Chapter 36: Epilogue

Churches always made Thor feel strange. He had met Jesus Christ a few times and the man was nothing like how he was depicted in this Bible that the humans used. But then he supposed he himself was nothing like what the Norse and the Vikings had thought of him. Men were strange creatures, but he supposed he had best get used to that. Sif nudged him and so he looked up at the pulpit where Tony was about to speak. His friend had been chosen to give the speech for those who had fallen fighting Thanos and Danvers.

"It's hard to stand here before you all knowing that we have lost so many. There is much that could be said about each of them all, but I would not want to take away from their loved ones. So, I shall speak about the two people who are buried here that I knew. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff." Tony cleared his throat and Thor saw him look at his wife Pepper for comfort. Pepper had been cleared of the brainwashing that Danvers had subjected her to the moment Danvers had died. Lorelei had been killed by Loki, and Amora had disappeared shortly afterwards.

"Steve Rogers was a kind and honourable man. he was stubborn but he always tried to do the right thing. He was a moral compass in an age where morality seems to have died. And I think for that we can always remember him."

There were nods and murmurs of approval at that, Thor listened as Tony continued. "Natasha Romanoff, was hard working, dangerous and deadly. She was charming and lovely. And it was a privilege to call her a friend." Tony stopped then and took his paper down and sat down.

The priest said some words then and then the ceremony was over. Thor found himself standing with Sif, and talking to various people, he then found himself talking with the Chair of the UN. "Your Majesty, there was something I wanted to ask you." The man said.

"Ask away." Thor replied.

"I have met with the leaders of the members of the UN and even some other non UN nations, and they have all agreed on one thing. They believe that you would make a far better world leader than any organisation. You have successfully defended this Earth over thousands of years. You know how to bring people together, and in short they and I think you would make the perfect Emperor." The man said.

Thor looked at the man in surprise. He had not expected this. He was also very much aware of the fact that anything that was given could be taken away. "I will need to think about this." He said in response.

"Of course, Sire." The man replied bowing slightly before departing.

Thor looked at Sif and asked. "What do you think?"

"I think you should accept." Sif said.

"Why?" Thor found himself asking.

"Because he's right. You've defended this realm for thousands of years, you led the Asgardian people to a new home and ensured they and the humans worked together. You have always put the people first. That is what a ruler is supposed to do." Sif said.

"And the fact he and his fellow leaders offered it to me?" Thor asked.

"Thor, you're an Asgardian, their concepts of democracy aren't ours. Their leaders are speaking for them. If you really think that you need their blessing, go out and ask them. But I think you should accept." Sif replied.

Thor thought on that. "I suppose that being Emperor would give me the chance to actually ensure that humanity doesn't fuck up too badly again. And there are a lot of things we can do to make it better."

"Exactly. Besides, the people love you." Sif said.

Thor nodded. "I shall consider it." Sif kissed his cheek then and they moved onto talk with some of the other guests.

As Thor and Sif spoke with their friends, the UN Chief Secretary walked out of the abbey, having heard what Thor had said, he looked left, and right, and then clicked his fingers and changed. Loki Odinson smiled and laughed into the air. "Oh, this is going to be fun." He said aloud before disappearing once more.