Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.

Inspired by the story the Guardian by Emily.F.6


Tony takes in the Barton's and Lang's after the Civil War. But he also takes in three kids. One being Peter who lost his Aunt. What happens now? Will Tony step up to the challenge of raising kids, fixing the Accords, dealing with Asgardian's, and helping the New Avengers. And Especially a pregnant Laura Barton

Warning will be Spanking in later chapters

Chapter .1.

Tony had been run off his feet since Rogers and the others had gone on the run. After Siberia left him with broken bones. He was blind sided by Rogers knocking his hearing aid out. He was deaf since he was a child. Also Tony couldn't believe they had taken Rhodey with them. Tony knew Rhodey was angry at him but he didn't think Rhodey was angry enough to go on the run and being labelled a traitor to his country. Tony was having a hard time accepting that.

He wanted to change the Accords like he planned to all along but now things would get even more harder without Rhodey here. All he could do at one time was help Cap break the others out of the RAFT by putting a virus through the RAFT's security system and putting Ross on hold for a few hours to allow Cap and the team to get away. Tony took great pleasure in putting Ross on hold.

Tony had gone and taken the Barton's and Lang's to the Compound for safety as he wanted them safe from Ross. Clint may have been a bastard to Tony but he was still family. Tony told his wife as much and that he would protect Clint's family with his life. Laura accept this and moved into the Compound with the kids.

The Lang's had been a big more difficult. Since Tony didn't know Scott Lang. But he convinced Maggie to move and he took Hope van Dyne as a Avenger known as the Wasp and her father and Tony had settled their differences and Hank was working with Tony as Tony rebuilt the Avengers.

Tony not only was rebuilding the Avengers but he was also building onto the Compound to fit more. The Avengers Complex Tower he was calling it and he was paying an awful lot to get it done fast.

Tony was also mentoring Harley Keener and Peter Parker. Thinking off Peter, Tony hadn't heard from him in a few days and that was unusual. Peter normally called him every few days and came by at least three times a week.

"JARVIS have I got any messages from Peter?" Tony asks
Tony had gotten JARVIS back up in running he found a backup from just before Ultron.

"None sir", JARVIS replies

"Call Peter's phone", Tony orders

Tony hears the ringing and it goes to voice mail.

"Peter are you ok kid? Call me back", Tony says and hangs up the phone

Tony frowns Peter wasn't one to ignore Tony's calls.

"JARVIS can you find out anything of Peter Parker in the last couple of days?" Tony asks

"I will search Sir", JARVIS replies

Tony waits for JARVIS to finish.
"Sir there is a report on Peter Parker at a local hospital in Queens", JARVIS says

"Why? Is he hurt?" Tony asks hurriedly

"He has been admitted that is all I know so far", JARVIS replies

"Get the suit! I am going to him", Tony orders

Tony rushes out of the lab and onto the pad and his armour goes around him and he takes off towards the city. His mind was going a mile a minute thinking what could possibly happened to the kid to be in hospital. And why wasn't he notified? He would have to make adjustments to JARVIS's protocols to alert him immediately if Peter was in hospital.

"JARVIS call the Medical Bay at the Compound", Tony orders as he flies

Seconds later he was connected to medical.

"What can I help you with Mr Stark?" Doctor Cho asks

"I will need a bed in Medical ready. Spider-Man is injured", Tony says

"What is his condition?" Doctor Cho asks

"I don't know yet. I just know he is in hospital. I might need a Med-Evac to the Compound", Tony orders

"When you get there let me know what is happening and I will judge if you need a Med-Evac", Doctor Cho replies

"Just have things on stand-by. I am nearly at the hospital. I will call you back", Tony says hanging up

Tony approaches the hospital and lands with his armour retracting into his bracelets. Everyone was staring at him as he rushes into the hospital. And up to the front he was approaching the desk when someone calls his name.
"Mr Stark?" a voice asks
Tony turns and finds who he believes his Peter's friends staring at him in shock.

"Yes. Your Ned Leeds right?" Tony asks

"Ironman knows my name!" Ned exclaims

"Who are you?" Tony asks the others

"I am MJ and where the hell have you been?" MJ asks crossing her arms

"MJ!" Ned exclaims worriedly

"What has happened?" Tony asks

"Mr Stark I am Ned's mother Lucy. Your heard about Peter and May?" Mrs Leeds asks

"No. I just found out by my AI that Peter is here not May. What happened to them?" Tony asks

"They were involved in a car crash. Peter is in his second surgery", Mrs Leeds replies

"What are his injuries?" Tony demands

"Broken arm and wrist, broken leg, broken pelvis, several broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and he has a skull fracture. He also had internal bleeding. But we don't know anything else as we are not related. He has been in a coma since the accident", Mrs Leeds replies

Tony's eyes widen at the list. The kid was going to have to be taken to the Compound.

"What about May?" Tony asks

They all look at each other nervously.

"What happened to May?" Tony asks

"She died on impact", Mrs Leeds replies

Tony closes his eyes. The kid wasn't going to handle this well. And now Peter was an orphan. But Tony wasn't going to allow anything to happen to Peter. He wasn't going into the Foster Care. He would do anything for that kid and he would start be taking Peter in. He pulls out his phone and calls his legal team. Who were paid a lot of money for staying on standby 24 hours and seven days a week.
"Mr Stark what can I do for you?" a male says

"I need my whole legal team working on the fact that I need custody of 15-year-old Peter Benjamin Parker", Tony informs him


"He was involved in a car crash. His last surviving relative died. I am taking him in. I want the whole legal team on this. I want those legal papers at the hospital in two hours!" Tony orders

"But Mr…"

"Do it! It is what I pay you for. So get on it. If you want to know how I know him he is my personal intern and my protegee", Tony informs him

"I will see what we can do"

"You WILL do it. And you will get anyone who finds out about it to sign NDA's. I don't want this getting out. Do you understand?" Tony orders firmly

Ned, MJ and Mrs Leeds look at him in shock.

"Yes sir"

"Good get too it", Tony orders hanging up

He then calls Doctor Cho.

"Have you found out what is happening?" Doctor Cho asks

"He is seriously injured. In a coma. And is in surgery again. I will have the paperwork to be his guardian within two hours. I want a Evac Helicopter here within 3. You and the others Doctors will be needed", Tony informs her

"I will have it done. Have his medical records sent to me as soon as you become his guardian. I will then have the Helicopter and staff ready to transfer him here", Doctor Cho replies

"Good. I will take to you soon", Tony says hanging up

"Your going to take him in Mr Stark?" Ned asks

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Tony asks eyes narrowing

"You are not the ty…", MJ starts but is shut up by Ned

"Go and get some food. I will stay with Mr Stark", Mrs Leeds says

"First thing though give me your phones", Tony orders holding out his hands

"Why Mr Stark?" Ned asks holding out his phone

Tony takes it and types on it.

"I am giving you my direct number. Anything you need, an emergency or if Peter needs me call", Tony replies handing the phone back and taking MJ's

Ned was in shock he had his hero's number!

"I got Ironman's number!" Ned says

"And you won't give it to anyone will you?" Tony asks with a stern glare

"Of course not Mr Stark", Ned stutters

"Come on Ned", MJ says dragging him away

Tony takes a seat besides Mrs Leeds. As he goes through a mental list about what he will need for Peter. He would have to have the Parker's apartment cleaned out and May's stuff put in storage. He would need a room on his floor of the compound for Peter and a room at the will be new Complex. He was also going to plan the funeral for May. As he didn't want Peter to do it. As Tony knew how traumatizing it could be on someone so young. But the funeral will have to wait for when Peter was up to attending. Peter needed a chance to say goodbye. And then Peter would need to go back to school eventually. So Tony would have to work with that as he wasn't going tom force Peter to a new school when all his friends were at Midtown.

Suddenly a Doctor came out and talks with a woman in a suit. Tony realises that over 90 minutes had passed since he made calls.

"When will Mr Parker be able to put in my care?" the woman asks

"He is in a coma at the moment. But we will see Ma'am when he can be well enough to go into foster care", the Doctor says

"Excuse me. Peter will not be going into foster care", Tony says firmly going over to them

"What are you doing here?" the Doctor asks

"I am Tony Stark. And I will be taking Peter in", Tony says firmly

The Doctor looks taken aback by Tony Stark being in his hospital.

"He is being slotted into a foster home", the woman says

"Who are you?" Tony asks

"Christine Manis. I am a social worker", Miss Manis says

"Well Miss Manis I am taking Peter in. So your services will not be required", Tony replies

"You have no legal right", Miss Manis says

"Yes Mr Stark does. Sir here is the paper work", a voice says

They see a man in a suit approaching Tony and handing the papers over.

"Mr Stark as soon as you sign these Mr Parker will be in your care", he says

"Thank you Mr McDougal", Tony says signing his name in the right places

"There he is in Mr Stark's custody. You Miss Manis, and all the Doctors and Nurses who are taking care of Mr Parker will now have to sign NDA. I have the paperwork here", Mr Dougal says handing out the agreements

"Why do you want to take this child in?" Miss Manis asks

"That is none of your business Miss Manis. Now Doctor an Evac Helicopter will be here in 90 minutes to transfer Peter to the Avengers Compound. Where a team of doctors will be waiting for him. I need him ready to go. I also want to see him and all his medial records need to be sent to Doctor Helen Cho at the Avengers Compound", Tony orders

"Of course Mr Stark", the doctor stutters

Tony was shown to Peter's ICU room. He looks at the kid with sadness. He looked a mess. Tony was going to make sure the kid would get help from the best.

"Hey kiddo it will be ok. I am here now", Tony whispers to Peter sitting down next to him

Tony rubs Peter's hand. And then pulls out his phone to call Happy.
"Yes Boss?" Happy asks

"Happy something has happened to Peter", Tony informs him

"What happened? I haven't heard from the kid in days", Happy says worried

Tony informs him what has happened.
"Poor kid. What do you need me to do?" Happy asks

"I need you to pack up the apartment. Box everything but Peter's stuff. All his Aunt's stuff and the furniture goes into the storage were I keep my parents stuff. YOU will pack Peter's stuff yourself especially that secret he has", Tony says

"I will get it done boss. You want the kids stuff at the compound?" Happy asks

"Yes. I am calling Pepper now to get a room ready", Tony informs him

"I will have everything done quickly. I am glad you are there for the kid", Happy says

"Thanks Hap", Tony says handing up

Tony takes a deep breath before going to call Pepper. Pepper had broken up with Tony and there was no way they were getting back together. Tony calls Pepper and she was shocked by what Tony was going to do and told him she didn't think he could do it. But Tony was stern and Pepper finally agreed to have a room done up for Peter.

Tony puts down the phone with a sigh. He was going to have to also figure out what sort of car crash Peter and May had been in.

"JARVIS gets me the files on the Car Crash of Peter and May", Tony says into his phone

"I will sir", JARVIS says

"I will look at them when I get back to the compound", Tony says

"Very well sir. The Evac Chopper is nearly there", JARVIS informs him

"Thanks J", Tony says putting his phone away

Tony puts his hand on the kids head.

"You won't be alone Pete. I promise I will be right beside you. Every step of the way. You have my word"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)