"Alright babe, I'm leaving" Eddie said she put her glove into her softball bag.

Eddie had joined the team six months ago and was still having a blast. She always came home from practice sweaty and with a huge smile on her face. They always practiced two days out of the week and their games usually fell on Saturdays or Sundays.

"Ok, be careful. I'll see you later" Jamie replied as he walked over to her.

"Do you want to come and watch? Or were you going to do something else?" she asked.

"Danny actually just invited me to go have a drink with him at Finnegans, so I was going to head over there while you were at practice" he said as he wrapped his arms around her for a hug.

"Oh alright, well you go have a good time with Danny. I'll text you when I'm on my way back. I love you" Eddie replied as she leaned up to give him a kiss.

"Hey kid! Over here" Danny said as he waved Jamie over.

"Hey Danny" Jamie replied as he walked over to sit on the stool.

"Where's Eddie? I thought that she would have came with you."

"No she's at softball practice right now. She won't be home until later" he replied.

"Oh, well that's good. So... how's married life treating ya?" Danny asked with a smirk.

"It's going really good" Jamie replied with a soft smile. "We couldn't be happier."

"I'm glad. I really am. There was a time when I thought you would never get your shit together and finally ask her out."

"Yeah, I took the hint after she got shot. I knew that I couldn't wait anymore."

"Okay guys that was a great practice!" Rachel Witten said as the team gathered around. "Now, I have a few reminders. Our next game will be next Saturday at 3:00 p.m. so I want you guys to get here by 2:00 so we can warm up and go over some things. After that, I was planning to bring a few beers and snacks if anyone wants to help and bring some stuff too. So, if no one has any questions, then you guys are free to go."

As the team dispersed, Witten came up to Eddie.

"Hey Eddie, great practice today! Do you want to go have a beer?"

"Oh no, thank you though. I'm so tired! I'm ready to get home. Maybe after next practice?" Eddie replied.

"Absolutely! Do you want a ride home? I don't mind."

"No, thank you. I really need to walk so I can stretch out my legs. I need to beat the soreness before we work tomorrow night. It's just 2 blocks from here so I'll be fine" she said with a smile.

"Okay, well be safe walking home. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Do you two plan on making me an uncle again anytime soon? I'm not getting any younger" Danny smirked as he chided Jamie.

"Jesus Danny, we just got married. I mean we've talked about it... but we decided to wait awhile before bringing any babies into this world. We really want to take time and settle into being married, save up and buy a house first before we start trying."

"Yeah that's understandable. Linda and I had Jack almost a year after we got married and don't get me wrong, we were excited but it was very hard. With both of our salaries, we were still trying hard to make ends meet. Linda and I had took extra shifts whenever they were offered. I wish she could have stayed home with her feet up the whole pregnancy but we made it work. That's what made her and I work so well. We took the brunt of everything together. If I took an extra shift, then she would too" Danny replied with a tinge of sadness.

" You and Eddie just do whatever you have to do. If you decide to wait five years to have kids then so be it. Make all of your decisions as a team. This is about you and her now, not any of us. And if you need any advice or an extra bedroom to sleep in when she gets mad at you, then you can count on me" he said with a chuckle.

"Ha, thanks Danny" Jamie replied with a smile.

"Your phone looks like it's going crazy over there. I'll be right back, I'm going to the restroom" Danny said as he walked away.

"Hello" Jamie said as he answered the phone.

"Yes sir, is this Jameson Reagan?" said an unfamiliar female voice.

"Yes it is" he replied.

"Sir... your wife is currently on her way to the hospital. She was found beaten laying in an alleyway a block away from your apartment. You need to head to over St. Mary's hospital right now."