A/N: I'm sad but excited to announce that this is the last chapter to this 3rd part. Thank you to all who have joined me on this wild ride. I hope you highly enjoy what I've changed in this last action packed chapter. Happy reading! :) part 4 is next!

Regina pulled Gold's car over by Arthur's construction site. The night sky being the only thing surrounding them as the site was quiet. Both women still stepped out of the car with caution.

"Looks like we came to the right place." Regina whispered as she looked over at Emma who was obviously still in pain from her dislocated shoulder.

"Yeah." Emma nodded, looking over at a group of guys that unloading the weapons off of the same truck she had been chasing, "Move on out to Arthur Town. Great place to raise a family." she drew out her weapon as did Regina as they both began walking towards the group of men, as they took cover where they couldn't yet be seen, "Built on guns and bloodshed. That's one hell of a retirement plan this asshole's got, isn't it?"

"Let's foreclose on this son of a bitch." Regina pulled the hammer back on the same weapon Nicholas was carrying that day.

Even Emma's eyes grew wide at the sight of her carrying that weapon, "Is that…?"

"It's Nick's gun. I saved it for the right occasion." replied Regina.

"This is the right occasion." Emma smirked.

"How many men do you think he has?" asked Regina, looking straight ahead at the construction site.

"Who knows? Maybe I should run over there and ask him, what do you say?" whispered Emma.

"That'd be too easy." replied the brunette.

"I wish a had some grenades or a nice rocket launcher." Emma turned towards Gold's car, "Hey, I wonder what Gold has in his trunk."

Regina followed the blonde back to the car as she opened up the trunk.

"Well, it's obvious, Gold was never a Boy Scout." said Emma, disappointed to not find anything in Gold's trunk that could be of good use. "Not even a good spare."

A gun was heard being cocked as both women froze and raised their hands up as they slowly stood.

Killian stood behind them, smirking, "Put your hands down. It's embarrassing."

Both women sighed as they turned to look at Killian.

"Fresh wounds, Swan?" he asked the blonde, noticing the three cuts on her face.

"Oh, yeah. How did you get here?" asked the blonde.

"I drove."

"No, we mean, how-"

Killian cut in before Regina could finish her sentence, "I ran into Leroy at the police station. He talked to me first. Any ideas?"

"Lucky you, we have a plan." Emma replied.

"What is it?" asked Killian.

"We want it to be a surprise." the blonde teased as she and Regina walked away.

"Lucky you, I like surprises." Killian chuckled as he followed right behind them.

Everyone froze at the sight of Gold's car driving it's way up to the construction site, sirens sounding and all. Arthur looked out the window as he loaded up his gun, ready to fire if need be as the rest of his goons were already doing that for him, redecorating the vehicle with bullet holes, not leaving an empty spot on it.

Regina glared at the blonde for her idea, "Gold is not going to be happy."

Emma shrugged, "It could have been worse. It could have been yours."

"Or yours." whispered Regina as all three of them hid behind a pile of wood as goons soon surrounded the car.

"On three." whispered Emma.

"Three?" asked Killian.

"Yeah." Regina nodded as Emma began counting.

"One… two…"

"Three." Killian whispered ahead of time as he stood up, taking aim, "Police! Freeze!"

Shots were soon fired over at Killian, as Emma and Regina remained in cover.

"Oh, shit!" Killian threw himself behind more wood for cover, firing shots of his own as Emma and Regina soon joined in, killing all three goons that had been surrounding the car.

Regina made a run for it, as Emma jumped across the piles of wood as she grabbed a hold of Killian's suit, pulling him up his feet as they took cover.

"What's wrong with you? I said go on three, not two. Nobody goes on two." Emma shouted at the man.

"We always go on three!" shouted Regina.

"Enough! Are we seriously losing our heads in a crisis right now?" asked Killian.

Emma grabbed a hose that was on the floor near her hand as she soon came up with an idea, "Cover me." she shouted, making a run for it as Killian and Regina fired shots of their own. She crawled under a truck as she placed one end of the hoes into the fuel tank. She sucked on the other end of the hoes, coughing as she soon spit out the gas that had gone into her mouth. "Exon." she said to herself.

"Regina!" the blonde shouted as Killian tapped the brunette on the shoulder to get her attention.

"What?" shouted Regina.

"Count to 20!"


"Count to 20, then light me." Emma quickly stood to her feet as she climbed into the truck, driving away as shots were now being fired at her direction.

"Shit, Swan! That truck is loaded with ammo!" the brunette shouted as Emma drove through the construction, breaking a few boards along the way and making her way back around. "13, 14, 15- to hell with it." she fired shots directly where the gas spill started as the fire was quick to start scattering as the entire construction soon went up in flames.

"Arthur, it's the cops. They're burning everything." Arthur's eyes were almost in tears as he grew in anger as his right hand man came in to inform him what he had just seen.

Emma kept up her driving until she got every bit of the construction.

"Emma, you're crazy! Jump out now!" Regina shouted as she witnessed her partner doing just that as her body fell from the moving truck. "Get out of there! That ammo is going to explode."

Both women soon made a run for it, as it didn't take long for the line of fire to catch up to where the truck was as it exploded in a matter of seconds.

Regina looked over at Emma as she had a smile on her face at the masterpiece she had just created with Arthur's dream, "Swan, you are one wreckless, crazy cop."

Emma didn't say anything, she just pulled the brunette towards her by her waist as she pressed her lips against her own in a hard given kiss.

All three of them soon made their way through the bruning construction site, Regina spotting a goon as she fired three shots directly at him. Killian walked around the flames as another goon was coming at him from behind as he surprisingly delivered a spinning back kick right to the man's face. His lips parting open in surprise.

"It worked. I don't believe it." he fired shots at the goon as he was starting to stand up. A smile appearing on his lips, "It worked. Swan, it worked!"

Emma took cover as shots were fired at her as she soon fired a few rounds of her own, her weapon clicking as it ran out of ammo. She reached behind her pocket, feeling it empty, "Shit, no clip." her eyes grew wide as then saw Regina entering the same area, "Regina, no, don't!"

As the goon took aim, Emma was quick to dump a can of some type of chemical, causing flames to erupt as the man caught on fire, screaming in pain.

As both women exchanged smiles, Regina soon grunted in pain as several shots were fired at her direction from Arthur himself. Her body falling to the floor as Emma quickly ran towards her. She ripped the brunette's shirt open, exposing her vest as she noticed the bullets had gone through, but she only noticed blood on her arm. Her eyes were in tears as she felt for the brunette's pulse point on her neck. Emma was soon gasping for air as Arthur surprised her from a set of stairs that were behind her as he held a rope tightly around her neck, lifting her body up from the ground as Emma struggled to grab on to any surface that might help her.

Soon, the blonde was able to grab onto the stairs themselves as she knocked Arthur off the stairs, both rolling to the ground.

Emma was quick to stand up, her eyes dark with anger, "You're dead, asshole!" she slapped Arthur's weapon away from his hand as he drew it out to take a shot. As Arthur pushed the blonde away, he made a run for it up the stairs. Emma paused as she noticed Regina was still lying on the floor. Her heart sank. If she was pissed before, she was very pissed now as she ran up after him.

Killian spotted a box of ammo on the ground as he placed his weapon down, kneeling on the floor as he tore open the box with a hatchet he had found nearby. His head looked up as he saw a goon spot him, ready to take aim. "Hold that for me." he shouted as he was quick to toss the hatchet right at the man as he landed in his chest.

"Arthur!" Emma shouted as Arhthur spotted an angry blonde coming right at him.

"Shit." Arthur quickly removed the plank that was placed from one end to the other, hoping she couldn't come any further.

He was wrong. As Emma yelled out as she picked up speed and some how was able to leap her way across as she pushed the man back. Arthur grunted in pain as he fell flat on his back. His eyes growing wide as the blonde yelled in anger, running towards him as she pushed him back onto a wall of thick wood. Both their bodies were being slammed into the wood as Arthur now fought back.

Emma had a feeling Arthur wanted to throw her off the top, as she grabbed on to the man, determined not to let go, her eyes staring into his in pure anger, the angriest she's ever been before, "You're coming with me."

As Arthur threw the blonde off, he was still surprised to feel as his body flew off along with her as well as both landed on a pair of burning planks, falling hard to the floor. He was quicker to stand up as he delivered a hard kick to the blonde's face, "Fuck you!" he shouted as he made a run for it.

"Swan!" Killian shouted as he made his way towards the blonde, only to take cover as Arthur's last remaining goon started firing shots at him, "Swan, get up!" he spotted Arthur tearing his way through the burning wood with a huge loader. The ones construction workers used to move dirt and wood around with.

Emma's eyes grew wide as she started moving backwards at the sight of the huge machine coming towards her. Her head still spinning from that hard given kick she had received.

"Killed in the line of duty, Swan!" Arthur shouted, driving his way slowly towards Emma, even as the blonde fired shots his way with a gun she had found on the floor. "You'll get a great funeral from the department, Swan!"

Killian's heart leaped to his throat as he glanced over, seeing as the machine was moving in closer and closer towards Emma. He took aim, killing the last remaining man working for Arthur as he quickly tossed his gun right at the blonde, "Swan, it's loaded with cop killers." he shouted at her as she caught the weapon in mid air.

She quickly fired every round on the weapon as the bullets pierced right through the iron plate of the machine, all striking Arthur as his body fell dead.

Emma stood to her feet as she glanced over at the now dead man as his body leaned forward on the machine, "Ex-cop killers." she ran towards him to make sure he was dead only to be surprised as the man's head turned to look at her.

"Go to hell, Swan." Arthur mumbled as he gasped for air. A trail of blood making its way out of his mouth. A sign that the bullets had hit several organs.

Emma didn't blink as she stared into the man's eyes. A small smirk appeared on her lips as she spoke, "You first." she moved the man's leg as it pressed down on the gas pedal as the machine drove its way into one of the burning constructions. Killian ran out of the way as he soon heard the wood cracking from the collapsation.

Regina grunted in pain as Emma was now opening up her vest, pulling it off of her to check just how deep the bullets went in.

"I'm sorry, honey, I gotta do it. I have to look." Emma sighed, chuckling, her eyes teary with relief as she then noticed that Regina had been smart enough to place a second vest underneath. The pain was still bad, but at least the bullets didn't pierce through, not all of them anyway. "Just hold still. Don't move."

Killian soon joined them as he kneeled on the floor next to them.

"Call in a chopper." tears ran down Emma's eyes as she looked over at Killian, her arms still holding on to Regina, "She had two vests on. She's gonna be okay. There's a couple of bad ones though. We need to get a chopper here quick."

Killian smiled over at Regina, even as her eyes were closed. He caressed the grunting brunette's hair, to not tap any part of her aching body, "You're all right, Mills. Just hang on, partner. I'll get help." he quickly ran off to call in for back up.

Emma held on to Regina, her cheek resting on the woman's forehead as she cradled her in her arms as best she could, "It's okay, Gina. It's okay, just lie still." she spoke even as her partner grunted in pain, "We're okay. It's just a romantic evening by the fire, just the two of us." she placed a kiss to her forehead as she continued, "We're in our new house. With Henry up in his room like the teenager that he is. We are living together just like you wanted, resting up after a day's work."

Given the gravity of the situation, it didn't take long for police officers, a chopper, along with the fire department to show up to the scene.

Regina was already loaded up into the helicopter as Emma sat next to her, holding on to her oxygen mask as her eyes never opened.

"Gina, open your eyes. Open your eyes, come on." said Emma, worry filling up her voice as sweat was taking over the brunette's body. The blonde sighed as tears filled her green eyes as soon as the brunette's eyes slowly opened, "You can't scare me like that, Gina. Are you listening? You can't just make me care and give up on me now. We're supposed to grow old together." she paused as tears fell from her eyes, "I'm gonna be with you, Regina. I'm with you now, I'm right here. We're both here." she gently squeezed the brunette's hand as Regina gave her a small smile, "I want to be with you. Move in together. I mean, what do we have to lose?"

Regina smiled, seeing all the love in the blonde's eyes that she had for her.

"She's going to be okay." the medic informed the blonde as Emma looked back at Regina.

"I have to go now, Sarge. But, I'll be with you as fast as I can." Emma gave the brunette's hand one last squeeze as she leaned into her ear, whispering softly, "I love you."

Regina's eyes slowly opened as Emma stepped out of the helicopter to join Killian.

A month passed as Regina was now home, relaxing in her bathtub as Leroy quickly opened the door, startling her in the process.

"I have to talk to you." said Leroy.

Regina quickly covered up with more of her bubbles, "Leroy, what are you doing here?"

Leroy bent down as he looked through the water, "Hey, where's Emma? I didn't know she could hold her breath that long." he joked, as Regina rolled her eyes.

"Leroy, what is it?" she asked in annoyance.

"She's taking a bath, Leroy." Emma showed up, standing by the door in a bathrobe.

"I can see that. You better hurry up and get in there, the water is getting cold. You make her wait this long?" he asked the blonde as both women glared at him, "Alright, great news. Once again, Leroy Getz has delivered. I have sold this termite infested home." he held out the contract before the brunette, "All you have to do is sign the contact before the suckers change their mind."

Regina shook her head, "You can forget about it, Leroy."

"What do you mean forget about it? It's done."

"We're actually planning on staying in this termite infested home for a long time," said Regina.

Leroy exchanged looks with both women, "What are you guys getting married next?"

Both women exchanged looks in silence.

"You can't do that."

Emma pointed towards the door, "Out, Leroy. Let her relax, will you?"

"But, she can't do that. I have a contract signed."

"Leroy, get out of here!" shouted Regina.

"Alright! Alright!" Leroy held up his hands in defense as he looked at Regina, "I'll tell you what, because we're partners, no commission. Okay? Happy?"

"Partners?" asked Regina.

"Besides, you and Swan owe me two new tires."

"Why?" asked Emma.

"Why? Because bullets aren't covered in normal road hazard. That's why." Leroy shouted, "And I want those tires! No conditions!"

Regina rolled her eyes as she leaned her head back, "Oh, God, Leroy get out of here!"

Shouts were heard coming from him and Emma as she pushed the man out of the door, shutting in place.

"You're lucky Swan's here-"

"Out!" shouted Regina as the door had opened up again.

Emma shut it, this time placing the lock as she looked back at the brunette, "Remind me to buy Gold a new car as a thank you for making us babysit him."

Regina chuckled as Emma sat beside the tub.

"He was right about one thing." spoke Regina.

"What's that?" asked Emma, looking down at Regina as the brunette pulled her into the tub along with her, even with her bathrobe on.

"You've kept me waiting in this tub alone enough."

Both women laughed as they exchanged kisses. Emma knew in that very moment that she didn't regret moving with Regina in the least. Taking the next step wasn't so bad after all. She could sure get used to that and possibly more.