
The spires of Highclere Castle stood just as tall and majestic as she remembered them. Given this was real life and not the amazing dream that she had, the feeling was the same. After she woke up from her dream, she realized that a dream was all it was, regardless of how real it was as she lived it. After crying herself to sleep for a week after she woke up, she made the decision to save the money that she made working at the law firm and travel to England to really see Downton Abbey in person, even if it was really Highclere Castle, and not owned by Lord and Lady Grantham, but by Lord and Lady Carnarvon. It has been two years since she decided to take the arduous journey across the US and the Atlantic. For nostalgia's sake, and for her own peace of mind, she wanted to travel in the same way that she said she did when she first arrived in the Downton world. At least, travel in the closest early-1900s way that she could in the year 2019—she and her brother took several trains from Portland, Oregon to Washington DC, then they took a bus to Toms River, Pennsylvania where they got on an ocean liner that crossed the Atlantic.

"I still can't believe you dragged me with you," Mandy's older brother James moaned as they walked on the castle grounds with about a dozen other tourists. "After thee days on the train, plus delays in various states, and fifteen days on an ocean liner… gosh, why couldn't we just take a plane? It would've taken only fourteen hours."

"I already told you this—I wanted it to seem like I was traveling back then in the way that they did it. Plus, it was a cruise ship, and you had the time of your life."

"Still… just thinking about how long it took to get here makes me wish we flew."

"Stop whining. We're here now, and we'll take a plane on the way home."

"Thank goodness."

She gazed up at the grand building that has become so popular because of Downton Abbey, and emotion caught her throat. She turned and looked at her brother who was two years older than her. People have thought that they were twins because of their matching orange hair and blue eyes. "James, thanks again for coming with me. You're the best brother in the world, you know that?"

He grinned with pride. "I know it. Plus, I didn't want my baby sister to travel half-way across the world by herself just to see the castle from that TV show." He held up his arm, indicating the building.

"It's called Downton Abbey. And I wanted to see it in person more than anything." She gazed up at it as their tour group came closer. "And it looks exactly how I remembered it from my dream."

"And that's all that it was—a dream. I literally saw you wake up from it, and then a second later, you burst into tears."

"That's because I didn't want to wake up from it. I was planning a wedding with Thomas, and he had just given me the ring."

"Yeah, I know. You've told me hundreds of times already." He gazed up at the castle. "I have to admit, though, this place is pretty awesome. When we get home, maybe I'll finally sit through a few episodes of that show with you."

"You will? Finally? After never stepping foot in the room while I was watching it since you thought it was too cheesy?"


"Well, you'll love it." Her heart pounded with excitement. "Gosh, I still can't believe that I'm here in person! I hope we can see a few of the actors if they're here. They're still in the process of filming the movie. You know, the one coming out this year."

"I doubt it. They wouldn't have tour groups come onto the grounds knowing that members of the cast are on site."

"You never know."

Their female and gray-haired tour guide stopped the group just before the entrance doors to the castle and explained some points of history. Mandy couldn't help but remember the times when she got out of the car with Matthew after she first met him, and when she got out of the car for that dinner and saw Thomas ogle at her and her get-up. It all seemed so real…

As their tour guide was speaking, the doors to the castle opened. Everyone in the tour group became an excited chatter, and a few young women squealed when a few very familiar people walked out onto the gravel. Mandy's eyes began to fill with tears as she saw the actors for Tom Branson, Sybil, Daisy, and… Thomas… walk out with a few unfamiliar people, probably people who were a part of the filming crew for the movie. They were all out of their character outfits and were dressed casually.

Mandy stood there stunned as her tour group hounded the actors, and the actors became busy shaking hands, giving hugs, and signing autographs. Mandy heard her brother say, "Well, I stand corrected. Mandy?"

There he was. Her Thomas. But he wasn't Thomas, he was Rob James-Collier.

The very man happened to turn his head in her direction, and he stared. Mandy's pulse rose, and it seemed as if everyone around them disappeared and it was just the two of them standing on the gravel. She felt deep in her heart as he continued to stare at her… that he somehow, in someway… recognized her.


Thank you all for reading! Look for more of my Downton Abbey fanfics in the future! Cheers!