Picking up Strays

Title: Picking Up Strays
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: A continuation of the first part, including the random Omake. Corazon still has kids. But now with a sequel to his craziness.

"You know," Alistair, one of Corazon's childhood friends, told Corazon as Doflamingo had dragged Crocodile away. "You remind me of Whitebeard. You both adopted a bunch of kids and are protective of them,"

"I respect Whitebeard," Corazon claimed. "He's a family man, just like me,"

"Speaking of family, I wonder how Senny's gonna react," Alistair pondered. "Since you're his son and you have twenty one kids that means that Senny's got twenty one grandkids!"

"Are you guys talking about Sengoku the Buddha, a Marine admiral!?" The duo had completely forgotten about the rest of the crew who were in the room.

"Yeah, he adopted Rocinante," Alistair answered. "Why?"

The Donquixote Pirates all glared at Corazon. "Traitor! You're a Marine!"

"Oh, Roci is definitely not a Marine!" Alistair laughed. "He joined but after he destroyed so many things as a chore boy, he was kicked out. Since Roci loves animals, Sengoku had him take care of the Den-Den Mushi and the pets of deployed Marines,"

"I was not kicked out!" Corazon claimed. "I just chose to leave to pursue the path of animal caretaking,"

"Sure," Alistair chuckled. "Seriously, let's head to Marineford. I want to see his face when he hears the news,"


Along the way, they stopped by Sabaody Archipelago. A Celestial Dragon ship had been shipwrecked and the only survivors were a single Celestial Dragon and his gorilla slave. Without hesitating, Corazon shot the Celestial Dragon in the head and freed the gorilla. The witnesses all turned a blind out, smiling as the event was carried out. The gorilla was named Jean-Bart and, despite being fully grown, became Rocinante's twenty second kid.

They finally reached Marineford. Since they had taken the Donquixote Pirates' ship (accidentally forgetting about Crocodile's ship along the journey) the Marines had been prepared to fight. Corazon happily skipped down the gangplank, tripping and falling face-first into the ground.

"Oh, it's just Sengoku's kid,"

"It's that clumsy brat,"

"Did he somehow defeat the Donquixote Pirates with his clumsiness?"

"I bet he was observing them from above and fell, crashing into all of them,"

"Marineford is doomed. He's going to destroy HQ,"

Corazon's eye twitched in annoyance. "SHUT UP!"


Sengoku was not in his office. Corazon decided that he and his children would wait inside Sengoku's office until he returned. The admiral entered his office and froze, staring at the baby animals and full grown gorilla. "GARP! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?"

"Hey, it wasn't me this time!" Garp popped into the office.

Sengoku stared at Garp for a moment and sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually believe you, though I bet you did play some part in this,"

"Sengoku-san, these are my twenty two kids!" Corazon cheerfully announced. "Garp-san helped carry Shachi here,"

"Hi," The orca calf raised a flipper and waved. The rest of the animals followed suit.

Sengoku just stood there, frozen once again. "Why? How did you even get all of these animals!?"

"Law's from slavers and Jean-Bart's from a Celestial Dragon I murdered," Corazon casually informed. "The rest I just picked up along the way,"

"Wait, you murdered a Celestial Dragon?" Garp stared at him with disbelief.

"Picked up along the way?" Sengoku gaped. Surprisingly, Sengoku ignored the Celestial Dragon part. "You can't just randomly declare a child yours!"

"But that's what you did with me," Corazon reminded. "Now why don't you get to know your grandkids?"

"You're just like Whitebeard, adopting a bunch of kids," Sengoku sighed. "At least you're not pirates,"

"We're the Heart Pirates!" Law declared, his siblings roaring in agreement.

At that moment, Sengoku nearly died of a heart attack.


The Heart Pirates didn't immediately separate from the Donquixote Pirates. After hours of begging and using his kids' cute looks, Doflamingo agreed to have his crew train them. Doflamingo had to tie Corazon up whenever he got pissed when his kids were hit during the training sessions. He especially gained an intense hatred of Vergo who beat his kids to near death. Hell, Doflamingo actually stepped in and claimed that Vergo was overdoing it.

The Marines no longer hunted the Donquixote Pirates down. Not wanting to endanger his son and grandkids, Sengoku suggested to the Gorosei to let Doflamingo become a warlord. When they refused, Doflamingo brought up the fact that he knew the secret treasure of Mariejois. That shut them up and Doflamingo officially was a Shichibukai.

Crocodile and Alistair were forced to sail with Doflamingo until they were reunited with Crocodile's ship. The Klabautermann of Il Coccodrillo was pissed that he had been left behind and called his captain a weakling, resulting in an argument that ended with Crocodile sleeping on deck during a rainy night.

Years later, the Heart Pirates (which Dellinger was a part of) finally set sail in the submarine that Doflamingo definitely did not steal. Once they were gone, the El Flamenco was much more spacious. He and his crew threw a celebration.


"So you're Whitebeard?" Law asked when the two crews encountered each other.

"Yes," Whitebeard nodded. "And you are?"

"Donquixote Law," The snow leopard Mink answered. "Apparently your crew calls you Pops?"

"Pops is the best father in the whole world!" The crew declared.

"Sorry to burst your bubble," Law claimed as his siblings walked over to his side. "But our dad is the best!"

While the two crews were arguing, thankfully only verbally, Whitebeard and Corazon were sharing cute photos and embarrassing stories about their kids.

So Whitebeard and Corazon created a friendship through fatherhood.

The reason I created another chapter was because I miscounted the Heart Pirates. The canon Heart Pirates had twenty one members, however in this story Dellinger joins them so I should have written twenty two in the previous chapter.