As the sleigh continued to make its way to the North Pole, Bunny took a brief look at Jack, and noticed that he had fallen asleep. His snow white hair was being tossed about gently in the wind despite how fast they were going, his blue hoodie looked torn in some places and still had the frost pattern on his shoulders, his pants were, to Bunny's surprise, old, brown, and at the bottom they were torn. The more he looked at the boy's sleeping face, the more he realized that he was just that. A boy. 'It must've been an exaggeration when he said 'three hundred years' back at the pole. I met him in '68...he couldn't be any older than fifty as a spirit, and with that...him being a spirit and all, he's just slow at aging like North was.' Bunny let out a sigh through his nose as he continued to look at the sleeping form of their newest Guardian.

Soon, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and when he turned to see who it was, he noticed a concerned look on Sandy's face. Sandy began to hold up symbols asking, "Is everything alright, Bunny?"

"Yeah." He let out a wry chuckle as he turned to face Jack again. "He's sleeping...I'm kind of curious what he's dreaming ya mind?"

With a bright smile that Bunny couldn't see, Sandy made his way towards the small Guardian, and gently tapped his forehead, but when he did so, nothing happened. "What!?" Sandy questioned in shock with a large exclamation point and question mark above his head.

"Um...Sandy, why didn't anythin' appear?" Bunny asked with a growing concern in his chest.

"I don't know! That's never happened before!" Sandy quickly told him with a sense of dread creeping into his heart.

"What is wrong, Bunny?" North called from the reins, completely unaware of what was happening behind him, but if Bunny's voice of concern was anything to go by, it wasn't good.

"It's Jack...Sandy tried to summon whatever he was dreaming about, but nothing happened. It was no different than if he tried to see what your sleigh dreamed about. Just...nothing."

"That is impossible! Everyone dreams at some point! We even saw Pitch have a dream after Sandy slammed him into snow!"

Sandy quickly made his way up to where North could see him, and gave him a worried expression as he frantically held up his symbols. "No, North...Bunny is telling the truth! It SHOULD be impossible, but Nothing happened...even if he were to have a dreamless was still show as three dots above his head."

"Are you certain?" North questioned cautiously as he suddenly got a horrible sinking feeling in his belly. When Sandy nodded his head as he looked back to Jack who hasn't so much as stirred since he fell asleep, North let out a shaky sigh. "Bunny, check pulse."

"WHAT!? What do ya think is wrong with him!?" Tooth asked in alarm as she frantically looked back and forth between North and Jack.

"I don't know what is wrong with him." He told Tooth with a worried expression of his own. "Bunny, please..."

Bunny nodded his head as he swallowed a foreboding lump in his throat. He gently grabbed Jack's wrist that wasn't holding the staff, and he checked for a pulse, but his ears instantly went flat when he didn't feel one. His heart felt cold, empty, and sick as a lump returned in his throat. He then tried to check his neck to see if maybe it just wasn't as easy to pick up, but again nothing, and he noticed the worried looks he was getting from Tooth and Sandy. ' no NO!' He thought to himself as he leapt up and placed his ear against Jack's chest, and when he didn't hear a heart beat, he felt all of the life leave him all at once. He flopped back in his seat and tears started to fall. "N-North...h-he's..."

"What is it, Bunny!?" Tooth and North cried out, because they have never heard the Easter Bunny sound so broken.

"He...he d-doesn't h-have a...he...there's no pulse." He swallowed the thick lump that had formed in his throat as he stared at Jack. "I-I've met winter spirits before him...their pulses are normal, so i-it's n-not because he's a w-winter spirit...he...North..."

"NO!" North shouted with pure heartache clutching his chest as he pulled out a snow globe. "I say North Pole!" He threw the ball, and they swiftly moved through the portal, the reign deer hooves landing in the hanger where the sleigh would come out of. With a heavy heart and a pale face, North quickly made his way to Jack. "Jack! Wake up, Jack!" He shouted as he placed a large desperate hand on the younger Guardian's shoulder, but he didn't wake. "J-Jack? N-No..." He whispered out as his heart shattered. "H-He...he was just fine when we left! He took Oath! He was happy! Wh-What happened!?"

"I-I...I don't know!" Bunny stuttered out as his own heart began to break even further at seeing North's reaction.

"Jack!" North tried again, but once again, there was no response. "Jack..." North croaked out, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. "...please wake up, Jack..." He scooped the boy into his arms, and wanted so desperately for him to nuzzle into his warmth, but when he lifted him up, he was limp in his arms, and his staff slid out of his hand, nearly clattering to the ground if Bunny hadn't move to grab it.

Once Bunny caught it from falling, he felt an explosion in his chest. It was hope. It wasn't his, North's, Sandy's, or even Tooth's. It was Jack's, and it was coming from his staff for some reason. The hope was powerful. He knows he's never felt anything like it, and it was nearly crushing him. His heart was pounding and he was having trouble breathing from the weight of it. "N-North!"

"B-Bunny...we must get him to medical wing to see if there's anything we can do!" North immediately looked for the yeti that Jack had somehow recognized, and was glad to find him coming down the elevator.

Phil's eyes widened considerably at the body Jack was holding, and he didn't want to believe it. "North!" He shouted in his own language that both Bunny and North could understand. "What's happened to Jack!?"

"You know him well!?" North questioned in shock.

"Yes! He's a friend! Has been for quite some time!"

"We'll talk more on that...we must get him to medical wing! He has no pulse!"

"No..." Phil breathed out as he rushed towards the elevator and urged them to come in. He led them down to the medical wing, and once they were there, he watched with searching eyes on the boy usually so full of life, but he found no signs of movement as North set him down gently on the bed.

"Sandy, try to see his dream again, but this time, sprinkle the dream sand over his face."

Sandy nodded his head. He knew what Jack mostly dreamed of, because he's messed with his dream sand on a number of occasions. He dreamed of being able to be near the ocean where the dolphins were. He dreamed of playing with them, because they were the most playful creatures he had ever seen. He dreamed of not hurting them due to his cold nature. He dreamed of being as free as the dolphins were. Knowing all of that, however, meant nothing if this didn't work. So, he floated over to Jack's body on the bed, where he looked even smaller if possible, and he sprinkled dream sand above his eyes, but again, nothing happened. "No..." Sandy whimpered out as he heard the gasps of shock and sadness come from their friends. Not wanting to believe Jack was dead, he remembered something he was taught a long time ago in his old life before coming to Earth. "Hold on...I'm going to try something, and it's going to be risky...and you all may not like where it may take us if it should work, but we should all go for his sake, and if it SHOULD work...then that means there's still a part of him hanging on somehow."

"What is it?"

"We're going to dream walk."

"But...he...he' can we do that when he's..." Bunny couldn't bring himself to say it as he clutched to Jack's staff, still feeling the radiating hope off of it, and if he were to admit it, it put his own hope to shame. If it were to shine in front him, he was sure he would go blind from it, but he couldn't read what the hope was for. All he knew was that it was warm, bright, and alive.

"We have to try. If it will be kind of like going through his memories...but it will be dreams he's had since he was a child. We will be going through them all they way to this moment...and once we reach this moment...that is where we will try and wake him up. If...if it should work."

"Have you seen anything like this before, Sandy?" Tooth asked as she wiped her tears away.

"O-Once..." He admitted with remorse on his features. "However, the no pulse thing is a bit different...I...when I was much younger...I was...I was injured badly. It nearly killed me...for real. The kind of dead you don't come back from like I did just a couple hours would've been a permanent death if it wasn't for an old friend."

"Who was your friend?" Bunny questioned, holding onto Jack's hope like a lifeline. The only sign that he may not be what they were afraid he was at the moment.

"Kozmotis." At that, everyone gasped in shock. " the time...we were like brothers with how close we were. I was being attacked by three dream pirates, and when he got to me...I wasn't responsive, and I always answered him. So, in order to see what was wrong, he dream walked through the memories of my dreams, and when he found me...I was being tortured by Nightmares...he banished them and saved me, but it was mostly due to how bad the injury was that was caused by the Nightmares...however...they didn't leave a mark. They got into my head, and...well...anyway...we'll see his dreams if it should work...I think it may be his only chance...if there's one to give..." He quickly shook the negativity from his mind as he looked at North. "Okay, North, go tell the other yeti to not come in here, and to not let anyone else or anything else into the room. The entire room is going to be filled with dream sand to them, but to us, it will be like we're living his dreams. We'll be lucid dreaming in his dream memories. We will be able to hear, smell, see, taste, and touch everything."