. He raised one of his hands, a sad and sheepish expression on his face. "Yo," The number one hero said, in a voice that sounded like it just went through a desert.
For a moment Izuku stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say. He honestly didn't know what to feel at the moment. On one hand, this was the man who he idolized for years. A man who he, and by extension, the world, watched every single moment. He was the Symbol of Peace, the man who, seemingly single-handedly, took this chaotic mess of a world and built something beautiful out of it. This was All Might, the number one hero.
However, this was also the man who crushed Izuku's dreams. All Might had good intentions, and Izuku's analytical mind refused to deny what he said. Izuku was essentially a cripple, and in a dangerous profession such as being a hero, that would get him killed. It was a sad but necessary truth that he needed to hear. So Izuku didn't bear a grudge against the man. All Might only did what was right. And it also helped him meet Fou. So Izuku had nothing against the man personally, but it still hurts to think about that day though.
All Might seemed to have noticed the conflicting feelings inside Izuku and bowed his head in apology. "Young man, I asked you to meet with me because I owe you an apology and I have an offer to make."
Izuku blinked in confusion as All Might raised his head. When the words finally registered, he started waving his hands, "N-n-no, All Might. It's fine-"
"It's not fine," All Might said harshly. Izuku took a step back at the intense stare in the man's sunken eyes. "I said all of that and neglected to take into account who you are. You, a powerless boy, moved before you even realized what was going on, all to save another person. You showed that to me once, with that sludge villain, and again during the test. You couldn't stop yourself from trying to save a life. That is the quality that only the greatest heroes possess."
Izuku's eyes widened in shock. His arms fell limp to his side. His mind went completely blank. His idol was… complimenting him.
"So please, let me apologize to you, Izuku Midoriya, for crushing your dreams without even considering that the person in front of me would inspire me. You saved your friend during the sludge villain attack, for it was your actions that inspired me to act. That is what a true hero does, Izuku Midoriya." With those words, All Might bowed his head again.
Izuku didn't even know how to respond. He just stared at the bowed hero, and slowly extended his arm, hand held out. He wasn't sure what he was going to say when all of a sudden he felt a weight jump onto his arm and run up his shoulder. "Kyu!"
Izuku felt himself relax and gently patted Fou on the head. He noticed All Might raise his head in curiosity at the small animal. The moment between the two of them was broken. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, Deku had no idea, but It did give him a moment to organize his thoughts and go over the words of his idol. It was...special to him, to hear it come out of All Might's mouth. It couldn't make up for all the pain he felt over this past year, but it helped look at everything in a new light. That did raise a question though.
"Why didn't you tell me that after you saved me?" He whispered.
All Might winced, "I tried to find you afterward, however, it is hard to find a single person in any city. The press, my responsibilities as the number one hero, and even my condition all hindered me. It was only thanks to UA offering me the role of a teacher that I was able to locate you."
Izuku nodded, accepting the words of his idol. It made sense that-
All Might smiled slightly, "Of course. I mentioned that to you when you received your acceptance letter."
Izuku blinked, trying to remember the exact words All Might said to him during that moment. It must have slipped his mind, what with everything else that happened that night. The thrill of being accepted to his dream school and seeing Fou's true form must have overshadowed it in his memory. He needed to change the topic quickly before he started fanboying over his idol being his TEACHER!
"Fou, kyu!" Fou said while tapping him on the cheek with a paw. He latched onto his friend's words, hoping All Might didn't notice his freakout. "What did you mean, you had an offer for me?"
All Might's smile disappeared and the intense look in his eyes returned. "I offer you my quirk and the mantle of the Symbol of Peace as my successor!"
...What did he just say?
"I am sure you've noticed that I have never revealed my Quirk, even during interviews. That is because it is imperative that no Villain ever learns the origin of my power. My quirk is One For All, a power entrusted throughout the generations, gaining strength with each passing. I received it from the previous holder, and now I offer it to you."
Izuku's brain shut down completely. This...changed the game completely. His mind flashed back to all of All Might's interviews, where the host would ask him the most anticipated question: What is your Quirk? All Might never answered. It was speculated that he refused to answer mainly because if the number one hero had any type of Quirk, then anyone with a similar type of Quirk would receive an unfair bias over others. But if what All Might said was true, then that meant anyone can receive this Quirk. Not only would villains try to steal this Quirk, but other heroes as well. Deku flashed to the number two hero: Endeavor. An amazing hero, but one who had a poor reputation in regards to his personal life. What would it be like, to receive the Quirk and break the chains of the number two spot? And it wasn't just him, there were many heroes who had similar reputations as Endeavor. They would kill to get All Might's Quirk, and Izuku wasn't exaggerating.
Izuku suddenly felt like a massive weight was on his shoulders.
He stuttered, and reached out, gripping Fou, using him as a sort of lifeline. Fou obediently leaned into his hand, rubbing his head against his palm. Deku took a deep breath, trying to slow down his heart rate. He stared into All Might's eyes and asked the first question that popped into his mind, trying to lessen his shock. "Why would you give it to me? Wouldn't it mesh better with someone with a Quirk?"
The number one hero raised an eyebrow, "I would think that with your Wolf projection quirk, a Quirk like mine would make you unstoppable."
Deku blinked, "But I'm Quirkless."
Now it was All Might's turn to blink, a confused look crossing his face. "I saw your Quirk during the entrance exam. It seemed like a projection-type Quirk that took on the form of a large Wolf covered in a violet aura. It must have been extremely taxing to use, especially when it took down the 0 point villain."
Izuku flinched before realizing what was going on. It appeared as though his idol was mistaking Fou for a Quirk. Midoriya's quirk to be exact. "Actually All Might its-"
"Fou kyu!"
Izuku clamped his mouth shut as he felt Fou shake his head against his palm. However, even with his friend's protest he couldn't help but say "I don't have a Quirk All Might. I told you, I'm Quirkless."
Yagi Toshinori Pov
Yagi Toshinori frowned at the boy's insistence that he lacked a Quirk. This was getting strange for All Might. Young Midoriya immediately believed him when Yagi revealed the secret of One For All, so why would he insist that he is Quirkless when his number one idol told him that he saw his Quirk firsthand. Was he just so beaten down that the concept of having a Quirk was an impossibility? No, that wouldn't make any sense. Cases like this have occurred in supposed Quirkless before, and none of the individuals ever clung on to their identity as a Quirkless. So what was different?
Yagi watched as the boy stubbornly proclaimed his lack of abilities, and he noticed something interesting with the squirrel on the boy's shoulder. It seemed to nod in response to his words. A quirk that reinforces denial? Now that he looked at the squirrel again, it looked a little bit similar to that Wolf, what with its body color. Was this Izuku's quirk? A squirrel that morphed into a Wolf depending on his emotions? It wouldn't be the oddest Quirk All Might has seen, but why would it reinforce denial? That is something he hasn't seen before. He would have to think about it later, but now, it would be better to see how far this denial went. "So it wasn't your Quirk that destroyed the villain?"
Izuku looked guilty, and after a moment said, "If the 0 point villain wasn't destroyed by me, does that mean I would have failed the test?"
No express denial, but he didn't confirm it either. This was not All Might's strong suit, and the squirrel seemed to be staring him down. Add one point to that squirrel being a projection theory.
All Might smiled "Do not worry, you did not receive points from defeating the villain, but for saving your future classmate. After all, a hero's job is to help people first and defeat the villain second. It is one of the most important lessons any potential hero must learn, but it is also the most common mistake newbies make."
Young Midoriya seemed to relax, and the squirrel hopped onto his head, seeming to make itself comfortable. All Might decided to put the squirrel out of his mind; he needed his answer after all. Young Midoriya seemed to understand and seemingly fell into deep thought. He seemed shy as he opened his mouth for another question. "Am I your first pick, All Might?"
Yagi felt his heartbreak slightly but decided to answer both the asked and unasked question ('Who is really supposed to receive this Quirk?'). "You are my first pick, but there is another that was recommended to me. The current number one student of UA, Mirio Togata."
The boy seemed a little put out with his answer but nodded in understanding. The boy reached up and plucked the squirrel off his head and fell into deep thought once more. All Might felt himself hold his breath, knowing that the next words out of this boy's mouth would decide the fate of the next generation.
Izuku Pov
Izuku thought and thought, trying to come to a decision. A year ago, the answer would have been a resounding and immediate yes. But right now, a year of training later and a new best friend, he wasn't sure. He knew Fou would stay by his side no matter what he chose, but at the same time if he accepted it would be a slap to Fou's face. Fou trained him, a Quirkless boy, not the next Symbol of Peace. It wasn't through a Quirk that pushed Izuku through the hell that was fighting against that Wolf, it was his own strength of will. So now, when he had a Quirk offered right in front of him, he hesitated.
He thought about everything that he went through, all the pain and anguish. From Kacchan and his friend's bullying to his first meeting with All Might to finding Fou and training with him. He even thought about his UA entrance exam. There were just so many things that happened, and so many different accomplishments. He wanted to see what else he could achieve, and how far he could go. If he could outpace Kacchan, and maybe even overcome All Might himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He has reached a decision, now he just had to stick to it. He hoped it was the correct one.
"I'm sorry All Might, but I don't think I can accept this. I want to see how far I can go on my own, without a Quirk."
Izuku expected All Might to get mad at his rejection. The man pretty much stated that he waited a year to make this offer to him, and now it was thrown back in his face. Instead, the man smiled sadly, and a proud expression in his eyes. He said, "I respect your decision, Young Midoriya. Although I am disappointed, I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish in the future." All Might extend a hand.
Izuku smiled and shook hands with his hero, feeling relieved. They stood there in silence, and All Might turned around and started working on the garbage pile again. Izuku frowned, and placed Fou down in the sand, before walking up to him and picking up a small microwave. He walked past All Might and put it in the truck. His idol smiled and continued his work in silence. They still had a ton of garbage to clean up after all.
That night
Fou Pov
Fou hopped onto Izuku's chest, letting out a small "Fou". Ever since Izuku made his decision, he seemed to be going through a cycle of contemplation, reflecting on everything that happened today. He didn't even look into what to expect at UA, instead choosing to lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking. It was honestly a bit concerning, and Fou was worried that Izuku was coming to regret his choice, and would continue to regret it for the rest of his life.
Izuku looked down at Fou and smiled softly. He reached down and picked up the White Wolf. He said, "I made the right choice today, didn't I Fou?"
Fou struggled out of his hands, landing onto his chest and, with a loud "Kyu!", jumped right onto his desk. He laid down on his stomach and looked at him expectantly. Izuku sighed, got out of bed, walked over to his desk, and sat in his chair. His shoulders slumped slightly, and as he stared into Fou's expectant eyes, he said, "It's just, All Might offered everything I ever wanted, a Quirk, a mentorship, a chance to prove that I am more than just what people label me as. It would have changed my life, almost as much as meeting you did. But I don't think I could've been happy."
Fou stood up slightly, shifting so he was sitting on his haunches. Izuku continued, "If I took it, then I would have given up what the two of us are doing. All my work up to this point would have just...meant less. I decided that I would work my way up to the top, as a Quirkless, and prove everyone wrong. If I suddenly had a Quirk, then I would have to change my goal completely. I would have failed, and proved everyone right."
Izuku slumped, "But it's so hard, thinking about what I could be. I could be the next Symbol of Peace, the next All Might. The hero who saves everyone with a smile, no matter how bad things become. It would have been incredible. And I just passed it all up."
Izuku seemed to slump even more as he said those words, and he became silent once again. Fou hopped up onto his hand and ran up to his shoulders, and licked Izuku a few times. Izuku smiled and looked over to the White Wolf. Fou tilted his head, and let out a few "Kyu, Fou" while wagging his tail slightly.
Izuku's eyes widened, "You want me to reach number one anyway?" he whispered, seemingly unable to comprehend his words. Fou narrowed his eyes slightly and hopped back onto his desk. He let his fur glow slightly, showing off the Beast that was in front of this human. Fou continued "Fou, fou, fou, kyu!"
Izuku gulped slightly but smiled. "You're right, I've said it before. If I am to achieve my dream, then I have to work ten times harder than anyone else. If that means continuing my training, even while I'm UA, then I will do just that. I won't stop, no matter what!"
Fou through his paw's up into the air at the determination in Izuku's voice. It was so beautiful, and with Izuku's eyes alight with that fire once again, Primate Murder wanted to howl its excitement to the moon and back. Izuku's life may have just turned slightly more...hellish, but the Beast of Gaia would make sure this human would become exceptional. Izuku himself just vowed that he would reach the top, and Primate Murder will make sure Izuku settles for nothing less.
First Day of UA
Izuku gulped as he tied up his shoes. He reached up to his forehead and wiped away some nervous sweat. It was the first day of school, and he was scared. Not only was All MIght going to be his teacher, but Kacchan and that scary guy with the glasses were there as well. Deku shivered slightly as he pictured them both standing over him, glaring. He gulped again.
"Fou?" Izuku couldn't help but smile as he felt Fou climb onto his shoulder, giving him a lick on his cheek. He watched as his friend flicked his tail, and licked him again. He smiled at the encouragement.
"Thanks, Fou, I needed that." He stood up and started walking towards the door, bag on his shoulder. Before he could open the door, his mother called out "Izuku."
Izuku paused, "Yeah Mom?"
Inko Midoriya walked up to him and gave him a tight hug. "I'm proud of you, son."
Izuku hugged her back, a small smile on his face. "Thanks, Mom."
They stood there for a few minutes, before parting. Izuku smiled as he yelled out "I'm off." And walked out the door. What he did not notice was that his bag was slightly open, and Fou was nowhere to be seen in the Midoriya home. It should also be noted that UA has a no pet policy. Unless, of course, it's related to your Quirk.
Izuku gulped slightly as he walked to UA, trying to safely ignore his fears when he paused. He frowned as he lifted up his bag to his face, feeling slight deja vu. He opened it and saw a cute head pop out of it. "Fou!"
Izuku slowly palmed his face as Fou climbed out of his bag and settled on his shoulder, snuggling up close to him and laying down. Izuku reached out and picked up his friend and stared him right in the eye. Fou just wiggled slightly, and cutely tilted his head. Izuku just stared, before putting him back on his shoulder, and kept on walking. As he walked he said, "I thought you said that you hated spending time in my school bag."
Fou just shook his head and laid down on his shoulder, responding with a quick "Kyu!"
Izuku couldn't help but smile at his friend's antics. He reached and scratched him on the head, much to Fou's enjoyment. "Sorry Fou, I did warn you. Maybe I can get a pass from the principal to let you wander around."
Fou didn't even respond, choosing to just relax. Izuku sighed and kept on walking, humming a tune. He was still nervous, but having his friend here honestly helped him relax. So with an extra swing in his step, he kept on walking, his fears sufficiently alleviated. He just focused on his tune and his friend on his shoulder. However, that all changed when he checked his watch. "I'm going to be late!"
Apparently, emotional goodbyes took up a lot of time. Go figure.
Izuku panted as he finally found class 1-A. It wasn't too hard to miss, what with the door being a massive 1-A, but he ran the entire way here and managed to make it with a few minutes to spare. He took a deep breath and took a glance at his bag, where he could feel Fou squirming unhappily, thankfully keeping silent. Hopefully, the cookies he brought as a snack would be able to calm his friend.
He walked up to the door and paused, feeling his heart rate jump. This was it, this is what all of that training was for. Deku slowly reached out to the door, and with a quick twist, opened it. And was immediately greeted with the scary glasses guy arguing loudly about how Kacchan was disrespecting the school by putting his feet on the desk, all the while waving his hands in a weird robotic motion. Izuku felt his heart drop straight to his stomach as he seized up by the door. This was not looking like a great start, and he just got there.
Suddenly, the scary glasses guy looked up and locked eyes with him. "You!" he said, causing Izuku to jump and respond with pointing his finger at himself and saying "Me!"
The boy started walking up to him, his arms swinging in that weird robotic motion, "You were the one that brought his pet to the exam!"
Izuku resisted taking a step, feeling a nervous sweat break out on the back of his neck. He tried to think of a response when suddenly, the boy bowed his body in a perfect 90 degrees. He still had that severe expression on his face, but he said, "I am sorry. I thought you were disrespecting the institution by bringing your pet to the test. However, I must apologize for such a misjudgment. You were the only one to defeat the 0 point villain, and I shamefully ran away." His bow deepened, somehow. This time Izuku did take a step back, holding his hands out and trying to tell the boy that it was perfectly fine. The boy continued, "You even managed to figure out the secret of the rescue point aspect of the test. Truly you are someone to look up to."
The boy straightened, and robotically extended his hand. "My name is Iida Tenya, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"
Izuku shakily shook Iida's hand, unsure of what to make of this. He decided to go with the safest option, "My name is Izuku Midoriya, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Iida smiled, but before he could say anything else, he seemed to notice something on Izuku's shoulder. "What the-"
"Fou Kyu!"
Primate Murder does not forget nor does it forgive. A certain wizard can confirm this.
Iida clutched his cheek as red paw print formed, while Izuku quickly caught Fou and stuffed him back into his bag, hoping that no one noticed. He gulped slightly as he felt the eyes of his class fall on him, everyone clearly confused as to what that sound was. He smiled nervously and sighed as everyone resumed their conversations. He whispered to his backpack, "Why would you do that?!"
"Kyu! Fou! Rev-Fou-Venge! Fou!"
Izuku gulped slightly, and quickly bowed his head, and whispered to Iida, "Sorry, Fou likes to sneak into my bag when I go to school. He kind of does his own thing."
Iida just held his cheek, clearly as unsure of what to do in this situation as Deku was. He looked like he was debating between criticizing Izuku again and nodding his head in understanding. Thankfully, they were both saved by a bubbly voice behind them, "Hey I recognize that hair, your the guy that destroyed the 0 point villain!"
Izuku jumped and turned around and immediately blushed bright red. Standing in front of him was that nice girl who talked to him. He felt his heart jump even higher as the nice girl continued talking. "Thanks for helping me by the way, man that was embarrassing. That 0 point villain completely took me off guard. But then you came in and saved me and destroyed that robot with your Quirk, and it was awesome! You didn't even need to punch it or anything like that. You just stood in front of it and Bam! It was destroyed!"
Izuku shyly looked away, unsure of what to say, and decided that this time, he would actually talk to a girl! "It was no problem, besides I wasn't the one who destroyed the robot. And thank you for speaking with the exam instructor to give me some of your points."
The girl looked back at him, a puzzled expression on her face. An expression that was mirrored on Iida Tenya's face who was watching the entire interaction silently. The girl responded "Really, how did you know about that? And what do you mean you didn't destroy the villain?"
Izuku gulped, realizing he should have probably kept that a secret, and said, "Uh well you see, I'm uh…"
He looked away, trying to think of a good response when he noticed Kacchan staring at him out from the corner of his eye. He flinched slightly, his mind helpfully reminding him why there was even more tension between them than ever before. It happened when the news broke out that he was also going to UA.
"How dare you!"
Izuku grunted as he was thrown back against the wall, Bakugo's hand around the neck of his uniform. Midoriya had to resist flinching back as he heard the small pops from his bully's hands. Bakugo continued, "This was my time to stand, you fucker! How dare you ruin my glory, you shitty Deku! How did you get in, Huh! Who did you bribe to let you in!"
Izuku felt himself tear up slightly as Bakugo shook him when he felt something crawling on the top of his head. Quickly, he grabbed Bakugo's wrist, and much to his bullies shock and rage, pried off the offending hand from his uniform. He quickly looked up and said, "Fou, No!"
He felt the thing crawling on his head pause, and settle down. He trembled slightly, before staring his old best friend in the eye, who was trying his best to force his hand back onto Midoriya's jacket without any luck. Izuku stared Katsuki in the eye, tears forming and said "Kacchan, I didn't cheat to get into UA. I managed to pass the test because someone believes in me and told me I can become a hero without a Quirk. So I'm going to UA, with or without your permission!"
Flashback End
He shook his head slightly, worried about how Bakugo is going to get back at him for that when he suddenly heard a bored voice behind the nice girl. "If you are here to make friends, then you can leave right now."
The nice girl jumped slightly and slowly turned around, staring at a man in a sleeping bag. She, Iida and Izuku stared in shock and slight terror, the three of them thinking the exact same thing 'Who's that?!'
The man shook his head and pulled out an energy drink from somewhere inside his sleeping bag. After chugging the entire thing in a gulp, he sighed before starting to take off his sleeping bag, saying "It took 8 seconds before you noticed me, another 10 before you quieted yourselves down. Shameful, and illogical. If you were rational students you would have been ready in your seats the moment you got here. Time is important, and I expect you all to take this seriously."
With those words the man finally finished unzipping his bag and stood up, allowing Izuku and the class to look at him properly. What was the first thing to notice was his face, which had a few day old stubbles, greasy long black hair, and tired worn out eyebags. The rest of his body was no better, with him wearing tall black clothes that were equally as unkempt, and a tattered scarf around his neck completed the ensemble. Overall, this guy looked like he skipped a month's worth of sleep and couldn't care less about what other people think about him.
The man looked at them through tired eyes before turning to the rest of the class and said, "Hello, my name is Shota Aizawa. I am your teacher."
The rest of the class currently shared the same thought, 'OUR TEACHER!'
The man continued, uncaring about what they thought, and pulled out a bunch of tracksuits from his sleeping bag. "Let's get to it. Put these on and head outside. It's time for your physical assessment test."
The girl, who Izuku learned was named OchakoUraraka, was the first one to speak when they finally made it outside. "But we're going to miss orientation!"
Mr. Aizawa barely spared her a glance before saying, "Here at UA, we do not follow the traditional method of teaching. Each homeroom teacher is allowed to do as he sees fit, and can run the class however he wants, no matter how strict."
He looked at each one of the students, before continuing "You have all taken physical assessment tests before, but you were forbidden from using your Quirks. That is irrational, as the government likes to pretend that the world we live in is a world where everyone is born equally. So today you are all going to do a series of exercises."
He narrowed his eyes, before focusing on Katsuki. "Bakugo, you scored the highest on the entrance exam, what was your farthest throw in softball?"
Bakugo closed his eyes before responding. "77 meters I think."
My Aizawa nodded his head, before saying "Now step into the circle and use your Quirk to throw the ball."
Bakugo blinked slightly, before stepping into the circle. Picking up the ball, he grinned savagely and with a massive explosion, threw it with all his might. As the ball flew through the air, Mr. Aizawa continued, "It is irrational for you all to be limited in applying yourselves. You must observe how strong you are in order to judge your potential as a hero properly."
He noted that the ball finally landed, and said, "Observe."
He showed off his phone, which held 705.2 meters, an absurdly high number that could be reached only with the power of a Quirk. The students from the class let out an excited gasp, excited grins on their faces.
"You mean that we'll be able to use our Quirks however we want!?"
"This is going to be awesome!"
"I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun!"
Aizawa frowned, before saying, "You think this is going to be fun?"
The tone of his voice quieted the students down, each one of them feeling the slight anger in their teacher's voice. Mr. Aizawa continued "You are here to be heroes, and we have only three years to make you one. Do you think this is going to be all fun and games?"
Izuku took a step back. There was malice in that voice Izuku only heard a few times before, and it scared him.
Mr. Aizawa gained a nasty smile, "There will be 8 tests, each one designed to gauge your potential. The one who scored last will have none, and will be promptly expelled."
The class froze up, "Expelled!?" They yelled out in shock. After all the work they put in to get in UA in the first place, they would just be kicked out like that?!
Mr. Aizawa pulled back some of his hair, that grin still remaining. "Like I said I run this class. If that's a problem, you can leave right now. Understand?"
The class stared back at their teacher, feeling their blood start to pump up. This was their first true test as heroes, and they wanted to prove this man wrong. They have what it takes to be here, and they wouldn't let their teacher ruin their dreams. So bring it on, Mr. Aizawa. They grinned in defiance and tensed their bodies. They couldn't wait to begin this exam.
All except for one, who was currently panicking. Guess who was the one that benefited the most from the government restraining Quirks from being used. The Quirkless. Now that Quirks were to be allowed to be used, the only one that needed to panic was the one person who didn't have a Quirk, and boy was he panicking.
Izuku watched silently as his classmates get in line to throw the ball. With each one that went up, his nerves got more and more stressed. He watched as each Quirk did something incredible, from Ochako causing her ball to fly literally into the sky, to a tall black-haired girl making a literal cannon to shoot the ball out of seemingly nothing. He started sweating.
He was confident he could do moderately well, but he was scared out of his mind as each one of his classmates blew his expectations out of the water. He realized that he was psyching himself out, but he had no idea how to stop himself. He needed to focus on something else, and quickly. But what can he- "Fou"
Izuku paused and, with a feeling of foreboding, looked down. He could have sworn that he left Fou with the rest of his stuff in the classroom, but here he was. He honestly should have expected this.
Standing right in front of him was his friend, shooting puppy eyes. Izuku felt his eye twitch as he quickly scooped up Fou in his hands and, after making sure everyone else was focused on the current student throwing the ball, he whispered: "What are you doing here?"
Fou snuggled into his hands, and let out a cute, "Kyu." uncaring of the trouble he can put Izuku in. Izuku sighed, before petting Fou behind the ears. Fou opened up one eye and silently asked Izuku to explain what was going on. So quickly, in as few words as possible, he explained the test and the penalty.
Fou hummed slightly, before hopping onto his shoulder. He tapped his paw gently on Izuku's cheek, and after Izuku focused completely on him, twitched his tail a few times and let out a loud "Fou Kyu!" while baring his teeth.
Izuku paled considerably, his previous worries of failing were completely blown out of the water. Forget failing, if he doesn't get into the top three, then Fou will rip him to bloody pieces. He gulped and watched as the little demon hopped off of his shoulder and wandered away, no doubt to watch him suffer. He gulped again when he noticed that there were only a few people left until it was his turn. He was so going to die!
Aizawa Pov
Shouto Aizawa frowned as he saw the problem student. The boy who listed himself as a Quirkless on the entrance exam, but used some sort of Wolf Quirk to destroy the 0 point villain. Add to the fact that it seemingly exhausted him with just a single-use, and Aizawa felt deeply annoyed. It was irrational that such a person was accepted into UA, and it was Aizawa's job to make sure that he either adapted or acknowledged his lack of potential and left. This school wasn't a daycare, it was to train the future protectors of society itself. Any chaff must be found and discarded.
As he tossed the ball to Izuku, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the white squirrel that Midoriya was talking to before was watching from atop a tree. He frowned slightly but didn't call out to it. It wasn't illogical to talk to an animal for comfort or as a trigger for a Quirk, even one of his new students used his Quirk to control a bunch of small animals to push the ball an even further distance. But when Midoriya finished talking to the squirrel and it wandered off, he became extremely pale, and the squirrel stuck around. Is it a pet, or part of a Quirk? Aizawa shook off that train of thought and focused on the matter at hand as Midoriya gripped the ball tightly.
He watched as Midoriya muttered to himself, and prepared himself to activate his Quirk. It would dry out his eyes, but he needed to make sure the boy learned. If he used that Wolf in the first part of the physical, he would run out of energy to complete the rest of the tasks, however, if he didn't use his Quirk, and still kept up with the ridiculous notion of being Quirkless, then he would fail the exam and be expelled. With those thoughts, he watched as Izuku reeled back and activated his Quirk.
It didn't work.
Or more accurately, there was no proof that it did work either.
Aizawa felt his eyes widen slightly as he watched the ball soar through the air, beating several students as it soared. It stopped at 650 meters, beating more than half the class. That was impossible for a Quirkless, and there was no sign of that Wolf anywhere. Aizawa's Quirk definitely didn't fail him, so why was the problem student still able to beat so many? It didn't make any rational sense.
Aizawa narrowed his eyes slightly, before nodding to Izuku that he can go. The boy nodded back but seemed even paler than before. Aizawa frowned as Izuku walked away. He would have to observe him by each challenge and see if anything changes. He had a feeling he was missing something obvious.
Unfortunately, during each challenge, Izuku Midoriya had similar results. Aizawa's Quirk did nothing to him, and Izuku kept on achieving the middle of the pack to excellence in terms of results. No matter what challenge it was, he always seemed to do extremely well, as if he had a physical enhancement Quirk. But Aizawa knew for a fact that he didn't. It was a Projection type Quirk, so how was it able to allow the boy the ability to keep up with the other classmates in a contest of strength. It made no rational sense.
He shook his head and decided to consult with the principal later today. This needed to be figured out.
Putting that aside, he looked at his scores. The problem child was currently in the 6th place, beating most of the class. Katsuki Bakugou, Yaoyorozu Momo, and Todoroki Shoto were currently in the top 3 thanks to their physical Quirks. He blinked slightly as he looked throughout the list evaluating each student. He looked at the bottom of the list, was one Mineta Minoru's name lay. Aizawa frowned as he locked eyes on the student. Mineta himself seemed to know how poorly he had done but was instead focusing on the girls around him instead.
Aizawa narrowed his eyes in annoyance but thought about it rationally. He studied each student extensively, and Mineta himself was shown to be keenly intelligent, able to adapt to any situation presented and scoring high in exams. Add to that his Quirk would not be able to give him any sort of advantage in the entrance exam but he still passed with flying colors. There was potential there. He would have to consider this logically.
Izuku Pov
He is so dead! So so so so dead!
He was able to beat several of his classmates in the tests, but he ran into a problem. He noticed this when he was doing the relay race and was able to come in 4th place. He was strong, way stronger than he expected, but against a Quirk that specializes in a certain area, he didn't stand a chance. He watched as Iida Tenya ran farther than anyone else, using some sort Quirk based on the legs, and it boggled his mind.
He needed more strength, to compensate. He glanced at Fou, who was staring at him. He would have to train each day, early in the morning, even on school days. He needed to be able to beat those specialized Quirks if he wanted a chance to be at the top and do his friend proud. It was going to suck, but he saw how far the gap between his classmates and himself was. They had specialized training that he simply can't compete with, so he needed to make do.
He looked towards Fou and smiled. This was only the beginning.
Fou Pov
"By the way, I lied. No one's going to be expelled."
Aizawa grinned happily, "That was just a rational deception to make you all try your best. Class is dismissed, make sure to pick up your syllabus from the classroom."
With those words Aizawa walked away, heading back towards the school. The entire class could only stare at their weird professor, before bursting out into relieved laughter. Fou shook his head, slightly confused by the bizarre human. It could have sworn that the human was serious about his threat, at least with how the man felt emotionally and how Izuku talked about it. Primate Murder watched the man for a few more minutes before hopping off its perch and walking up to Izuku.
"Fou Kyu!"
Izuku smiled and held out his hand which Fou happily took as he leaped onto Izuku's arm and climbed up to his shoulder. Fou purred happily as Izuku scratched right behind the ear, and his ears perked up as he heard Izuku whisper, "I'll give you some cookies when we get back home."
Fou wanted to jump for joy, although unfortunately for Izuku, "Kyu Fou!" He said while wapping Izuku's cheek.
Izuku could only sigh tiredly, "Figured. Please go easy on me."
Fou made no promises, and just snuggled closer, enjoying Izuku's touch. He opened his eyes as he noticed two of Izuku's classmates walk over to him, including that human with the glasses and the severe expression. Did he deserve another kick in the face? Yes. Did Fou want to give up Izuku's godly hands in order to do it? No. So Fou just laid there as the two humans, the other one being that girl from the entrance exam, started chatting with Izuku.
The girl spoke, "Aww, it's so good to see you again, little guy."
She looked back at Izuku with pleading eyes, "Can I pet him, please?"
Izuku looked back at Fou, a look in his eyes that instantly make Fou feel bad. Fou let out a pathetic "Kyu" and consented. The girl let out a happy squeal and started petting the White Wolf of Gaia on the back. It was okay, but it had nothing on Izuku's hands. Primate Murder sent a glare towards Izuku, letting him know that he'll pay for this later. Izuku could only smile sheepishly.
As the girl continued to pet his back, Fou noticed the severe glasses human glaring at him. Fou made sure to return this, letting the boy know he wasn't safe just yet.
The girl hummed happily, before turning to face Izuku as she continued petting Fou. "That was a real shock, right! I can't believe Mr. Aizawa would lead us all on like that."
The glasses human nodded in agreement, adding, "Lying is immoral however, I trust the university to properly guide us."
Izuku smiled, "Yeah, this is the most critically acclaimed hero school for a reason!"
They walked together, just chatting. Fou watched them all curiously as Izuku slowly but surely opened up to them. It was honestly a bit heartwarming to watch. Izuku had a rough time making friends with other humans and watching him comfortably deny his insulting nickname, only to turn around and accept it was pretty sweet in Fou's eyes.
Fou laid down happily and decided to take a nap on Izuku's head. He'll rip Izuku a new one later, right now he can just sleep and think about the future. He had a feeling that these 2 humans will be an integral part of Izuku's life.
A/N: And a canon omake for good measure
Detective Tsukauchi was someone who has both seen it all and done it all in this extraordinary world. He is both a prominent member of the police force and a close friend to the Symbol of Peace. It would not be an understatement to say that he has watched the world change around him, and has brought just as much change himself. People extolled All Might as the leader of the great change the nation has seen, but what they never talked about was the silent group of people who supported every single action that All Might took. Tsukauchi was one of those people.
So when he received a call that something had gone wrong in a forest an hour away, he assembled a group of heroes who specialized in search and rescue and headed down there himself. He was worried when he received the briefing that someone's Quirk had just gone out of control, and the forest was a new staging ground for some poor kid that was being consumed alive by his power. But when he got there, he crossed that one off the list immediately.
The forest seemed perfectly fine at a glance, however, if anyone took a second look they would realize that something was very wrong. The first thing to notice was nature itself. The forest was too healthy, with the trees seeming to have grown thicker and stronger, the plant life itself growing way more numerous, and the animal life surging. It looked like something out of a nature documentary of the Amazon rainforest. The same forest that housed many dangers and diseases.
All of that was an afterthought though, as there was something far worse. The forest itself seemed to be rejecting them. The heroes that went inside reported that it was wild and untamed in the trees, with swarms of insects seemingly suiciding themselves in front of the heroes, animals watching their every step and seemingly leading them away from the current path, plants hiding the uneven terrain, and the trees themselves making it easy to get lost. It all led to the heroes feeling the exact same feeling: They were not welcomed.
It was only when they started leaving that the path became easier to follow. The forest seemed to only want to be left alone and did not wish for any visitors.
It honestly reminded the detective of a particularly nasty case involving a Quirk that could create basic sentience in inanimate things. That case led to many near misses as the villain's house became a deathtrap as literally everything inside of the house tried to kill him. Thankfully Eraserhead was on the scene to help, but Tsukauchi had a feeling that he wouldn't be of much use here.
Tsukauchi turned towards the heroes, the Wild Wild Pussycats. They all looked terrible, covered in scrapes and cuts. Ragdoll, the one with the Quirk: Search who would be the most useful in this situation, looked the worse, with several cuts and a sprained ankle. For the forest to do this to such an experienced team that specialized in these types of missions, spoke volumes for how dangerous it was in there.
Tsukauchi shook his head and walked over to them. The leader of the operation, Mandalay of the Pussycats frowned and met him halfway. Before he could say anything, she answered the unasked question, "We tried as hard as we could, but couldn't find anything. There is something wrong here, and the forest is making sure we can't find it."
Tsukachi frown deepened. He could only hope that whatever this forest was hiding, it had nothing to do with All For One.
Location Unknown
Pov Unknown
"Kurogiri, tell me, what is the cause of this?"
A man seemingly made of swirling shadows shook his head. "I am afraid I do not know sir. A Quirk like this hasn't been since…"
"Since my prime, huh." The voice that responded sounded more amused than angry.
A pause, then "Kurogiri, ramp up production of the Nomus."
"Something is here. I do not know what it is, but I have a feeling that whatever it is, it will shake up the current world order. We must make sure that young Tomura is properly prepared to handle such a threat."
"Yes, sir."
The man in shadows left, leaving the single person there. He looked into the darkness and smiled slightly. He didn't say a word, just thought and planned for the future. It pays to be prepared after all.
A/N: Holy god that took a while. Honestly, it felt good to write again. Still feel rough around the edges and I think I went a bit overboard, but I'll see what the feedback says. Good luck and stay safe yall.